Home Soups Fish stuffed with onions in the oven. Gefilte fish. Carp “festive style” in detailed pictures

Fish stuffed with onions in the oven. Gefilte fish. Carp “festive style” in detailed pictures

Fish is a dietary product, rich in vitamins and microelements, which is suitable for gourmets who care about their health. Stuffed fish in the oven will decorate the holiday table and fit into the daily menu. Baked in the oven, it retains its beneficial properties, cooks quickly, even a novice housewife can stuff and bake the dish, and our recipes with photos will help with this.

How to choose fish

It's no secret that seafood is a perishable product. Therefore, it is extremely important to responsibly choose seafood if you decide to have a fish day.

The main guideline when choosing will be your sense of smell. A fresh product will not have a distinct odor; you can only smell the sea and mud. If the fish has been sitting on the counter, then its aroma will be more intense.

Next, pay attention to the tail. If it is dry and brittle, then this is a clear sign of a stale product. In addition, the fish should have moist and shiny scales. If it is dry, brittle or cracked, then you should not purchase or cook from such a product.

Also important are the eyes and gills. The former should be convex and transparent, and the latter should be pink or bright red. Stale fish have cloudy eyes and gray gills.

It is a little more difficult to choose frozen fish; here you will have to completely rely on the integrity of the seller. However, if the store or supermarket has been checked and does not disappoint with the quality of other products, then it is quite possible to purchase frozen goods, although the benefits from it will be much less.

Cooking red fish

Red fish has always been considered a delicacy, so it will perfectly complement any holiday table. And stuffed with vegetables it will turn out juicy and healthy, and even children will like it, since it contains practically no bones. It is very important to purchase large fish so that it is easier to stuff. However, with the proper culinary skills, you can cope with sea or river inhabitants of almost any size.

You will need:

  • red fish (trout, salmon or pink salmon) - 2 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • medium-sized carrots - 2 pieces;
  • white onion - 2 pieces;
  • dill, parsley - 2 sprigs each;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - for decoration.


  1. Thoroughly clean the fish from the insides and remove the scales, cut off the fins from the peritoneum. Leave the head for a more effective presentation or remove it.
  2. Peel the carrots and onions and cut into small half rings.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. To make red fish stuffed with vegetables tender and juicy, it must first be marinated. To do this, place the whole trout or salmon in a bowl, pour in the juice of half a lemon and sprinkle with salt. Then leave to marinate for 1.5 hours.
  5. The marinated carcass should be placed on a baking sheet covered with foil. Place onions, carrots and herbs in the belly, add salt to taste, and then close it. Toothpicks work well here.
  6. The remaining half of the lemon must be cut into thin slices and placed on top of the carcass.
  7. After this, it should be wrapped tightly in foil and placed in the oven for 50 minutes at 200 degrees.

Before serving, remove the lemon slices from the red fish, since the citrus has already given up all the juice and no longer carries any flavor. The whole carcass can be transferred to a large dish and decorated with a mesh using mayonnaise or sour cream, or laid out in portions.

Did you like the fish dish? Try the bird! will not leave anyone indifferent.

Stuffed mackerel

Mackerel in the oven can be a slightly more budget-friendly, but no less tasty and healthy dish. Fish baked in foil will be juicy and soft and will be an excellent main dish for every day. The recipe often has variations. One of the most universal is considered to be baking with potatoes, melted cheese and aromatic spices.

You will need:

  • medium-sized mackerel carcass - 1 piece;
  • boiled potato - 1 piece;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon;
  • oil (sunflower or olive) - 1 tablespoon;
  • spices (khmeli-suneli, fish mixture) - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. To begin with, the fish should be prepared - cleaned of entrails and scales, removed the head and fins. You also need to carefully remove the ridge. To do this, just press it a little from above.
  2. Next, the carcass should be sprinkled with salt and spices and greased with mayonnaise.
  3. Peel the boiled potatoes and grate them, then place them inside the mackerel.
  4. The processed cheese also needs to be grated and placed on top of the potatoes. To make grating easier, you can place it in the freezer for a few minutes.
  5. Now the mackerel needs to be carefully closed and placed on a piece of foil, which must first be greased with oil.
  6. The fish should be wrapped tightly in foil.
  7. Then place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 25 - 30 minutes.
  8. Then you should carefully transfer the carcass to a separate dish. Garnish with sour cream if desired.

Stuffing with buckwheat

Buckwheat is an integral part of traditional Russian cuisine, so there are recipes on how to use it to cook fish in the oven.

You will need:

  • whole fish carcass - 3 kg;
  • onion - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • champignons - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • green peas - 1 can;
  • buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.


  1. The carcass must be cleaned, the head and fins must be cut off, the backbone separated and small bones removed.
  2. Next, you should open the workpiece, salt and pepper to taste. You can also add fish spices.
  3. Green peas are laid out next. You don’t need to put out the whole jar at once, just sprinkle it on the dish.
  4. To prepare the filling you need to boil the buckwheat.
  5. Next, finely chop the mushrooms and fry with onions.
  6. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Add 2 eggs, fried mushrooms with onions, and buckwheat to it. Mix it all thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Then put the stuffing on the carcass and carefully sew up the belly.
  8. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and place the fish there.
  9. Grease the carcass with sour cream and bake for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.
  10. Cool slightly and remove seams before serving. You can decorate with a grid of sour cream or mayonnaise or sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds.

One of the variations of this recipe could be rice filling. To do this, it is enough to replace buckwheat with rice. This is suitable for oilier fish, as the rice will absorb the excess.

How to be considered a good cook and prepare a delicious dinner that will amaze the imagination of your guests and loved ones? Everything is painfully simple - you need to cook something stuffed. But many housewives think that it is virtually impossible to prepare a stuffed dish deliciously; it requires experience, skill, and, in the end, courage.

Many housewives are afraid to choose large fish, believing that the smaller the fish, the easier it is to stuff it. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite - the larger the fish, the easier it is to work with. For our own purposes, we will take a fairly large silver carp - about two kilograms.

There are several tricks that will allow you to easily and quickly cope with stuffing fish. What is the most difficult thing for a housewife when stuffing? Of course, remove the skin from the fish, and at the same time not tear it. And before this, the fish must also be cleaned so as not to tear the rather thin skin.

And here are the tricks that will help you cope with the intricacies of cooking - to make cleaning the fish simple and comfortable, rub it with salt and vinegar. The fish will finish sliding in your hands and “break free”. Carefully clean the fish with a knife or using special devices - fish graters. Some housewives simply clean the fish by pouring boiling water over it. But in this case, you can destroy the skin - in some places it can become severely scalded and tear.

After the scales are removed from the fish, you will need to remove the skin as follows - cut the skin from the head to the tail of the fish and carefully pull it off. The easiest way to remove the skin is to partially defrost the fish. In other words, the flesh must be frozen, only the skin itself must defrost. Pull it off the fish carcass, starting from the tail. When you reach the head, unscrew the skin, pull it in the opposite direction from the head and separate the skinless carcass from the head. You will get two parts - one of them will be the skin connected to the head, and the other will be the carcass with giblets.

Wash the skin and head well with running water, then soak for half an hour in cool water so that the salt and vinegar that have soaked the skin go into the water. Leave the carcass to defrost for about half an hour. Afterwards, carefully gut the fish, remove the bladder and intestines and wash the fish well. The main thing here is accuracy - if you tear the giblets, the fish will taste bitter, so it is very important to get all the insides without damaging them.

One and a half to two kilograms of fish,

Instant gelatin - one sachet,

Fresh carrots – 500 g,

Garlic – 4 large cloves of the southern variety (if you use small garlic, you will need more),

Mayonnaise - 400 ml,

Vegetable oil – sunflower or olive for frying,

One lemon

Spices for fish,

Threads and needle for sewing fish, foil for baking.

While the fish is soaking and defrosting, you need to peel the garlic. Set part of the garlic – a clove – aside; chop the remaining garlic as finely as possible. Mix it with half the mayonnaise.

Now let's start cooking the fish. First, we take out the skin with its head, already soaked in cool water, and wipe it with a cardboard towel. Then coat the skin with the prepared mixture of garlic and mayonnaise. Leave to marinate for about an hour and a half in a sealed container at room temperature.

Then We clean the fish carcass from bones. Prepare a meat grinder and twist the fish fillet twice - this will make it more tender. Just check the meat grinder knives after chopping - they will “hold back” the thinnest bones, so they should be cleaned before the 2nd rotation.

Stir the prepared minced meat with 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, a packet of gelatin and spices to taste.

Another little trick - if you cook fish in the oven according to this recipe, then we don’t need to dissolve the gelatin at all - you can simply mix the dry mixture with the minced meat. But if you want to cook fish in a microwave with a conventional mode, then gelatin will have to be prepared according to all the rules - soak, strain, and so on, because the cooking time in a microwave oven is much lower, the gelatin will not have time to dissolve. Leave the minced meat aside for now and move on to the carrots.

It needs to be cleaned and grated on a large grater. Then heat a frying pan with olive oil, throw in the remaining clove of garlic, when it starts to brown, remove it from the oil. Now fry the carrots. Let the fried carrots cool slightly and stir with the minced meat.

Then grease the foil with oil. Place the skin and head on it. Stuff the fish with the resulting minced meat. Afterwards, carefully sew up the fish’s belly. Coat all the fish with the remaining mayonnaise. The lemon must be cut into thin slices and placed on the surface of the fish.

After that, place the stuffed fish in an oven heated to 180 degrees for an hour and a half to two hours.

Many housewives wrap stuffed fish completely in foil. This really allows the fish to bake even faster, but the carcass cooked in closed foil looks white, faded, and loses its colors. If you cook stuffed fish simply by placing it on the surface of the foil, it will come out a very beautiful golden color. Naturally, you will need more time to cook, but the dish will not only be tasty, but also fabulously beautiful. Bon appetit!

Stuffed fish recipe is very simple, but original. Red fish is used (trout, pink salmon, salmon).

Recipe No. 1

Stuffed red fish baked in foil


  • red fish carcass weighing 1 kg (pink salmon, chum salmon, trout),
  • 1 red bell pepper,
  • 120 g champignons,
  • 1 large onion,
  • 45 ml sour cream,
  • greens: coriander, parsley, dill, tarragon (optional),
  • spices,
  • 35 -50 g butter.
  • For the sauce:

  • 160 ml red wine,
  • 150 ml pomegranate juice,
  • 2 sprigs of tarragon.
  • How to cook stuffed fish in the oven in foil

    On the back of the prepared red fish, make a deep cut along the ridge and remove it. We do not cut the belly. Pepper and salt the fish.

    Cut the mushrooms into flat slices, and the peppers into narrow strips, add chopped herbs. Mix everything with sour cream, salt and pepper.

    Fill the fish with minced meat, place a sheet of foil, pre-greased with oil. Place small pieces of butter on the fish and sprinkle with finely chopped onions and herbs.

    Cover with foil.
    Place in a preheated oven. Cook for about 30, maximum 35 minutes at 190°.

    While the main dish is in the oven, prepare the sauce for the fish.

    To do this, take red wine, pomegranate juice and 2 sprigs of tarragon. We move everything into a saucepan and boil until half or a little less of the entire original volume is obtained.

    Serve the fish with pomegranate seeds, lemon slices, and olives.

    Serve the sauce separately.

    Recipe No. 2

    A pollock carcass without a head is used, but you can cook mackerel, herring, cod or red fish in the same way. Choose the filling according to your preferences: rice, potatoes, mushrooms, fried onions, vegetables...

    Stuffed fish recipe in the oven

    stuffed pollock in the oven recipe with photos step by step


    • fish, carcass, about 700 gr.,
    • canned champignons, 1 jar,
    • onion, 1 pc.,
    • medium carrots, 1 pc.,
    • 1 tomato,
    • herbs and spices to taste,
    • mayonnaise, 2 tbsp.,
    • mustard, 1 tbsp.,
    • egg, 1 pc.

    Cooking process:

    Clean the fish from scales and entrails.

    Trim the fins and tail; you can use special scissors for this.

    Make cuts along the ridge, remove the ridge, do not cut the abdomen. Separate the meat from the bones so that you get a fillet, do not remove the skin!

    Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Place the onions and carrots in a frying pan and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown.

    Finely chop the champignons, add to the vegetables and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

    After this, add finely chopped tomato and herbs to taste to the pan, simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

    Remove the pan from the stove, the filling is ready.

    In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise and mustard.

    Then add the egg and mix very thoroughly to form a liquid filling.

    Rub the fish fillet with salt and spices to taste.

    Place the filling on the fillet, smooth it out and compact it.

    Carefully lift the edges of the fillet and secure with wooden sticks. Toothpicks will not work in this case - they are very thin and do not hold the fillet well during cooking. It is better to use wooden skewers for shish kebab. You need to secure the fillet as often as possible, as in the photo.

    The stuffed fish carcass is placed on a baking sheet lined with foil or in a special baking dish, belly down. Pour the pre-prepared filling over the top of the fish.

    Place in a preheated oven, bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 170 degrees and bake for another 15-20 minutes.

    Stuffed pollock with mushrooms and vegetables is served as a separate dish or as a side dish.

    Bon appetit!

    Whole stuffed fish: step-by-step recipe and photo by Ekaterina Slepchenko

    As a rule, they are cooked whole and baked in the oven, either in foil or on a baking sheet. The filling for minced meat can be vegetables, sometimes meat, as well as cereals, the taste of which, when heat treated, goes very well with the taste of fish, making the dish juicy and aromatic.

    We will tell you how and what to stuff fish for baking in the oven in the recipes below.

    Fish stuffed with rice and baked in the oven


    • whole pike carcass – 3 kg;
    • pork neck – 300 g;
    • rice – 2/3 cup;
    • egg – 2 pcs.;
    • large lemon – 1 pc.;
    • onions, large – 2 pcs.;
    • freshly ground black pepper;
    • breadcrumbs;
    • salt.


    We clean the scales from a washed fish carcass, cut the head from the bottom to the ridge and take out the insides. Then we carefully break the ridge and remove the skin with a “stocking”, little by little cutting the meat with scissors along the entire perimeter and in the fin areas. The fins, tail and head remain on the skin.

    Pass the pork, onions, pike fillet and rice boiled in water until tender through a meat grinder two or three times, add salt and pepper, add eggs, the juice of one large or two small lemons and mix well.

    Now we lubricate the inside of the fish skin with lemon, salt and pepper, turn it inside out and stuff the fish not very tightly.

    Place the carcass on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place sheets of foil under the tail and fins, sprinkle with breadcrumbs to prevent sticking during cooking, and seal. We bake our fish for ninety minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. Ten minutes before the end, unroll the foil to seal the tail and fins.

    Let the finished fish cool completely, decorate it according to your taste and imagination and serve our beauty on the table.

    Fish stuffed with vegetables baked in the oven


    • whole carp carcass – 2 kg;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
    • tomato – 1 pc.;
    • lemon – 1 pc.;
    • onion, large – 1 pc.;
    • freshly ground black pepper;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt;


    We gut the carp carcass, remove the tail and head, wash it, make five cuts at an angle, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for twenty-five minutes.

    Meanwhile, cut the prepared onions, carrots and bell peppers into rings and fry separately in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Place lemon slices, tomato slices and fried vegetables into the marinated fish carcass, insert lemon slices into the cuts and sprinkle with dill. Place the fish on foil greased with vegetable oil, cover with the same greased sheet and seal. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for thirty minutes. Then remove the top sheet of foil and brown for another ten minutes at maximum temperature.

    Stuffed fish is a festive and extraordinary dish. To deliciously stuff fish, you need to put in a lot of effort and work. But the fact that it will be a worthy table decoration is certain. Next, we will tell you the simplest recipe for how to cook stuffed fish in the oven, and what is best to serve it with.

    Which fish to choose for stuffing?

    First, let's decide what kind of fish to stuff? You shouldn’t be knocking around the doorsteps of supermarkets in search of some unusual fish. Pike perch, carp, pike, and silver carp are suitable for stuffing. The main thing is that it is large, at least 1.2-1.5 kg. Small ones are easy and inconvenient to stuff. It is better to take fresh fish rather than frozen. The skin of a thawed carcass is fragile and will tear during baking.

    Recipe for stuffed fish

    Next, which recipe for stuffed fish to choose is also up to you, there are a lot of them. If you are not fasting, then you can add (don’t be surprised) chicken fillet to the minced fish. In this case, the dish turns out juicy, tasty and neat. In addition, minced fish alone may not be enough to prepare a dish. Chicken fillet will add richness and density to the dish.

    Ingredients for stuffing fish:

    fish 1.5 kg.

    - chicken fillet - 200 g.

    - loaf (or white bread) - 0.5 pcs.

    — carrots — 1 pc.

    — onion — 1 pc.

    - soy sauce - 1 teaspoon. lie

    - lemon juice

    - instant gelatin - 1 pack (15 g)

    - salt

    - sugar

    - black pepper

    - butter

    - milk

    - mayonnaise

    How to properly separate fish skin?

    For those who are planning to cook stuffed fish in the oven for the first time, now the most difficult part begins for you - you need to separate the skin. What's the best way to do this? Clean the fish from scales, remove the gills and, of course, the entrails. Carefully cut off the head. Wash thoroughly. Separate the skin from the opening on the belly, freeing the ribs, and in the direction from the head to the tail. Lightly trimming, lift the skin up to the back, and along the ridge, so as not to tear, you can trim along the fins with scissors or a knife.

    If the skin has removed a lot of meat, it can be lightly removed with a spoon. Just be careful not to overdo it so as not to tear it. You don't need to scrub it too hard. Although this all sounds very complicated and it seems that this process is impossible without special training, do not panic. It is not the gods who burn the pots. And with a little practice, you can easily cope with this.

    Preparing minced fish for filling

    To cook stuffed fish in the oven, first of all, it is important to make the main ingredient - in fact, the minced meat itself. Cut the carrots and onions into small pieces and simmer in butter until golden brown. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.

    Separate the fish meat remaining on the backbone from the bones and grind in a meat grinder with chicken fillet and sautéed onions and carrots. Soak half the loaf in milk. Instead of a loaf, you can use white bread, but believe me, it will taste better with a loaf. Grind it in a meat grinder and also add it to the minced meat. Take a piece of lemon and squeeze the juice into the mixture. Add salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar.

    Add one teaspoon of soy sauce. Pour a pack of instant gelatin into the prepared filling and mix thoroughly. During cooking, the free liquid that is released during baking does not flow out, but is bound by gelatin, which allows the dish to maintain its juiciness.

    Place the prepared minced meat into the skin and form a fish.

    Bake fish in the oven

    To prepare stuffed fish in the oven, it is better to take a baking sheet with high sides and thoroughly greased with vegetable oil. Place the fish cut side down (belly side) and place the head next to it. You can give it the desired shape. Lubricate everything with vegetable oil and a thin layer of mayonnaise. Cover the top with foil, not just the fish, but the entire baking sheet. To prevent the foil from sticking during baking, it should also be thoroughly greased with vegetable oil.

    In an oven preheated to 180ºC over low heat, our dish is baked for 1 hour - 1-10. It is advisable not to touch the dish at all at first and let it steam. Then remove the foil and let it brown for another 5-10 minutes.

    How to serve stuffed fish

    Remove from the oven and allow the fish to set. Before serving, it should be cut and placed on a dish, garnished with herbs, vegetables, and a mesh of heated butter. If desired, the eyes can be made from olives.

    You can serve stuffed fish cold. This is convenient because it can be prepared in advance. You can think about a side dish for it before serving.

    What to serve with stuffed fish

    It's time to talk about what stuffed fish is served with. Although stuffed fish is a very tasty and satisfying dish, it also requires a side dish. It makes a fish dish attractive and more satisfying. Emphasizes its taste, increases its volume and weight.

    A properly selected side dish improves digestion. Serving the side dish as the main element of the design and decoration of the dish also requires attention and skill. The side dish is also part of the decor. An original, neatly, beautifully, symmetrically decorated side dish gives the dish a special look.

    Vegetable side dish for fish

    It is good to use vegetables as a side dish. They are suitable in any variation: salted, baked, boiled, fried, pickled and pickled. A vegetable side dish for fish can consist of either one product, the so-called simple side dish, or include assorted vegetables - a complex side dish. When selecting ingredients for a complex option, you should take into account the compatibility of the products with each other.

    Go well with fish: beets, green peas, carrots, green salad, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers, zucchini, cauliflower and white cabbage.

    Potatoes for fish

    Serving potatoes with fish is considered a classic. In any form, it perfectly emphasizes the taste of the main dish. Whether boiled or baked, in pieces or pureed, it is recognized as the most common companion for fish dishes. If you want to lighten the dish, complement it with various light vegetable salads.

    Unlucky companions for gefilte fish

    Pasta is the worst side dish for stuffed fish. Most cereals also do not go well with fish. You shouldn’t experiment like this on the holiday table. The exception is Fig. It goes well with fish dishes, especially if served in combination with sauces.

    Horseradish sauce for stuffed fish

    Horseradish sauce perfectly complements stuffed fish. It is very easy to prepare. Horseradish root is ground in a meat grinder, fine grater or in a powerful blender. Add salt, a pinch of sugar and a little boiled water. Here is the easiest way to prepare it. But horseradish sauce for stuffed fish is irreplaceable.

    Stuffed fish is good because it can be both the main dish and decoration of a holiday table, and an excellent hearty appetizer. Of course, you will have to suffer a lot with this dish. And make an effort and show imagination. But when stuffed fish baked in the oven appears on your holiday table, you will appreciate this work of art - beautiful, fragrant, decorated according to all the rules. In order to make a holiday, you should not wait for special dates. If you want culinary variety, then it’s time to serve stuffed fish. Be creative and enjoy your meal!

    On our website you can also find healthy recipes for a wide variety of dishes for all occasions. Read, for example, and much more.

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