Home Product ratings Persimmon has beneficial properties for weight loss. Persimmon for weight loss: benefits and harm, diet, fasting days. With brown rice

Persimmon has beneficial properties for weight loss. Persimmon for weight loss: benefits and harm, diet, fasting days. With brown rice

Hello, my dear readers!

Its wood is used to produce exquisite ebony (the same one that is very expensive, but sinks). And this is not all of its advantages. Some, with its help, treat anemia, others - dysentery, and some, with its support, expel worms.

But is it possible to eat persimmons while losing weight? and what will be the result? My article today is dedicated to this amazing yellow-orange fruit (actually, there are dozens of its shades, even black) and its participation in the process of weight loss.

700 and one type

This evergreen or tropical and subtropical tree (shrub) has about 700 species and has the scientific name Diospyros - it is widely believed that this is translated from ancient Greek as “divine fruit” or “food of the gods.”

It becomes such a food if it is fully ripe - we all know how tasty juicy persimmons are. If we are unlucky and a careless seller slips us an unripe fruit (or is it a berry?), then we have to be content with its astringent taste - it is given by the tannin it contains with its tannin properties (by the way, you can freeze it, and after defrosting the unpleasant taste will go away).

The most common types of it are called oriental or Chinese persimmon - basically, they are sold in our stores. This also includes the popular “Korolek”.

The “Sharon” variety is also known - it has no seeds and little tannin, which is good news. But the information that is alarming is that this is only a marketing name for the Israeli variety “Triumph”, which was subjected to chemical ripening - exposure to carbon monoxide and alcohol.

This video explains how to choose the right persimmon:

Natural pharmacy

Persimmons have many beneficial properties. Its usefulness is explained by the presence of a large number of vitamins, minerals, especially

potassium (310 mg per 100 g), calcium, magnesium, iron, 66 mg of vitamin C (about half of the human daily requirement).

And, despite the rather high sugar content (when ripe, one piece contains approximately 25% of the daily value), the fruit is well digestible because it does not increase the glycemic index (that is, does not affect blood glucose levels) and is also low in calories – 100 grams contain only 127 kcal.

Folk remedy

  • Because of all this, the fruit is very popular in folk medicine. It is used to treat heart disease and anemia;
  • used to prevent the formation of kidney stones;
  • used as a diuretic;
  • and also as a bactericidal agent in the fight against hay and E. coli;
  • treat diseases of the digestive tract (but an unripe fruit can, on the contrary, cause an upset stomach).

Tasty, but not always healthy

A lot of sugar in the fruit is a risk factor for patients with diabetes and obesity

High tannin content can have a detrimental effect on the intestines. So those who have related diseases, as well as those who have undergone surgery on the abdominal organs, should not eat it.

Plant fibers, which it is rich in, entering the stomach, in extremely rare cases can form a lump, the so-called bezoar, and thereby cause obstruction in the intestines. However, only a few hundred such cases have been registered throughout the world over many years.

Here are some useful tips:

In addition to medicine, persimmons are eaten like an ordinary apple (its usefulness is estimated to be 2 times higher in comparison), baked in puddings and pies, dried, made into beer, and in Japan, sake is made from unripe fruits. And with its help they lose weight. And here we will dwell on this point in more detail.

Secrets of weight loss

Why are persimmons loved by those who are trying to lose weight?

  • For its low energy value with a fairly high sugar content (mainly fructose).
  • For its ability to cause a feeling of fullness due to its high fiber content.
  • For the ability to enhance metabolism, due to which the body is cleansed of toxins and waste.
  • For its bright yellow color and sweetness, which lift your spirits during the cold season (do not forget that the fruit is in season during this period)
  • Well, because you can eat it in winter, when there are problems with many other fresh and affordable fruits and vegetables.

Recipes for losing weight

They eat it simply as a snack, for example, between breakfast and lunch or for an afternoon snack.

Minimum food

I also came across references to a mono-diet based on it.

Its duration is 7 days

It is suggested to eat 2 kg of yellow fruit per day.

Cottage cheese (low-fat, 100 grams) and a glass of kefir are added to the diet. In the evening.

Traditionally, the menu also includes water, green tea without sugar, you can add dried fruit compote, but also not sweet.

The famous singer Valeria is also believed to have used persimmons for weight loss in one of her diets.

For 7 days her diet was as follows:

Breakfast- oatmeal with water

Dinner– vegetable soup and steamed cutlet

Dinner– a glass of kefir and persimmon

Not a very balanced menu, in my opinion, and also such a diet very hard to bear.

Let's dilute the menu

So, if it’s difficult to lose weight like this, then you can arrange fasting days , or replace one of your meals with it. For example, like this:

Menu for the week:


  • Boiled chicken breast – 125g
  • Vegetable salad (for example, cabbage) – 250g
  • 1 slice of diet bread


  • Vegetable soup
  • Low fat yogurt
  • 1 slice of diet bread


  • 1-2 pieces of persimmon

Between meals, you can snack on vegetables that are high in fiber and liquid: cabbage, celery, carrots.

Controversial issue

The use of yellow berries causes controversy on the Maggi diet (the principle of which is based on protein nutrition with a predominance of eggs).

Some classify it as a prohibited product, since it still contains quite a lot of carbohydrates (33.5 g per 100g).

Others believe that it can be eaten on fruit days, but those who are losing weight are still concerned about the high glucose content in it.

I also came across a mention of what is added to food persimmon vinegar – the authors of this method claim that fat is burned better this way. I haven’t found any confirmation of this information, maybe some of you have tried it on yourself? Share your experience in the comments.

How many kilograms will it take?

What result can be achieved with all these methods? Judging by the reviews, some lose a couple of kilograms, while others lose more than ten. It all depends on the chosen method of nutrition. I even came across this statement:

« All last winter I actively ate persimmons, combining them with giving up fatty and sweet foods. As a result, 34 kilograms were lost in three doses. I didn’t notice any side effects ».

Everything is good in moderation

So, should you lose weight or not with the help of this berry? Pay attention to the last example - the girl did not just eat persimmons, she followed some kind of diet (unfortunately, she did not indicate which one).

I think this is the most correct way - to balance your diet and add sweet berries that are useful in many respects. And if physical exercise is also on the daily to-do list, then the result, I believe, will not be long in coming. What do you think about this?

What to remember:

  • Persimmon has many beneficial properties.
  • Relatively low in calories.
  • Causes a feeling of rapid saturation.
  • Included in a variety of diets.

And that's all for me today. Don’t forget to tell us about your weight loss experience and see you again!

Persimmon is a healthy fruit with a specific taste. Adults and children love her. Today we will talk about how persimmon is used for weight loss, describe the features of weight loss and list the beneficial properties of the fruit.

The benefits and harms of persimmons for weight loss

Today, stores sell a lot of fruits - both ours and those brought from hot countries. Russians increasingly prefer persimmon. And apples, pears and oranges fade into the background. How is it useful? Let's figure it out together.

What are the benefits of persimmon for weight loss? Useful properties of persimmon for weight loss

The beneficial properties of this southern fruit are due to its rich composition.

  • Persimmon contains trace elements necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Doctors recommend leaning on it for people suffering


Varicose veins,

Diseases of the heart and vascular system.

  • Persimmon is useful because it helps improve immunity.
Useful properties of persimmon - video:

What vitamins and minerals are in persimmons?

This healthy fruit contains such important components as:

  • iron;
  • vitamins of different groups: B1, B12, B3, C, P, A;
  • antioxidants;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • potassium.

The beneficial properties of persimmon concern not only health, but also beauty. By consuming this fruit in winter, you can maintain your skin in normal condition. She will have a healthy appearance and a light blush.

Contraindications for persimmon

It turns out that persimmons do not benefit everyone and can be harmful.

People suffering from diabetes or gastrointestinal disorders should avoid using it. Otherwise, their health will only worsen.

  • Pregnant women can include this fruit in their diet. But they must adhere to the norm - 1-2 pieces per day.

Nursing mothers should also refrain from eating persimmons so as not to harm the baby.

  • To avoid intestinal upset, you should eat only ripe fruits. They need to be rinsed thoroughly with tap water.

Calorie content of persimmon "korolek" - a fruit for weight loss

Often girls are interested in whether persimmons are high in calories for weight loss. And there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, this fruit is very sweet. In fact, its calorie content is not high.

100 g of product contains only 53 kcal.

When following a diet, you need to take into account not only calorie content, but also the amount of nutrients. For example, the same 100 grams contain 0.5 g of protein and 16.8 g of carbohydrates. There are no fats at all.

Glycemic index of persimmon

The most important indicator is the glycemic index. It characterizes the effect of a particular product (drink) on blood sugar levels. When consuming foods rich in carbohydrates, it increases.

If you eat fruits with a minimum amount of carbohydrates, your body will receive a boost of energy. Thanks to this, a person does not experience hunger for a long time.

Persimmon belongs to the middle group, which includes products with a glycemic index of 45-50. According to this indicator, it can be equated to bran.

There are two main types of persimmon – regular and “crown”. Each of them has features. The differences are not only in taste.

The calorie content of ordinary persimmon is 60 kcal, and the fruit of the “Korolek” variety is 53 kcal. For those losing weight, this is a noticeable difference.

Types of persimmon "king"

There are many different names for this fruit: “Chinese peach” and “orange sun”. Its benefits for the body are known to many. But not everyone can choose the right fruits.

Unripe fruits have a negative impact on your well-being. The benefits will only come from ripe fruits that have full flavor.

If you think that persimmon grows only in hot countries and is imported to us in Russia, then you are very mistaken. This fruit is found in the Krasnodar region. There it grows until the New Year, having time to ripen and acquire a viscous taste.

  • The ripening of fruits of the “Korolek” varieties occurs in a timely manner. They are very sweet and juicy. There is no astringent taste.
  • You can often find trees with fruits that are brownish in color. This is not a separate variety of persimmon, but a “chocolate” variety of the “Korolek” variety.

How to determine the ripeness of persimmons?

It is not at all difficult to distinguish ripe fruits from unripe ones. But a visual inspection will not be enough.

Persimmon: properties and the right choice - in the video

  • Take the fruit in your hands and gently feel it. If the fruit has soft sides, then it is ripe, which means it is suitable for consumption.
  • Pay attention not only to the pulp, but also to the stalk. If it is dry and dark in color, then everything is fine.
  • The “chocolate” kinglet has a dark reddish tint. The peel is very thin. The brown flesh is visible underneath. The fruits of this variety are rarely large.
  • There is another variety - “Shakhinya”. These are large, heart-shaped fruits. A viscous and tart taste indicates that the fruit is not yet ripe. You can distinguish a ripe “shakhina” from an unripe one by the condition of the skin. If it has dark and thin rings, then feel free to buy such a persimmon.

What to do if the persimmon is unripe?

If you purchased unripe fruits, then there is no need to be upset. At home, it is quite possible to bring fruits to full ripening.

You just need to do the following:

  1. We put the fruits in the freezer. They must stay there for at least 12-15 hours. Then the fruit will become sweeter and softer.
  2. The same effect can be achieved by placing unripe persimmons in warm water (40 degrees). It is enough to hold it there for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Don't like the tart taste? To get rid of it, you need to put the fruits in any alcoholic drink (for example, in a glass of wine).
  4. Regular tomatoes and apples will be real saviors for unripe persimmons. We put them in one plastic bag. Leave for 2-3 days. During this time, the fruits should ripen.

The best persimmon diets

Previously, we listed the beneficial properties of the astringent fruit. Now we suggest considering it as a means for weight loss.

  • The high percentage of fiber, pectin and glucose ensures quick saturation of the body.
  • To lose weight with the help of this fruit, you need to exclude harmful foods from your diet and adhere to certain rules.
  • The special diet is designed for a period of no more than a week. After 3 weeks it can be repeated.

We offer several options from which you can choose the most suitable one. Let us immediately note that the only fruit allowed is persimmon.

Option #1

  1. For breakfast we eat 2 persimmons.
  2. Lunch includes a boiled egg and 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. For dinner, you are allowed to eat a plate of vegetable stew and drink a cup of tea with a spoon of any honey.

Option No. 2

  1. For breakfast we eat one fresh cucumber. Additionally, you can boil 100 g of chicken and prepare a fresh cabbage salad.
  2. For lunch we have vegetable soup (without potatoes) and a slice of whole grain bread. Low-fat yogurt (200 g) is also allowed.
  3. For dinner we eat 2 persimmons.

Option #3

First day

Second day

  1. For breakfast we prepare an omelet from two eggs. We eat it with a piece of rye bread. We also chop some fresh vegetables.
  2. For lunch, you can afford a plate of vegetable salad and 200 g of steamed fish.
  3. Dinner: two persimmons.

The days alternate with each other. That is, on the third day we eat what was for the first day, and on the fourth day what was for the second day, etc.

Menu for 7 days

Many women want to get closer to their ideal figure parameters (90x60x90 cm). They choose the most effective diets and exhaust themselves with physical exercise.

A constant feeling of hunger makes women aggressive and irritable. But why such sacrifices?

With the help of persimmons you can lose weight in comfortable conditions without starving.



  1. Breakfast: 2 persimmons.
  2. For lunch, boil chicken eggs (2-3 pieces).
  3. Afternoon snack: one fruit.
  4. Dinner: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.


  1. Breakfast: same as on Monday.
  2. Lunch: boil 2-3 eggs.
  3. Afternoon snack: drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  4. For dinner we have 2 persimmons.


We divide 8 fruits into 4 doses.


The menu is the same as on Thursday.


  1. Breakfast: two fruits.
  2. Lunch: a plate of borscht.
  3. Afternoon snack: two persimmons.
  4. Dinner: again a plate of borscht.


  1. For breakfast we eat two persimmons.
  2. For lunch we prepare chicken broth.
  3. Afternoon snack: drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  4. For dinner we will have a boiled skinless chicken leg.

To get visible results in the form of weight loss, you need to follow certain rules.

  • drink enough water (1.5 liters is the minimum);
  • if you feel very hungry, eat one extra persimmon;
  • If you have been on a diet for a week, be sure to take a break;
  • You can’t completely give up fats - for normal functioning of the whole body, you should add a spoonful of vegetable oil to each meal;
  • combine diet with physical activity (home gymnastics, running, etc.).

Fasting days with persimmons

If you just need to cleanse the body after a festive feast, then you can do without a diet. Have a fasting day. Here are some options:

  • Eat up to 2 kilograms of persimmon per day, dividing this amount into 3-4 doses. Green tea and rosehip tincture are allowed as drinks.
  • Unloading on persimmon and kefir. Each time, eat one fruit and wash it down with kefir (half a glass). There should be 5-6 meals a day.

Diet results

Persimmon is not an acquired taste. Many people are simply delighted with its tart, sweet and sour taste, but some people just don’t like it. Those who don’t like it, of course, are unlikely to be interested in the diets proposed in this article. But if you always don’t mind eating this fruit, these methods of losing weight will be a real godsend for you! It is worth noting that persimmon for weight loss reviews and results are mostly positive.

Are persimmons high in calories for weight loss? If we talk about the dietary properties of persimmons, they can be compared to citrus fruits: 100 grams contain only about 50 calories, so persimmons for weight loss can be no less useful than oranges or grapefruit.

According to recent studies, persimmon is a good preventative against the development of atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Due to these properties, persimmons are even healthier than apples!

The composition of persimmons is rich in a number of vitamins that are beneficial for the body: B1, B2, PP, etc. Persimmons also contain all kinds of microelements in large quantities: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Due to this composition, persimmon is recommended not only for dietary nutrition, but also for a therapeutic diet. In particular, persimmon is recommended for patients with kidney and heart diseases, as well as varicose veins, lung disease and nervous system disorders.

Moreover, with regular consumption of persimmons, you can even reduce the risk of developing cancer cells, improve vision, reduce bleeding gums, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the liver and give the skin elasticity. And just 2-3 persimmons a day will be an excellent prevention of angina pectoris!

Many doubt it. Despite the many beneficial properties of persimmon, many girls are still interested in this product due to its dietary properties.

Persimmon diet No. 1

Answering the question, Is it possible to eat persimmons while on a diet? Let’s consider one of the dietary options with persimmons. This diet can be followed for 5-6 days, during which you can lose about 4-5 kilograms. Thus, the weight will reach almost a whole kilogram per day, which is a very good result compared to other low-calorie diets.

It is advisable to follow such a dietary course in November - when ripe fruits appear on sale in sufficient quantities.

Despite the impressive results promised by the authors of such a diet, not everyone will be able to follow it, because nothing but persimmons can be eaten daily.

So your menu will look like this:

  • Day 1 - 1 kilogram of persimmon;
  • Day 2 - 1.5 kilograms of persimmon;
  • 3rd day - 2 kilograms of persimmon;
  • Day 4 - 2 kilograms of persimmon;
  • Day 5 - 1.5 kilograms of persimmon;
  • Day 6 - 1 kilogram of persimmon;

In addition to persimmons, your menu may include unsweetened fruit teas and as much plain still water as possible - up to 1.5 liters per day. It is also allowed to eat 3-5 pieces of wholemeal bread per day. However, persimmon is a fairly filling product, so such a diet is only rarely accompanied by a heightened feeling of hunger. Therefore, in order to ensure maximum effectiveness of the diet, it is still better to refuse bread.

Persimmon diet No. 2

This dietary course is suitable for those who not only like to enjoy persimmons in their pure form, but also use them to prepare various dishes.

In addition to the fact that this nutritional system is an excellent way to get rid of excess weight, it will also add variety to your diet, adding new dishes to it. In addition, due to the many beneficial substances contained in persimmons, the diet will contribute to the overall health of the body.

So, let's take a look at the menu of such an effective and healthy diet.

1st day:

  • breakfast - muesli seasoned with milk with a small percentage of fat, a boiled egg, a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea;
  • lunch - 200 grams of boiled veal, a portion of steamed vegetables;
  • dinner - salad of boiled chicken fillet and persimmons (100 grams of persimmon, 150 grams of chicken, half an onion, 10 grams of walnuts chopped in a blender, 100 grams of sour cream with a fat content of up to 15%).

Day 2:

  • breakfast - 2 hard-boiled eggs, a slice of whole grain bread, 50 grams of hard cheese, a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • lunch - 200 grams of oven-baked fish, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil;
  • dinner - a portion of rice with persimmons (for cooking you will need 100 grams of rice, a medium-sized persimmon, 200 grams of clear vegetable broth, cinnamon, salt and cardamom: fry the rice and spices in a tablespoon of vegetable oil, add vegetable broth and simmer for 10- 15 minutes, then add diced peppers and persimmons).

3rd day:

  • breakfast - a portion of oatmeal with fresh berries, a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea, a slice of whole grain bread with natural honey;
  • lunch - a portion of steamed vegetables, 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • dinner - baked persimmons (cut two persimmons into thin slices and bake in the oven, sprinkle the finished dish with cottage cheese and pour a teaspoon of natural honey).

4th day:

  • breakfast - 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with fresh berries, a cup of tea or coffee without sugar;
  • lunch - salad of fresh persimmons, tomatoes and feta cheese (cut 2 persimmons, 100 grams of cheese and 2 tomatoes into cubes, add salt, some sesame seeds and season with lemon juice and vegetable oil);
  • dinner - 150 grams of boiled beef, fresh lettuce and a glass of kefir.

Day 5:

  • breakfast - egg white omelet, fresh tomatoes, a slice of whole grain bread, a cup of unsweetened coffee or tea;
  • lunch - 200 grams of boiled beef meat without fat, a cup of vegetable broth;
  • dinner - persimmon and turkey salad (cut a medium persimmon and 150 grams of turkey into cubes, place on lettuce leaves, pour with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped herbs and salt).

Even despite the beneficial properties, some women still doubt Is it possible to eat persimmon while losing weight? Don't worry about this. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and not overeat. Persimmon is a useful product in a weight loss diet.

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In early October, large bright orange fruits appear in markets and stores. This is a persimmon loved by many. Its homeland is China, but now it is grown wherever there is enough warmth and light. About two hundred species of edible persimmon are known. They differ in fruit shape, size, color, and taste. But persimmon of any variety is very useful. It is used in cosmetology, cooking, and medicine. Recently, persimmon has been widely used for weight loss.

for good health

The Greeks call persimmon "food of the gods." And not only because it is extremely tasty, but also because it contains many microelements, each of which is important for the body. The orange color of persimmons comes from beta-carotene or provitamin A. It is an excellent antioxidant, helps with cardiovascular diseases, and reduces the risk of developing eye and cancer diseases. Persimmons also contain a lot of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, and iron. Its ripe fruits contain proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, saturated and unsaturated acids, and sugars.

Persimmon is used in the treatment of the liver and stomach. It is used for scurvy and atherosclerosis. With its help, they expel worms, heal wounds and burns, treat dysentery and bronchitis. In dietetics, persimmon is used for weight loss. In cosmetology, it is part of masks and creams. Cooks make jam, wine, sweet desserts, and even moonshine from it. This miracle berry is also widely used in folk medicine, and healers use not only the fruits, but also the leaves.

for weight loss

Despite the fact that persimmon pulp contains a lot of sugar (25% of the daily value), its calorie content is very low. There are 62 kilocalories per 100 grams of pulp. An average persimmon weighs approximately 350 grams. It is easy to calculate that by eating one berry, a person receives only about 250 kcal. And the presence of fiber in the pulp creates a feeling of fullness. This is precisely the benefit of persimmon for weight loss.

Of course, there is no single kilocalorie norm that suits everyone without exception. This figure depends on the physical activity of each person, body weight, age and other indicators. But nutritionists have calculated that the human body hardly absorbs more than 550 kcal in the morning, more than 350 kcal in the afternoon and more than 200 kcal in the evening. Based on this, many diets have been developed that include persimmon for weight loss.

Strict diet

It consists of completely replacing food with persimmon. You need to consume up to 2 kilograms of it per day, eating 2 pieces for breakfast, lunch and 1-2 for dinner. With this diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water or herbal decoction per day. It is also allowed to consume low-fat kefir and up to 200 grams of rye crackers without spices. The duration of a strict diet should not exceed five days so as not to cause stomach diseases. This system makes it possible to lose 3-5 kilograms.

Unfortunately, following such a sweet and comforting diet can lead to adverse consequences. Why is persimmon dangerous, the beneficial properties of which for weight loss are beyond doubt? It turns out that this berry, especially the unripe one, contains a lot of tannin. Once in the stomach, it forms difficult-to-digest compounds that envelop its walls, and when entering the intestines, they cause obstruction. In this case, emergency surgery may be necessary.

Gentle diet

A good alternative to the hard system is the gentle one, which also uses persimmon for weight loss. The diet includes a variety of low-calorie foods. Persimmon is consumed once a day, completely replacing breakfast, lunch or dinner. Examples of some gentle diets:

1. Breakfast. 2 pieces of persimmon. Unsweetened tea or herbal decoction.

Dinner. 200 grams of boiled beef, vegetable salad without oil.

Dinner. A glass of kefir with a fat content of up to 1%, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

2. Breakfast. Oatmeal without sugar. Unsweetened green tea.

Dinner. 2 pieces of persimmon.

Afternoon snack. 1 piece of persimmon.

Dinner. Boiled chicken leg without skin. A glass of kefir.

Z. Breakfast. Fried eggs. Vegetable salad without oil. Unsweetened tea.

Dinner. 200 grams of boiled beef, or boiled chicken leg, or lean soup.

Dinner. 2 pieces of persimmon. A glass of low-fat kefir.

The menu of gentle diets may change. The main thing is to maintain the principle of replacing one meal with persimmon.

Fasting days

In addition to diets, nutritionists recommend arranging fasting days, during which persimmons are also consumed for weight loss. The undoubted advantage of this approach is the gradual loss of extra pounds until a person’s weight reaches the required norm. For the body, this method is more gentle, without tension and stress. Over a long period of time, a person gets used to this rhythm of life and perceives it as the norm. should be done once a week. It is advisable to choose a specific day for this, for example Sunday. During the entire fasting day, you need to eat 5-6 persimmons. You can also drink low-fat kefir, unsweetened tea or herbal decoction.

The value of fasting days with persimmons is not only in weight loss, but also in enriching the body with vitamins, in the prevention of various diseases, in reducing fatigue, and in strengthening the immune system.

Even in ancient China, vinegar made from overripe persimmon fruits was highly valued. It has healing properties, improves digestion, perfectly cleanses the body, helps heal wounds and improves skin condition. This vinegar has a yellow-orange color and a pleasant sweetish taste. It is widely used for preparing various sauces and added to salads. should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10 or with milk and drunk daily. Persimmon vinegar helps burn fat even for those people who do not have much physical activity.

Are persimmons harmful?

“Orange sun”, “divine fire”, “heart apple tree” - persimmon is called differently. It is loved all over the world for its delicious taste. Persimmon has many wonderful qualities. The beneficial properties of this berry for weight loss are recognized by many experts and confirmed in practice. However, there is an opinion that the presence of a large amount of sugars in persimmons does not contribute to weight loss, but, on the contrary, to weight gain. There is also an opinion that it is contraindicated for people with diabetes. However, doctors say that persimmon sugar does not affect the glycemic index in the blood.

Those who definitely should not consume it in large quantities are people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and those who have undergone surgery on the abdominal organs.

The reason for the limitation is the tannin contained in persimmons. There is especially a lot of it in unripe fruits. Tannin causes the berries to become astringent, impairing their taste. Its quantity can be easily reduced. To do this, you can place persimmons in the freezer. At low temperatures, tannin molecules are destroyed. You can also leave the persimmons in warm water for 12 hours or place them in a plastic bag with apples.

Which persimmon should you choose?

To ensure that persimmons are not tart and contain as little tannin as possible, they must be purchased ripe. This does not mean that the fruit must be large. For example, the varieties “John Rick” and “Meader” have berries that weigh only about 50 grams. Ripe persimmon fruits are soft to the touch and have thin dark stripes. Their skin is thin, almost transparent, and the tail is dry. In addition, there are varieties of persimmon that are not tart at any degree of ripeness. The Sharon variety, bred in Israel by crossing persimmons with apples, contains little tannin. Its astringency is almost not felt, and the berry itself is very tasty and aromatic. This variety is ideal for a persimmon-based diet and for fasting days.


Persimmon is an extremely healthy fruit that promotes the health of the body and helps fight many diseases, even cancer. Persimmon is very effective for weight loss. People's reviews are indisputable proof of this. Diets based on persimmons are especially popular with those who find it difficult to deny themselves sweets. Despite the sweet taste of persimmon, it is low in calories, and the presence of a large amount of fiber in its pulp causes a feeling of fullness. But in order for it to bring only benefits, you need to consume it in its ripe form, observe moderation and be sure to consult a doctor.

Persimmon is useful for all people, regardless of their weight. Even those who do not need to lose weight can simply enjoy it, eating it fresh or adding it to salads, mousses, desserts, making jams, sauces, and juices from it. In addition, persimmons can be dried. There is practically no astringency in dried fruits, but their calorie content per 100 grams increases to 274. The content of carbohydrates and sugars also increases. Therefore, it is not suitable for weight loss.

If you want to lose 3 kg or more in five days, you can try a diet in which persimmon is an integral element.

Diet plan:

. Day 1. On the first day, you should eat 1 kg of persimmon plus drink at least 2-3 liters of water. You can allow 100-150 grams of boiled. It is allowed to drink green tea with honey.

. Day 2. On the second day you eat 3 pieces. persimmons plus a similar amount of liquid and you can allow 100-150 grams of steamed fish or 200 grams of cottage cheese. It is allowed to drink green tea with honey.

. Day 3. We eat only 1-1.5 kg of persimmon plus water. You can also drink green tea.

. Day 4. We eat up to 1 kg of persimmon, plus a lot of water and 2 eggs.

. Day 5. We eat only 1 kg of persimmon plus a lot of water.

If you have diseases such as diabetes, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and allergies, then you should not lose weight with such a diet. Well, if everything is in order with your health, such a five-day meal plan will help you lose a considerable amount of kilograms in a short period of time.

Persimmon in a weight loss diet is exactly what you need for the most delicious way to lose weight in the cold season!

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