Home Second courses Quail eggs: calorie content, benefits and harms of the product, use in dietary nutrition. Calorie content Quail egg. Chemical composition and nutritional value

Quail eggs: calorie content, benefits and harms of the product, use in dietary nutrition. Calorie content Quail egg. Chemical composition and nutritional value

Small and very beautiful, a quail egg weighs only about 12 grams, and it is extremely tasty.

They are carried by quails, which have long become domesticated birds like chickens. Their production has been ramped up, and thanks to this, everyone can buy these eggs in stores.

Quail eggs are not only small in size, they also have a fragile shell. Brown spots - from dark to light - are scattered over the entire surface of the egg; quails once needed this to preserve their offspring. Such eggs were invisible in nature; birds lay them in the spring, when grass appears. Quail are still found in the wild. But on our tables they are the quails that breed under production conditions.

The shelf life of eggs is no more than two months (in the refrigerator).

In addition to being simply a tasty product, they also have high nutritional value.

Calorie content of quail eggs

The calorie content of a quail egg is 168 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties of quail eggs

100 g contains:

  • 844 mg cholesterol;
  • 0.13 g potassium;
  • 0.14 g sodium;
  • They contain the following vitamins: A, C, D, B12, B6.
Everyone knows that they are useful, however, like other foods, they must be eaten in such a way as not to turn the benefit into harm. That is, moderately.

The difference between quail eggs and chicken eggs is not only in size, but also in the fact that quails are not a source of salmonellosis. This means that their eggs can be safely consumed raw. Due to the quail's elevated body temperature, the microbes in their body simply cannot survive. This, in turn, ensures that no disinfectants are used in the production of this product.

Quail eggs contain a large amount of healthy cholesterol; one egg accounts for about 25% of the daily requirement.

And their saturation with microelements, such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron, brings obvious benefits. Especially for those who spend a lot of energy on physical activity.

However, it is also a dietary product. The low amount of calories allows quail eggs to be consumed by those who eat healthy foods and strive to maintain normal weight.

Quail eggs have a high protein content, and this is important for the female body, especially during pregnancy.

They are also useful for children. They are believed to contribute to the mental development of the child.

For respiratory diseases, doctors also recommend including quail eggs in the menu; they help alleviate the patient’s condition.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland, allergies - all these are reasons to drink at least one quail egg a day. Those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system will receive a dose of “correct” cholesterol.

Quail eggs contain the allergen ovomucoid, which is dangerous for children. Adults can easily cope with it.

People with impaired protein absorption should avoid eating quail eggs. In any case, if you notice a negative reaction, you should consult your doctor.

How to choose quail eggs

They store well even without refrigeration, shelf life is 1 month. However:

  • The presence of minimal cracks in the shell leads to drying of the egg; dried eggs can be easily distinguished by weight.
  • Quail eggs can acquire the smell of the products next to which they lie on the store shelf, so they should be stored separately.
  • The color of the shell and the number of spots on it are in no way related to the brightness of the yolk; the latter depends on the bird’s nutrition.

What to cook with quail eggs

Of course, like any other egg, quail eggs are used in a variety of dishes - from salads to soups, and also as a snack.

They make a delicious, everyone’s favorite sauce - mayonnaise. The color of this mayonnaise is creamy golden. A poached egg is also delicious to eat at breakfast. The most delicate omelet is prepared from quail eggs.

And one more little-known fact: quail eggs can be dipped into already boiling water - and they will not burst, but when boiled they will be tender and tasty. For soft-boiled eggs, just cook for 2 minutes.

Quail eggs are a tasty product that nature itself gave us, and although we get modern eggs in production, they are nevertheless a pleasant addition to the daily diet.

Quail eggs are an excellent dietary food product, actively displacing traditional chicken eggs from store shelves. This is explained by the fact that quail eggs are rich in micronutrients necessary for modern people in times of advanced technology, sophisticated taste preferences and numerous denatured semi-finished products. One product contains important vitamins and microelements due to its high nutritional value.

Calorie content of quail eggs

How many kilocalories are in quail eggs depends on the form in which you consume them:

  • the calorie content of 100 g of raw quail eggs is 168 kcal;
  • the calorie content of one boiled egg weighing about 9-10 g is 14-16 kcal;
  • calorie content of raw quail egg 1 pc. - about 17 kcal;
  • calorie content of fried quail eggs without oil per 100 g is 185 kcal.

A standard serving of 5 boiled quail eggs contains 70 kcal, and one large chicken egg contains 75 kcal. Thus, while on a calorie-restricted diet, one serving of small eggs contains up to 4-5 percent of the daily calorie content, that is, the product is considered dietary.

The nutritional value

We have figured out how many kilocalories are in quail eggs, and now let’s move on to the nutritional value of the product. A serving of five eggs contains about 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat (total 1.5 grams saturated). Saturated fats contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels, so do not overdo it, despite the low calorie content of boiled or raw quail eggs.

Chemical composition

Regular consumption of eggs fills the body with important choline and vitamin A. The first is needed to maintain the health of cell membranes and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin A is also useful: improves vision and immune defense.

One serving of quail eggs contains almost 120 mg of choline and about 244 IU of vitamin A. These amounts meet the daily value by 23% and 8%, respectively.

Regardless of the low calorie content of quail eggs, raw or boiled, they contain many trace elements and essential amino acids. The product contains two and a half times more vitamins than chicken eggs. Therefore, face masks made from quail eggs are very useful.

Let's consider the energy value of the product per 100 grams:

The concentration of potassium, phosphorus and iron in quail eggs is four times higher than chicken eggs. Small testicles contain cysteine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine, aspartic and glutamic acids.

Quail eggs are a tasty and healthy product that is successfully used in cooking and traditional medicine. They gained such popularity due to their rich chemical composition. A quail egg is small in size: compared to a chicken egg, it is five times smaller. Despite this, there are much more useful substances in this product. This tasty and healthy product can be consumed by almost everyone. It can be introduced into the diet of children from the age of six months. It is quail eggs that are a good prevention of rickets. Eggs can cause harm to the body if eaten in large quantities. In this case, even a fresh product can cause poisoning of the body.

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    Composition and calorie content

    Useful properties of quail eggsdue to their rich chemical composition. It is worth noting that the concentration of nutrients in this product is much greater than in chicken products: vitamin A - one and a half times, vitamin B, phosphorus and potassium - six times, iron - four and a half times.

    Quail eggs contain:

    • vitamins: A, A (RE), (retinol, beta-carotene, carotene), group B (1 - thiamine, 2 - riboflavin, 3 - niacin, 4 - choline, 6 - pyridoxine, 9 - folate), E (tocopherol) , PP (nicotinic acid),
    • minerals: K (potassium), Ca (calcium), Mg (magnesium), Na (sodium), S (sulfur), Ph (phosphorus), Cl (chlorine), Fe (iron), Co (cobalt), Mn (magranese) , Cu (copper), Mo (molybdenum);
    • di- and monosaccharides;
    • essential amino acids: phenylalanine, tyrosine, arginine, histidine, valine, isoleucine, lysine, leucine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine, tryptophan;
    • nonessential amino acids: glycine, alanine, aspartic, glutamic, proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine;
    • cholesterol.

    Quail eggs have an average calorie content: approximately 168 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    BJU ratio:

    • proteins - 11.9 g;
    • fats - 13.1 g;
    • carbohydrates - 0.6 gr.

    Beneficial features

    Quail eggs are very healthy. Due to the beneficial effects on the body of the active components they contain, this product is recommended to almost everyone: children, young men, women and the elderly. Its use is not contraindicated for infants, pregnant and nursing mothers.

    Quail eggs are used to strengthen the immune system. This product is hypoallergenic and has the ability to remove harmful toxic compounds from the body.

    Eggs stimulate the process of hematopoiesis, regulate the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, prevent the development of cancer and reduce joint pain.

    To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect for a particular disease, it is recommended to consume the product raw, although some of the nutrients and vitamins are retained in boiled quail eggs. They contain a large amount of protein and folic acid, so the use of the product is indicated for athletes, as well as women with hormonal imbalance.

    Quail eggs are prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

    • pancreatitis;
    • any forms of diabetes;
    • oncological diseases;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • gastritis;
    • hypertension;
    • atopic dermatitis;
    • hepatitis;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • bowel dysfunction;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • asthma;
    • arthritis, arthrosis;
    • rheumatism.

    Thanks to lutein, the product is used to prevent eye diseases. This substance protects the organs of vision from light radiation. Its concentration in the body decreases every year, which invariably leads to impaired visual perception. It is quite possible to save the situation if you regularly eat raw quail eggs for a month in the morning on an empty stomach.

    In addition to the internal contents, the shells of quail eggs are also used. It is used in crushed form to strengthen bone tissue and teeth. Calcium carbonate, which is part of the shell, makes up 90%. The substance is well absorbed by the body, so for preventive purposes it can be given to children under one year of age.

    In addition to calcium, eggshells contain a number of microelements: copper, fluorine, silicon, zinc and sulfur, thanks to which it is used as a stimulator of the hematopoietic function of the brain and is used to strengthen the body.

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    How to use it correctly

    It is very important to take this product correctly. Before eating raw quail eggs, they should be washed, as pathogenic bacteria may be present on the surface of the shell that can harm human health. Quails have a fairly high body temperature, which determines their resistance to various types of infections. Such processing will be quite sufficient.

    The eggshell should be broken and the contents poured into a mug. For taste, you can lightly salt the dish and wash it down with water after eating. In order to achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to drink eggs in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Children under three years of age are allowed to eat eggs only after heat treatment. So that they do not lose their beneficial qualities, they should be cooked for no more than 2 minutes.

    The daily intake of quail eggs depends on the age category and weight of the person:

    • children aged 1 to 3 years can eat 2 eggs per day;
    • from 3 to 10 years - no more than 3;
    • from 10 to 18 years - about 4;
    • at an older age - 5 - 6 pieces.

    The shell is prepared as follows:

    1. 1. Fill with cold water, put on fire, where it is brought to a boil and remains in this state for 5 minutes.
    2. 2. Then the water should be drained and the procedure repeated again.
    3. 3. After the shell has cooled, you need to remove the film from it, pour apple cider vinegar and place in a dark place for 24 hours.
    4. 4. The prepared raw materials should be ground twice in a coffee grinder and used as intended.

    You can consume it half a teaspoon for preschool children and a whole spoon for adults.

    Benefits for men and women

    Quail eggs have the most positive effect on male potency. This product belongs to the category of natural aphrodisiacs. It contains protein compounds that are involved in the production of hormones.

    If you use the product regularly, the desired result will be noticeable within a few days.

    Among other things, quail eggnog increases skin elasticity, improves hair condition, fills the body with useful microelements and helps cope with vitamin deficiency. The product is hypoallergenic and useful not only for men, but also for women.

    Quail eggs in children's diet

    Quail eggs prevent the development of rickets in children, stimulate the activity of brain cells, help improve memory, and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. Children who use them regularly grow up more capable, perceive information more easily, are attentive and collected.

    This product can be introduced into a child’s diet from six months of age. The baby is allowed to give a quarter of the yolk, and the mother is advised to monitor its condition after each meal. If the baby does not develop an allergic reaction or dyspeptic disorders, then the portion should be gradually increased. By the beginning of the third week, it should be a whole yolk, which is the norm that should be followed until one year of age.

Quail and its eggs

During a diet, people come up with complex menus. Most often they consist of low-calorie dishes. But often they turn out to be ineffective on the path to weight loss. Nutritionists recommend eating natural and simple low-calorie foods to reduce body weight. These include quail eggs.

Calorie content of 1 quail egg

One quail egg contains 5 times less calories than a chicken egg

Quail eggs cannot be confused with chicken eggs. They differ not only in shell color, but also in size. If you compare the eggs of quails and chickens, then the ratio of their volumes is 1:5.

Based on this, it may seem that there are fewer calories in a quail egg. The energy value of one chicken egg in kcal is 70-75 kcal. Calories 1 quail egg contains about 15. If one quail egg is comparable to five chicken eggs, then five small eggs will contain 75 kcal.

The method of preparation is of great importance. For example, eggs fried in oil will have less benefit but more fat from the oil. Therefore, it is recommended to boil and steam them.

Calories are usually counted per 100 grams of product. 100 g of quail eggs contain 168 kcal. Their nutritional value:

  • protein - 11.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.6 g;
  • fat - 13.1 g.

Calorie content of boiled quail egg

The beneficial properties do not disappear after cooking, just as the number of calories does not change.

The calorie content of a boiled egg is identical to a raw one and is 15 kcal per 1 piece. Based on the fact that 2000 kcal per day is enough for an adult, a quail egg is less than 1% of the daily requirement. Therefore, they are considered a dietary product.

A serving of 5 quail eggs contains the same amount of protein as one chicken egg. And it is 3.75% of the required daily intake.

But they have practically no carbohydrates. Almost all the calories are in fat, of which there are 5 grams per serving. Of these, more than half is cholesterol. Therefore, they must be consumed in moderation.

Quail eggs are considered a dietary product, so they are included in the diet for weight loss. But you shouldn’t abuse them because of their high cholesterol and saturated fat content.

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One quail egg contains approximately 20 kcal, 1.4 g of protein, 1.2 g of fat and 0.06 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content directly depends on the size of the eggs; one hundred grams of the product contains 158 kilocalories.

The calorie content of a quail egg is low, so this product is popular among those who watch their figure. Quail eggs have immunostimulating, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Quail eggs can be added to salads, sushi, soups, made into original snacks and homemade mayonnaise based on them. Eat 2 raw quail eggs every morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, and after just a month of regular use, you will feel the positive results of this product!

Eating eggs on a diet

Quail eggs can be stored for no more than 2 months. If there is a crack in the shell, the quail egg must be thrown away. Quail eggs do not rot, but simply dry out, so if an egg floats in a glass of water, it means it has already dried out and the expiration date has expired.

In addition to eggs, their shells, which consist of 90% calcium carbonate, can also be used for medicinal purposes. Until recently, quail eggs were considered a delicacy, which was prepared and served only on special occasions and holidays.

Many even completely switch to eating only quail eggs, believing that they are much healthier. Quail eggs differ quite clearly from chicken eggs, first of all, in their appearance, so it is impossible to confuse them.

Daily dosage of quail eggs

And in the boiled dish, almost all the beneficial substances and vitamins will be almost completely preserved. The calorie content of foods is quite an important and significant issue for those who watch their figure and try to eat healthy. This article will tell you about the calorie content of shawarma and how it can be harmful to our body.

How to choose the right eggs

Quail eggs are an excellent dietary food product, actively displacing traditional chicken eggs from store shelves. One product contains important vitamins and microelements due to its high nutritional value.

Quantitative norm for egg consumption

Vitamin A is also useful: improves vision and immune defense. One serving of quail eggs contains almost 120 mg of choline and about 244 IU of vitamin A. These amounts meet the daily value by 23% and 8%, respectively. Regardless of the low calorie content of quail eggs, raw or boiled, they contain many trace elements and essential amino acids.

The concentration of potassium, phosphorus and iron in quail eggs is four times higher than chicken eggs. Small testicles contain cysteine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine, aspartic and glutamic acids. There is hardly a person in the world who has not tried some egg dish. This is one of the most common food products. You can eat eggs of all types of birds and even some reptiles (turtles).

Eggs are not only healthy, but also a unique product. A chicken egg is 97% digestible by the human body. The third part of the egg is the yolk. It includes proteins, fats, cholesterol. One medium raw egg contains 70 calories. Many nutritionists advise eating eggs during a diet. It is recommended to consume 2 – 3 boiled eggs per week. Eggs promote weight loss and support the functioning of the human immune system.

Useful material

Eggs are contraindicated if you have an allergy, cholecystitis or increased intolerance to any component of the protein or yolk. In this matter, you need to decide what kind of eggs you need - table or diet eggs. A child 2 - 3 years old can eat 2 to 3 yolks per week, a child 4 - 6 years old is recommended to eat 3 eggs per week.

Eggs can be consumed in different forms. Hard-boiled eggs are used in the diet because they are the lowest-calorie product. There are several popular and delicious dishes made from this product. Omelet is a popular, easy-to-prepare dish. To prepare it, beat eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and fry in a frying pan. You can add ham, tomatoes, fresh bell peppers, sausages and even cheese to the omelette. It all depends on your imagination.

Eggs are relatively low in calories. But there is no cholesterol in a raw egg at all. Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs contain less cholesterol. We have figured out how many kilocalories are in quail eggs, and now let’s move on to the nutritional value of the product.

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