Home Meat What are the benefits of red cabbage? The health benefits and harms of red cabbage Which cabbage is healthier, red or white cabbage

What are the benefits of red cabbage? The health benefits and harms of red cabbage Which cabbage is healthier, red or white cabbage

Red cabbage, the beneficial properties of which are known to many, has a long history in Russia. In the 17th century, it was brought from Western Europe under the name “blue cabbage”. The Russians immediately understood the benefits of this vegetable. Red cabbage has its own similarities and differences with white cabbage. “Blue cabbage”, like white cabbage, can be late, early and medium. Also, red cabbage has a smaller head than white cabbage.
Red cabbage has blue-violet leaves with different shades. This is due to the fact that this cabbage contains a special substance - anthocyanin. This substance has the best effect on the human body. Penetrating into the blood, anthocyanin thickens the walls of blood vessels, increases the elasticity of capillaries and prevents leukemia.

Red cabbage isn't always as juicy as its ancestor. But it contains much more nutrients and vitamins. Potassium, magnesium, iron, phytoncides, enzymes, proteins and fiber - red cabbage contains all this. It is known that in ancient Rome, lung diseases were treated with red cabbage juice. The tuberculosis bacillus cannot develop in our body if we eat red cabbage - it contains phytoncides that prevent the development of tuberculosis.

Red cabbage and its juice are used to treat people with jaundice. It has cleansing properties - it removes harmful substances from the human body, including the liver. It can also be eaten before holidays or events where you are going to have a drink or two. Red cabbage delays the effects of alcohol.

Danish scientists have proven that red cabbage reduces the risk of breast cancer in women by half. Red cabbage is given a bitter taste by glucosinolates, which also prevent the division of cancer cells.

It is important for people suffering from hypertension to include red cabbage in their diet because it lowers blood pressure. It has been proven that it should be used to prevent vascular diseases. Cabbage juice contains bioflavonoids, which are necessary to prevent capillary fragility during bleeding.

Red cabbage has a strengthening effect and helps prevent stomach sluggishness. But red cabbage contains quite a lot of difficult-to-digest fiber, so people with gastrointestinal disorders should avoid it.

Traditional medicine has also not ignored the beneficial properties of red cabbage. For headaches, cover the head with cabbage leaves; they are applied to wounds, cuts and burns. Red cabbage juice makes girls blusher and men full of energy.

The anthocyanin contained in red cabbage gives it a special pungency. That is why many housewives refuse to grow it on their plots. Of course, this cabbage is not as versatile as white cabbage. It has a specific taste and biochemical composition. But the benefits of using it are much greater. Plus, red cabbage juice can easily be used in recipes that call for white cabbage.

Often used to prepare marinades.

Red cabbage contains twice as much vitamin C as white cabbage, and carotene is 4 times higher. The use of this cabbage helps to improve the health of the body. When coughing, it is recommended to use its juice with added sugar. The resulting syrup should be consumed several spoons per day.

When growing red cabbage, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Red cabbage is more cold-resistant than white cabbage.

2. It is subject to less damage by garden pests and is protected from diseases.

3. Dense heads of red cabbage store well in winter.

4. Seedlings must be grown in open ground. And in May-June cabbage should be planted.

5. Red cabbage is cultivated in the same way as white cabbage.

Of course, red cabbage has its own specific uses in cooking. But most recipes work for both red and white cabbage. So how can you use red cabbage? To prepare a tasty, satisfying and healthy side dish for meat, chicken or mushrooms, just simmer cabbage with carrots and onions. But to preserve all the beneficial ingredients, it is better to steam the cabbage. Red cabbage lends itself well to pickling and pickling, just like white cabbage. If you don't know what to add to your vegetable salad, don't forget about grated raw red cabbage. By seasoning the salad with olive oil, lemon juice and salt, you will get a healthy and appetizing dish.

It must be taken into account that red cabbage and the properties it contains affect the cooking time: it takes longer to cook than white cabbage.

Red cabbage has a very beautiful purple leaf color. Coloring substances are represented by carotene, xanthophyll and cyanine. Red cabbage is also richer in methionine than other cabbage vegetables. The color of the leaves of this cabbage depends on the acid level of the soil. In alkaline soil, cabbage turns blue, and in acidic soil it turns red. It is important to remember that in a dish it can color neighboring products. To maintain that fantastic color, you can add a little vinegar or lemon juice. The cabbage will become even tastier and more beautiful.

Red cabbage goes well with fruit, especially apples. It is especially delicious with apples in red wine. Also, when pickling or pickling, red cabbage is prepared with apples and cranberries.

Each head of red cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It is important for every woman to look beautiful and slim. Red cabbage helps make caring for your figure easier. Simple cooking recipes bring great benefits to the female body. Beautiful and elastic skin, a healthy heart, protection against cancer and tuberculosis - all this brings red cabbage to its eater. The high amount of fiber makes you feel full without adding extra calories. Substances contained in red cabbage normalize metabolic processes. It is important for everyone who wants to lose weight without harm to their health to cook and eat red cabbage.

Red cabbage. Benefits and recipes

Red cabbage is, of course, inferior in popularity to white cabbage. But it's time to restore justice! After all, this vegetable is one of the few that retain a maximum of vitamins by spring, and in comparison with white cabbage, red cabbage has 4 times more carotene and 2 times more vitamin C. In addition, it is rich in iron, potassium and magnesium salts, and also contains fiber, proteins, phytoncides and enzymes. If we talk about the specific properties of red cabbage, then we should note its ability to reduce the effects of radiation on the body and prevent the occurrence of leukemia.

Cabbage salad with cheese
Ingredients: 1/4 red cabbage, 1/4 white cabbage, one small head of blue salad onion, 4 slices of white bread, 200 g sour cream, half a small head of soft goat cheese, half a teaspoon of curry, 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Shred the cabbage. Rinse it in running water and dry. Peel and chop the onion. Mix sour cream with chopped goat cheese, add a little water to make the sauce liquid. Lightly salt. Cut the bread into small cubes and fry them in olive oil until golden brown. Mix with cabbage and cheese sauce. Season the salad with curry, sprinkle with small crispy croutons and serve.

Ingredients: 1/4 head of red cabbage, one granny apple, 150 g apple juice, 100 g chilled sour cream, half a teaspoon of a mixture of salt and ground celery.

Place a whisk and a small salad bowl in the freezer. Remove the thick outer leaves of the cabbage. Rinse it in running water, dry it and chop it. Peel the apple and remove the seeds. Cut into quarters and place in a blender, add cabbage and add apple juice. Grind for 10 minutes, then strain. Leave to cool. Beat the sour cream gradually adding salt and celery. Serve cabbage gazpacho garnished with sour cream sauce.

Red cabbage salad with vinegar and spices
Ingredients: 3 small heads of red cabbage, 350 g of red wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, half a teaspoon of peppercorns, 2 teaspoons of juniper berries, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 5 medium bay leaves.

Cut each head of cabbage into quarters. Rinse, dry, sprinkle with salt and leave to marinate for 12 hours. Let the liquid drain, pat the cabbage dry with a towel, then place it in pots, adding juniper berries, bay leaves, pepper and a pinch of cinnamon to each. Pour vinegar into the pan, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into the pot. The vinegar should cover a quarter of the cabbage. Close the pots and let the cabbage steep for two days. Serve pickled cabbage with sausage or cold meat.

Red cabbage makes best salads, but you can also make a tasty side dish.

Red cabbage needs to be cut as thin as possible, as its leaves are very tough.

To make the salad tender, the cabbage is finely chopped, salted and ground. There is another way to make the leaves softer - pour boiling water over shredded cabbage, cover with a lid and leave for half an hour, then drain in a colander, cool and use to make a salad.

Red cabbage salad with cranberry juice


  • red cabbage - 400 g
  • corn oil - 50 ml
  • cranberry juice - 1 tbsp
  • salt
  • sugar

Add salt and sugar to a pan of boiling water, then add shredded cabbage and simmer until softened.

Season with cranberry juice (after adding the juice, the cabbage acquires a very rich, beautiful color) and butter.

Flemish red cabbage


  • red cabbage - 1 head
  • butter - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • apples - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt

Remove the top coarse leaves from the cabbage, wash, cut into 4 parts, remove the stalk, cut the leaves into thin strips.

Heat a frying pan with butter, add cabbage, salt, pepper, wine vinegar.

Cook, covered, over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Wash the apples, cut into 4 parts, remove the cores, cut into slices and add to the pan along with sugar. Mix everything, close the lid again and cook for 20 minutes.

Cabbage can be served as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat.

Bon appetit!

Red cabbage is a type of vegetable plant from the cruciferous group. The life cycle lasts one to two years.

The leaves of red cabbage varieties are large, arranged in a regular order. The seeds are small, and it is difficult to identify different varieties of vegetables from them. The roots consist of a main vertical shaft and lateral shoots growing in a horizontal direction.

The root stem is short. The part of it that goes inside is called the stalk. The large component forms the roots. Red cabbage is a biennial, cross-pollinated vegetable. In the first year, a head of cabbage is formed, and in the second, seeds are formed. The color of both small inner and outer leaves is purple with a light blue or dark red tint. A special color is an individual feature of each variety (you can find out about the characteristics of red cabbage varieties, as well as which one is the best). It depends on the amount of a substance unique in nature - anthocyanin.

The fruits are round, sometimes in the shape of an oval or cone. Good density allows you to reach a weight of 1 to 3 kilograms. The short tap stem has a strong root system. The length of the fruit is about 12 centimeters. The seeds are small, round, dark brown, brown in color.

White cabbage

White cabbage is a two-year-old with large, thick leaves at the base and branched roots.. The stem grows straight. The basal leaves below form a dense rosette. The outer ones, when exposed to sunlight from the outside, acquire a green color. The inner leaves do not receive the required amount of light. In the second year, the stalk takes the shape of a cylinder.

When it is planted in the soil, flowers appear, consisting of four inflorescences of white or yellow color. A brush with seeds is formed from them. The pod is up to 10 centimeters long and produces small round seeds of yellow-brown or brown color.

What are the differences?

By chemical composition

Red cabbage is an excellent product for a gentle, balanced diet.. It is recommended for people with obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. 100 grams of product contains only 26 kcal. The proportion of proteins is 0.8 grams, carbohydrates 7.6, fats 0.2.

100 grams contain:

  • vitamin K – 124% of the daily value;
  • C – 67%;
  • B1 and B2 – 3%;
  • B3 – 6%;
  • B6 – 12%;
  • silicon – 93%;
  • potassium – 12%;
  • manganese – 13%;
  • calcium – 5%;
  • magnesium – 4%;
  • sulfur – 7%;
  • phosphorus – 5%;
  • glucose – 12%;
  • fiber – 10%.

Red cabbage juice is effective for treating stomach ulcers; fiber helps eliminate unnecessary substances. The rich composition of vitamins and microelements provides many benefits.

Compared to white cabbage, it contains double the amount of vitamin C, and contains 4 times more carotene.

Anthocyanin strengthens blood vessels and prevents the penetration of harmful radioactive elements. The phytoncides and enzymes contained in white cabbage help fight tuberculosis and bronchitis.

Eating it helps reduce blood pressure and normalizes weight. White cabbage contains many different valuable vitamins and minerals. 100 grams contain:

  • 28 kcal;
  • 1.8 grams of protein;
  • 4.7 carbohydrates;
  • 0.2 fat.

It is famous for its advantages and remarkable qualities, containing a large number of various nutritional components. The benefits of the red vegetable are undeniable. It is enough to note that it contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits. The product has been successfully used in the prevention of cancer.

Shelf life

White cabbage is harvested in dry weather. The fruits must be whole, undamaged, healthy, and free from excess contamination. When storing, place them with the stalk facing up in loose rows. It is necessary to ensure good air circulation between the rows of vegetables.

This will ensure maximum shelf life. It is well preserved at temperatures from 0 to 1 degrees C and air humidity of 90–95%.

If all requirements are met, white cabbage can be stored for 3 to 6 months. Red cabbage accumulates a lot of valuable things, is resistant to pests, and therefore can withstand longer shelf life.

This period, depending on the variety, growing region, and care, can take more than 6 months. You can store it in vegetable stores, basements, cellars, and refrigerators. There are no particular difficulties in this.


Red cabbage is most often used to prepare various salads.. Consumption fresh is especially useful for improving the health of children and adults.

For people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to include stewed cabbage in their diet. In its raw form, you can start with small portions.

It is no less useful to stew and marinate the product. Typically, red cabbage in stores is more expensive than white cabbage.. The reasons for such prices are explained by the following points:

  1. due to long ripening periods, more care is required;
  2. the substance anthocyanin colors the leaves in a beautiful rich color, adds new taste qualities, and has a beneficial effect on improving blood composition;
  3. the vegetable has medicinal properties.

In the peculiarities of cultivation

Red cabbage is cold-resistant. It has a high density and is less susceptible to disease. The period of growth and maturation is longer and is about 160 days. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May. The sprouts are distributed at a closer distance from each other.

The distance between bushes should be 25–30 centimeters, and between rows of plants 45. The rest of the care technique is almost no different. Cabbage cabbage is grown in two ways - seeds and seedlings. Seedlings are planted in prepared beds at the end of May.

You need to add to the wells:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • ash.

Young plants require frequent watering. During this period, a rosette is formed. Fruits love abundant watering.

With a lack of water, the leaves appear curled and have an unwanted silvery coating. The leaves in the lower part must be removed in a timely manner, in this case the flow of substances into the head of cabbage increases. Loosening and hilling are required.

What to choose and when?

For fresh use, it is better to choose red cabbage, since it contains a considerable number of links that ensure the normal functioning of internal organs and systems (read about the benefits of red cabbage and whether there is any harm from consuming it). It is preferable for main courses and preparations for the winter.

White cabbage is more suitable for your favorite first courses - cabbage soup, borscht, solyanka. Softer leaves are successfully used for cabbage rolls. Tasty and healthy sauerkraut. You can eat cabbage throughout the year. It is better to select the necessary varieties for pickling and pickling in the fall.


For a varied and nutritious diet, you need to use this wonderful vegetable. To expand your knowledge about healthy food, you need to study all its positive properties. A competent approach to organizing a reasonable and effective lifestyle will help not only maintain health, but also prolong youth.

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It is difficult to find a person who does not consume fresh vegetables, in particular cabbage. This plant product occupies a dominant position in the diet of every second resident of our country. In Russia, the most popular varieties are: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and red cabbage. Their benefits have been carefully studied and tested for centuries.

In today's publication we will talk about which differs from other varieties in its bright color. Not many people are aware of the healing properties and biochemical composition of this plant. We will try to provide as accessible and detailed information as possible about this interesting and extremely useful plant for our body. In addition, we will describe a couple of fortified recipes.

When to harvest and how to choose vegetables at the market?

I would like to clarify that all subspecies of cabbage originated from a wild plant. True, each of them has a slightly different vitamin and mineral complex. Each subspecies is planted at different times of the year. the benefits and harms of which have always interested scientists, tolerates frost well and does not require special care. However, to obtain a high-quality and good harvest, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, water, hill up and feed.

This cabbage is loved by many amateur gardeners. The harvest begins to be harvested as it ripens, depending on the species. Late varieties are harvested in the fall - early October. After which they are removed to the basements. The plant is stored for a long time and is less susceptible to rotting, unlike its relative - white cabbage.

For those who are not involved in gardening and prefer to buy food at the market or in a store, we recommend paying close attention to the external characteristics of this vegetable. Firstly, it should not have mechanical damage, rotten leaves or an unpleasant odor. Secondly, fresh cabbage will never be limp and faded. A quality plant has leaves that are elastic, shiny and heavy, with a characteristic aroma.

Red cabbage: benefits and healing properties

First of all, let's start discussing the external color. The color of the leaves is due to the presence of a special substance - the flavonoid anthocyanin. Thanks to this pigment, the plant has an unusual color. In addition, anthocyanin has antioxidant properties, affects the activity of enzymes in the body, for this reason it is used in folk and official medicine. The natural substance neutralizes heavy metals, free radicals, harmful waste and toxins.

Red cabbage has been repeatedly proven to improve the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels. Its benefit lies in the ability to protect the structure of cells and tissues from destruction. Recommended for people living in radioactive regions. It has also been established that the vegetable stabilizes blood pressure, cholesterol levels and strengthens the immune system.

According to researchers, red cabbage, the benefits of which are undeniable, alleviates symptoms during menopause (hot flashes, irritability, migraines). It is impossible not to note the presence of ascorbic acid and protein compounds in the composition, without which normal development of the body is impossible. The plant contains quite a lot of retinol, a vitamin that is responsible for the normal functioning of the visual, nervous and immune systems.

It is difficult to overestimate the healing power of vegetables. An indispensable plant for the gastrointestinal tract: cleanses, restores digestion, heals small ulcers. You can’t ignore the dietary properties. Experts unanimously declare that the vegetable quickly saturates, fills with vitamins, dulls hunger and promotes weight loss. The composition does not contain sucrose and starch, so there will be no harm to the figure. There are only 26 kcal per 100 grams of product.

A little about the harm

Red cabbage, the benefits and contraindications of which must be studied before consumption, has a small number of restrictions. It should be used with caution in case of ulcerative pathology of the duodenum. It is recommended to stew or boil the vegetable. Dosage should be minimized in case of excessive gas formation and colic.

Use in cooking

Many countries around the world use red cabbage. The benefits of the vegetable remain even after heat treatment: stewing, boiling, frying. It is mainly consumed fresh, salted or pickled. It is worth noting that it is better not to eat the top leaves and heads of cabbage, as nitrates accumulate in them. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting cooking options.

Recipe with added cranberries

Ingredients for the dish:

  • Half a glass of filtered water.
  • ½ part red cabbage.
  • Two hundred grams of fresh cranberries.
  • Dessert spoon of grated ginger root.
  • Soy sauce - 20 g.
  • and sugar - a tablespoon.

Crush the washed cranberries in a mortar and pass the resulting juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Chop the cabbage into thin strips, pour in the fruit drink and let it brew for half an hour. Season the pickled vegetable with the remaining ingredients: soy sauce, ginger, butter and granulated sugar.

This salad is perfect for meat and fish dishes. It goes harmoniously with carrots, apples, tomatoes, beets, and red cabbage. The benefits (recipes eliminate vitamin deficiency) of fresh salads are doubly great in winter.

With horseradish and pineapple

This is a spicy salad for real gourmets. An interesting combination of light sourness and delicate sweetness gives an excellent result. The dish includes:

  • 300 grams of red cabbage.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Ripe pineapple (canned) in the amount of 300 grams.
  • Lemon.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Garlic - three cloves.
  • Ready horseradish - dessert spoon.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 g.

Squeeze lemon juice and pour it over the chopped pineapple. Chop the cabbage into strips, mash with your hands, mix with wedges and place in a salad bowl. Add pineapples. Make the dressing: squeeze garlic into mayonnaise, season with horseradish and salt. Combine the finished sauce with the ingredients and garnish the dish with chopped parsley.

As you can see, red cabbage is prepared in different interpretations. The benefit of the plant is to saturate the body with a whole range of minerals and vitamins.

So we have listed all the characteristics and properties of the vegetable product. It is difficult to find equals to this plant, so do not miss the opportunity to enjoy it. Red cabbage has a healing effect on all human organs and tissues. The benefits and harms, as we found out, are incomparable. Of course, cabbage has many more healing qualities than contraindications. Be healthy and happy!

Cabbage is a healthy vegetable that is actively used in cooking. In our homeland, red cabbage is not as popular as white cabbage, but it has no less benefits, and perhaps even more.

We will tell you how red cabbage is good for the health of women and men, what its beneficial properties are for the elderly, what are the benefits for children, who can it harm, are there any contraindications to its use, and we will share delicious recipes.

Features and composition of red vegetables

Red cabbage- a close relative of the white cabbage. The representative of the sport has a denser head and a reddish-purple color of the leaves, which is visible even in seedlings.

The color atypical for the fruit is due to the presence contains a large amount of anthocyanin, which is very useful for humans.

The red leaves are often used for cooking and garnishing. This vegetable has very few calories - only 24 kcal per 100 g, there is absolutely no fat, so it is often included in the diet menu.

Like its close white relative, this variety has a very valuable biological composition. It includes fiber, proteins, enzymes necessary for the body, phytoncides and sugars.

First you need to cut the pineapple and pour lemon juice over it. Cut the cabbage into strips, mash it with your hands, mix with sliced ​​pepper, place in the salad and add pineapples.

Braised in red wine

The recipe requires a kilogram of red vegetable, 200 ml of red wine, 80 g of butter, 30 g of flour and salt.

First you need melt butter in a saucepan. Finely chop the cabbage, place it in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for half an hour, add salt and pepper, add flour, mix everything.

Pour out the wine and simmer covered over low heat for half an hour. The resulting dish is a wonderful side dish for fish and meat dishes.

Recipe with cranberries

For this delicious recipe you will need half a head of red cabbage, 200 grams of fresh cranberries, clean water, a spoon of chopped soy sauce, sugar and corn oil. This publication

Red cabbage is low in calories and contains dietary fiber allows you to use it as a dietary product.

You can eat the vegetable in its pure form as a snack to get rid of hunger, or you can cook low-calorie dishes based on it.

The product is used in folk medicine to combat high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, vascular disorders, and malignant tumors.

Its use is indicated for high blood sugar and cholesterol, impaired metabolism, reduced immunity, and a tendency to edema.

Vegetable juice is beneficial for jaundice, stomatitis, bleeding gums, bleeding. Juice in combination with a decoction helps combat insomnia and nervous disorders.

Seed decoction used for worms. To eliminate cough and hoarseness, use cabbage juice with sugar and honey.

Vegetable juice is used in cosmetology. It is used as a lotion to cleanse the skin of acne, blackheads, and boils.

You can add it to masks, which help eliminate excessive oily skin and restore vitamin balance.

Red cabbage is a worthy alternative to the usual white cabbage. By consuming it regularly, you can forget about many health problems.

In contact with

Beloved by many generations, the garden lady has long been known not only in a white outfit. So original, but still not very common, red cabbage. Its benefits and harms are not very well known among the general population. And completely in vain. Let's discuss it, perhaps.

Beneficial properties of red cabbage

Red-purple leaves, according to reviews, contain much less juice than the usual white cabbage leaves. But this does not at all detract from their advantages in terms of benefits for the human body.

Did you know? That the vitamin C content in red cabbage is 5 times higher than in its relative with white and green leaves. And thanks to its unique natural and biological properties, this vegetable retains vitamins much better than all other types of cabbage. That is, practically until the new harvest, the chemical composition of the pulp and juice does not change.

The cosmetic richness of red cabbage is due to the high content of retinol (vitamin A) in the leaves. It is he who is largely responsible for the condition of the skin and nails. It is enough to eat just a small bowl of fresh purple leaf salad a day so that your nail plates stop peeling and fine wrinkles forget what you look like.

By the way, freshly squeezed juice from the leaves is very good for rinsing dark hair. Not only does it give your hair a noble mahogany shade, it also softens it while strengthening it.

Advice. Season red cabbage salad only with vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). Because retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin. Without the addition of oils, it is not absorbed by the human body.

Red cabbage has even more medical benefits. It is recommended to include it in the diet at least twice a week for:

  • removing salts of heavy metals, toxins and waste from the body.
  • increasing the body's protective functions and strengthening the immune system
  • restoring normal blood cholesterol levels
  • tuberculosis prevention
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and cleaning the circulatory system
  • normalizing blood pressure
  • treatment of stomach ulcers and respiratory system diseases

What can I say, this vegetable has a lot of advantages. Therefore, pay close attention to red cabbage. Just don’t overuse it, because in addition to its beneficial properties, the beauty has some

Harmful properties of red cabbage

The reddish-purple leaves contain large amounts of coarse natural fiber. It does not dissolve and is not completely digested. On the one hand, this is a good job for intestinal motility. On the other hand, hard work for a weakened gastrointestinal tract. For example, after an illness. Or if you have an open stomach ulcer.

Red cabbage is not recommended for use in the diet of children under 1.5 years of age. Because diathesis may occur. Remember that red fruits, berries and vegetables are not given to children at all? For the same reason, we advise people with allergies not to risk their own health and replace the purple beauty with more suitable vegetables.

And of course, the notorious individual intolerance. There is nothing to say here. It is forbidden to eat, period.

Folk wisdom

A fairy tale about the beneficial effects of cabbage on the growth of women's breasts has been passed down from generation to generation. And the people firmly believe in this nonsense. He gorges himself on salads and preparations from the lady’s garden, hoping for the best. Although breasts do not grow larger than genetics dictate. In this regard, red cabbage is credited with a truly miraculous property. They say that if you apply one sheet of paper to your breasts at night for a month, the main thing is that a woman’s wealth will increase by at least 3 sizes. Nonsense. A miracle won't happen.

But if you eat red cabbage salads at least 2 times a week, your muscle tissue will become much stronger. No, the breasts themselves will not increase. But on the other hand, it will not hang prematurely at the level of the knees.

Traditional medicine strongly recommends using freshly squeezed juice to treat various stomach diseases. In particular - ulcers and gastritis. There is undoubtedly an effect. But different sources give completely contradictory recommendations. Therefore, be sure to go for a consultation with a competent specialist so as not to cause trouble in a fit of self-medication.

Did you know? What if you have a long feast with a copious libation of alcoholic drinks, then folk wisdom recommends first eating a plate of red cabbage salad. The fact is that the purple vegetable significantly neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the body.

Since the times of Ancient Rome, people have known about the beneficial effects of red cabbage juice on the human respiratory system. And they even tried to treat tuberculosis with it. There has been no scientific research on this topic, but the experience of our ancestors suggests this is a way to fight cough. That is, freshly squeezed juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. And by the way, this mixture works similar to black radish juice. And all thanks to the characteristic sharpness in taste.

Popular wisdom also successfully uses recipes from cabbage with purple leaves to normalize the water-salt balance in the body. Thanks to this, a person ceases to be tormented by high blood pressure. Just fresh leaves have a diuretic effect. By the way, it is very useful for various edema or the presence of excess fluid in the body.

Compresses made from crushed fresh leaves help quickly get rid of bruises, cuts and abrasions. And the juice doesn’t sting! Therefore, parents, take note of this information.

Interesting. Each source considers it its duty to convey to the reader the supposedly special love of one famous mathematician and philosopher for red cabbage. It’s just not clear what the value of this information is? And who needs it?

Cabbage with purple leaves is highly valued among fans of various diets. The fact is that it is a champion in terms of calorie content. Only on the other side. That is, it is actively used for nutrition during weight loss. The minimum possible amount of calories + quick saturation + long bowel movement + proper physical activity = proper weight loss without any harm to health and chemicals.

Popular rumor says that the large amount of antioxidants in red cabbage allows it to be included in the menu for people suffering from the effects of radiation exposure. No, of course, blue cabbage is not a panacea or a cure for radiation. But in combination with competent therapy, even traditional medicine has recognized that there is an undoubted effect.

Now you are savvy enough and know why red cabbage is so good. Its benefits and harms are also no secret. Plant, grow, eat this ruddy beauty. And don't get sick.

Video: red cabbage salad

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