Home Porridge Mackerel cook recipes. How to cook fresh frozen mackerel? How to cook fresh frozen mackerel in the oven? Mackerel calorie content and nutritional value

Mackerel cook recipes. How to cook fresh frozen mackerel? How to cook fresh frozen mackerel in the oven? Mackerel calorie content and nutritional value

In this article we offer excellent recipes on how to cook fresh frozen mackerel in foil, which your loved ones will definitely like. A huge advantage of each recipe from this collection is its ease of preparation and amazing taste. With a little imagination, each dish can be decorated in a special way.

Recipes for frozen mackerel

With mushroom sauce

The creamy sauce with mushrooms used in this recipe gives the fish a pleasant taste. In particular, you can smooth out the fatty taste of fish by adding a rich flavor of the sauce.

Required ingredients:

  • A kilogram of mackerel;
  • 500 grams of mushrooms;
  • 200 ml cream 33%;
  • One tomato;
  • One onion;
  • Ground black pepper and salt;

The fish must be washed and cleaned of entrails, the head and fins must be cut off. into portions, roll in salt and pepper. Fry in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices. Chop the tomato into small cubes.

Fry the onion in vegetable oil, add mushrooms and your favorite seasonings. Fry for literally 7 minutes, then add the tomatoes. Add salt to taste and fry for another three minutes. Now pour the cream over the vegetables and bring everything to a boil. Then add the fried pieces of fish to the sauce and simmer for literally five minutes.

Mackerel rolls with carrots and garlic

This is a recipe for rolls not made from marinated fish, as many are accustomed to making, but from freshly frozen fish. The taste is excellent, and the presentation is simply pleasing to the eye.

Required ingredients:

  • Three frozen mackerel;
  • Two carrots;
  • Two onions;
  • One pepper;
  • Three cloves of garlic, lemon juice;
  • Spices, salt to taste;

Clean and clean the defrosted fish, cut each into two fillets. Pour lemon juice over the fillet, rub with seasonings and add garlic slices. Top with onion, carrot and bell pepper filling. First, vegetables must be fried in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Roll the rolls and wrap them in parchment. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes. As a side dish, you can safely serve Korean carrots or seaweed, and pickled onion rings. The rolls should be served by sprinkling them with a little lemon juice.

In foil with cheese

The easiest way to cook fresh frozen mackerel in the oven is to use foil.

Required ingredients:

  • Two fresh frozen mackerel;
  • Two eggs;
  • 40 grams of hard cheese;
  • Half a teaspoon of dry mustard;
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • Five sprigs of parsley;
  • Salt and black pepper;

The eggs need to be boiled and grated on a coarse grater. Also grate the cheese, add to the eggs, add chopped parsley. Pour over lemon juice, you can add zest. Add salt and pepper, mustard and mix everything using a mixer. Defrost the fish, clean and wash it. Make three diagonal cuts on each side. Place the filling inside. Wrap in foil and cook on a baking sheet for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

With mustard and lemon

Another option for cooking in foil, but without using filling. To make the carcass aromatic and unusual in taste, certain spices are simply added.

Required ingredients:

  • Two mackerel;
  • Four tablespoons of mustard;
  • One lemon;
  • Six cloves of garlic;
  • Salt and ground black pepper;

Clean and wash the fish. Rinse the inside well, cut off the head and fins. Make a marinade by mixing mustard and spices, adding garlic, passed through a press. Coat the carcasses with marinade, do not forget to coat the fish inside. Add lemon slices and leave the fish to marinate for several hours. The longer, the richer and more interesting the taste of the finished dish will be.

Then wrap the carcasses in foil and place on a baking sheet. The fish is baked for forty minutes at standard temperature in the oven. A simple recipe for making mackerel, but the taste is incredibly rich.

In foil in a slow cooker

You cannot do without modern household appliances in the kitchen. Therefore, more and more often thoughts come to mind about how to cook fresh frozen mackerel in a slow cooker. This is no more difficult to do than in the oven. It is important to choose the right amount of ingredients and set up all modes.

Required ingredients:

  • Two mackerel;
  • One lemon;
  • One onion;
  • Salt and spices;
  • Four tomatoes;

As you can see, the methods for preparing fresh frozen mackerel differ from each other. Depending on your desire and capabilities, you can delight yourself with the unusual taste of this nutritious fish. Let every culinary experiment you make be successful!

Mackerel, or as it is commonly called in the West, mackerel, is a fish that is not only tasty, but also healthy. The richest set of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids make this fish a welcome guest on our table. There is, however, one nuance - the smell of even the freshest mackerel is quite specific, and therefore most housewives prefer to do a little magic before cooking mackerel deliciously.

Before cooking, mackerel can be marinated in lemon or lime juice, dry white wine, vinegar, or sprinkled with aromatic herbs, which will add a delicious aroma to the finished dish. There is probably no need to say that for cooking you need to choose really fresh mackerel, and in no case re-frozen. Yellow spots on the carcass may be a sign of rancid fat; it is better to avoid purchasing such fish.

Mackerel fillet is very tender and fatty, easily falling apart into semicircular layers. There are many ways to cook mackerel deliciously, but the best options are baking (in foil or a sleeve), stewing, smoking, as well as salting and pickling. Boiled and fried mackerel turns out to be a bit dry, since with these cooking methods the fillet easily gives up the fat in it, but if you know some tricks, then ordinary fried mackerel becomes simply a delicacy!

the site will tell you how to deliciously cook mackerel and share recipes suitable for both the festive table and every day.

Homemade “smoked” mackerel

3 mackerel.
For the brine:
1 liter of water,
3 tbsp. salt (without top),
1.5 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tbsp. dry black tea without flavorings,
2 handfuls of onion peels.

Prepare the brine. To do this, add sugar, salt, dry black tea and onion skins to a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil, cool and strain. Place prepared fish carcasses without head and tail in a container, fill with prepared brine, cover with a lid and leave for 4 days at room temperature. Turn the fish over in the morning and evening every day. When the time is up, remove the fish from the brine, transfer to another container and store in the refrigerator.

Salted mackerel roll “The Pride of the Hostess”

4 mackerel fillets,
4-5 cloves of garlic,
1-1.5 tsp. salt,
1 pinch of allspice ground,
1 pinch ground black pepper,
1 pinch of ground nutmeg.

Wash the fish fillet, dry it slightly and place it on parchment or cling film, slightly overlapping. Mix all the spices so that they are distributed evenly. Finely chop the garlic and lightly crush it with the blade of a knife. Sprinkle the fillet with a mixture of spices and garlic, even pressing it a little into the flesh of the fish. Carefully and tightly roll the fillet into a roll, wrap it in several layers of paper or film and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 5 hours. When the time is up, transfer the roll to the freezer for a day. 15 minutes before serving, remove the roll from the freezer, slice thinly, pour olive oil and garnish with herbs.

Marinated mackerel

2 frozen mackerel,
1 onion,
250 ml water,
6 buds of cloves,
10 peppercorns,
⅓ tsp ground black pepper,
5 coriander grains,
1 bay leaf,
2.5 tbsp. 9% apple cider vinegar,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 tsp salt,
½ tsp. Sahara.

Clean the fish and cut into pieces of the desired thickness. Cut the onion into thin half rings. To prepare the marinade, boil water, add salt, sugar, cloves, ground coriander, bay leaf, peppercorns and vegetable oil. Boil the marinade over low heat for 1 minute, then pour in the vinegar, stir, remove from heat and cool. Place the fish in the prepared marinade, add the onion, stir, cover and refrigerate for a day.

Heh from mackerel

1 kg mackerel,
2 onions,
1 carrot,
½ cup vegetable oil,
3 tbsp. tomato paste,
2 tbsp. salt,
1 tsp Sahara,
2 tsp vinegar,
1 stack water,
½ tbsp. seasonings for heh.

Clean the fish and fillet it. Cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into strips. In a saucepan, combine water, oil, vinegar, heh seasoning, carrots, onions, tomato paste, salt and sugar, boil, remove from heat and leave to cool. Place part of the marinade in a separate container, then part of the fillet, again part of the marinade and part of the fillet, and so on until the ingredients are gone. The main thing is that the marinade is on the bottom and top. Leave the dish in the refrigerator overnight.

Mackerel in batter

700 g mackerel,
100 g flour,
2 eggs,
100 ml milk or water,
100 ml vegetable oil,
dry seasonings for fish, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Clean the mackerel, gut it, wash it, fillet it and cut it into pieces. Mix flour with seasoning and salt. Beat eggs with milk, add a mixture of flour, seasonings and salt, mix well. Dip the fish pieces into the batter and fry in well-heated vegetable oil until tender.

Mackerel in a coat of dough

1 mackerel,
200 g fresh mushrooms,
1 onion,
juice of ½ lemon,
vegetable oil,
some milk,
salt and ground black pepper - to taste.
For the test:
250 g flour,
1 egg,
3-4 tbsp. water,
100 g vegetable oil.

Mix flour with salt, add egg, vegetable oil and water, knead the dough, roll into a ball and leave to stand at room temperature. Clean the mackerel, cut off the fins, tail, remove the bones and gills, leave the head. Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil, add finely chopped mushrooms, add lemon juice, salt and pepper and simmer until tender. Roll out the “rested” dough on a floured surface into a layer. Place the filling into the prepared mackerel (put more, it will taste tastier), salt the fish on top, wrap it in dough and place it on a greased baking sheet. Brush the dough with milk and place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180-200 °C for 30-40 minutes.

Mackerel appetizer

1 kg mackerel,
3 onions,
2 carrots,
3 tbsp. tomato paste,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
2 tbsp. 6% vinegar,
4 buds of cloves,
6 peas of allspice,
8-10 pcs. black peppercorns,
2 bay leaves,
100 g vegetable oil,
600 ml water.

Wash the mackerel, gut it, cut off the head and fry with a little oil for about 3-4 minutes on each side. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the onions and carrots in a frying pan immediately after the fish for 5 minutes. Separate the fish from the vertebral bone, removing all the large bones if possible, and divide into small pieces, but do not make them too small. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, place alternately in layers, first half of the carrots and onions, then the fish, then again the carrots and onions, add all the spices, salt, sugar, vinegar. Dilute the tomato paste with water until it reaches the consistency of juice, pour it into the fish and leave to simmer on the lowest heat for 2-3 hours (this depends on the fish itself). Do not forget to make sure that the liquid does not completely boil away; if necessary, add a little water. This snack is good both cold and hot. The appetizer can also be prepared in a slow cooker in the “Stew” mode.

Mackerel with mushroom sauce

1 kg mackerel,
500 g mushrooms,
200 g 33% cream,
1 tomato
1 onion,
seasoning for mushrooms, vegetable oil, salt, pepper - to taste.

Wash the mackerel, peel it, cut it into portions, add salt and pepper. Then fry in heated vegetable oil. Cut the onion into half rings, mushrooms into slices, peel the tomato and cut into small cubes. Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil, add mushrooms and mushroom seasoning and fry for 5-7 minutes. Then add the tomato cubes to the onions and mushrooms, add salt to taste and fry for another 3 minutes. Pour in the cream, bring the mixture to a boil and place the fish in the sauce. Simmer the mackerel with mushroom sauce for 3 minutes and remove from heat.

Mackerel baked in the oven with zucchini and tomatoes

2 mackerel,
1 zucchini,
1 onion,
1 tomato
3 tbsp. sour cream,
100 g hard cheese,
3-4 peppercorns,
1 tbsp. lemon juice,
salt - to taste.

Cut the cleaned fish, rub with salt and pepper, add lemon juice, stir and leave for a while to absorb the juice. Cut the peeled zucchini and onion into half rings, tomatoes into slices. Place the fish in a baking dish along with the zucchini and onions. Grease the surface with sour cream, place the tomatoes, add salt to taste and bake the dish in the oven for 15 minutes at 200°C. 5-6 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

Oven-baked mackerel rolls with vegetable filling

3 mackerel,
2 carrots,
2 onions,
1 sweet pepper,
3 cloves of garlic,
50 g grated cheese,
lemon or orange juice, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste.

Fillet the mackerel and remove the bones. Pour orange or lemon juice over the fillet, salt and pepper, and add seasonings. Finely chop the onion and pepper, grate the carrots and fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until soft. Place a spoonful of roasted carrots, onions, paprika and thin slices of garlic on the fillet. Sprinkle the filling with grated cheese. Wrap the rolls tightly in parchment paper (like candy), place on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30 minutes.

Mackerel aspic

1 salted mackerel,
4 tbsp. corn,
4 tbsp. green peas,
1 sweet pepper,
1 tbsp. dill greens,
1 tbsp. gelatin,
150 g sour cream,
150 g mayonnaise,
100 ml water,
1 tbsp. lemon juice,
ground black pepper - to taste.

Clean the fish, cut into pieces and place in molds. Place a mixture of peas and corn on the fish, then sliced ​​peppers. Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water. Mix sour cream and mayonnaise, add lemon juice, ground pepper, dill and dissolved gelatin to this mixture. Pour the resulting sauce into molds and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

Mackerel in pots “Magnificence of taste”

2 mackerel,
1 kg potatoes,
4 onions,
4 cloves of garlic,
3 tbsp. tomato paste,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise,
500 ml kefir,
4 bay leaves,
vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the fish into boneless fillets, slice, lightly salt and leave for 15 minutes. Cut the peeled potatoes into large slices, then place them in a frying pan and fry in oil until golden brown. Cut the onion into quarters of rings and also fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Add tomato paste and fry for 2 minutes. Then add mayonnaise and kefir to the same pan and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Place potatoes, fish, bay leaf and chopped garlic in layers in pots. Pour all this over with onion, kefir and mayonnaise sauce, you can add a little water. Place the pots in a preheated room at 200°C for 25-30 minutes. When the time is up, turn off the oven and let the dish sit for another 15 minutes.

Mackerel cutlets

2 mackerel,
4 potatoes,
1 onion,
1 egg,
100 g flour,
50 g butter,
150 g parsley,
spices - to taste.

Cut the mackerel into fillets without skin and bones. Boil the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. Finely chop the onion and fry. Shred the fish with a fork and add it to the potatoes. Add the fried onions there too. Beat in the egg, add salt and pepper and mix well. Separately, use a blender to mix the butter and herbs and place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Take some minced fish, make a flatbread, put some filling inside and form cutlets. Dip them in flour and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Mackerel casserole with pasta “Greetings from Italy”

600 g mackerel fillet,
250 g pasta,
1 red bell pepper,
100 g cheese,
100 g butter,
2 tbsp. breadcrumbs,
2-3 tbsp. tomato paste,
1 stack water or fish broth,
juice of ½ lemon.

Grease a rimmed baking sheet with vegetable oil. Place the fish fillet in one layer on the bottom, sprinkle it with lemon juice and salt. In the next layer, place the pasta cooked until half cooked and the pepper cut into thin slices. Pour in tomato sauce (dilute tomato paste in 1 glass of water or fish broth), sprinkle with breadcrumbs, then grated cheese and pour over melted butter. Bake the dish in the oven at 180ºC for 30 minutes.

Smoked mackerel pate

1 smoked mackerel,
80 g smoked bacon,
1 sweet and sour apple,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. sour cream.

Pass the smoked fish fillet, bacon and onion fried in vegetable oil through a meat grinder, add the apple and sour cream grated on a medium grater to the resulting mass and mix.

On our website you will find many more examples of how to deliciously cook mackerel.

Cook delicious, beautiful, healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

What mackerel dishes do you know? Baked in foil, fried in batter, salted, smoked, etc. This list can be continued indefinitely. After all, this is a universal fish, with which you can independently prepare completely different dishes. Fresh mackerel makes delicious pies, soups and even cutlets. In this article we will tell you several ways to use this fish in cooking.

General Product Information

What dishes can you prepare from mackerel? We'll look at recipes with step-by-step steps a little further. Now I would like to talk about exactly how this product is useful.

Mackerel is a relatively inexpensive but very tasty fish. It contains a lot of proteins, as well as minerals and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthen its immunity and cleanse it of waste and toxins. In this regard, such a product is very often included in the diet of not only adults, but also children.

Let's take a closer look at what fresh frozen mackerel dishes can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

Pan-fried fish with vegetables

The simplest mackerel dishes are those that do not require a long stay near the stove. For example, for regular frying of fish and vegetables, you will only need about an hour of free time, as well as the following ingredients:

Product processing

Any fresh frozen mackerel dishes require careful selection of the main product. When buying fish, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Her eyes should not be cloudy, her belly should not be yellow, and the inside of her gills should not be too dark. If these phenomena are still observed, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

Before preparing mackerel dishes, you should thoroughly process all purchased fish. It must be completely defrosted, washed, cleaned of entrails, and the fins and head cut off. Subsequently, the processed product must be cut as required by the dish. If you want to fry fish, then it should be chopped into pieces 5-6 centimeters thick.

As for vegetables, they need to be peeled and chopped. Cut the onions into cubes and grate the carrots.

Heat treatment in a frying pan

Any mackerel dish turns out very aromatic and tasty. And to make them filling, it is recommended to use additional vegetables. Place the onions and carrots in a frying pan, season with sunflower oil and fry until golden brown. Next, they need to be salted and peppered, placed on a plate and set aside.

After sautéing the vegetables, you need to begin heat treatment of the fish. To do this, you need to pour light flour into a plate, add pepper and salt to it, and then mix. The processed fish should be rolled on all sides in the resulting loose mixture and placed in a heated frying pan with oil, where the vegetables were previously fried. It is advisable to cook mackerel for about 20-26 minutes. During this time, it should fry well, become soft and tasty.

How to present to family members?

Mackerel dishes, the recipes for which we discuss in this article, will serve as an ideal lunch for both everyday and festive tables. After the fish is fried, it must be placed on a plate and sautéed vegetables should be placed on top. You can place mashed potatoes or boiled long-grain rice next to it.

Bake fish with cheese and tomatoes

Mackerel dishes in a slow cooker are just as tasty as in the oven. But with the use of this device, you do not need to be at the stove all the time and monitor that the fish does not burn, is well cooked, etc. That is why we recommend using any multicooker to bake this product.

So, to make a tasty and beautiful frozen mackerel dish, you need to purchase:

Preparing Ingredients

To get very tasty mackerel dishes, you should use as many different products as possible that go well with each other. It is also necessary to carefully process the fish. It must be washed, gutted, cut off the fins and head, and then cut in half lengthwise, removing the backbone and bones. As a result, you should get a clean fillet, which should be peppered and salted.

It is also necessary to peel the onions and tomatoes, and then cut them into rings and circles, respectively. As for the cheese, you only need to grate it or cut it into thin slices.

Shaping the dish

After preparing all the ingredients, the multicooker should be well greased with sunflower oil, and then sprinkled generously with breadcrumbs. After this, you need to place the fish fillet in the bowl so that you get a not very thick layer. Next, you need to place onion rings and fresh tomato slices on the mackerel. After sprinkling all the products with a small amount of spices, they should be covered with a mayonnaise mesh. Finally, you need to add grated or thinly sliced ​​cheese to the formed dish.

Baking in a slow cooker

How should you bake fresh mackerel dishes in a slow cooker? Recipes for preparing such a dinner recommend using the frying mode. It needs to be set for 30 minutes. If after this time the fish is not cooked, but is very red on the bottom, then you should reset the program to the stewing mode. After ¼ hour, the dish should become completely soft and covered with a delicious cheese cap.

How to serve for lunch?

The finished dish must be carefully removed from the bowl, and then cut into pieces and presented to family members hot. It is recommended to keep the dish in puff form as much as possible. If you wish, you can additionally serve this wonderful dish with some side dish.

Salt fish in cold brine

Mackerel is an ideal fish for salting. The finished product is very tender, fatty and tasty. But in order to properly salt it, you must strictly follow all the requirements described below.

So, to prepare salted mackerel we will need:

Preparing the brine

You can salt fish deliciously not only in wet, but also in dry brine. However, we recommend using the first method. After all, with it the mackerel will turn out much juicier and tastier.

So, to prepare cold brine, you need to pour water into a large container, add sugar, cilantro, salt, bay leaf, coriander beans, allspice, black tea, clove buds and onion peels. After all the ingredients have boiled, the aromatic liquid must be removed from the stove and cooled completely. While the brine is cooling, you can start processing the fish.

Preparing mackerel

It is better to buy medium-sized fish for salting. It needs to be washed, all the insides gutted and the fins cut off. It is also advisable to remove the head. But if you want to leave it, then it is better to remove the gills.

You should not cut processed fish before salting, because it will cook well anyway.

Salting process

After the mackerel has been processed and the brine has cooled, you should take a deep container and place the fish in it. Next, the product needs to be filled with aromatic liquid so that it completely covers it. In such conditions, it is advisable to salt the fish for 1.5 days. It should be turned over periodically.

If you want to get a juicier dish, then after a day and a half it must be covered with a lid and left in the refrigerator for another 12 hours.

How to serve salted fish to guests?

After the mackerel is well salted, it should be removed from the brine and cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick. Next, they need to be seasoned with sunflower oil, onion half rings and mixed well. It is advisable to additionally sprinkle the mackerel with fresh chopped herbs on top. In this form, the dish must be presented to the table on a common plate. In addition, you should definitely make a side dish. It's better if it's potatoes. The tubers need to be peeled and then boiled in round form in salted water. Before serving, vegetables should also be sprinkled with chopped herbs and ground black pepper. Bon appetit!

Mackerel in the oven - general cooking principles

Mackerel in the oven is one of the most versatile and delicious fish dishes. Mackerel prepared in this way can be safely served both at the festive table and at an ordinary family dinner. The fish does not require long baking - after 30-40 minutes, the dish can usually be served. There are a lot of recipes that tell you how delicious it is to make mackerel in the oven. The most common method is to use foil or a special baking sleeve. The fish is baked evenly, but remains juicy and flavorful.

Mackerel can be cut into pieces and rolled in spices, or the whole carcass can be stuffed with vegetables, lemon and herbs. The most commonly used seasonings are white and black pepper, allspice, mustard seeds, salt, garlic, bay leaf or a special mixture of spices for fish. Mackerel can be stuffed with lemon and onions, carrots, potatoes or herbs and garlic. Soy sauce is often used for marinade. If the fish is baked in a sleeve, you can put not only onions and lemon there, but also cherry tomatoes, olives and other products.

Mackerel cooked in the oven in pots or jars turns out very tasty, although this method of cooking requires a little more time (on average, about an hour). But the finished result fully justifies the time spent - the fish languishes in its own and vegetable juice and turns out very tender, juicy and appetizing.

Mackerel in the oven - preparing food and dishes

If you decide to cook mackerel in the oven, the first thing you need to do is cut the fish. We defrost the mackerel, cut off the head, tail and fins (we don’t throw it all away, since the “waste” can be used for soup), and remove the entrails. Be sure to cut off the black film. The fish can be baked as a whole carcass, first stuffed with herbs or vegetables, or simply cut into portions and placed on a baking sheet. Rub each piece with oil, salt and pepper. You can also leave the fish for an hour and a half in a specially prepared marinade.

Prepare the necessary vegetables: cut the onion into thin half rings, grate or cut the carrots into slices, peel the potatoes and cut into small slices (or strips). Prepare the required amount of spices in advance, chop the herbs, cut the lemon into thin semicircles.

Utensils you will need are a cutting board, a sharp knife and a bowl for sauce or marinade. Prepare a baking sheet for the oven: grease it with oil and line it with parchment paper. The oven needs to be preheated (although some recipes that cook fish in a jar or pot do not require preheating). The fish itself can be baked in foil, a sleeve or parchment paper.

Recipes for mackerel in the oven:

Recipe 1: Mackerel in the oven

This recipe will be useful for a housewife who wants to prepare a quick and tasty dinner for the whole family. The mackerel turns out incredibly aromatic and juicy; even those who don’t particularly like fish will like the dish.

Required ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Bulb;
  • Two spoons of tomato sauce;
  • Mayonnaise - two to three spoons;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Seasoning mix for fish;
  • Lemon.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the fish: defrost, clean, cut. We remove the entrails, cut off the films, cut the carcass into pieces. Roll each piece in seasonings, salt and pepper. Take a medium onion and cut it into not too thick rings. In a cup or bowl, mix mayonnaise with tomato sauce or ketchup (take 2-3 tablespoons of each ingredient). Preheat the oven. Dip each piece of fish into the sauce and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place onions between the pieces. Water the fish again with mayonnaise and ketchup (you can make a mesh) and put it in the oven. Bake for 30-35 minutes (until a crispy crust appears). Serve the fish with lemon wedges.

Recipe 2: Mackerel in foil in the oven

Many housewives prefer to cook mackerel in the oven in foil. This allows you to preserve the aroma and juiciness, the fish is baked evenly and turns out very tasty. This recipe also uses vegetables, seasonings and mayonnaise.

Required ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Potato;
  • Bulb;
  • Carrot;
  • spoon of mayonnaise;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper.

Cooking method:

We cut the fish, be sure to cut off the dark film. We remove the entrails and also cut off the head and gills. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small slices. Carrots can be cut into strips, and onions into half rings. Rub the fish with salt outside and inside. Grease with a small amount of mayonnaise and season with black pepper. Spread the foil and place the mackerel on it. We stuff the carcass with vegetables, laying everything that doesn’t fit around. Wrap the mackerel in foil and place in a preheated oven. Bake for 30-35 minutes until done. This mackerel in the oven is good both hot and cold.

Recipe 3: Mackerel baked in the oven

Fragrant mackerel in the oven with garlic and herbs. The recipe itself is very simple; there are no additional ingredients in the form of vegetables. The beauty lies in the use of garlic, herbs and seasonings.

Required ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Garlic;
  • Allspice;
  • Salt;
  • Cilantro;
  • Parsley;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Olive oil.

Cooking method:

We process the fish: wash it, cut off the head with gills, remove the entrails. We rinse the inside again and dry it. Pound a clove of garlic in a mortar along with pepper and salt. Add two tablespoons of oil and lemon juice to the garlic. Grind another clove along with the greens. Rub the fish with garlic mass outside and inside, and distribute the remaining mass inside. Fill the carcass with herbs and garlic, wrap it in foil, and leave to marinate for 40 minutes. Bake in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.

Recipe 4: Mackerel in the oven in the sleeve

Instead of foil, you can use a “sleeve”. The fish turns out perfectly tasty and juicy. To make the mackerel even more aromatic and piquant, you can stuff it with onions and lemon. If the dish is being prepared for a festive table, you can put a few cherry tomatoes and olives in the “sleeve”.

Required ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Onion;
  • Lemon;
  • Olives;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Olive oil.

Cooking method:

We cut the fish, remove the entrails and gills, cut off the dark film. We thoroughly rinse the fish inside and out and dry it. Cut the onion into half rings and place in a bowl, pepper, salt and mash a little with your hands. Cut the lemon into thin semicircles. Mix salt and pepper in two tablespoons of olive oil and rub the mixture over the fish (inside and out). Stuff the fish with lemon and onion. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. We tie the baking “sleeve” at one end, place the remaining lemons and onions in it, and lay the mackerel on top. Place the tomato halves and olives and tie the other end. Let it bake for half an hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can make a cut on top so that the fish browns. Decorate the finished dish with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Recipe 5: Mackerel in the oven in a jar

A very simple recipe for mackerel in the oven, for which you will need a small jar. Preparing the fish is extremely simple; all you need to do is prepare the carcass and chop the vegetables.

Required ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Carrot;
  • Bulb;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Salt;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Lavrushka.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the mackerel: defrost, cut off the head and tail, remove the entrails. Wash the carcass thoroughly and dry it. Cut the fish into small portions. Peel and grate the carrots. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Rub the fish pieces with salt. Now take a liter jar and lay out the fish and vegetables, alternating the ingredients. Don't forget about peppercorns and bay leaves. Fill the jar to the top and add two tablespoons of oil. Cover the jar with foil and place in the oven for an hour.

Recipe 6: Mackerel in the oven in pots

Another recipe that tells how to deliciously cook mackerel in the oven. We will need small pots in which meat is usually cooked. The fish turns out simply excellent - tender, juicy and very aromatic. Surprise your guests with such a simple but original holiday dish.

Required ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Seasoning mix for fish;
  • Lavrushka;
  • Salt;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Olive oil;
  • Mustard seeds.

Cooking method:

Defrost the fish, remove the entrails, cut off the head and tail. Cut the carcass into pieces and wash thoroughly. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into half rings. Rub the mackerel pieces with salt. Pour a little oil into each pot. Add peppercorns and mustard seeds. Now put the ingredients in each pot in the following order: first some carrots, then pieces of fish, then onions and carrots again. The sequence may be different, the main thing is that the mackerel is between the vegetables. Pour a spoonful of oil on top and add a bay leaf. Cover the pots with lids and place in the oven. Bake for about an hour. Serve the fish with chopped herbs and lemon wedges.

Recipe 7: Mackerel in the grill oven

Do you want aromatic grilled golden fish? If your oven is equipped with such a function, making your wish come true is as easy as shelling pears. We will need mackerel, seasonings and soy sauce. The rest is a matter of technique.

Required ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Soy sauce – ¼ cup;
  • Lemon;
  • A teaspoon of mustard;
  • White pepper;
  • Coriander;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Ginger.

Cooking method:

We cut off the fins and head from the fish, make an incision on the belly and remove the entrails. Wash the carcass thoroughly and dry it. We make four transverse cuts on each side. Add mustard, peppers, coriander and a little salt to a deep plate with soy sauce. Stir everything and place the fish in the marinade. Leave for about one hour. Cut the lemon into thin semicircles, peel the ginger and cut into thin slices. Place lemon and ginger in each cut and set to grill mode. Let the fish bake until done. Serve with chopped herbs and sauce.

Recipe for delicious mackerel sauce in the oven:

From a small amount of sugar we make liquid caramel, add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, a little lime juice and Worcestershire sauce to it. Stir and heat until thickened. Mix the mixture with pieces of hot pepper, chopped onion, garlic, green onions and cilantro. We also add a little lime juice and olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

— the main secret of cooking mackerel in the oven is this: you shouldn’t completely defrost the fish, you can start cooking it when it is still a little frozen;

- You don’t have to cut off the head. This baked mackerel looks more “solemn” and will decorate the holiday table well;

— if you place mackerel directly on foil, the skin may burn a little. Therefore, you should first place the onion rings and carrots on the foil, and only then the fish. Vegetables are also distributed on top of the mackerel;

- the foil envelope should not have holes, otherwise the liquid will begin to evaporate and leak onto the baking sheet. Burnt juice will give the fish a “unique” burnt taste;

— mackerel itself is a fatty and juicy fish, so you need to use very little vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

Mackerel is a delicious fish, the meat of which is very soft and tender. It is rich in fish oil and beneficial components. To make it a real culinary masterpiece, you don’t have to spend too much time and effort. You will definitely surprise your loved ones with such a wonderful dish that will suit both the everyday table and the festive feast. All you need to know is how to cook mackerel.

Mackerel in foil


  • Mackerel (4 pcs.),
  • Juice from 0.5 lemon,
  • Bulb,
  • 1 tbsp. lie parsley,
  • 0.5 tbsp. lie basilica,
  • 2 tea. lie capers or 1 pickled cucumber,
  • 0.5-1 tbsp. lie salt,
  • 0.5 tea. lie ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  • Gut the mackerel, rinse it thoroughly, inside and out, under cold water. Dry with a paper towel. If you wish, you can remove the ridge.
  • Wash, peel the onion and chop finely.
  • Wash the greens and chop them finely. Turn on the oven to preheat.
  • Mash the butter, add onion, lemon juice, parsley, capers, salt and basil.
  • Coat the fish with this oil mixture.
  • Prepare four pieces of foil. Its size should be twice the size of mackerel. Wrap one fish tightly in each piece of foil.
  • Place the foil-wrapped mackerel on the middle rack in the oven. Place it on a wire rack and bake for 30 minutes at 225 degrees. Serve the dish on a plate with fresh vegetables.

"Creamy sissy"

Now we will tell you how to cook mackerel deliciously. The dish will turn out very tender, juicy and tasty. A real holiday!


  • One fresh mackerel
  • Bulb,
  • Frozen assorted vegetables (0.5 cups),
  • 100 g champignons,
  • 50-70 g hard cheese,
  • 20% cream (100 ml.),
  • Lemon juice (2 tbsp.),
  • Black pepper,
  • Salt to your taste.

Cooking method:

  • First you need to gut the mackerel backwards (through the back). This is done in the direction from head to tail, along one dorsal fin. Make a cut with a sharp knife so that the blade reaches the rib bones. You will hear a slight crunch and understand that it is no longer worth inserting the knife deeper.
  • Make a second one parallel to the first cut. It will go along the side of the second fin. This way you will separate the backbone from the fillet part.
  • Use scissors to cut the ridge at the tail and head. Gently pull out the spinal bone.
  • Pull out the intestines, rib bones, gills, scrape off the black film.
  • Salt, pepper, and sprinkle lemon juice over the fish inside and out.
  • While the fish is marinating, chop the onion and fry it in butter.
  • Add the vegetable mixture to the onion, pepper, salt and cook until done.
  • Cut and fry the mushrooms, add salt and mix with the vegetable mixture. Add chopped, fresh herbs.
  • Take the fish carcass, place it on a baking sheet, greased with oil and covered with paper, belly down. Near the tail, pin the carcass with toothpicks. You will receive a boat-shaped mackerel, which needs to be filled with the minced meat you prepared. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it on top of the vegetables.
  • Pour cream over the dish and place in the oven for 25 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees. You can cook two carcasses at a time, since this fish cooks very quickly and the main thing is not to overcook it. Now you know how to cook fresh mackerel.

Mackerel in the microwave


  • Mackerel (1 piece),
  • Bulb,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Bay leaf,
  • Ground black pepper,
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the onion into rings and place it on the bottom of the pan. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with oil.
  • Place the fish cut into pieces on top of the onion. Add bay leaf and cover with lid.
  • Place the dish in the microwave for 10 minutes. Turn on the mode called “Fish” and power – 100.

How to cook mackerel in a frying pan


  • Fillet or mackerel, cut into slices,
  • Flour,
  • Ground black pepper,
  • 0.5 glasses of water,
  • Fresh parsley,
  • Salt.

Method of preparation: mix flour, pepper and salt. Roll the mackerel in it on all sides. Heat the pan and fry the fish on each side for 10 minutes. Add water and simmer the dish for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished fish with chopped parsley and serve.

Mackerel in French

What to cook with fresh mackerel? An excellent dish that certainly won’t take up much of your energy. Ingredients:

  • Fresh frozen mackerel,
  • Onion,
  • Hard cheese,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Ground black pepper,
  • Salt.

Method of preparation: fillet the mackerel and wash thoroughly. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the fish skin side down on it. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the onion into half rings and place the mackerel on top. The next layer is grated cheese and mayonnaise. Place the dish in the oven and bake for 40 minutes.

Mackerel soup

To the question of how to cook mackerel fish, I would like to immediately answer - excellent soup! So:


  • Mackerel (400 g),
  • Potatoes (3 pcs.),
  • Bulb,
  • Carrot,
  • Garlic (2 cloves),
  • parsley root,
  • Parsley (5 g),
  • Dill greens (5 g),
  • Bay leaf (2 pcs.),
  • Olive oil,
  • Pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

  • Clean the fish and cut into pieces. Place in a saucepan and fill with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  • Place the potatoes, cut into pieces, into the pan. Chop the onion and fry in a frying pan with olive oil until golden brown. Add grated carrots and parsley root to it.
  • When the potatoes are half cooked, add the fried vegetables to the broth. Cook the soup for another 30 minutes. A few minutes before it is fully cooked, add dill, parsley, bay leaf, garlic, salt and pepper to the pan. The soup is ready!

Salted mackerel

Cooking method:

  • Thaw the fish, cut off all the heads. Gut and clean the abdominal cavity so that no black film remains.
  • Rinse all carcasses under cold water. Rub the outside and inside with salt.
  • Prepare an enameled wide and low mold. A glass container will also work. Place the fish in it in one layer, add black peppercorns and bay leaf.
  • Place a plate of appropriate size on top of the fish. Place a weight on the dish.
  • Let the mackerel sit at room temperature for two days. Then turn it over to the other side, add salt and leave for another 48 hours. When the fish is ready, store it in the refrigerator.

Mackerel salad


  • 80 g mackerel canned in oil,
  • 40 g potatoes,
  • 30 g green onions,
  • Salt.

Method of preparation: wash and boil the potatoes in their skins. Peel and cut it into small cubes. Salt and pour canned oil on top. Mix everything thoroughly. Place half a portion of potatoes in a salad bowl, top with pieces of mackerel and all the remaining potatoes. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped onions.

We told you what you can cook from mackerel. Now you know that there are quite a few recipes for this fish. Try, learn, experiment and at your table there will always be the most delicious and healthy dishes that will not let anyone doubt that you are an excellent housewife!

Mackerel is a tender, tasty, inexpensive and very healthy fish. It can be prepared in many ways: fried, baked, boiled or pickled. Dense meat, with few bones and a pleasant aroma will please even the most sophisticated gourmet. In our latitudes, this fish is sold exclusively in frozen or fresh-frozen form. After the catch, it is frozen directly on the ship and delivered in this form to points of sale. To prepare fresh frozen mackerel, use our tips.

If you want to carefully and quickly cut mackerel, then do not defrost it immediately. Keep the carcass at room temperature for half an hour to soften it. Thawed fish will be very soft, it will be difficult for you to cut it even with the sharpest knife. Start cutting the fish by cutting off the tail and head. If you are going to pickle it, then you do not need to cut off these parts. Next, run a sharp knife along the abdomen, from the tail to the head. Carefully remove the intestines and black membranes that may taste bitter. You may find caviar in some fish. Do not throw it away under any circumstances. Caviar can be fried in batter or pickled for sandwiches.

Now that the fish is defrosted and cut up, decide what you want to cook from it. If you decide to bake or fry the whole thing, then put the mackerel aside and take care of the vegetables for the filling or pillow. To pickle fish, prepare a simple brine from one liter of water and three tablespoons of sea salt, add pepper, bay leaf and other seasonings to taste. Place the fish in the brine and refrigerate for 1 day, turning it periodically to ensure even salting.

Do you want to bake fish in a sleeve or foil, on a vegetable bed? Cut your favorite vegetables into thin strips and sprinkle them on the area where the fish will lie during baking. Brush the inside of the fish carcass with salt and place it with its open belly on the vegetables. Cover with foil or tie a sleeve and place in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. It will be very tasty if you add a couple of slices of lemon or lime to the vegetables. To make the dish more healthy, use soy sauce instead of salt.

To prepare fresh frozen mackerel soup, cut the fish, which has not yet melted, into slices. Place it in boiling water with added sugar and salt in equal proportions. After 15 minutes of boiling, add potatoes cut into small pieces, onions, carrots, pearl barley and spices to taste into the broth. Cook the potatoes until they are ready and you will get a very tasty, rich soup.

The last dish of fresh frozen mackerel is fillet fried in batter or oil. To separate the fillet from the carcass, take firm fish that has not yet been thawed. If the fish is soft, first keep it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Cut off the head and tail, carefully separate the fins and remove the thin skin. Cut open the belly of the fish and remove the black membranes and entrails. Place the carcass unfolded, tummy down and press with your fingers along the ridge, along the entire length of the back. If you apply pressure, you will hear a quiet crunch of bones being separated from the meat. Turn the fish over and, by pulling the tail part of the ridge, remove it along with the rib bones.

Cut the resulting fillet or fry it whole, dipping it in batter. Prepare the batter from eggs and flour, adding salt, pepper and fish seasonings. Place the frying meat in boiling oil and fry until golden brown. Remove excess oil with a paper napkin. Sprinkle the finished dish with lemon juice.

After preparing fresh frozen mackerel, invite your friends and treat them to delicious fish dishes. The world's most famous chefs recommend serving fish with lemon, white sauce and fresh herbs. The drink most suitable for sea fish dishes is dry, aromatic, white wine or brut champagne.

What mackerel dishes do you know? Baked in foil, fried in batter, salted, smoked, etc. This list can be continued indefinitely. After all, this is a universal fish, with which you can independently prepare completely different dishes. Fresh mackerel makes delicious pies, soups and even cutlets. In this article we will tell you several ways to use this fish in cooking.

General Product Information

What dishes can you prepare from mackerel? We'll look at recipes with step-by-step steps a little further. Now I would like to talk about exactly how this product is useful.

Mackerel is a relatively inexpensive but very tasty fish. It contains a lot of proteins, as well as minerals and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthen its immunity and cleanse it of waste and toxins. In this regard, such a product is very often included in the diet of not only adults, but also children.

Let's take a closer look at what fresh frozen mackerel dishes can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

Pan-fried fish with vegetables

The simplest mackerel dishes are those that do not require a long stay near the stove. For example, for regular frying of fish and vegetables, you will only need about an hour of free time, as well as the following ingredients:

Product processing

Any fresh frozen mackerel dishes require careful selection of the main product. When buying fish, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Her eyes should not be cloudy, her belly should not be yellow, and the inside of her gills should not be too dark. If these phenomena are still observed, then it is better to refuse the purchase.

Before preparing mackerel dishes, you should thoroughly process all purchased fish. It must be completely defrosted, washed, cleaned of entrails, and the fins and head cut off. Subsequently, the processed product must be cut as required by the dish. If you want to fry fish, then it should be chopped into pieces 5-6 centimeters thick.

As for vegetables, they need to be peeled and chopped. Cut the onions into cubes and grate the carrots.

Heat treatment in a frying pan

Any mackerel dish turns out very aromatic and tasty. And to make them filling, it is recommended to use additional vegetables. Place the onions and carrots in a frying pan, season with sunflower oil and fry until golden brown. Next, they need to be salted and peppered, placed on a plate and set aside.

After sautéing the vegetables, you need to begin heat treatment of the fish. To do this, you need to pour light flour into a plate, add pepper and salt to it, and then mix. The processed fish should be rolled on all sides in the resulting loose mixture and placed in a heated frying pan with oil, where the vegetables were previously fried. It is advisable to cook mackerel for about 20-26 minutes. During this time, it should fry well, become soft and tasty.

How to present to family members?

Mackerel dishes, the recipes for which we discuss in this article, will serve as an ideal lunch for both everyday and festive tables. After the fish is fried, it must be placed on a plate and sautéed vegetables should be placed on top. You can place mashed potatoes or boiled long-grain rice next to it.

Bake fish with cheese and tomatoes

Mackerel dishes in a slow cooker are just as tasty as in the oven. But with the use of this device, you do not need to be at the stove all the time and monitor that the fish does not burn, is well cooked, etc. That is why we recommend using any multicooker to bake this product.

So, to make a tasty and beautiful frozen mackerel dish, you need to purchase:

Preparing Ingredients

To get very tasty mackerel dishes, you should use as many different products as possible that go well with each other. It is also necessary to carefully process the fish. It must be washed, gutted, cut off the fins and head, and then cut in half lengthwise, removing the backbone and bones. As a result, you should get a clean fillet, which should be peppered and salted.

It is also necessary to peel the onions and tomatoes, and then cut them into rings and circles, respectively. As for the cheese, you only need to grate it or cut it into thin slices.

Shaping the dish

After preparing all the ingredients, the multicooker should be well greased with sunflower oil, and then sprinkled generously with breadcrumbs. After this, you need to place the fish fillet in the bowl so that you get a not very thick layer. Next, you need to place onion rings and fresh tomato slices on the mackerel. After sprinkling all the products with a small amount of spices, they should be covered with a mayonnaise mesh. Finally, you need to add grated or thinly sliced ​​cheese to the formed dish.

Baking in a slow cooker

How should you bake fresh mackerel dishes in a slow cooker? Recipes for preparing such a dinner recommend using the frying mode. It needs to be set for 30 minutes. If after this time the fish is not cooked, but is very red on the bottom, then you should reset the program to the stewing mode. After ¼ hour, the dish should become completely soft and covered with a delicious cheese cap.

How to serve for lunch?

The finished dish must be carefully removed from the bowl, and then cut into pieces and presented to family members hot. It is recommended to keep the dish in puff form as much as possible. If you wish, you can additionally serve this wonderful dish with some side dish.

Salt fish in cold brine

Mackerel is an ideal fish for salting. The finished product is very tender, fatty and tasty. But in order to properly salt it, you must strictly follow all the requirements described below.

So, to prepare salted mackerel we will need:

Preparing the brine

You can salt fish deliciously not only in wet, but also in dry brine. However, we recommend using the first method. After all, with it the mackerel will turn out much juicier and tastier.

So, to prepare cold brine, you need to pour water into a large container, add sugar, cilantro, salt, bay leaf, coriander beans, allspice, black tea, clove buds and onion peels. After all the ingredients have boiled, the aromatic liquid must be removed from the stove and cooled completely. While the brine is cooling, you can start processing the fish.

Preparing mackerel

It is better to buy medium-sized fish for salting. It needs to be washed, all the insides gutted and the fins cut off. It is also advisable to remove the head. But if you want to leave it, then it is better to remove the gills.

You should not cut processed fish before salting, because it will cook well anyway.

Salting process

After the mackerel has been processed and the brine has cooled, you should take a deep container and place the fish in it. Next, the product needs to be filled with aromatic liquid so that it completely covers it. In such conditions, it is advisable to salt the fish for 1.5 days. It should be turned over periodically.

If you want to get a juicier dish, then after a day and a half, you need to cover it with a lid and leave it in the refrigerator for another 12 hours.

How to serve salted fish to guests?

After the mackerel is well salted, it should be removed from the brine and cut into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick. Next, they need to be seasoned with sunflower oil, onion half rings and mixed well. It is advisable to additionally sprinkle the mackerel with fresh chopped herbs on top. In this form, the dish must be presented to the table on a common plate. In addition, you should definitely make a side dish. It's better if it's potatoes. The tubers need to be peeled and then boiled in round form in salted water. Before serving, vegetables should also be sprinkled with chopped herbs and ground black pepper. Bon appetit!

Mackerel (mackerel) recipes for everyone who wants to be healthy. Mackerel dishes are a source of omega-3 fatty acids. For mackerel, recipes for smoking, baking over coals or grilling are suitable. Cooking frozen mackerel begins by defrosting it directly in the refrigerator. Then you can prepare the mackerel recipe from the photo on the website: bake in foil with the addition of herbs and a piece of butter. Mackerel cooks very quickly, and the proposed recipe, thanks to the oil filling with herbs, completely eliminates the possibility of drying out the fish.

Mackerel cooks very quickly. It is important not to overdry so that when cooked the fish remains juicy and not like a footcloth. This recipe, thanks to the butter filling with herbs, completely eliminates this possibility.

chapter: Baked fish

This sushi recipe does not claim to be original. It is unlikely that the Japanese would think of preparing rolls with smoked mackerel. But I tried it and I liked it. The combination of sushi rice, seaweed with smoked fish and fresh cucumber gives an interesting taste. If there

chapter: Sushi (rolls, maki sushi, nigiri sushi)

For this recipe, the only rule is that the fish must be fatty. Mackerel - it's always like that, but I wasn't lucky with the herring - it turned out to be skinny. The salted mackerel in brine turned out beyond all praise! More in the store, no, no, only at home... like this in

chapter: Salted and marinated fish

Surely you know how to cook mackerel. The easiest way to prepare it is by steaming it with a little herbs and lemon juice. The mackerel turns out so amazingly delicious that you don’t even need to salt it. But in any case, mackerel is prepared not only in this simplest way, you can make simply mind-blowing dishes based on it. Therefore, you will probably like our article - because you will learn how to cook mackerel deliciously, how to cook mackerel in the oven, how to cook it in a frying pan and in foil. Fish dishes that can be made from this tasty and aromatic fish are actually very diverse. You can also cook amazingly tasty mackerel in a slow cooker. This fish is perfect for boiling, salting and smoking. You can use it to make canned fish and fish soups. Mackerel is very high in calories, but at the same time the calorie content that such a product provides us is only beneficial. Therefore, if you are wondering what exactly can be prepared from mackerel, this article will certainly help you - we have the best preparations that you can trust.

How to cook mackerel - spicy salting

If you are used to buying herring fillets in vacuum packs, you will probably be pleasantly surprised at how tasty the fish can be if you salt it yourself. For example, spicy salted mackerel is not just tasty, it is incredibly tasty.

Water – 1 glass of filtered water;

Bay leaf – 3 pieces;

Peppercorns – 5 pieces;

Cloves - 3 pieces;

Coriander – 10 grams of coriander beans;

Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon;

Salt – 2 tablespoons;

Frozen mackerel – 1 piece;

Allspice peas – 3 pieces.


You will need this amount of spices and water if you want to cook only one fish. But if you are going to salt three or four mackerel at once, then you will need to increase the amount of brine and the amount of spices by as many times as you have fish. First, you will need to prepare the mackerel - since it is frozen, it must first be defrosted, and charmingly let it defrost on its own, without soaking in water or defrosting in the microwave. This is very important if you want to get a really tasty dish in the end. The fact is that the fish fillet is very tender, and it can defrost unevenly under the influence of microwaves. After which you will need to cut off the fins and head, you can also cut off the tail. The insides will also need to be removed. Then take a container that is suitable for pickling. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and all the spices, put everything on the fire and boil for exactly 2 minutes. The brine will need to be cooled before you put the fish in it. We put it in a container very tightly so that the fish does not float, then fill it with cooled brine and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days. It turns out very tender and tasty, the fish is spicy and aromatic, wonderfully salted.

How to cook mackerel in the oven

You can cook mackerel in the oven, this is a simple recipe, but the mackerel it turns out is simply excellent.

Frozen mackerel – 2 pieces;

chicken egg - 2 pieces;

Hard cheese – 40-50 grams;

Parsley - a few sprigs for decoration;

Lemon - half;

Salt and pepper to your taste.


First you will need to take chicken eggs and boil them. After which the eggs will need to be cooled and cut very finely. The cheese will need to be grated on a coarse grater. The parsley will also need to be chopped. Now you will need to take half a lemon and remove the zest from it. The juice will need to be squeezed out. After which you will need to take a bowl, mix the cheese and juice, zest and chicken eggs in it. After which the fish will need to be cleaned and washed, dried with a paper napkin. Next you will need to make several cuts on the fish diagonally on each side. Salt and pepper everything. Next you need to put the filling that you prepared into the fish. Now you need to wrap each fish in foil, then place it on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. Bake for approximately 25 minutes. The fish turns out simply amazingly tasty.

How to cook delicious mackerel

You can prepare simply amazingly delicious fresh frozen mackerel in the oven, this is a quick and very elegant dish.

To prepare this mackerel you will need to take the following products:

Mackerel – 1 piece;

Onion – 1 piece;

Ketchup - 3 tablespoons;

Mayonnaise – 2 spoons;

Seasonings for fish - according to your taste;

Salt and pepper;

Lemon – 1 piece.


Baking mackerel in the oven is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. First you will need to carefully defrost it, and after that you will need to wash it very thoroughly. Remove not only the entrails, but also the black film that separates the fillet from the entrails. After which you will need to wash everything under running water. You can leave the head, you can cut it off, it’s at your discretion. After which the fish can be cut into portions, salted carefully, and then sprinkled with various fish spices that you like best. Now you will need to cut the onion into rings. It is better not to make the rings too thick; the maximum thickness should be approximately 5 mm. Next you will need to prepare the sauce. For this sauce, you will need to take mayonnaise and mix it together with ketchup until smooth. Each piece of mackerel will need to be immersed in this sauce. We put it on parchment, which is already on the baking sheet, after which you will need to place the onion between the pieces of fish. You can apply zigzag patterns on the fish using ketchup and mayonnaise. After which we preheat the oven to 160 degrees, and put the fish there for half an hour.

How to cook delicious mackerel – stuffed mackerel roll

A tasty and quite festive dish, and quite easy to prepare.

For such mackerel you will need to take the following products:

Mackerel – 2 pieces;

Carrots – 2 pieces;

Onions – 2 heads;

Dill – 1 small bunch;

Gelatin - 2 tablespoons.


First you will need to take the mackerel, cut it, wash it very well, and then remove all the insides, tail, head, fins, and all the bones. Cut it so that you get a layer of fish. Salt and pepper this layer and leave it to rest. After which you will need to take dill, cut it, and sprinkle finely on the fish. You will also need to chop the onion very finely and grate the carrots. Everything will need to be fried, then cooled and placed on one half. Then sprinkle the other half with dry gelatin. For one fish you will need 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Then you will need to fold these two halves. Wrap in several layers of cling film, very tightly. Then we put it all in boiling water and cook for about 20-25 minutes. Next you will need to put everything under the press. Once the excess liquid drains, you can put everything in the refrigerator. Before serving, cut into small rings.

How to cook mackerel in foil

How to cook delicious and very elegant mackerel in foil? It's not very difficult.

You can easily make this simple recipe if you have the following products on hand:

Mackerel – 1 piece;

Tomatoes – 1 piece;

Onion - half a head;

Dill - to your taste;

Parsley - to your taste;

Basil - to taste;

Salt - to taste.


First you will need to prepare the mackerel, rinse it very well. And then you will need to take it and carefully clean it from the black film and entrails. Be sure to remove everything unnecessary - fins and so on. The fish will also need to cut off its head, fins, and tail. The tomatoes will need to be cut into rings. To make this possible, the tomatoes will need to be dense and not too juicy. Onions and tomatoes will need to be cut into circles that are not too thick. After which you will need to cut the fish into about 5 pieces. All these pieces will need to be transferred to foil, and put onions and tomatoes between them. You will also need to sprinkle it all with spices. Everything will need to be salted and peppered. The mackerel will need to be wrapped in foil and then baked. Bake for about half an hour at 170 degrees.

How to cook mackerel in the oven deliciously - mackerel in a jar

Preparing this mackerel is very simple, but it turns out so tasty that you just can’t put it down.

To prepare you will need to take the following products:

Mackerel – 2 pieces;

Carrots – 3 pieces;

Onion – 1 piece;

Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

Allspice – 2 pieces;

Salt and pepper - to taste;

Bay leaf - to taste.


Mackerel is simply incredibly tasty and healthy, so eat it as often as possible. You can put two mackerel in one liter jar. First you will need to defrost them, then remove the insides and cut off the head. The tail and head can be placed in the freezer so that you can prepare a delicious fish soup. We cut the fish into portioned pieces - it's pretty quick. After which you will need to peel the carrots and grate them. Cut the onion into rings. You can also cut carrots into rings if you want, that’s also very tasty. Then we salt the fish and carrots and put them in a jar. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, then add a bay leaf and a couple of peppercorns. Cover the jar with foil, then turn on the oven at about 160 degrees and keep the fish there for an hour. It turns out just very tasty and tender, you will definitely like it.

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