Home Preparations for the winter How to make apple cinnamon tea. Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon. How to prepare fragrant tea with cinnamon and apples

How to make apple cinnamon tea. Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon. How to prepare fragrant tea with cinnamon and apples

It is believed that in the absence of contraindications, juicy apple fruits should always be present in the daily diet. The British have a good proverb about this: "Eating one apple a day, you will leave your doctor without a job."

For those who do not like fresh apples or have high tooth sensitivity, they can be added to pastries and salads or made into apple tea.

The common myth that all the benefits of apples disappear when cooked is actually not true.

Drinks from them have all the same properties as ripe fresh fruits, namely, the presence of vitamins A, PP, K, E, group B, pectins, fructose, flavonoids, calcium, zinc, magnesium and other equally useful macro- and trace elements. The only difference is that the composition does not contain ascorbic acid and vegetable fiber, which are split during heat treatment. With regular use of apple drink:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • serves as an anemia prevention;
  • invigorates.

The calorie content of fruits per 100 g is only 47 kcal, so tea with apples can be used in a weight loss diet. It not only helps to break down fats and fight hunger, but also fills the body with energy without overstimulating the nervous system.

Despite all its beneficial properties, in order not to harm the body, apples should not be consumed when:

  • allergic reaction and individual intolerance;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of fruits should be agreed with the attending physician.

fresh apple tea recipes

There are many ways to prepare: from fresh apples, dried, juice-based, using black, white or green teas, with the addition of hibiscus or rooibos. The fruits of the apple tree are ideally combined with many spices (cloves, ginger, black pepper), while the classic ingredients are cinnamon and mint.

Tea can be drunk both hot to fill the body with warmth and vitamins while it is cold outside, and cold to refresh in the hot summer.

When preparing tea, it is best to use not imported fruits, but local ones. So you can buy fruits in which freshness and useful properties are not lost on the way to the shelves.

Quick apple tea

To prepare it you will need:

  • one medium apple;
  • cinnamon stick (½ tsp ground);
  • 1-2 tsp favorite variety of black tea;
  • 200-300 ml of boiling water;
  • honey or sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Place tea in a warm teapot, pour water, leave to infuse.
  2. At this time, cut the core with stones from the apple and cut it into small cubes.
  3. Divide the sliced ​​cinnamon cloves into cups and pour over the freshly brewed tea.
  4. Let cool slightly and sweeten.

The flavored drink is ready to drink.


For a citrus flavored drink you will need:

  • 2-3 circles of orange;
  • 2-3 tsp black tea;
  • apple;
  • 2.5 cups of water (500 ml);
  • sugar or honey to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over the broken cinnamon stick, tea, orange and apple slices. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Then remove from the stove, sweeten and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour the drink into cups. When serving, put an apple slice on a saucer.

The use of a drink with fruits and other additives enhances the flavoring and healing properties of tea.

with thyme

Thyme (thyme) will not only add new notes to the aroma of the drink, but also enhance its healing properties. You will need:

  • 1-2 tsp black tea;
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon;
  • apple;
  • 1-2 tsp sugar (preferably cane);
  • fresh .

How to brew:

  1. Place tea leaves and thyme in a warm teapot. Pour in boiling water.
  2. Cut the apple into small pieces and mix with sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Add the resulting sweet apple-spicy mixture to the teapot.
  4. Insist 10 minutes. Strain.

It is desirable to use honey as a sweetener.

With hibiscus (in Turkish)

The preparation of the drink does not require many ingredients and forces, while it is tasty both hot and cold. You will need:

  • 1-2 fresh apples (if small, then 3-4 pcs.);
  • 2-3 tsp hibiscus;
  • cinnamon stick or ground to taste;
  • a few fresh mint leaves.

How to cook:

  1. Peeled apples cut into cubes and place in a jug.
  2. Add hibiscus petals, cinnamon, mint and pour boiling water over.
  3. Let the drink brew in a closed container (cover with a towel) until cool.

Classically, apple tea with hibiscus is a summer recipe, so chilled drink should be put in the refrigerator for complete cooling.

Cold with apple and mint

In order to prepare this refreshing summer drink, it is better to use one large sour apple per liter of the finished product. You will need:

  • finely chopped apple;
  • liter of water;
  • half a cinnamon stick (½ tsp ground);
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh mint and tarragon (tarragon);
  • half a lemon (zest and lemon juice);
  • sugar or honey;
  • ice cubes.

How to cook:

  1. Boil water, put apple slices, cinnamon and lemon in it. Simmer for 5 minutes over low heat and set aside to infuse.
  2. Brew herbs in a separate container: mix mint with tarragon, pour boiled water at a temperature of 80 ° C, leave for 2-3 minutes. If desired, the herbs can first be sprinkled with sugar and crushed a little, and then brewed.
  3. Mix all broths, cool. Pour in lemon juice, sweeten.

Apple tea with ginger

Tea with apple and ginger is an excellent help for immunity, especially in winter. For its preparation it is necessary:

Pour the diced apple and slices of ginger root with water (500 ml) and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Remove from the stove, let it brew. Then add honey to the finished slightly cooled drink for a strengthening effect.

If for some reason the children categorically refuse to eat apples, it is worth trying to offer them an apple smoothie. A variety of recipes, a beautiful glass with a straw and a pleasant taste will do the trick.

With lemon

The drink is prepared on the basis of green tea and freshly squeezed lemon. You will need:

  • medium apple;
  • 3-4 tsp green tea;
  • half a liter of water;
  • ½ st. l. grated ginger;
  • zest of half a lemon;
  • honey, lemon juice.

How to cook:

  1. Boil water, add diced apple, zest, ginger. Simmer on fire for a couple of minutes. Remove from stove, leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes. Strain.
  2. Pour green tea into a suitable container (jug) and pour over the resulting apple broth.
  3. Let it brew a little, add honey or sugar to taste.

Drinks based on flowers, juice, peel

To brew tea, you can also use apple blossoms, fruit juice, or just their skins.

Apple blossom tea

It is worth using only freshly picked inflorescences, because. When dried, they have almost no flavor.

Rinse a handful of flowers, mix with a teaspoon of tea (preferably white) and pour water at 80 ° C. Then immediately pour the drink into cups.

The tea mixture can be used 2-3 more times before it loses its taste, slightly increasing the steeping time.

With juice

Cinnamon goes well with apple juice; more than one dessert can be prepared on their fragrant tandem.

  • 2-3 tsp black tea (preferably Indian);
  • a glass of juice (apple natural);
  • cinnamon stick or ground to taste;
  • 2-3 tsp dried mint;
  • sugar or honey (depending on the sweetness of the juice).

How to cook:

  1. Place the ingredients in a teapot (except sweeteners) and pour boiling water over. Let it brew for about 2-3 minutes.
  2. During infusion, slightly warm the juice.
  3. Pour the prepared tea leaves into cups, add warm juice.
  4. Taste and sweeten as needed.

With peel

It's no secret that the vast majority of vitamins and other beneficial substances are found in the peel of apples. But we are talking only about organic products grown with our own hands. To make tea with apple peel you will need:

  • 1-2 tsp leaf tea;
  • 1-2 tsp apple peel;
  • sugar or honey to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the apples from the peel, put it on a baking sheet and put it in a well-preheated oven. Bake until golden brown.
  2. Then put the raw materials into a saucepan, pour water and bring to a boil.
  3. When it boils, remove from the stove and cool at room temperature. Strain.
  4. Pour loose leaf tea into a warm teapot, first fill it with water by half and let it brew for 2-3 minutes. Then add to the top and leave for a couple of minutes.
  5. In warm cups (pre-rinse with hot water), pour freshly prepared tea with apple broth in equal proportions.

Dried Apple Recipes

If there were no fresh fruits at hand, then you can make tea with dried or dried apples. But it should be borne in mind that the calorie content of such a product is several times higher than that of fresh fruits.

Turkish tea with apples

For a classic recipe you will need:

  • cinnamon stick or ground cinnamon to taste
  • lemon or orange zest;
  • 2 cloves;
  • a handful (about 30 g) of dried or dried apples;
  • mint leaves, a piece of ginger;
  • a couple of black peppercorns.

How to cook:

  1. Place spices and zest in a container, pour cold water. Bring to a boil and reduce heat.
  2. Add chopped ginger, apples and bring to a boil again.
  3. Then cover and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Strain, pour into cups. Decorate with mint leaves.

Dried apples are useful not only for making tea, you can make compotes from them, add them to cereals and just use them for a snack.

With cloves

For a spicy drink you will need:

  • a handful (about 30 g) of dried apples;
  • 2-3 tsp black tea;
  • 3-4 cloves;
  • 2 cm peeled ginger root;
  • 3-4 whole black peppercorns;
  • half a liter of water;
  • sugar, honey

How to cook:

  1. Boil water, add dried apples, then simmer over low heat.
  2. Cut the ginger into slices and crush the spices. Add everything to apples along with tea leaves.
  3. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and simmer covered for about 5 minutes. Pass through a sieve before serving.

Pairs perfectly with pepper. Drinks and dishes with them acquire an indescribable aroma, and subtle sharp spicy notes.

With wild rose in a thermos

About 30 g of apples (about a handful), a few rose hips, along with ½ teaspoon of dried mint and a cinnamon stick, place in a thermos. Pour in boiling water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours until ready. Sweeten to taste before drinking.

Rose hips, due to their rich vitamin and mineral composition, increase immunity, cleanse the body of toxins, strengthen blood vessels, making them more elastic, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Preparation for tea

To enjoy tea with apples all year round, you can buy a ready-made product in a supermarket or prepare (dry) it yourself. To do this, select clean, intact ripe fruits of sweet and sour varieties.

  1. Cut apples into thin slices. Moreover, all the slices should be approximately the same thickness, no more than 1 cm.
  2. So that the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits retain their color and do not oxidize, they can be dipped in a weak salt solution (a teaspoon of the product per liter of water) for a couple of minutes. But this step can be skipped.
  • Oven. Place sliced ​​apples in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Dry for about an hour at t 50 ° C with the door ajar, until the raw material begins to wither. Then another 4-5 hours at t 70-80°C. The initial low drying temperature will preserve all the beneficial substances.
  • In the sun. Arrange apples on a surface in a well-ventilated place in the sun (balcony, window sill). Cover with gauze to prevent insects from entering. Stir occasionally until completely dry. Bring indoors at night.
  • In an electric dryer. Drying time and temperature for each model are specified individually.
  • In the microwave. Cover the plate with a cloth (cotton), put fruit slices on it with a thin layer, cover with the same material on top. In 200 W mode, drying takes no more than 3-4 minutes.

Apple tea is healthy, easy to prepare and boasts a pleasant taste. And by experimenting and adding your favorite spices and herbs, you can easily create a unique recipe. Have a good tea!

Tea is a drink that a rare person can do without. It's just that people have different tastes. Someone is prone to drinking green tea. Some people prefer black. And many prefer tea with all sorts of additives. Luckily there are a lot of varieties. That's just the majority of flavorings, as a rule, are clearly unnatural origin. Is it worth it to supply your body with various kinds of chemicals through your favorite drink? Isn't it easier to make your own, for example, fragrant tea with apples and cinnamon. Apple, together with cinnamon, form an absolutely amazing aroma and give an amazing taste to any product or drink in which they are included. It is hard to even imagine, for example, an apple one without adding at least a tiny amount of spicy cinnamon. And tea, saturated with the aromas of these components, turns out to be incredibly fragrant and tasty.

Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon

The composition of the ingredients for tea per 500 ml. water:

Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon

2 small apples;
half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
1 dessert spoon of sugar;
2 tablespoons tea leaves.

The preparation time for aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon according to the photo steps of the recipe is 25 minutes.

We roll up our sleeves and ... First of all, put on fire and boil a little more than the required amount of water (about 700 ml.). While it boils, peel the apples from the core and cut into thin (maximum 1 cm) slices. Cut off one circle from the lemon (we don’t need more).

Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon

Rinse the teapot with boiling water and put in it all the ingredients except the lemon.

Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon

Fill the container with boiling water and throw a lemon on top.

Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon

We wrap the teapot with a towel and insist for at least a quarter of an hour.

Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon

Well, after the scheduled time, we pour hot tea, take out all our delicious supplies and enjoy an amazing drink.

Aromatic tea with apples and cinnamon

Amazing scent! And the taste of tea is simply impossible to convey in words! You should definitely try it in person.
Happy tea!

Nature has given mankind an incredibly tasty and juicy fruit called an apple, and people have come up with many recipes from this fruit, but today they are most popular in their raw form and drinks, these are apple juice and tea with apples. It is about the less common and familiar to most tea with apples that our topic will be devoted to.

Benefits of apple tea

An apple is a well-known fruit, but few, probably, have thought about the true benefits of this product that is accessible to everyone. A lot of fairy tales, legends and myths are devoted to this fruit, because it is known that with the help of rejuvenating apples, the heroes of Russian fairy tales regained their beauty and youth, while the ancient Greek goddesses started a quarrel over a delicious fruit, which led to the Trojan War, and you can list long and captivating all the characteristics of an apple.

If we talk about the benefits of tea with apples, then the fruit has a truly "magic" power, as it can cure many diseases. The apple has the most favorable effect on digestive system and all this thanks to malic acid, which activates metabolic processes in the body, including helps with indigestion.

Green tea helps a lot. apples for gastritis, heartburn, belching and pain in the stomach. If you make tea with sour apples, it will help those who have low acidity and constipation.

Apples have an amazing ability to serve as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, in other words, apple tea helps with acute and chronic colitis, with infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with dysentery.

Useful properties of tea with apples

Tea with apples is a diuretic, choleretic and laxative. It's very good to drink it. for cleansing the body, with beriberi and anemia. It has an excellent beneficial effect on hemoglobin, keeping it normal. It plays an important role in gout and chronic rheumatism. Scientists have proven that apple tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Apples are known to contain pectins, which make the “sluggish” intestines work more actively, which ultimately does not allow poisons to accumulate in the body.

For those who work in hazardous jobs, tea with apples is a real salvation, as "pectin" eliminates arsenic, lead and other harmful elements in the body.

apple tea lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the human body, while the drink serves as a prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases. People who have had a heart attack should definitely include tea with apples in their menu or just eat fresh apples.

How to make apple tea

Tea with apples can be prepared after peeling if the fruit is bought at the market, but if the fruit is grown in your own garden, then you should not peel it, as it contains a large amount of vitamins.

Apple peel is rich quercetin, which is considered an antioxidant and has the ability to relieve swelling, inflammation and spasms. Quercetin prevents the occurrence of cancerous tumors. Only it is better to pour it not with 100 degree boiling water, but with 80-90 degrees, then there will be much more vitamins, and the tea itself will be much more useful.

It is not for nothing that apple tea is deservedly called a magic potion, because it saturates the human body with amino acids, iron, calcium, fructose and other trace elements that restore health and energy to a person, and can also cure many not very neglected diseases.

For example, in the case of colds and coughs, tea with apples works wonders, expelling the disease from the body.

Tea with apples for weight loss

Everyone who wants to lose weight should definitely eat apples daily or brew delicious tea with apples. This fruit prevents the transition of carbohydrates into fats, thereby preventing excess weight from being deposited.

Fasting days on apple tea are especially useful, especially since their benefits are expressed not only in the breakdown of fats, but also in lowering high blood pressure, and in the removal of edema.

Tea with apples and cinnamon

Turkey is the birthplace of the recipe for tea with apples and cinnamon, especially since in this country the drink is drunk both hot and cold, since it does not lose its taste.

Apple tea with cinnamon not only gives vivacity and rich taste, but also makes the metabolism work intensively, frees the body from toxins and toxins, helps restore water balance.

Along with this, the drink has vitamins A, C, P, PP, while it contains many trace elements.. The presence of amino acids and fructose can suppress appetite, so it is recommended for weight loss and just people who are overweight, including those with diabetes.

apple cinnamon tea recipe

Apple tea with cinnamon can be prepared in several ways, the taste of the drink will not suffer from this.

You can take ordinary black tea, brew it and separately prepare a decoction of apples, both fresh and dried, as well as cinnamon.

According to the recipe for apple tea, you will need two large apples, which must be cut into slices or pieces, pour everything over with water and boil for 15 minutes. After the drink is ready, it is allowed to cool slightly and four cinnamon sticks and honey are added to it.

You can add black, green, white or hibiscus tea to an apple drink, all this will give tea with apples a pleasant and unusual taste. To enhance the taste of the drink, you can add lemon or even orange juice to it, since citrus perfectly removes excess fluid, which prevents edema from forming..

If you don’t like black or green tea, or you can’t have it for certain reasons, then the drink can only be prepared from apples, cinnamon and honey, and its taste will not suffer from this, and perhaps even benefit.

However, the procedure can be simplified, for example, during lunch, take a medium-sized apple, cut it into small cubes and put it in a teapot, add cinnamon sticks there and pour boiling water over it all. Let the drink brew for 10 minutes and the delicious tea with apples and cinnamon is ready to drink.

Another interesting apple tea recipe that is drunk during the summer is a combination of ingredients such as apples, cinnamon and mint.

, but here tea with apples is taken as the basis, mint, lemon zest and ice cubes, of course, and cinnamon sticks are added to it. Drink this tea should be cold, it perfectly quenches thirst in the hot season.

Thus, a similar drink with apples can be combined with absolutely any teas, herbs and other preferred ingredients.

Moreover, such tea with apples is useful not only for adults, but also for children who drink it with great pleasure. You can prepare apple tea at home, in the country, on trips and at work, and drinking a delicious drink every day will provide you with vitamins, improve your well-being, strengthen your health and give you a good mood, which is what I wish you.

Well, if you still don’t have enough useful recipes, then you can familiarize yourself with, as well as with, either.

Recipes for apple tea with orange and cinnamon sometimes remind me of scripts for some ritual mysteries. For example, some authors insist that the orange be cut strictly into 8 pieces, sprinkled with cinnamon and left to soak for half an hour. Imagine: I come home from work so cold in the evening and let's chop, sprinkle and wait ... This is not to the fact that everyone goes crazy in their own way, but to the fact that this tea is much easier to prepare. It is enough to spend five minutes in the kitchen, and then wait another ten until the tea is infused. The taste of the drink is made up of sweet and sour fruit juices and a tart note of tea, the aroma is created by a combination of essential oils that are released from orange peel and apple peel, and cinnamon. And here it is important that she does not score fruit. Therefore, it is better to take a cinnamon stick - it will give the tea a light spicy shade. And it can then be used a few more times. As for the method of preparation, after trying different options, I came to the conclusion that the most delicious apple tea with orange and cinnamon is obtained if you do not use a teapot. I make this tea in a saucepan on the stove. In order for the fruits to give their aroma, they must be boiled. Simply pouring boiling water is not enough. By the way, along with the aroma, useful substances also penetrate into the drink. Apple tea with orange creates a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect - so you can and should drink it during a cold. Thanks to the content of pectin, this drink improves digestion, the orange aroma helps to restore the nervous system, and the apple peel gives a portion of quercetin, a well-known antioxidant, into the tea. On top of that, orange essential oils, combined with cinnamon, significantly reduce appetite, so this tea is a godsend for those who decide to give up a late dinner.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1/2 apple
  • 1/2 orange
  • 1/2 tbsp black tea
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 cinnamon stick

How to make apple tea with orange and cinnamon

1. To make two servings of this spicy winter tea, measure out two cups of water. Pour water into a saucepan and put on a small fire.

2. Take black tea, measure out half a tablespoon and add to boiling water. This amount of tea will allow us to get a drink of medium strength. More or less tea can be added if desired.

3. This tea has to be sweet. Not cloying, but rather sweet. Orange sourness really needs a shade, for two servings it is enough to add 2 teaspoons of sugar.

4. My fruits and wipe dry. The fact that this is not quite an ordinary tea is even evidenced by the way the fruit is cut. It is important that the orange and apple slices remain whole, not crumpled, large enough to also serve as a decoration for the drink.

It is best to cut the apple and orange across into two halves. In our case, the peel does not need to be peeled either on an apple or on an orange. With a sharp knife we ​​make beautiful slices.

5. By this time, the tea should have been well brewed. The time has come to add fruit and cinnamon to the tea. Boil everything together for 5 minutes on low heat. Then turn off the stove, cover the ladle with a lid and let the drink brew for at least 10 minutes.

Pour the finished tea with apple, orange and cinnamon into mugs (it is better to use transparent ones), add a few apple and orange slices to each mug. You can decorate portions with an orange slice (in the manner of a cocktail), add a cinnamon stick directly to the mug.

That's all. This is quite enough to turn an ordinary weekday evening into a bright and memorable one.

Chaozhou Cha

Tea with apples and cinnamon, what could be better than freshly brewed tea in the morning, moreover, rich in aromas of apple and cinnamon. I suggest you prepare this drink, in truth, this is the drink of the gods.

Which tea should you choose

Of course, you can take any or your favorite, but I strongly recommend using only loose leaf tea and only excellent quality to prepare the “drink of the gods”, the answer to the question why do you need “road dust”?

It doesn't matter if this tea is green or white, red or black, it all depends entirely on your tastes and preferences.

I want to introduce you to one type of tea, after tasting such a tea, you will love it forever, this is “not beer or kvass” for you, this is His Majesty Chaozhou Cha. In Russia, there is very little information about this tea, practically none. This tea is rare and unique. And the uniqueness of this tea lies in its strong tonic properties. You can even say that this tea is “rushing” and even “chichipachit”. This variety of Chinese tea (yes, this is real Chinese tea!) grows in the southeast of China in the Guangdong province, is well known in China, and is especially popular in the southern provinces.

Psychedelic tea Chaozhou Cha

This tea was jokingly nicknamed psychedelic or hallucinogenic. It is difficult to describe its richest chemical composition, but if you drink about 12-15 miniature cups of this tea, you will get such a boost of energy that you will certainly want to take action and deeds.

Yes, the peculiarity of this tea is to give a powerful boost of energy, to “charge”, which is possibly synonymous with the concept of tea intoxication.

The Chinese deeply believe in the healing properties of this amazing tea. It is believed that Chaozhou Cha removes toxins from the body, has cleansing properties, and also has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. Doctors in China prescribe this tea as a preventive measure, and you can buy it in pharmacies in the departments of Chinese medicine.

Unsurpassed rich taste

Yes, this tea has such a rich and tart taste. At first, it is able to stun you with its bitter taste, but with subsequent brewing, the bitterness goes away and its majesty aroma appears, here it is worth closing your eyes to enjoy the spicy smoky taste. It is said that the taste is so strong and strong that it is called "masculine".

Probably, for this reason, this tea is preferred by broad-shouldered, strong-willed men in the prime of life.

And so it was a small lyrical digression, my friend, it's time to move on to our main recipe - the recipe for tea with apples and cinnamon.

The drink of the gods: tea with apples and cinnamon

How to prepare fragrant tea with cinnamon and apples

For 2 cups of tea, take two fragrant apples, I would prefer sour varieties, but tea, of course, leaf, well, two cinnamon sticks, that's all.

Wash the apples, cut into slices and arrange in cups, add a cinnamon stick, pour over the brewed tea and leave for 2-3 minutes so that the tea can brew.

Have a fresh morning, my dear friend, and enjoy your tea!

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