Home Product ratings Sponge cake with prunes. “Honey cake” with prunes: a festive recipe Simple prune cake with sour cream

Sponge cake with prunes. “Honey cake” with prunes: a festive recipe Simple prune cake with sour cream

Prunes can become the main ingredient of a separate cake or an addition to already known recipes like “Honey cake” or “Sour cream”. In the following recipes we will look at all sorts of variations of cakes with prunes and sour cream to satisfy the tastes of every dried fruit lover.

Cake “Honey cake” with sour cream and prunes


For the cakes:

  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • honey - 75 ml;
  • flour - 235 g;
  • sugar - 145 g;
  • soda - 5 g.

For cream:

  • - 210 g;
  • sour cream - 910 ml;
  • whipping cream - 240 ml.

For decoration:

  • - 15 berries;
  • chocolate.


Beat the first couple of ingredients for the cake at maximum power into a stiff foam. Heat the honey and add soda to it, wait for the moment when it acquires a pronounced yellow tint. Gradually pour hot honey into the eggs without stopping the whisk. Reduce the speed of the device and start adding flour in portions. It is much more convenient to bake a couple of cakes and cut them than to bake each one separately, so distribute the dough between a pair of round molds (20 cm) and put in the oven for 27 minutes at 160. Divide the cakes in two.

For the cream, whip the cream. Combine sour cream with powdered sugar. Mix cream with sour cream.

Coat each of the cakes with sour cream and distribute the pieces of prunes. Place the cakes together, leaving a few berries for decoration. Decorate the cakes with cream on the outside as well. Garnish with melted chocolate and prunes.

Serve a delicious cake with prunes and sour cream 6 hours after finishing cooking.

Cake recipe with prunes and sour cream


  • butter - 185 g;
  • cane sugar - 270 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • candied ginger - 45 g;
  • lemon juice and zest;
  • prunes - 245 g;
  • flour - 195 g;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • baking powder - 1 1/2 teaspoons;
  • apples - 180 g;
  • sour cream - 270 ml;
  • powdered sugar - to taste.


In a saucepan, melt the first three ingredients over medium heat. Add citrus juice and zest, candied ginger pieces and remove from heat. When the butter has cooled slightly, beat it with the eggs and add the dry ingredients. Add pieces of apples, nuts and prunes. Pour the dough into a parchment-lined baking sheet and place in the oven for 45 minutes at 160. Cool the finished sponge cake completely and then remove to a wire rack. Pour sour cream and powdered sugar over the top of the treat. Cake with prunes, sour cream and walnuts can be served immediately.


For skin:

  • butter - 115 g;
  • sour cream - 235 ml;
  • sugar - 135 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • soda - 1 1/2 teaspoons;
  • flour - 185 g;
  • cocoa - 15 g.

For cream:

  • sour cream - 230 g;
  • granulated sugar - 55 g;
  • prunes - 225 g;
  • butter - 165 g.

For decoration:

  • whipping cream - 190 ml;
  • sour cream - 45 g;
  • powdered sugar - 165 g:
  • nuts.


For the cakes, turn malo and sugar into cream, and then beat in the eggs. Add sour cream, gradually add a mixture of soda and flour. Spread half of the thick dough on parchment and bake at 175 degrees for 15 minutes. Add cocoa to the remaining dough and repeat baking with chocolate cake layers with prunes and sour cream according to a similar pattern. Cool the biscuits.

For the cream, you should also beat the butter and sugar until white, then add sour cream. Spread the cream over the cakes and place pieces of prunes on top.

Now to the decor: whip the cream, add sour cream and powdered sugar. Decorate the cake with prunes and sour cream with cream, berries and chopped nuts.

Beat eggs with a glass of sugar. Add softened butter. Beat until smooth. Sift flour with baking powder. Add flour to the egg-butter mixture. Add a packet of vanillin for scent. Beat well for 5-7 minutes.

Divide the dough into two parts. I decided to make a two-color sponge cake. Add cocoa to one half of the dough and beat again. Now you can bake. Take a mold, grease it with margarine or line it with parchment paper. We bake the cakes one by one in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour each. When the biscuit is cooked, it needs to be cooled. Then cut both cakes into 2 parts and sprinkle with liqueur if desired.

Let's start with the cream. Soak the prunes in hot water for 20 minutes. Chop walnuts or any other nuts with a knife, but not into crumbs. Take out the sour cream and beat it with a glass of sugar along with vanilla.

Assembling the cake. I placed a dark sponge cake on the bottom tier. Some of the nuts and prunes were scattered on it and poured with sour cream. We do this with each layer of biscuit.

The top sponge cake can be decorated as you wish. It can be sour cream with nuts and prunes, like mine, or whipped cream, boiled condensed milk and much more. Serve the cake chilled. This is what it looks like in our section, just a wonderful “birthday” cake! Enjoy your tea!

I'm very glad to meet you)

And here I am again with cake, there can never be too many of them :)

Although there are so many cake recipes now that it’s impossible to make too many, most often I still make those that I have already baked several times, time-tested and loved by my family.

Today is one of them: a delicious homemade cake with prune and walnut cream.

I came across this recipe for a cake with prunes and walnuts with sour cream a long time ago, in one of the issues of “Our Kitchen,” a culinary magazine that I still subscribe to. In the original it was called “Rose Bush” because its author, Vera Kaverina from Yoshkar-Ola, decorated it with roses baked from biscuit dough.

Several times I strictly followed the recipe, sculpted roses, but I always wanted to decorate them with the help of the delicious ingredients included in the recipe - nuts and prunes, I also need to be able to sculpt the roses)). In general, that's what I do.

If you love prunes, then this recipe is definitely for you. The cake is not too sweet, with delicate sour cream and prune cream. And, it seems to me, it is suitable for summer celebrations on a par with more than, for example, .

So if you have a reason, try this delicious recipe for a cake with prunes and sour cream, a photo and step-by-step preparation of which I will now give you. Or you can bake it for no reason 😉

Let's get started.






Grind the butter with the yolks and sugar, add slaked soda and sour cream. Add flour, knead the dough. Divide into 3 parts, add cocoa to one, bake three cakes.


Chop the nuts. Pass the prunes through a meat grinder or blender. Beat the butter with 0.5 cups of sugar. Separately, beat sour cream with 0.5 sugar. Mix two creams, add prunes and nuts.

Assembly and decoration

Coat the cakes with cream. Coat the cake with it on the sides and top. Garnish with chopped nuts and prunes.

Cake with prunes and sour cream, recipe with photos step by step

As always, baking has its own nuances, so I’ll tell you about the cooking process in more detail and more colorfully - with photographs.

Remove the butter in advance so that it softens. Grind it with sugar and yolks with a spoon, you get a whitish mass.

Add soda doused with sour cream. The first time, my long-term habit worked - they extinguish soda with vinegar, but I listened to the author, extinguished it with sour cream, nothing terrible happened, the cakes rose. However, from time to time I still add baking powder for splendor. This time, for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I didn’t add it)

Let me remind you that if you add baking powder, first stir it into the flour so that it is evenly distributed throughout the dough.

Now add flour and knead the dough.

Divide it into three parts and add cocoa into one.

I divide it into three pieces in a bowl, put one in another bowl and add cocoa there, it mixes in easily.

We bake the cakes one at a time. This can be done quickly, since they cook within 7-10 minutes.

Start with a light-colored dough so you can tell by appearance how long it will take to bake in your oven.

For baking, I used a mold with a diameter of 25 cm. Don’t be afraid that there is not enough dough, that you can’t spread it out evenly, and that there won’t be enough for the entire mold. It spreads easily with a spoon moistened with water.

And then it turns out to be such cute cakes.

When the cakes have cooled, trim off the uneven edges, they will be used for decoration.

Now sour cream with prunes for the cake

Now, hurray!, prunes are sold without seeds and are so soft that you don’t need to steam them, just wash them. If your prunes are dry and have pits, you will have to steam them first and remove the pits.

After all the manipulations, we pass the prunes through a meat grinder.

Honestly, when I make a cake in double volume, then I’m not too lazy to take out the meat grinder. But when you only need to grind half a kilogram, it seems to me that more labor will be spent on getting out and washing the meat grinder.

So this time I crushed it with a blender. The pieces turn out a little larger, but this is not critical.

Chop the walnuts into small pieces. I don’t bother with the same sizes, and as best I can, I break it with my hands and chop it with a knife.

In a separate bowl, beat the butter with half the amount of sugar - 0.5 cups.

Again, separately beat the sour cream with the remaining half a glass of sugar.

Mix the two creams, add chopped prunes and nuts.

Now all that remains is to assemble and decorate.

If you are scared by the amount of cream, don’t worry about using so much of it. It will be partially absorbed perfectly, the rest will harden.

Therefore, we spread it on the lower light cake, sparing a little less than a third of the cream. Top with cocoa cake. Then again the cream, and again the light cake.

We coat the sides and begin to bring beauty.

Chop the edges of the cut cakes. I just roll them with a rolling pin. And sprinkle on the sides and top of the cake.

For decoration I used nuts, prunes and chocolate, sprinkle and arrange them as your imagination dictates.

The cake is ready.

It turns out not too big, a little more than a kilogram, just suitable for a home party. For crowded celebrations I make a double portion.

I must say that a large cake with prunes and walnuts according to this recipe turns out even tastier, apparently soaking better under its own weight.

But the cream should not be completely absorbed; it remains a thick layer. That’s right, the cream is very tasty, you could eat it as a dessert on its own))

I usually put all cakes that need to be soaked in the refrigerator only after 2-3 hours, so the cakes are quickly saturated with the taste and smell of the cream.

Enjoy your tea :)

This sour cream cake is delicious - really! And it’s great not only for layering sponge cake, but also for serving with pancakes! But now this is the most relevant thing due to the fact that Oil Week is underway 😉

However, I don’t even dare to call this wonderful cream purely sour cream, because it also contains butter. In my opinion, this is precisely the key to his success. At least, personally, I like exclusively sour cream-based ones much less. And here the cream with prunes for the cake can even be called butter cream.

And since we’re talking about these products, let’s talk about them right away. I took store-bought sour cream, 20 percent. This is the best option. With a lower percentage it will be more liquid, and with a higher percentage (33% and above) it will be too greasy! After all, oil comes next. And I advise you to take 82.5%. If only simply because this is exactly what a product with a fat percentage of 80 or higher has the right to be called - real butter. Everything below is spread, margarine, cream product, and so on.

So, I propose to make this very tasty sour cream for a prune cake. It will be one of the main ingredients. It is thanks to him that the finished product will have such a bright and rich taste! Choosing the right dried fruits is already 50% of success. It is advisable to make purchases not in a supermarket in prepackaged bags, but to buy from private southern sellers.

Don't try to choose the most beautiful and shiny prune. This is a harmful shine. Dried fruits are treated with special means to increase shelf life and prevent insects from eating them. Can you imagine how disgusting it is? And it is very difficult to wash off these oily products, or rather, completely impossible. And in stores now, unfortunately, in 95% of cases this is the only one. Dusty and of medium humidity (not quite oak to kill, but not soaked in water) - just right!

What sweetness to make sour cream for cake at home is up to you. But remember that prunes contain natural sugar. In the end, you can always add it by mixing it into the total mass and whipping it again. However, I highly recommend using powder. It is much more gentle and will not feel like crystals that have not completely dissolved, like sugar. Well, in order to make this gorgeous cream also fragrant at the end, I poured in cognac! It can give anything an absolutely unforgettable touch, a special confectionery taste!

It has been said more than once today that this cream with prunes is for cake. And it’s true, you can lubricate absolutely anyone with it and it will turn out super-duper! With almost the same option I made one of my favorite cakes -. Only there I added more walnuts. You can also let them in if you wish. For the specified amount of ingredients, 50 grams will be enough. But I like it no less without them.

However, I moved away from my thought. I wanted to emphasize that this sour cream for the cake is very tasty and can have a very wide range of applications - not only for spreading, but also for filling, layering of any kind, filling. And also for serving with a wide variety of dishes, for cooking, including layer-by-layer serving in glasses/wine glasses. In a word, if you are planning a holiday, then homemade sour cream for a cake with prunes will be the best solution! 😉

  • sour cream 20% - 200 g
  • natural butter 82.5% - 150 g
  • prunes - 300 g
  • sugar or powdered sugar - 70 g or to taste
  • cognac - 2 tbsp.

The first task, if you don’t have ready-made powder, is to make it yourself. This time I ground the sugar in a coffee grinder. You can also do this in a blender chopper, but the grind will be coarser. It may be different for you, because the technology is different.

In a few seconds, my assistant turned the sugar into powder.

Now I added half of its total mass to the sour cream and beat it.

I added the second half to soft butter (it needs to be removed from the refrigerator in advance).

I also beat it until smooth with an electric whisk.

Let me remind you that my prune cream is for a cake with cognac, which is not at all necessary, but will make it extremely fragrant! Therefore, if you are not against alcohol in cooking, then I strongly advise you to use it.
So, I added the prepared sour cream to the whipped butter and then poured in the cognac.

Beat with an electric whisk, gradually increasing the speed from the lowest until a homogeneous mass is formed. At this stage, just sour cream for the cake at home is ready!

I have it, as you remember, with a bright additive that creates a special mood!
I washed the prunes well. I didn’t soak it, because I didn’t see the need for it, it wasn’t too dry and not too wet, perfect)
I dried it and cut it randomly. Sent it to the chopper bowl.

Grind at maximum speed into a homogeneous puree. Sent it into the bowl.

I beat it one last time until smooth.

So the sour cream for the cake is ready, very tasty with prunes at home, save the recipe with the photo so that you can have it on hand at the right time.

I stretched the prepared volume onto a cake of two relatively low cake layers measuring 18x24 cm. And there was still time left to enjoy ;)

This is such a cute sponge cake I came up with!

This sour cream for the cake is very tasty and also drives me crazy with its color - it’s luxurious, isn’t it?..

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Man learned to cook the first cakes almost immediately after mastering grinding grains into flour. After sugar became a common and affordable product, cakes began to be prepared both in home kitchens and in confectionery factories. Sour cream cake with prunes, Sacher cake, Napoleon cake, Prague cake, and many other sponge, shortbread, and chocolate cakes have gained popularity.

The principle of making cakes is to bake the layers and assemble them using cream or jam. Also, both fresh and dried fruits, berries, nuts, and poppy seeds can be used for cakes.

Making sour cream cake with prunes at home is within the capabilities of a novice pastry chef. This cake is quite simple to make and does not require rare expensive ingredients.

Sour cream cake with prunes

For homemade sour cream with prunes you will need:

for test:

for cream:

  • a glass of sour cream;
  • glass of sugar

for the top:

  • chocolate 50 g;
  • prunes 5-7 pcs.



Cookman to help

The secrets of a delicious sour cream cake with prunes are as follows:

  • for the cream, use sour cream with high fat content, and to make it thicker, you can add 20 - 30 g of starch;
  • To prevent the cake from sinking, it should not be immediately removed from the mold.

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