Home Soups Classic cooked sausage at home. Homemade boiled sausage "amateur" How to make homemade boiled sausage

Classic cooked sausage at home. Homemade boiled sausage "amateur" How to make homemade boiled sausage

Boiled sausage from the store has long been excluded from the list of natural and healthy products. But many still include this product in their daily menu, because a sausage sandwich is always a quick and convenient snack or breakfast. In addition, boiled sausage is a common ingredient in salad and okroshka recipes.

Homemade boiled sausage according to this simple recipe can serve as a tasty and healthy alternative, especially since you don’t need any natural casing in the form of an intestine or womb, or special molds like “Beloboki” in preparation. In the recipe for delicious homemade boiled sausage, we will use minced pork, a baking bag (sleeve) or cling film. You can cook boiled sausage the traditional way on the stove or in a slow cooker.

Homemade boiled sausage

step by step photo recipe

We will prepare homemade boiled sausage from minced pork. Depending on how you grind the lard, it will look like “Doctor’s” or “Amateur”. For “Amateur” homemade sausage, lard will need to be added in pieces. You can also use smoked bacon or brisket in this recipe. Pork is an optional meat ingredient in the recipe; you can optionally replace it with minced beef, chicken or turkey fillet. This boiled sausage can be given to children if you exclude some spices from the recipe.


  • Pork – 1 kg,
  • Lard (or meat layers from the brisket) – 300 gr.
  • Onions - to taste (I have 3 medium onions),
  • Garlic - 2 cloves,
  • Raw egg – 1 pc.,
  • Gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Black pepper – 0.5 tsp,
  • Nutmeg – 1 tbsp.,
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l. (without top),
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

Wash the meat thoroughly, cut off all the veins and membranes, cut into pieces. Using a blender, finely chop the sausage pork with onions and garlic until creamy.
You can use a meat grinder, or add larger pieces of pork or chicken to the chopped minced meat, then you will get homemade ham sausage.
Beat the egg into the minced pork and stir.

Then add: gelatin, black pepper, nutmeg, semolina, sunflower oil and salt. Mix the sausage mass thoroughly again so that all the spices are evenly distributed in the minced meat.

Today I don’t use the Belobok ham maker, in which I usually like to cook pressed homemade sausage, but take an ordinary baking bag (sleeve). I decided to try how to cook homemade sausage without special equipment.

Place the minced meat for the sausage tightly in a bag, roll it up and tie it with a rope (string) in several places (so that the sausage is tight).

Cook homemade sausage after boiling for 2 hours over low heat (but keep it boiling). A tightly tied baking bag with minced meat must be placed in a pan so that the water covers it.

You don’t have to watch the sausage cooking process at the stove, but cook homemade boiled sausage in a slow cooker in the “Stew” or “soup” mode, cooking time in the multicooker is 2 hours.

The second method: cook the pork sausage in the evening at the specified mode for 1 hour, then the multicooker will switch to heating mode until the morning. Before starting cooking, you need to pour boiling water over the sausage. In the morning, remove homemade sausage in a baking bag from the multicooker and cool.

After the cooking time is up, remove the package with sausage from the water, cool for at least 5 hours in the refrigerator (or better yet, overnight) and you can try it!

Bon appetit!

We thank our reader Svetlana Burova for the recipe and step-by-step photos of preparing homemade pork sausage in a bag.

Other ways to make homemade boiled sausage

You can also prepare homemade sausage according to this simple recipe baked in the oven right in this sleeve, additionally wrapping it with baking foil on top. The temperature in a preheated oven is 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then it needs to be reduced to 150 degrees and baked in foil for another 30 minutes. Then remove the foil from the homemade sausage stick and bake without it for 10 minutes, adding a little water to the baking dish.

And a little more about how you can cook sausage at home without special equipment.

You can also place minced pork or other meat for homemade sausages in cling film. To do this, you need to cut a rectangle from cling film, put raw minced meat in the form of a sausage in the middle, wrap it tightly with film and tie the ends on both sides. Since these sausages will be smaller in size, you need to cook them less. Cook in salted water over low heat for 45-60 minutes after they boil.


In order for home-cooked sausage to have a pleasant pink color, you need to add a natural dye to its recipe - raw beet juice and fix it with a few tablespoons of alcohol (cognac, alcohol or vodka).

Try it, dear friends, and experiment!

Homemade sausage turns out very tasty, and you will be preparing to cook it more than once.

As always, we look forward to discussing this recipe in the comments below and your cooking options.

Sincerely, Anyuta and Recipe Notebook.

Sausages are a popular product that both adults and children love, but their low quality forces them to refuse to purchase them. The absence of meat in a meat product and its replacement with harmful substances are increasingly leading housewives to think that boiled sausage at home is the best option. Only at first glance it seems that this is a complex process, but in fact the technology is simple, and the result of the efforts is simply amazing.

Boiled homemade sausage: chicken recipe

To prepare tasty, and most importantly, healthy chicken sausage, you need to initially take care of the right set of ingredients and allocate at least 90 minutes for preparation. As a result, you will get a portion of 3 delicious sausages with a delicate taste and a spicy aroma of Italian herbs.


  • Cream (fat content - 33%, but if desired, you can take it with a lower fat content) - 300 ml;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Chicken fillet – 700 g;
  • Italian herbs - to taste;
  • Egg white – 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Making chicken sausage at home

  1. Cut raw chicken fillet into pieces.
  2. Then grind them until creamy using a blender.
  3. Afterwards, add egg whites, salt and ground pepper to the “cream” to taste. You can add nutmeg if you like.
  4. Pour cold cream into the creamy mass, beat everything until smooth.
  5. Place 1/3 of the minced meat on a rectangular piece of cling film, roll the meat into a sausage and tie it around the edges with thread. We do this with the entire portion of minced meat, in the end you should get 3 full sausages, wrapped in cling film.
  6. Pour clean water into the pan, put it on the fire, almost bring it to a boil, and then reduce the flame, making it as small as possible. However, remember that the water should not boil.
  7. Place the sausages in hot water, press them down a little with a saucer so that they do not rise to the surface, and cook the product for 1 hour.
  8. Then remove the meat products from the pan, cool, and remove from the cling film.
  9. Lay parchment paper on the table and sprinkle it (to taste) with Italian herbs. We put cooked sausages on top of them and wrap them in paper. We do this with each sausage.

After this, put the product in the refrigerator for 8 hours (or overnight). Before serving, remove the paper from the sausages, cut them and serve.

Instead of chicken, you can use turkey; it also has quite tender meat, and it will become an equivalent substitute for chicken fillet.

As for seasonings: you don't have to use only Italian herbs. You can add any other spices to the product (marjoram, ground pepper, turmeric, coriander, nutmeg, cardamom, etc.), depending on your taste.

However, it is believed that cardamom and nutmeg give the product the most sausage flavor.

Homemade boiled sausage: recipe with gelatin


  • — 100 g + -
  • — 800 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • — 100 g + -
  • - 3-4 cloves + -
  • 1/2 tbsp. or to taste + -
  • - 1/3 tsp. + -
  • Gelatin – 15 g + -
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife + -

Making homemade chicken sausage

Boiled sausage at home, prepared according to this recipe, turns out to be a unique dietary option. At the end of cooking, the meat product acquires a pleasant taste, and if you also add beetroot juice to the minced meat, you will get, in addition to everything, a beautiful meat color.

We prepare minced chicken fillet: grind it in a meat grinder with a fine-mesh grid.

  1. Add proteins, milk, spices, beet juice, salt, pressed garlic, and gelatin to the minced chicken. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Place ½ of the minced meat on cling film, wrap it, trying to compact the minced meat in the film as much as possible so that large air bubbles “come out”. However, make sure that the film does not tear, do not overdo it. We tighten the edges of the rolled sausages with a tight knot.
  3. Each sausage must be wrapped in several layers of film, then it must be additionally packed in a plastic bag, and the edge must be tied with thread (or tied in a knot). This is necessary so that during cooking water does not get into the minced meat.
  4. Place the chicken sausages in boiling water and cook them for about 40-50 minutes.

Place the cooked meat products on a plate. It may happen that juice forms in the bag. You can pour it out by cutting off the top of the plastic bag. There is no need to remove the film itself.

The juice from chicken sausage can be poured into special jelly molds and, accordingly, delicious homemade jelly can be made from it.

Cool the finished sausages to room temperature, then put them in the refrigerator. In the cold, the meat will cool well, become dense and the cling film can be easily removed from it.

After this, cut the chicken fillet sausage into portions and serve along with scrambled eggs or sandwiches to the table.

How to make boiled sausage: cooking secrets

To successfully cook homemade chicken sausage, you need to have a notebook on hand with simple tips that will help you make the product many times tastier than store-bought.

It is very important that the sausage is cooked at 80°C, and in the very center of the loaf the temperature reaches 70-72°C. To avoid mistakes, use a probe thermometer to measure.

If you have a special thermometer, then determine the cooking time as follows:
1 kg of sausage should be cooked for about 55 minutes, if your total weight of the meat product is greater, cook longer, if less, cook less and cook.

At the same time, do not forget to carefully monitor the cooking process, since the time may sometimes not coincide with that specified in the recipe.

Homemade chicken sausage is prepared not only from minced meat. There are housewives who make sausages from finely chopped pieces of chicken. To do this, take a large, fatty bird, which is cleared of skin and bones, after which its meat is finely chopped with a knife.

Some chefs believe that minced meat produces drier meat products than pieces of meat. To make the sausages juicy, fat from chicken thighs is sometimes added to them. It is better to chop the fat finely with a knife, or grind it in a meat grinder.

In the recipe, we use beet juice to give the homemade sausage a pink hue. Of course, the juice will not brighten the meat much, it will only make it less whitish.

To somehow enhance the result and make the pink color more saturated, add 2-3 tsp to the meat along with the juice. alcohol (vodka, cognac or alcohol). Well, only if children will not eat your homemade product.

As you can see, there is nothing overly complicated in preparing such a delicacy as boiled sausage at home. Making the product is quite simple if you have the skills and the necessary preparation recommendations. Use our simple tips and let your homemade chicken sausages turn out tastier than those from any meat processing plant.

Bon appetit!

The main ingredient in home-cooked sausage will naturally be chicken. Therefore, the choice of this product must be approached with special attention. Perhaps the most important criterion will be its freshness.

Chicken breast is ideal for this sausage. It needs to be cut into small pieces and thoroughly chopped in a meat grinder or using a blender. To prepare the minced meat, I chose a meat grinder and minced the meat twice to make it even more tender. Next, I did all the steps with the minced meat using a blender.

Pour 10% fat cream into the minced meat. Mix well.

Add a medium-sized clove of garlic to the minced chicken. Grind the garlic with the meat mixture in a blender.

From two medium eggs, take only the white. Add it to the minced meat and still - using a blender - combine into a glossy soft mass.

Now we need to work on the secret ingredient, thanks to which home-cooked sausage has a color exactly similar to store-bought sausage. This is beet juice.
We need 30 ml, this is approximately 1.5 table. spoons.

For the required amount of juice, you need to take small beets. Wash it, peel it and either grate it on a fine grater, pass it through a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. I chose the grater.

Transfer the grated or chopped beet mass into clean gauze and squeeze out the juice.

Add the resulting beet juice, salt, and spices to the minced meat.

Mix thoroughly until the mixture in the bowl becomes a uniform burgundy color.

Transfer half of the resulting mass to a sheet of foil.

Next, it will take a little skill to wrap the minced meat in foil in the form of candy.
Try to roll everything tightly so that after cooking, the sausage will be free of voids and unevenness.
It is advisable to tighten the ends of the candy with thread. All this is necessary so that the minced meat does not “run away” and the sausage is cooked evenly.
Do the same with the second half of the minced meat.

For safety, wrap the foil candies in cling film and place them in separate small bags. Tie tightly.

Boil water in a saucepan and place the bags of still raw sausage into it. Cook for 30 minutes. Turn the sausage several times during cooking to ensure it cooks evenly and has a uniform color.

Carefully remove the sausage bags and let them cool completely. Do not rush to take out the sausage and serve. It should be cooled thoroughly. You can unwind the bags, take out the “sweets” and put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Now you can expand it.
The color of the sausage should be a soft pink shade. Not grey, not yellow and definitely not white.

Using a sharp knife, cut the sausage into rings, place on a slice of fresh bread and taste the taste of home-cooked sausage. I really liked this sandwich, I think you won’t be disappointed either.

From this amount of minced meat I got two medium sausages with a diameter of 5-6 cm. I made them exactly this size, since it is very convenient to cut small sandwiches for tea. You can make the sausage a little thicker (then increase the cooking time slightly), just do not forget to turn it on different sides while cooking in boiling water. You can also lightly pull the sausage with a thread in several places (at the stage of rolling the minced meat into foil), then after cooking it will be very similar to store-bought.

Home-cooked sausage should be stored only in the refrigerator, 3-5 days at a temperature of 2-6 degrees.

Doctorskaya is a variety of sausage loved by many. It turns out that this aromatic and incredibly tasty sausage, of the excellent quality of which you will be 100% sure, can be prepared at home.

This will require 3 hours and a little diligence. By the way, you will decide for yourself what kind of meat to make sausage from. It is made from pork, beef, chicken and turkey, but the tastiest sausage is made from cold cuts.


Homemade boiled sausage recipe

Cut the meat into small pieces and pass through a fine-hole meat grinder twice. Add salt, ground white pepper, sugar, nutmeg and knead the minced meat well with your hands. Then add the egg and milk. Grind the minced meat in a blender until a mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Cover the container with the minced meat with a lid or cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. While the mince is cooling, prepare the casing. You can use factory-made sausage casings, cut into pieces of about 30 cm and thoroughly washed in warm salted water.

If you have nowhere to buy a ready-made shell, then it can be made from cling film folded in several layers. Be sure to tie the end of the shell with cotton twine, 2 cm away from the edge. Stuff the shell tightly with cooled minced meat, filling the voids. Tie the edge with twine.

Homemade boiled sausage will be much healthier than store-bought sausage. If large air bubbles have formed, carefully pierce them with a thin needle and squeeze out the air. Also tie the resulting sausage with twine in several places. Pour water into the container for cooking sausage and bring it to a temperature of 90-95º, do not let the water boil.

Add the sausage and cook at a temperature of 80-85º over low heat for 2 hours. The water should completely cover the sausage and under no circumstances boil. The finished sausage should be cooled with cold running water, then left for 2 hours at room temperature, and then can be hidden in the refrigerator.

Grind the pork and beef in a meat grinder with a grid, the hole diameter of which is 2 mm. It is better to twist the meat 3 times. Each time the meat should be cooled in the freezer. Cut the frozen lard into pieces approximately 5-6 mm in size (I have larger pieces, since my husband likes large lard in this sausage). Add some of the lard to the meat.

Dissolve sugar in water. Add spices to the meat and knead, gradually adding ice water with sugar and the remaining lard. You need to knead the minced meat for quite a long time (10-15 minutes) until all the liquid is absorbed and the minced meat becomes viscous. If the minced meat becomes warm, it needs to be cooled in the freezer again.

Next, you should stuff the sausage casings with a diameter of 120 mm very tightly; I didn’t have a casing of the required diameter, so I placed the minced meat in a baking sleeve, formed a ball and carefully fixed the ends. Hang the sausage for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 0 to +4 degrees, preferably in the refrigerator.

Then you need to place the sausage in 2-3 more plastic bags, each one carefully tied. Under no circumstances should water get into the sausage! Place the sausage in the multicooker bowl and cover with cold water.

Set the "Multi-cook" mode to 80 degrees, time - 2.5-3 hours (depending on the thickness of the sausage). If you don’t have a multicooker or Multicook mode, you can boil the sausage in a saucepan. Also add water, place on low heat, cook for the same time at a temperature of 80-85 degrees (you need a thermometer). If you don’t have a thermometer, cook as usual, but the water should not boil! Cool the finished sausage quickly under cold water (shower).

Then hang the sausage in a cool place and leave for 8-10 hours. Now the incredibly tasty home-cooked sausage “Lyubitelskaya” is ready to eat! Free it from the bags and sleeves, cut it and serve. This sausage should be stored in the refrigerator in parchment paper for 3 to 5 days.

Enjoy your meal!

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