Home Products Protein sponge cake with cocoa. Angel sponge cake (squirrel sponge cake). Recipe for making a tender sponge cake with whites

Protein sponge cake with cocoa. Angel sponge cake (squirrel sponge cake). Recipe for making a tender sponge cake with whites

100 gr. flour, 225 gr. fine crystalline sugar, 8 proteins, a pinch of citric acid, 2 teaspoons of grated lemon zest, 1 teaspoon of almond essence, powdered sugar for sprinkling. Fresh berries or fruits for serving.

for the sauce: 300 ml fat milk, 3 yolks, 15 gr. fine crystalline sugar, a couple of drops of vanilla or almond essence (optional).

Utensils: Deep silicone baking dish with a diameter of 18 cm.

STEP 1: Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Sift the flour and half the sugar three times: this will make the sponge cake airy.

STEP 2: In a perfectly clean, dry bowl, beat the whites with citric acid until the tops appear. Sift the remaining sugar into the whites. Beat until the white mixture becomes thick and shiny.

STEP 3: Add lemon zest, vanilla or almond essence and sifted flour and sugar. Transfer the dough to the prepared pan and bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes: a knitting needle should come out clean after piercing the cake in the center. Turn the pan over onto a wire rack and let the sponge cool. Walk around Use a knife around the edges of the cake to loosen it from the pan and invert onto a serving platter.

STEP 4: To prepare the sauce, heat the milk and bring almost to a boil. Beat the yolks with sugar, pour in the hot milk in a thin stream and stir well. Place the sauce in a hot water bath and cook for 10 minutes, never bringing it to a boil - the mixture should thicken a little. Flavor with a couple of drops of vanilla or almond essence. Before serving, sprinkle the sponge cake with powdered sugar and decorate with berries or fruits if desired. Serve the sauce separately. After preparing the sponge cake, there should be 5 yolks left.

Bon appetit!

How to make a biscuit with squirrels? What is this food? Answers to these and other questions are provided below. Angel food (squirrel biscuit) is an American invention. Some people believe that it cannot be prepared without a special shape with a cone in the middle and a cremortartar. That's why most housewives don't cook it at all. Meanwhile, such baking is an excellent way to utilize proteins that, say, remain after making ice cream. How to make a delicious protein biscuit is shown below.


The sponge cake familiar to all of us is made using eggs. But the residents of the United States were the first to produce the product in question, which turned out to be very delicate and white. It is for this reason that they called it angelic.

If you are a fan of delicious, interesting and unusual pastries, this pie is just for you. It is very light and delicate, created from a couple of spoons of flour, sugar and proteins. The product turns out incredibly tasty.

Thanks to its weightless texture, it looks more like a dessert than the rich pastry we are all familiar with. To make the product tasty and tender, you need to strictly follow all the tips and recommendations.

With raspberries

How to make a sponge cake with squirrels and raspberries? The sweet and soft taste of these berries goes well with protein biscuit. We take:

Prepare this egg white sponge cake as follows:

  1. Add citric acid and salt to the whites, beat at low speed. When the mass increases in size, but is not yet dense, add sugar in portions. The main condition for making such a biscuit is the gradual addition of sugar over two minutes. Make sure that the mass does not turn out thick.
  2. Once you have beaten the egg white mixture to soft peaks, fold the flour into the batter. Mix the mixture with light movements.
  3. Place a third of the dough into the baking dish. Place raspberries on top.
  4. Cover everything with another layer of dough, again lay out the raspberries and the rest of the protein mass.
  5. Bake the product at 180°C for about 25 minutes. You should have a light sponge cake that melts in your mouth.

Serve the dessert chilled with herbal tea, custard cream or raspberry jam.

  • To make the protein sponge cake perfect, you need to follow the recommended time for the egg mass.
  • During the winter months, frozen berries can be used to create the pie.
  • Instead of raspberries, you can use any berries: strawberries, cherries, blueberries or blackberries.
  • To prevent the top of the biscuit from burning, cover it with foil.
  • Since the cake turns out weightless, bake two servings of sponge cake for a large group.

Chocolate sponge cake

Delicate sponge cake with whipped egg whites with the finest chocolate aroma is a true gourmet delight. If you like healthy and original baked goods, make “Kiss of an Angel”. You will be captivated by this amazing pie. This chocolate biscuit is a great addition to breakfast with girlfriends or a romantic dinner.

It will also appeal to kids who love chocolate baked goods. The biscuit contains only healthy ingredients, so kids can eat it without inconvenience (within reasonable limits). Take:

This recipe with a photo of a biscuit made with squirrels stipulates the implementation of the following actions:

  1. Beat the whites with sugar, salt and citric acid into a tight, strong foam.
  2. Combine baking powder, flour and cocoa, stir.
  3. Add the dry mixture to the egg whites and lightly stir the dough.
  4. Spread the mold with vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. Place the dough in the mold and place in the oven preheated to 150°C for 30 minutes.
  5. After cooling, place the biscuit on a plate and cut into portions.

Serve dessert with aromatic coffee, milk or mint tea.

  • Check the readiness of the pie with a wooden toothpick.
  • Don't try to get a homogeneous dough. Even if you come across lighter or darker pieces, don’t worry. Here it is important to preserve the “airiness” of the mass.

Angel biscuit

To create this dessert, it is better to use “aged” proteins. To do this, separate them from the yolks, pour them into a bowl, cover with plastic and place in the refrigerator overnight (you can also leave them at room temperature).

Proteins can be kept in the refrigerator for up to five days; they will not spoil, but will acquire special qualities. Such proteins are great for baking “Kyiv cake”, “Angel sponge cake”, meringues and meringues, “Macaroni” cakes and so on. You can also use thawed egg whites.

If you are making angel cake, remove the whites from the refrigerator in advance and let them warm up to home temperature. So, you will need:

  • 80 g flour;
  • 190 g sugar;
  • seven egg whites;
  • salt (on the tip of a knife);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l. (10 g);
  • lemon juice - 1 dessert spoon.

How to cook?

This simple one suggests following these steps:

  1. Sift flour into a bowl, add vanilla sugar, salt and ½ part sugar (95 g). Stir the dry mixture with a whisk to saturate it with oxygen.
  2. Pour the whites into a clean container, add lemon juice and beat until a fluffy light foam forms with a mixer at medium speed.
  3. Add the remaining sugar in small portions, without stopping whisking.
  4. Beat egg whites with sugar until medium foam. Recommendation: egg whites whipped to medium foam do not flow off the mixer blades as much as at the beginning of whipping. At the same time, a trace of the protein falling from the whisk remains on the surface of the whipped mass for some time. The mixture is still liquid and when the dish is tilted, it pours out easily (unlike the solid foam phase, where when turning the dish over, the whites remain in place).
  5. Pour a mixture of flour, sugar and salt into the whipped whites. Quickly stir the mixture with a spoon or spatula using top-to-bottom movements until the whites have completely absorbed the flour.
  6. Sprinkle the biscuit mold (in the form of a ring with a gap in the center) with water (no need to grease it with oil). Place the dough into it and level the surface.
  7. Place the mold in the oven, heated to 180°C, for 20-35 minutes.
  8. The finished biscuit will be covered with a golden crust and will increase in size by 1.5 times. Remove it from the oven and carefully turn it over onto a long-necked bottle.
  9. Leave the product to cool for 1 hour.
  10. Using a knife, carefully loosen the cake from the sides of the pan, invert onto a wire rack and cool completely.

In a slow cooker

We suggest you make angel sponge cake in a slow cooker. The finished dessert will pleasantly surprise you with its finely porous crumb and airy texture. Remember that the multicooker bowl should not be greased, as the biscuit dough should climb up the walls. It can only be lightly sprinkled with water. Be sure to place a thick-walled glass in the center of the bowl, imitating a shape with a hole. Cool the finished product in the mold, upside down, otherwise it may settle. You will need:

  • 80 g wheat flour:
  • seven egg whites;
  • 0.25 tsp citric acid;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 140 g powdered sugar.

Prepare this dish like this:

  1. Pour the chilled egg whites into a large bowl, add salt and citric acid. Beat everything at medium speed into a coarse foam and until white. Next, add sugar in small portions, beating at high speed until soft peaks form.
  2. Combine the sifted flour with powdered sugar, stir. Pour the dry mixture into the protein mass, mix with a spatula using upward movements. The dough should be fluffy and airy.
  3. Sprinkle the multicooker bowl with water, place the dough in it, and smooth it out.
  4. Now take the glass and insert it in the center all the way to the bottom of the mold.
  5. Bake on the “Baking” setting for 60 minutes. If the power of your device is more than 700 watts, 45 minutes may be enough for you.
  6. When the biscuit is ready, turn this entire structure onto inverted glasses and let it cool completely in this position.
  7. Next, turn the cooled pan over again. Grasp the glass and carefully run the knife along the walls (of the glass). Now gently roll the glass along the bottom and the sponge cake will come off the mold. To make sure that it no longer clings to the bottom and sides, pry the baked goods a little with a silicone spatula. Next, turn the bowl over and remove the biscuit.

Do you want to make something with squirrels? Sour cream or protein-butter cream is perfect for such airy cakes. But keep in mind that angel sponge cake does not turn out moist, so be sure to soak it before making the cake. Decorate the product the way you like. Have fun in the kitchen!

I am now rediscovering recipes that I tried to bake about 20 years ago. Then I bought small magazines “Culinary Tips”, clearly created based on “Good Food”, I leafed through them from cover to cover and prepared all the recipes in a row. For example, this protein biscuit really surprised me at the time. But in principle, nothing surprising!
Squirrel biscuit, "angel food" is an American invention. Some people think that it cannot be prepared without cream tartare and a special shape with a cone in the middle. Therefore, biscuits of this type are not found very often. Meanwhile, such baking is a wonderful way recycling, I’m not afraid of this word, proteins, which, for example, remain at our disposal after cooking.
There is no secret in preparing such a biscuit. It is prepared almost like a regular sponge cake, in slightly different proportions, baked at 180C for 25-30 minutes, but cooled upside down. Why?
In order for the sponge cake to rise well and not fall off when cooling, it is baked in a mold that is not greased or sprinkled with anything, that is, the dough should stick to the walls during baking (thus, there is no need to use silicone molds, but it sticks perfectly to non-stick ones) . But the main problem arises if the mold is of a sufficiently large diameter. Then, under its own weight, the middle of the cake collapses a little while baking. If you use a mold with a tube in the middle or a rectangular one, there will be no such problem. Again, to prevent the center from collapsing when cooling, the mold is turned upside down.
Protein sponge cake is snow-white, porous, with a very delicate crust and resembles toast bread in appearance and softness. It stands up well to the proximity of creams (and I’ll tell you about the cake with it later), but the ideal addition is cream or berries, which has been written about in many places and which you really can’t argue with. I propose to prepare a berry sauce, which is now commonly called compote in the French manner - you just need to pour hot syrup over the frozen berries and leave to stand for half an hour.
I beat the whites for the biscuit with a very small amount of sugar, so it is very difficult to overbeat them. And I add the bulk of the sugar along with the flour in the form of powdered sugar. Don't forget to add flavorings to this biscuit - vanilla extract or vanilla sugar, this greatly improves the taste. As for creamer tartare, I have it - and I don’t see any difference from replacing it with citric acid.

5 large proteins
80g powdered sugar
50g fine sugar
60g flour
pinch of salt optional
1\2 tsp. citric acid
1\2 tsp. vanilla essence

150g strawberries
100g raspberries
50g currants
120g sugar
150g water
vanilla bean optional

oven 180C
cake pan 10x20cm or round 16cm

To start with the sauce. Place the berries in a deep bowl without defrosting.

Prepare syrup from sugar and water, bring to a boil. Pour syrup over berries. You can add a spoonful of berry liqueur, such as currant. Leave to infuse.

Pour the whites into a bowl. Sift flour with powdered sugar. Prepare citric acid and vanilla extract. Preheat the oven.
Start beating the whites with salt.

When they are beaten as usual, to a thick mass, add citric acid and sugar, beat for a couple of minutes, the mass should not be like meringue, the peaks will be soft, bend when you take out the whisk. And the mass itself will be softer and more delicate, but not fluid at all.

Add vanilla essence, beat a little more. Add flour and powder.
Mix thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous dough.

Now put the dough in the mold, knock it a couple of times on the table so that there are no large holes later.

Bake for 25-30 minutes, the baked sponge cake will be elastic to the touch. Turn it over onto a bowl, for example. Or on a regular grille. And leave to cool completely.

Now you need to run the knife along the walls and knock on the table again so that the biscuit falls out. He is such a.

You just need to cut it into pieces with a very sharp knife and serve with compote or cream.

In confectionery, protein sponge cakes are called “angel food.” Thanks to its delicate texture and light taste, many people use this biscuit recipe for cakes and pastries. The principle of preparing this is quite simple, but many people think that without special equipment and professional skills it will not be possible to do the job efficiently. In fact, you can cook it yourself and without special utensils.

The classic way to make sponge cake

For 3 servings of biscuit you will need the following amount of ingredients:

  • 5 eggs, of which only the whites will be needed.
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.
  • 3 tablespoons sugar.
  • 4 tablespoons flour.
  • A pinch of salt and a packet of vanillin.
  • 3 grams of citric acid.

Preparing a biscuit from proteins consists of several stages:

  1. It is imperative to sift the flour and powdered sugar to enrich the bulk components with oxygen. Combine powder and flour in one container.
  2. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Place the whites in a glass container that contains no water or other ingredients. Add salt.
  3. You need to beat the whites with a mixer until a strong foam appears. This will take up to 7 minutes.
  4. When the beating is complete, you need to add sugar, citric acid and vanilla sugar to the foam.
  5. After adding the sweet ingredients, continue beating. The secondary procedure will take 10-15 minutes.
  6. Gradually add a mixture of flour and powder into the protein mass. Mix the ingredients with a spoon, moving from the bottom of the container to the top.

Secrets of baking protein biscuit

Biscuit is a very delicate and sensitive type of baked goods. A protein sponge cake requires careful handling of each ingredient. Then the dough will turn out tender and airy. But in addition to the correct preparation of the dough, you also need to perform the baking itself efficiently.

To ensure that the biscuit does not fall, does not burn and is baked well, you need to know just a few basic secrets regarding the baking process:

  1. The finished mass should be poured onto parchment paper that is not greased with anything. Additional components may negatively affect the quality of baked goods.
  2. For baking, you need to choose small molds so that the height of the batter in the mold is at least 3 centimeters. This will prevent the cake from sinking in the center.
  3. It is advisable to use a temperature no higher than 175 degrees. The baking process will take no more than 30 minutes.
  4. Do not open the oven or stay indoors while baking.
  5. During the cooling process, you should avoid a sharp drop in temperature. You need to turn the pan with the cake upside down and leave it in the turned off oven with the door open.

If you take into account all the nuances, the cake will turn out high and uniform in height.

A fluffy sponge cake based on separating the whites from the yolks

Everyone knows the recipe for “yolk from white” biscuits, but not many understand why such manipulations should be done. Therefore, housewives make the same mistake, not separating the yolks and whites. Additionally, the yolks are also introduced into the semi-finished dough.

Professional bakers claim that this principle of preparing sponge cakes is completely wrong, because:

  1. Proteins play the role of a leavening agent in the dough, so you should beat them well. It is harder to beat a whole egg into a strong foam than just the white.
  2. The yolk has a thinner texture, so it can weigh down the dough. For this reason, it is recommended not to use yolks in biscuit recipes.
  3. It is the proteins in combination with sugar that can create a strong foam, which is completely impossible to create with the presence of yolks.

Protein cream for protein biscuit

Those who know how to cook “angel food” claim that the resulting sponge cake without creams, impregnations or additives has an ideal taste. The ideal option for a biscuit made with proteins is protein cream. It is not necessary to have a recipe with a photo of a sponge cake with protein cream, since preparing such an addition is very simple. Needed:

  • 4 whites well separated from the yolk.
  • 1 cup sifted powdered sugar.
  • 1 gram of citric acid.

How to make the perfect protein cream

You can get a high-quality protein cream from the presented ingredients in 10 minutes. The mass should be exceptionally airy so that the protein sponge cake combines well with the cream.

Features of preparing the cream:

  1. You need to put the prepared egg whites and all the tools that will come into contact with the mixture into the freezer for a short time.
  2. While beating, you need to gradually increase the speed of the mixer, starting with the lowest speed.
  3. When the mass increases several times, gradually add powdered sugar and citric acid.
  4. After the beks and powdered sugar are completely mixed, you need to continue whipping the cream for another 2 minutes.

When the cream has already been applied to the cake, you need to put the finished confectionery product in a hot oven. Heat treatment preserves the texture of the cream.

Features of preparing chocolate angel sponge cake

Children and many adults love chocolate. This also applies to confectionery versions of dessert. An ideal option for those with a sweet tooth would be a chocolate protein sponge cake.

For preparation, you can use a standard recipe and set of products. The only difference will be the step of introducing cocoa powder into the proteins. You need to take 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Mix these ingredients and add to the beaten egg whites.

To ensure that the sponge cake does not sag and turns out airy, you need to sift cocoa, flour, and powdered sugar before adding to the whites. You should not completely replace cocoa flour, as the dough will turn out bitter and may not rise at all. There is no need to increase the amount of sugar to improve the taste.

To make the taste of chocolate more vibrant, you can place plaques of confectionery glaze or chocolate chips into the dough before baking.

Berry sponge cake with squirrels

Although this type of airy dough is popular, over time the dessert becomes boring. A sponge cake made from egg whites can be significantly diversified by adding a new flavor to the standard base. The ideal option would be berries that have an elastic texture without increased juice secretion.

It is worth preparing the following set of products:

  • Half a glass of sugar.
  • 6 proteins.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A pinch of citric acid.
  • A glass of berries.
  • 60 grams of flour.

Suitable for dough: raspberries, red or black currants, blueberries, cherries.

The principle of making angel sponge cake with berries

A sponge cake with whipped egg whites and berries is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  1. Add a pinch of salt and citric acid to the whites. Start beating.
  2. When the mass becomes airy, but not dense, you can start adding sugar, gradually pouring it into the container.
  3. When the mass becomes stable and airy, you need to gradually add flour.
  4. Then pour the dough onto baking paper.
  5. Place clean and dry berries carefully on the surface of the dough. Wait until the berries drown in it.

You can start baking. The resulting cake can be used as a finished dessert, lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar.

I am sure that anyone can make the perfect biscuit. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe!

Classic biscuit recipe

So, you will need:

5 eggs;

1 cup* flour;

1 cup of sugar;

vanillin optional.

1. Separate the whites from the yolks. shows how to do this. Beat the whites and yolks with sugar in separate bowls (add a little more sugar to the bowl with the whites). The whites must be beaten until a stable foam appears, and the yolks must be beaten until the mixture turns into an airy light yellow mass. By the way, you can check that the whites are well beaten using a spatula: scoop up the whipped mass - if it holds its shape and does not flow down, then the whites are ready.

Then mix the whipped whites and yolks. Add vanillin to the mixture. Take a flour sieve and add the flour a little at a time into the egg mixture. At the same time, mix the flour and eggs with a spatula, carefully so that the egg mixture does not fall off.

2. Take a baking dish, best round, with a removable edge. Grease the inside of the pan with butter or vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour (this is called a “French shirt”). Pour the dough into the mold, cover it with foil on top, which you also first grease with oil on the inside. This is necessary so that the dough does not stick to the foil when it starts to rise in the oven.

3. Place the dough in the oven, heated to 170°C. Wait 25-30 minutes. After this time, reduce the temperature to 150°C and bake the biscuit for another 25-30 minutes. Never open the oven while it is cooking! Cold air getting in there will ruin the biscuit.

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