Home Dessert Making bulk apple pie. Bulk pie - step-by-step recipes for preparing dough and filling with photos. Step-by-step recipe for bulk pie with jam

Making bulk apple pie. Bulk pie - step-by-step recipes for preparing dough and filling with photos. Step-by-step recipe for bulk pie with jam

This apple pie will outshine all the delicious, charming, amazing and extraordinary options you have already tried because it is pure perfection. And by the way, we’re not just talking about a perfectly balanced taste, although, of course, it’s also about that. An important role in evaluating this recipe is played by the fact that preparing it is as easy as shelling pears.

Perhaps a more primitive version of baking with apples cannot be found: all you need is to grate the fruit, prepare a dry mixture and arrange everything in layers. Thanks to the cooking technology, this pie is popularly called “dry” or bulk. Thanks to the same technology, the resulting baked goods are more like a cake: thin layers, apple “cream.” By the way, sometimes the recipe is written just like that - “dry” or bulk cake.

Another plus is the relatively low calorie content of bulk apple pie. Of course, if you compare a piece of such a dessert with a portion of sauerkraut salad, you can exclaim indignantly: “This is a waist killer, not a pie!” However, put a bulk cake on the table, and next to it a thin slice of “Prazhsky” - and make a smart choice .

Apple pies come in different varieties – primitive and elaborate, simple and multi-ingredient, homemade and special. And they can also be richly apple-y, amazingly bulky, easy to prepare, amazingly tasty - such as the “dry” apple pie offered to your attention.

The recipe will be of interest to those who, for one reason or another, do not use eggs in baking.


  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 cup semolina;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt;
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder;
  • 1/4 tsp. vanillin;
  • 100 g butter.

The diameter of the baking dish is 26 cm.


    Any apple will do, however, through repeated experiments you will be able to make your choice, understanding which variety is right for you. Some people like sour fruits, others prefer sweet fruits, and still others are satisfied with juicy winter apples with a neutral taste.

    So, we choose the appropriate ones and wash them. How long will it take, half a minute? Take a bowl of sufficient size and pour a glass of semolina into it. It’s easy and convenient - you don’t need to sift, or look for scales, or think about how to convert cups, grams, and grams into milliliters. I simply filled the glass and poured it into a bowl. All. Not even thirty seconds.

    Pour a glass of sugar into the same bowl. Just as easy and fast. Another ten seconds.

    Flour: fill a glass - pour into a bowl. Half a minute. Sifting is not at all necessary, although, of course, if you really want to, you can spend time on it. Or you don’t have to spend it.

    Add salt, baking powder, and vanillin to the same bowl. If desired, the baking powder can be replaced with a small amount of baking soda.

    Mix - without a mixer, food processor and dirty hands, which then need to be washed off the sticky dough. Again, no more than 20 seconds - and the “dough” is ready.

    The most time-consuming part of the job is peeling the apples. You can involve brutal male hands in resolving the issue or exploit child labor - the process, of course, in such cases may take a little longer (the apples will darken accordingly), but to make your own kitchen life easier, this option of joint creativity is considered quite acceptable. However, even if you tackle the task yourself, you will have to spend no more than 5-6 minutes.

    Grate the peeled fruits on a coarse grater. A couple more minutes if you do it by hand, and only about twenty seconds if you get out the food processor.

    Grease the baking dish with butter; the bottom can be lined with baking paper to make it easier to further remove and transfer the finished pie to a dish. Half a minute maximum.

    Pour about a third of the dry mass into an even layer onto the bottom of the mold. You can move the pan back and forth so that the “dough” is distributed evenly.

    Spread half the apple mixture. Be careful not to move the first, dry “cake”. Lightly compact the apples with your fingers. Minute.

    Take the butter out of the freezer and rub about a third of it over the apples. If the oil is not ice-cold, more of it will “go away”: the freezer guarantees economical use of the product.

    Sprinkle with a third of the dry mass. Move the mold back and forth so that everything is evenly distributed.

    Apples again - the remaining half. Press with your fingers - not too much, just so that the surface of the pie is even.

    Oil again - about a third. By the way, it’s better to rub it right above the cake, this will help distribute it more evenly over the surface. Of course, placing the grater on a plate or board, and only then transferring the product onto the pie, is more convenient, but not economical: the butter will stick together during the grating process, and you will not be able to distribute it as you would if you work on the form by weight.

    Distribute the remaining dry mixture. You can smooth it out with a spoon.

    Rub the remaining butter - also over the mold. If you don't care about how your waist feels, you can use a little more oil - it will give the finished pie a nice crispy crust.

    That's it for your efforts to make a bulk apple pie. How much did it cost in total? Five minutes, seven, ten? Well, obviously no more. As a result, in a minimum amount of time you have prepared an incredibly delicious dessert. Oh, yes, it hasn’t been cooked yet - put it in a preheated oven, temperature 180 degrees, about 40 minutes.

    Don’t take off the uniform right away - all the beauty will fall apart.

    Of course, this will not affect the taste, but the pie will have to be served in the form of an unclear crumble. If you prefer a warm, perfect-looking apple pie, simply reheat the cooled pie in the microwave.

    If desired, apple pastries can be decorated with ganache made from white chocolate (1 bar + 50-70 ml of cream). The finished mass will look somewhat similar to condensed milk, but the taste will be much, much more interesting, nobler, more refined. Bon appetit!

Hello everyone who has visited the blog))

Apple Spas has passed and, of course, at the height of the apple season, I offer you a themed apple baking recipe.

I was thinking about which of my many favorite “apple” recipes I would share today, and wanted to settle on Charlotte, which is indispensable for any housewife.

Still, I chose a more interesting recipe for a bulk pie with apples, which was originally called “Cakes with Apples,” but I just bake them as one pie, without dividing them into cakes, which does not affect the taste or my love for this pastry)

I still have the name of the author, this is Natalya Korsunskaya, who, as she herself wrote, took the recipe from the magazine “Health”, where baked goods are probably selected according to the criterion of usefulness, and this pie is also very tasty, believe me))

Cooking the dish will not cause you any difficulties, the main thing is to carefully read all the nuances, just as buying the ingredients will not cause any difficulties, they are all very simple and most of them can be found at home.

But the cooking technology is unusual and very interesting since it is a pie made from dry dough with apples and semolina. So for those who, like me, like recipes with a twist, I doubly advise you to cook it.

We'll need it.

For the test:

For filling:

Brief recipe

  • Mix dry flour, semolina, sugar and soda.
  • Grate the apples on a coarse grater and mix them with sugar.
  • Place 1/3 of the dry mixture in a pre-greased pan.
  • Place half of the apple filling on top.
  • Sprinkle the flour mixture over the apples and smooth out.
  • Another layer of apples.
  • The last layer of flour mixture.
  • Place pieces of butter on top.
  • Bake until done.

Bulk pie with apples, recipe with photos step by step in the oven

Dry apple pie dough

“Prepare the dough” is a big word for this pie)) we just need to mix the dry ingredients.

Add sugar to flour.

I’ll make a reservation here right away, since we are not fans of overly sweet dishes, I don’t add sugar exactly according to the recipe. For the dough, 2/3 cup is enough for my taste.

Add semolina. Mix.

Add soda.

Stir well. Ready)

Grated apple filling

To prepare the filling, grate the apples on a coarse grater. The recipe said that if you grate the apples without the peel, the filling turns out more tender, I tried it, but I didn’t notice a difference, in my opinion, in the oven the peel becomes soft and does not affect the taste or consistency.

It is better to take apples more acidic, as for almost all apple baked goods. If they are very sweet, you can add a little citric acid. It will also be very good if the apples are juicy.

Add sugar, I add half a glass.

Now comes the most important part – assembling the pie.

Pour 1/3 of the flour mixture onto the bottom of the greased pan (!) and level it out.

Place half of the grated apples on top. The apples must be laid out in small portions; if you lay them out all at once, it will be difficult to distribute them properly over the bottom dry layer.

Anyway, the apples became weathered while I was taking pictures...

Important: do not drain the apple juice under any circumstances, but place it together with the apples on the dry mixture, thanks to which it will be saturated and will not be dry.

Now add another 1/3 of the flour mixture.

Lay out the remaining apples.

Sprinkle the rest of the “dough” on top. I have the least of it left for the last layer, since I still add more than 1/3 to the first two.

Place chopped small pieces of butter on the surface of the future pie. If you like butter, you can add more than 100 grams of it; I add almost the entire pack of 160-180 grams.

The butter melts, forming golden crispy “islands”, but for those who have that much quantity, leave the prescribed 100 grams.

We bake a bulk pie with apples in the oven at a standard baking temperature of 180 degrees. This is what it looks like when finished.

Despite the fact that the pie made from dry dough with apples is very tender, I don’t have any problems with “removing” it from the mold, although, in theory, it should)) I wait until it cools down and just take it out with a spatula.

And although it is suggested to cut it into portioned cakes after cooking, it remains a cake for me, which I cut traditionally, because I didn’t have a square or rectangular shape, and I didn’t buy it, in my opinion, it’s very tasty anyway .

It really doesn’t look stunningly beautiful, but it is incredibly tender and delicious. Well, it’s so unusual for sure, and at the same time it’s so easy to prepare.

I personally think this simple, little-known apple pie with dry semolina tastes better than the incredibly popular, more complex one.

But this, as usual, is a matter of taste; please your family with their favorite delicacies :)

: It is from the category of simply reactive recipes. When you quickly want something tasty and sweet, when guests are about to arrive... I don’t know anything simpler than this pie. Even a child can handle its preparation. There are bulk pies on the site, but their dough is more complex. Here there are no eggs, no sugar, no semolina, no need to knead... However, judge for yourself. I am sure this recipe will take its rightful place among your “fire” recipes. Just half an hour from kneading to baking. Try it!


  • Flour - 3 cups.
  • Margarine 1 pack
  • (frozen, can be replaced with butter - optional)
  • Soda (pinch)
  • Salt (pinch)


Immediately turn on the oven to preheat. The dough is made simply with lightning speed. The main thing is to have well-frozen margarine, then things will be much more pleasant.

Pour the flour into a bowl. Maybe not all of it yet. It all depends on the size of your margarine pack. I have 250g. But the pack can be anything. There's just less flour then.

Rub frozen margarine into flour. It's easier to grate if you continually dip the margarine into the flour.

Using your fingers, rub the mixture until crumbly. It is possible without much fanaticism, without achieving equal sizes for each crumb. Add the rest of the flour if necessary. You can feel it with your fingers: the mixture should be dry. Add a pinch of soda and salt there. Soda can be replaced with baking powder (half a pack will be enough).

Pour two thirds of the dough into the mold. There is no need to grease the mold.

Distribute evenly over the entire surface, simultaneously trampling and forming a side. Aesthetes can do this with a spoon. I prefer to feel everything with my hands. We got a layer of about 1 cm (a little more is possible). The main thing is that the bottom of the baking sheet is not visible.

Let's start with the filling.

She can be anyone. The main thing is juicy, with a well-defined taste. After all, if you remember, our dough is unleavened.
What could it be:
- cottage cheese mixed with sugar and beaten eggs;
- lemon squeezed with zest, remaining after making juice, mixed with sugar;
- just jam or jam;
- berries pureed in a blender with sugar;
- fruits, grated and covered with sugar;
- pumpkin or melon, chopped and lightly boiled with sugar;
- just sour cream with sugar;
- condensed milk, finally (both plain and boiled milk) ...
In a word - a complete flight of fancy, depending on the contents of the refrigerator. Then you will be happy to experiment. This business should captivate you, I guarantee it.
In my photo - frozen strawberries, whipped with sugar in a blender. Quite liquid.
In the future, look at the amount of filling yourself. When it's very sweet, not everyone likes it.
A little advice. If you are making a pie with jam and it has large and dense fruits, the filling will turn out to be very sweet, unnecessarily. You can break everything up with a blender. Then the layer will be thinner. And sprinkle lemon juice on top. But this is not for everyone. Maybe some people like sweets).

Place the filling on the dough and spread evenly with a spoon.

Sprinkle the rest of the dough on top. We just fall asleep and level it, there is no need to “trample it down”. And - into a preheated oven. Temperature is approximately 150 - 170 o. For 20 minutes, no more.

When a creamy aroma spreads through the kitchen and the dough becomes slightly golden, take it out. Overbaked dough takes on the taste and smell of burnt flour. We don't need this.
The pie was taken out, but the filling continued to boil for some time (ours is liquid). It’s okay if she protrudes a little on top, it will be even more elegant later. Now the cake should be allowed to cool to at least a slightly warm state. During this time, the filling will thicken and it can be cut into portions.

We cut and treat those who wish. The pie is good with any drinks: milk, juice, tea...

I was always curious how the savory filling would behave in such a pie. Today I went on an experiment, adding a little crumb from the main amount.
Some of the crumbs were “tromped” into a small mold. I poured half a glass of tomato juice, poured in cubes of sausage and cheese. And covered it with the rest of the crumbs.

The experiment was a complete success. It turned out amazing. Those who don't really like sweets will especially like it.
From this I conclude that the filling can really be anything. The main thing is that it should be ready and juicy, for example:
- pureed vegetables, maybe with cream;
- minced meat, pre-fried with onions and flavored with tomato sauce for juiciness;
- canned fish, mashed with a fork (tomato or in oil), with onions and herbs;
- grated cheese mixed with herbs and sour cream;
- fried mushrooms with onions, doused with sour cream and sprinkled with cheese...
There are a lot of options. Experiment!

This pie is filled with grated apples. I did it a few days ago.

It took me longer to describe than to cook. I just tried to take into account all the nuances and subtleties for beginners. I hope that I will inspire someone to make this simple but convenient pie in every sense and it will take its place on your menu.
Happy baking!
And Bon Appetit!

Hello dear readers. Autumn has come. And autumn is famous for its rich harvest. This year there is a big harvest of apples. We are preparing apple juice for the children and have already made apple compote for the winter. Also in our family everyone loves baking with apples. But regular apple pies are a little boring. So I'm on the hunt for new apple pie recipes. Recently I saw a recipe for apple pie on social networks. He is very unusual, which is probably why he interested me.

There are no eggs in the dough and the dough is dry. You need to mix the dry ingredients and all the dough. Interesting? Yes, I became interested, but also scared at the same time. And I was afraid that the dough would be raw. But everything turned out just fine.

I haven't baked pies for a long time. The children ask, and the husband also doesn’t mind eating sweets.

I really liked the taste of the pie. Sweet, crunchy with amazing aroma. And besides, it’s also very tasty. Plus there are no eggs in the recipe, which is suitable for a vegetarian menu.

It's so great to have a tea party with delicious apple pie. And it can be done both with family and friends. And even if it’s autumn and rain outside, the aroma of pastries and warm tea will not only improve your mood, but also create a special atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Warsaw bulk apple pie. Recipe with photo

Ingredients for making the pie:

  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. semolina
  • 120-150 grams of butter
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 5-6 large apples (I have small apples, so I took 8 pieces)
  • half a lemon
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla

For spices I use vanilla and cinnamon. Cinnamon goes very well with apples. We also need cold butter (from the freezer). You need 150 grams of oil. Plus you need a teaspoon of baking powder.

First, mix the dry ingredients. Combine flour, semolina and sugar in a bowl.

Add vanilla or vanilla sugar, baking powder. Mix everything and set aside. These are the dry ingredients for our pie.

In the meantime, let's get to the apples. Apples need to be peeled and the middle removed. To make apple pie, you need to grate the apples using a coarse grater. I did so.

To prevent the apples from darkening, I poured lemon juice over them. I also sprinkled the apples with ground cinnamon.

Mix the apples. Now everything is ready to prepare our pie. I baked the apple pie in a springform pan.

The bottom of the mold must be covered with parchment paper. And I greased the sides of the mold with butter. My mold is 21 cm in diameter.

Now let's start shaping our pie. Our dough is dry, only dry ingredients. This is where the name “bulk apple pie” comes from. Since the point is to alternate layers.

We alternate layers like this. 1 layer dry dough. 2 layer grated apples. 3 layer dry dough. 4 wait, grated apples. 5 layer dry dough. 6th layer grated cold butter.

Our first layer is dry dough. We will divide all the dough that we have (mentally) into three parts. Pour one part into the mold and distribute it evenly throughout the mold.

The next layer is grated apples, which we also distribute evenly.

In general, apples should be evenly distributed in such pies. You can, of course, just put apples on top of the pie, as we did, but still, my husband says that it tastes better if the apples are evenly distributed throughout the dough.

This way we lay out all the layers of the pie alternating them. On top of the pie is a dry layer of dough and cold butter grated on a coarse grater. The butter is from my freezer.

If you don’t really want to grate frozen butter, then simply cut it into strips and lay it on the top layer.

While I was preparing the pie, I turned on the oven. The oven needs to be preheated to 180-200 degrees.

Place the pie in the preheated oven for 40 - 50 minutes. I had the pie in the oven for 55 minutes. I had an incomprehensible feeling. What if the pie is dry, what if it doesn’t bake? Moreover, my apples were not quite juicy.

I was very worried. What made me happy was the aroma of vanilla and cinnamon, which gave a unique atmosphere of coziness and comfort. Well, I think it won’t bake, so I’ll just mix everything and put it in the oven again.

I was baking a pie for the first time, so I was nervous about how it would turn out. I was very excited about the end result.

But the pie was baked and turned out to be not only aromatic, but also very tasty. After the apple pie spent almost an hour in the oven, I took it out and let it cool.

I ran a knife along the edges of the pan and took out the pie. I was even afraid to put away the parchment. I was very afraid that the cake would simply fall apart.

The dough began to crumble on top. You can also sprinkle the top of the pie with powdered sugar, but I didn’t have any. Therefore it will be like this.

The most crucial moment. What is it like inside? She cut the pie very carefully. But the pie doesn't fall apart. Therefore, it is easy to cut into portions.

The pie is very tender, soft inside and not at all raw. Fragrant, very tasty. We ate half the pie at once. A truly unusual pie.

I think the pie will taste even better with a scoop of ice cream on top. But we don't have ice cream right now. Summer is over, it's getting colder and we don't buy ice cream anymore. I want hot tea more and more.

With tea or compote, this pie is simply a miracle. The apples are soft inside, the dough is crunchy on top, and the inside is soft. If you haven't tried bulk apple pie yet, give it a try. Recipe for you with photos. Everything is very fast, simple and tasty.

And if you have not yet decided to bake such an unusual pie, or, on the contrary, you like everything unusual, then you can try baking. In general, this is already the fifth recipe for apple cake or pie on our blog.

Cook with love and pleasure! All the best to you!

Bulk apple pie: joy in every bite

It is not known for certain who came up with the recipe for this pie and when, but it is worth giving it its due - the dessert turned out to be very tasty. It attracts housewives with its simplicity and speed of preparation and especially with the naturalness of the products. After reading the recipe, you may even doubt that these ingredients will make such a tasty and aromatic pie. The main highlight of this dessert is that it does not require any dough at all. Let's take a closer look at it - it's a bulk apple pie!

Classic bulk pie in the oven

Let us tell you the main secret. The dough for this dessert is a dry mixture of sugar, semolina, baking powder and flour. Now let's look at some of the intricacies of making a bulk pie. In order not to be disappointed in it, they must be taken into account. So, remember that the dry layers should not be very thick. It is better to take a large form with low sides (rather than high and small). A low dessert will be better soaked and bake evenly. And one more thing: it’s better to cook bulk pie with apples in the evening, and try it only in the morning. He must stand. It is not recommended to cut it and eat it hot.


semolina - 180 grams
granulated sugar - 200 grams
baking powder - 10 grams
vanilla sugar - 5 grams
apples (large, green) - 3-4 pieces
frozen butter - 150 grams
a pinch of ground cinnamon

Cooking method:

The time has come to consider in detail the recipe for a bulk pie, to get acquainted with all the stages of its creation. Start by preparing the dry mixture. Mix sifted flour with baking powder in a deep bowl, add sugar and semolina. Add ingredients strictly following the indicated proportions. Mix everything with a spoon - the dry cake mixture will be ready in a couple of minutes and in just a few movements.

Wash the apples under water, remove the skin (although in principle it is allowed to use fruit with peel). Grate them on a large mesh grater. Grease a mold (25 centimeters in diameter) or a baking sheet (25x30 centimeters) with oil. Divide the dry mixture into 3 parts, ideally there will be 2 layers of apples.

Now lay the pie: the first floor is the dry mixture, the second is grated apples. If they are too juicy, you should squeeze them a little in your hand so that the cake does not “float”. Although, on the other hand, dry and not juicy apples are not suitable for this dessert, since it requires impregnation, which in this case is apple juice. Sprinkle the dry mixture on top of the grated fruit. Alternate layers until all components are gone and fill out the form. The dry mixture should always be the last floor of the dessert.

Remove a piece of butter from the freezer. We emphasize that it should be hard, because it needs to be grated and placed as the top layer on the pie. Preheat the oven by setting the temperature to 180 degrees. Place the pie pan in it and leave for 45 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of the specified time, open the oven, remove the pan and sprinkle vanilla sugar on top of the cake, and then return to bake. In a few minutes, the sugar will caramelize and create a fragrant, appetizing crust. Remove the finished pie from the oven, sprinkle with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar, and cool for several hours. It is better to cut it into rectangular or square pieces. Happy tea drinking everyone!

Bulk pie with apple jam

It's no secret that all children and most adults love various cakes, pies and desserts. But few people want to tinker with them in the kitchen. It is for such cases that there is a recipe for bulk pie. It is so simple that even a schoolchild can handle it. Invite him into the kitchen and he will be happy to help you prepare it.

Previously, we have already reviewed a recipe for a pie based on fresh apples. But what to do when it’s not the season for juicy fruits, but you really want a homemade aromatic dessert? For this case, we have a recipe in which you can add apple jam, and the pie will turn out just as wonderfully tasty.


For dry mixture:

160 grams butter
flour - 160 grams
sugar - 100 grams
soda - 5 grams

For filling:

Apple jam - 2 cups
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
almond crumbs - 2 tablespoons

Cooking method:

The crumb recipe for this pie is slightly different from the previous one, so pay attention to its features. So, first you need to combine flour, soda and sugar in a dry container. Add butter to the ingredients, chop the whole mixture with a knife along with it. And then grind it into fine crumbs with your hands - this will be the so-called pie dough. Conditionally divide the crumbs into 3 parts.

This recipe contains apple jam instead of fresh fruit filling, so there is less sugar in the dough components. Open a jar of jam, calculate that one glass will go to the first layer, and the second will be the next floor. Wipe the mold with oil, lay out dry crumbs as the first layer, then a layer of jam. Spread it evenly over the entire surface with a spoon. Then again there is a layer of dry dough and jam. The cake should end up on a dry floor.

Preparation and assembly are complete. Now it’s time to bake the pie. The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees. Baking time - 40 minutes. Remove the browned pie from the oven, cool, sprinkle the still warm pie with almond crumbs and powdered sugar, wait until it cools completely.

Curd pie with apples

In our opinion, cottage cheese pastries stuffed with apples have a great many fans. Using our recipe, we invite you to bake this pie and you will get to know the most delicate dessert you have ever tried. The pie turns out very juicy and moist inside, with a crispy caramel crust on the surface.


For the test:

200 grams of butter
450 grams of flour
400 grams of sugar
5-10 grams of baking powder

For filling:

400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
3 apples
2 eggs
half a glass of powdered sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar

Cooking method:

Mix the ingredients for the dough in a deep, dry bowl. Let us recall the exact recipe: first you need to combine the flour with baking powder and sugar, then grate a dose of chilled butter on top. Using your hands, rub this mixture into crumbs. Divide the entire mass into 4 parts. In a separate bowl, mix low-fat cottage cheese with powdered sugar and eggs.

Wash the apples, peel them and grate them on a large-mesh grater. Coat a large mold or baking sheet with oil, lay out some of the dry crumbs on the first floor, then the curd mass in an even layer, followed by grated apples. Then repeat the process from the beginning. The topmost layer is the dry dough mixture.

Place the pie pan in a hot oven for 20 minutes (temperature - 200 degrees), then reduce the heat to 170 degrees and continue baking for another quarter of an hour. Wait until the finished pie cools completely. It turns out so soft and tender that it will fall apart in your hands if you cut it right away.

Bulk cake with honey aroma

The recipe for this dessert is slightly different from the others. The aroma of honey gives it a special charm. It will be better if you use an aromatic honey additive for cooking. But if you don’t have one, you can replace it with a spoonful of honey. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the overall ensemble, and the muffin pie will be a real delight!


Green apples - 6 pieces
200 grams of semolina
160 grams of flour
250 grams of granulated sugar
1 lemon
10 grams baking powder
200 milliliters of milk
butter - 10 grams


Honey essence or honey
cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon

Cooking method:

For the dry mixture, mix granulated sugar, semolina, flour and baking powder in the specified amount. Grate the apples on a coarse grater, after removing the peel. Drizzle them with lemon juice mixed with toppings to prevent them from browning and to give them the rich flavor of honey and cinnamon. At this point the preparation can be considered complete. All that was left was to assemble the cake.

Take a baking sheet or mold, grease it with oil, first lay out part of the dry mixture, and lay the apples on it in an even layer. Do this until all the ingredients are gone. The top layer is always a dry mixture. Boil a glass of milk in a small saucepan and pour it over your pie. Then pierce it very often in all places with a toothpick. Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180°C and leave there for 60 minutes. As mentioned earlier, it is better to try the pie a few hours after preparing it.

Bulk pie in a slow cooker

If you have this wonderful helper in your kitchen, then we hasten to inform you that this type of apple dessert can be easily made in it. We invite you to carefully study the recipe for its preparation.


200 grams of sugar
semolina - 200 grams
wheat flour - 160 grams
baking powder - 20 grams
butter - 150 grams
1 kilogram of green apples
powdered sugar

Cooking method:

Before you start, put the butter in the freezer, then it will be easier to grate. The next step is to knead the dry mass. To do this, combine flour, semolina, sugar and baking powder in one bowl. Mix well. Wash and peel green apples. Grate them using a grater. Grease the multicooker pan with oil. Sprinkle part of the dry mixture as the first layer, followed by a layer of grated apples. Alternate these layers until all the ingredients are gone. Remember that the cake should always end with a layer of dry mixture. Rub the prepared portion of cold butter on top of it.

In the multicooker menu, select the “Baking” mode, the time will automatically be set to 60 minutes. One hour is just enough time for this cake to bake thoroughly. After cooking, the multicooker will beep. Test the cake with a wooden stick. If it comes out wet from the center of the dessert, then the baking time should be increased by another 20 minutes. Bulk apple pie in a slow cooker is ready! Remove it from the bowl using a steamer basket. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and divide into pieces. Try it already cooled enough.

“It couldn’t be simpler”: recipe for bulk pie

Now we will tell you about another, not just fast, but “reactive” pie. Housewives usually love and appreciate such recipes. This is often considered an apple pie called “charlotte”. But ours is done even faster. The time from kneading to baking takes only 30 minutes. Let's look at the recipe in detail, because it only has 4 main components - flour, apples, sugar and margarine. Intrigued? Try it!


480 grams flour
frozen margarine (can be replaced with butter) - 250 grams
apples - 4 pieces
sugar - 130 grams
a pinch of salt and soda

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven to preheat immediately because the dough will rise very quickly. The main thing is that the margarine is frozen well enough, then things will go faster. Pour the flour into a large bowl. Grate frozen margarine directly into it. You can make your task easier by periodically dipping the margarine into flour. Rub the mixture with your fingers until grains form. Don't try to get the crumbs to be the same size, it's okay if they are different. With your hands you will feel that, despite the considerable amount of margarine, the mixture remains dry. Add a pinch of salt and soda to it. The last component can be replaced with a teaspoon of baking powder.

In this case, there is no need to lubricate the mold. Place two-thirds of the dry dough into it and smooth it evenly over the surface. Then use your hand to compact the mixture a little, forming sides. The layer is approximately 1 centimeter high. You can do a little more, just not less, so that the bottom does not show through. Now start filling. It is worth noting that it can be anything, the only important thing is that it is juicy and has a well-defined taste, because, as you remember, the dough for this pie turns out to be quite bland. In our version, the filling will be fresh apples - grate them, or even with the skin on. Distribute according to the form. Place the remaining dry dough on top; there is no need to trample this layer down. Next, the pie should be placed in a hot oven (170 degrees) for no more than 30 minutes.

When a delicious creamy apple aroma spreads throughout the kitchen and the dough turns a beautiful golden hue, you will have evidence that the pie is ready and it’s time to take it out. Remember that this dessert is not cut or eaten hot, so wait until it cools completely. It is good with any drinks: tea, coffee, and children can be offered a piece “in company” with milk or juice.

Bulk pie is a very convenient, quick and tasty dish. Let us remind you that its filling may not necessarily be apple. The main condition is that it should not be dry, but retain its juiciness.

The pie filling can be:

Cottage cheese, grated with sugar and eggs;
chopped lemon with zest, mixed with sugar;
any jam or homemade jam;
berries with sugar, pureed in a blender;
any ripe fruit, grated and covered with sugar;
melon or pumpkin, slightly boiled with sugar;
sour cream whipped with sugar;
condensed milk, both boiled and plain.

In a word, dessert is a flight of your imagination, and to the fullest. And of course, everything will still depend on the contents of the refrigerator. Next time you will be happy to experiment by adding new fillings. In the future, be guided by the number of ingredients. Not everyone likes very sweet pies, so if the filling is sweet jam with large pieces of fruit, it is advisable to puree it with a blender or dilute it with fresh, more sour fruit. You can sprinkle lemon juice on top. In this simple way you can correct the situation. Have a good mood and inspiration!

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