Home General issues How to brew coffee on a coffee machine. Available recipes for making coffee in a coffee machine. The process of making coffee

How to brew coffee on a coffee machine. Available recipes for making coffee in a coffee machine. The process of making coffee

The CoffeeCar company brings to your attention a small overview of the methods of preparing coffee drinks, using automatic coffee machines and carob coffee makers and everything that is closely related to this. You will learn how to make coffee macchiato, ristretto, moccaccino and other types of this truly beloved international drink.

Despite the fact that coffee does not grow in Italy, the best, most popular and delicious coffee drinks come from there, and the names of these drinks also come from Italy, even Americano coffee. Making coffee in domestic coffee machines is not difficult. An automatic coffee machine is a multifunctional device that: grinds beans, dispenses water, froths milk and brews the desired coffee at the touch of one corresponding button. A modern coffee machine has electronic control and several programs with recipes for coffee, coffee and milk and milk drinks. In addition, the automatic machine allows you to:

  • set the desired coffee strength;
  • warm cups for a drink;
  • cook several servings at the same time;
  • whip milk;
  • set the amount of milk and water per cup and much more.

Incomparable espresso coffee - the basis of many cocktails

The most famous and popular coffee is espresso. Espresso is Italian for pressure-cooked. Often a coffee machine is called an espresso coffee machine, and this is not just because, based on how the coffee machine prepares exactly espresso, you can say about the machine that it is good, or so-so. It is very important that the coffee maker can fully reveal the taste and aroma of the coffee beans entrusted to it, turning them into espresso. Because no matter what coffee drink you make, espresso will be the basis. It is a very popular drink all over the world.

If we are preparing espresso coffee in a carob coffee machine, after 7-9 g of freshly ground coffee rammed in the holder, let the heated water (88-92 ° C) at a pressure of nine bar pass through. The fineness of grinding should be such that a 30 ml vessel is filled with a drink in 23-26 seconds. Pre-infusion - soaking, lasts about two seconds. Classic espresso is 25-35 ml of coffee served in a special demitasse cup.

Doppio preparation method: this is a double espresso, which is prepared from 14-19 g of coffee, the liquid volume is 60 ml. It should not be taken before bed. The dose of caffeine in this invigorating drink is not always appropriate.

recipe for lungo: the same number of grains is used to obtain it, as for espresso, but 2 times more water is added. Extraction time lungo 30-35 seconds.

Sugar is added to taste, it is better to use cane sugar, but many gourmets prefer to drink these drinks in their pure form in order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of the coffee itself.

Espresso, dopio and lungo you need to drink no later than a minute after preparation, otherwise the unique aroma of coffee disappears.


Ristretto is considered to be the strongest and most invigorating coffee drink in the world. How to prepare ristretto: it comes out just like espresso. Only 15-20 ml of water is taken for 7-9 g of grains. Ristretto is extracted in 10-15 seconds, under a pressure of 9-11 bar. Naturally with pre-soaking. This portion of the drink is designed for just a couple of sips. Therefore, the inhabitants of Italy drink ristretto without leaving the counter, they do not add sugar. Coffee is served in a small glass cup without a handle or in an espresso cup.

Served with a glass of cold water. Italians usually take a sip of water before drinking ristretto coffee to cleanse their taste buds and enjoy the drink to the fullest.

The simplest preparation of espresso con panna is conpanna, aka Viennese coffee.

So, the preparation of Viennese coffee consists in adding 25 g of whipped cream to a standard portion of espresso. You should prepare espresso, pour it into a transparent glass, and put sweet whipped cream on top in a circular motion, forming a slide. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or walnuts.

Instant espresso romano - romano

To get romano espresso, it is enough to brew strong espresso coffee, add a lemon wedge or strips of zest to it. This coffee has a pronounced lemon flavor. It has a tonic effect.

Aromatic coffee americano in the Italian style

To get an Italian americano, you must first prepare an espresso, then pour it into a suitable cup and dilute it with hot boiled water. Care must be taken not to damage the foam that has formed on the surface. If there is no foam, the first sip has a mild taste.

If you are serving guests, let them choose their own strength level. Bring coffee in large cups and put a container of boiling water. Each coffee lover will add the right amount of hot water to the coffee. If there are fans of a cold drink, ice water should be served.

Swedish americano

The Swedish Americano recipe differs from the Italian one only in that the coffee is poured into a cup of boiling water. This allows you to leave the foam intact. Coffee comes out without bitterness. The volume of water can be varied depending on personal tastes and preferences.

Glace - cold coffee drink with ice cream

If we are preparing a glaze, we need to decide what kind of ice cream we will do this with. Creme brulee, popsicle, creamy vanilla ice cream are perfect. As dishes, it is better to choose a glass-cone with a volume of 250-300 ml. Ice cream in the form of a ball looks very impressive and appetizing.

Brewed coffee is cooled to 10-15 degrees Celsius, poured into a glass, ice cream is added. You can rub chocolate, nuts, coconut flakes, cinnamon or cocoa on top. A vessel with this wonderful drink is placed on a plate decorated with a carved napkin. Nearby place a spoon for ice cream and straws for a drink.

Macchiato coffee

There are many macchiato recipes. We will tell you the most interesting option. We suggest whipping full-fat milk (about 70 ml) until a thick foam forms, then pour it into a tall vessel, then very carefully add the hot prepared espresso coffee. The coffee will not reach the bottom, you will get three layers: a layer of milk, a layer of coffee and a layer of foamed milk. At the top there will be a white foam with a small speck of chocolate color. It looks very pretty and appetizing.


The classic preparation of cappuccino - an Italian coffee drink - is as follows: pour espresso into a porcelain cup by one third, fill the rest of the dishes with milk foam whipped with hot steam. You can sprinkle spices on top. Such a drink is served in a heated porcelain cup to keep the temperature longer. Italians love to drink cappuccino before breakfast. A teaspoon is always served with a cup of coffee so that you can eat milk foam with it.


Italian latte preparation: a cup of hot milk is added to a mocha (a type of Arabica). In other countries, this drink is usually prepared from a standard portion of espresso, which is poured with frothed milk (temperature is about 60 ° C). The proportions of espresso, milk and milk foam for such a drink are 1:2:1, respectively. Looks like a macchiato. Only latte tastes more like coffee, while macchiato has more taste of milk.

Corretto coffee (corretto)

How to make coffee corretto - corretto: pour 20 ml of Sambuca or Cointreau liqueur into a portion of espresso. The drink is served in espresso cups.


Moccachino is a delicate drink with a chocolate flavor and aroma. The standard preparation of moccaccino occurs in 3 stages. Hot chocolate or sauce is poured onto a quarter of a clear glass, then hot milk is added to fill three-quarters of the glass. Espresso is poured on top. You can decorate the drink with chocolate chips and cream.

Classic iris recipe

Irish is an Irish coffee drink with alcohol. Served in glasses. You will need:

  • whiskey of Irish origin (35-40 ml);
  • coffee (90-95 ml);
  • fresh cream (25-30 ml, fat content 30%);
  • cane sugar (one teaspoon).

You need to heat up the serving glass. Brew one of the fresh varieties of Arabica (medium grind) in a French press. Pour sugar into a vessel, pour whiskey. Set fire to this mixture, stir until the sugar melts. You can spread it with a spoon along the walls of the glass so that the sugar caramelizes. After extinguishing the mixture, pour in a coffee drink. Whip the cream in a shaker with ice for a few seconds. For one serving of cream, you need about three ice cubes. Spoon the cream over the top of the drink so that it stays in an even layer on the surface. Bon appetit!

Come here again and again. The CoffeeCar company will introduce you to new recipes for original coffee drinks. You will find here information on how to properly prepare coffee in a coffee machine of different brands, about the features and nuances of the process. You will know the history of the emergence of a particular drink, the opinions of doctors and other specialists about it. Some of the coffee recipes featured here have won prizes at the barista championship.

There is nothing better in the morning than a delicious invigorating cup of coffee. Someone prefers to brew coffee in a Turk, but it is much more convenient and faster to prepare a drink in a coffee machine. As a rule, recipes for making coffee in a coffee machine come with the machine itself. Even if you have not yet become its happy owner, we offer you to get acquainted with both popular and rare recipes.

The advantage of a drink prepared in a coffee machine is a high concentration of aromatic substances that are responsible for taste and aroma. This is achieved due to the fact that the coffee is ground already in the machine, that is, immediately before preparing a new portion.

The basis of most types of coffee drinks is espresso. Therefore, it is important to learn how to cook it correctly, observing a special technology. Espresso is a strong thick coffee, but despite this, it is considered the most useful among other drinks.

Making espresso at home is not difficult if you follow a clear sequence of steps:

  1. 1 teaspoon of coffee is placed in the holder of the coffee machine.
  2. It should be compacted tightly until a compressed tablet is formed. This is necessary to obtain a rich taste.
  3. To obtain the correct consistency, 25 ml of hot water is passed through the coffee at a pressure of 9 atmospheres for 30 seconds.
  4. The finished drink should be black and thick with a characteristic slightly sour aftertaste.

Classic espresso can be prepared without a coffee machine, but it will be difficult to follow the correct technology

To create other types of drink, it is enough to regulate the degree of water supply: we increase the portion of the liquid - we get Americano, we reduce the amount of water - and now the ristretto is ready.

There are other types of espresso:

  • macchiato - with the addition of a small milk foam;
  • double espresso - with an increased concentration of caffeine;
  • romano - in combination with lemon juice;
  • corretto - with the addition of liquor or cognac.

If you have a frother in addition to your coffee machine, you can make your favorite cappuccino.

This type of drink came to us from Europe, it is prepared from espresso, milk and milk foam.

How to make a good cappuccino:

  1. Prepare an espresso in advance according to the above recipe;
  2. Pour it into a 150 ml cup;
  3. Add equal parts of milk and whipped foam until the cup is full;
  4. Sprinkle cocoa on top.

There are a few rules to follow:

  • for cappuccino, take only chilled milk;
  • froth milk in a bowl with thin transparent walls to control the frothing process;
  • serve the finished drink in a warm bowl.

To check the resulting coffee foam, put sugar on top - it must withstand it and prevent it from sinking to the bottom.

Among the coffee machine, I especially want to highlight latte - a light and tasty drink that can be drunk even in childhood in moderation. It is prepared on the basis of the same espresso, but with the addition of a large amount of milk and milk foam. In fact, it turns out that this is a coffee drink.

Cooking steps:

  1. Make espresso in the coffee machine.
  2. Mix it with 200 ml of hot milk.
  3. Add a thin layer of milk foam on top.

Macchiato is a type of latte. It differs in that it is necessary to prepare coffee with the addition of cold milk. The temperature difference allows you to make a beautiful striped pattern.


  1. Pour 25 ml of chilled milk into a tall glass.
  2. Gently pour 150 ml of hot milk and a thin layer of milk foam on top.
  3. Add espresso to your drink in a thin stream.

With strict observance of the recipe, a very beautiful coffee with beautiful multi-colored stripes is obtained.

So even at home, with the help of a coffee machine, you can make coffee, like in a coffee shop.

Japanese coffee

An unusual recipe for coffee combined with cocoa was invented by Japanese baristas. It is based on classic espresso and freshly brewed cocoa in 1:1 proportions. Sugar and low-fat cold cream are added to the drink.

As you can see, with the help of a coffee machine, you can experiment daily and treat yourself to your favorite coffee drinks at home.

You can prepare not only fragrant espresso, delicate latte and great cappuccino, but also a large number of other drinks. Everything you need for creativity can be found at hand or on the shelves of modern supermarkets.

For example, we publish 3 recipes for simple and delicious coffee drinks based on espresso, which you will prepare in your coffee machine.

Irish coffee recipe

For one serving:

Espresso - 1 cup;
- Sugar - 1-2 tsp;
- Irish whiskey - 50 ml;
- Whipped cream - 1 tsp


Mix espresso and sugar in a small glass, add whiskey and decorate the drink with a spoonful of whipped cream.

The Irish port of Foynes is located in County Limerick. It is believed that it was in local pubs that they learned how to serve hot coffee with whiskey added to it. It turned out a warming and invigorating drink, moreover, due to the milk cap, it gives strength and perfectly cheers up.

Recipe Spicy Pumpkin Latte

For one serving:

- Pumpkin puree - 2 tablespoons;
- Milk - 1 glass;
- Sugar - 3 tsp;
- Spices for pumpkin pie - 1/2 tsp. (ground ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice black pepper);
- Vanilla extract - 5 ml;
- Whipped cream and ground cinnamon for garnish.


Heat the milk in a small saucepan and mix it with sugar, spices and pumpkin puree. Heat the milk while whisking the spices until it begins to smoke. Remove the ladle from the stove and pour the milk into a blender. Add vanilla extract. Whisk the milk in a blender until it becomes frothy.

Prepare a double espresso. Pour the milk mixture into a mug and then slowly add the freshly made espresso to it. Garnish the drink with whipped cream and ground cinnamon.

Pumpkin Spice Latte first appeared at Starbucks in January 2007 as an attempt to expand on successful seasonal winter drinks such as Mint Mocha and Egg Latte. The developers tested various combinations of ingredients and eventually settled on a version without pumpkin puree. In 2003, the final version was tested in Colombia, and after the introduction, Spiced Pumpkin Latte became the most popular seasonal drink at Starbucks. However, the unusually spicy aroma of the drink has caused controversy over its composition. The creators were accused of adding a large amount of artificial flavors. Therefore, in 2015, it was decided to remove artificial colors from the recipe and replace them with a small amount of natural pumpkin puree.

Frappuccino recipe

For one serving:

Double espresso - 1 cup;
- Sugar - 2-3 tsp;
- Chocolate or any other syrup - 1 tablespoon;
- Milk - 1/2 cup;
- Ice - 1 cup (250 ml);
- Whipped cream, syrup, chocolate or almonds for garnish.


Prepare espresso and let it cool down. Pour milk, syrup and espresso into a blender, add sugar and blend on high speed for about 20 seconds. Then add crushed ice to the blender and blend for another 20 seconds. Pour the drink into a glass, garnish with cream, syrup, grated chocolate or nuts.

Frappuccino is also connected to the history of Starbucks. In 1994, the world-famous coffee shop chain acquired another chain that existed in Massachusetts, and along with it, borrowed the name of the drink, applying it to its own product. The word comes from the fusion of the French frappe ("chilled") and the Italian cappuccino. Several versions of the drink can be found at Starbucks today, including the decaffeinated frappuccino and the vegan soy milk frappuccino.

Other espresso-based drink recipes can be found on our blog and.

More and more coffee lovers can afford to buy a quality coffee machine. If you already have such a modern unit in your kitchen, the question is how to diversify and improve the preparation of coffee in a coffee machine. We will describe in detail the most successful coffee recipes in a coffee machine, reveal important secrets and the necessary conditions for success.

Recipes for successful coffee preparation are also in the instructions for the machines themselves. But they are the simplest and can quickly get bored. We have compiled a selection of the most popular methods. They are very simple and affordable. At the same time, you will get a fragrant and invigorating drink, no worse than in a coffee shop. We will reveal the most accessible and popular coffee machine coffee recipes - espresso, latte, cappuccino, Irish coffee, etc.


This is a special method of making coffee. It consists in the fact that hot water (about 90 degrees) is passed through a special filter with compacted coffee powder under strong pressure (8-9 bar). After the invention of this method of brewing, espresso quickly gained worldwide popularity. It is served in all coffee houses, and has become the basis of many drinks. He began his triumphal march around the world from Italy, Portugal and Spain. But in Russia it began to be served from the beginning of the 1990s. By the way, the recipes for making coffee in a coffee machine are based in most cases on espresso. Various ingredients are added to it, and simply magical drinks are obtained.

The volume of classic espresso is very small - only 25-35 ml. At the same time, the drink is distinguished by a special strength and density. It is, in fact, a strong coffee extract. The volume of a double espresso is 60 ml.

Espresso has long been a popular and favorite drink. It is often used on its own or to make a range of coffee drinks. Classic espresso is distinguished by its density, strength and enchanting aroma. It may seem to a beginner that preparing espresso is quite difficult, but the main thing here is to know the preparation steps and follow them clearly. But once you learn how to brew this magical drink, you can easily master all the recipes that use it. It is appropriate to drink it as an independent drink. It will perfectly invigorate in the morning or energize throughout the day.

In fact, espresso is just a very rich coffee. This is a strong black coffee, invigorating, thick and fragrant. By the way, despite the fact that it is very strong, it is considered the safest for the body. Therefore, this drink quickly gained popularity. You can buy espresso at any coffee shop, but why not make your own? Trust me, with just a little practice, you can make espresso just as good as an experienced barista. In order to brew a real thick espresso, you must follow these steps:

  1. The coffee needs to be ground very finely. Such a fine grind is needed in order for the coffee to brew as quickly as possible. It only takes 30 seconds to prepare an espresso. During this time, all the nutrients and aromatic oils from the coffee powder should go into the drink. Professionals call this process extraction. By the way, about half of all substances contained in coffee are completely dissolved in boiling water. But at the same time, the grinding should be fine, but not completely dusty. Otherwise, there will be a sediment that can hardly settle. The finer the grinding, the worse the thick settles.
  2. To prepare one serving, you need to pour about 8 g of coffee into the holder (this is a teaspoon with a small slide).
  3. It is very important to pack the coffee tightly in the holder. You should get a dense mass in a form that resembles a pill. There is one important secret here - if you want to get a really rich, strong and invigorating drink, then tamp this tablet as tightly as possible. This must be done so that the stream of boiling water does not pass through the coffee powder too quickly. It must linger so that the substances from the coffee penetrate the drink in full. If you compact the coffee weakly, then the drink will turn out to be weak, watery, with an inexpressive taste and aroma. But real espresso should be thick, strong and fragrant.
  4. Now we proceed directly to the preparation of the drink. In this case, water (25-30 ml) under high pressure (9 atmospheres) is passed through the coffee powder. This important process takes only half a minute. It is during this time that the espresso should be fully prepared.
  5. Ready espresso should flow out of the coffee machine in a thin continuous stream. It has a special texture. A properly brewed drink resembles syrup in its consistency. It has a small volume. In order for such coffee not to cool quickly, it should be poured into preheated small cups with thick walls. In them, the drink will retain its temperature for a long time.

Despite the fact that espresso is a classic drink, there are variations on this theme:

  • macchiato (with a little milk foam);
  • double or dopio (two servings combined in one cup);
  • coretto (with alcohol, such as skate or liquor);
  • romano (with lemon zest or lemon juice).

All of these variations on the theme of espresso will help you diversify the usual recipe. All of them are very popular and have their own special unique taste. By the way, in order to better feel the taste of espresso, after the next sip, you can drink a little cold water. This will help cleanse your taste buds, and every time you will feel the amazing taste of the drink with a new sharpness. You should definitely master the recipe for making this popular drink, because espresso is not easy tasty and invigorating. It is used to make many other popular drinks. If you treat your family and friends with thick, delicious espresso, they will appreciate your culinary skills.


Cappuccino came to us from sunny Italy. It is based on espresso, to which foamed hot milk is added.

Cappuccino has become a very popular and favorite drink. Do you know his story? It is believed that its name comes from the name of the famous European monastic order - the Capuchins. So far, exact historical evidence has not been found that capuchins are related to this drink, but there is a beautiful legend. She claims that it was they who invented this delicious invigorating drink. But most likely, there is a connection not with the monks themselves, but with the shade of their cassock. The monks of the Capuchin order wore cassocks that were very similar in shade to the shade of a drink popular in the 18th century made from a mixture of cream and egg yolks. It began to be prepared in those days in Austria. But regarding the coffee drink, the name cappuccino began to be used only from the beginning of the 20th century.

Cappuccino contains:

  • coffee;
  • some milk;
  • milk foam.

This drink has a mild taste and unique aroma. He likes many women. It will not be difficult for you to cook it yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow all stages of the technological process.

Steps for preparing a cappuccino:

  1. First, you need to prepare a traditional espresso in the coffee machine.
  2. You need to take a cup with a volume of 150 ml. Pour the prepared espresso into it.
  3. Now you need to pour equal parts of milk and milk foam into the cup. Ultimately, they must fill the cup. Foam is created using steam in a coffee machine. At the same time, it should resemble the surface of glass. The milk temperature should be around 65 degrees. The fact is that it is at this temperature that lactose begins to break down. It produces sucrose and glucose. They give a special sweetness to the drink.
  4. If you want a drink with a more interesting taste, add some regular cocoa to it. It will enhance the taste and add zest to it.
  5. Please note that for serving cappuccino, you need to take a preheated cup with thick walls. Cup volume - no more than 210 ml. In it, the drink will not cool down quickly, and you can enjoy a strong and hot cappuccino. But in Italy, a special cup is used to serve cappuccino - tazza. It is shaped like a bowl with a small handle. For the manufacture of tazza, only thick-walled ceramics are always used. To keep cappuccino cups always warm, they are placed on warm boilers of professional coffee machines in cafes.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on milk foam. It will not be difficult for you to make it with the help of a coffee machine. In a coffee shop, you probably paid attention to the beautiful drawings that the barista skillfully makes on milk foam. This art is easy to learn. The main thing is experience. It just takes a little getting used to and you too can decorate your drinks with exquisite designs. By the way, this art is called latte art. It appeared in Italy and soon baristas around the world began to master this simple skill. Yes, and you need very little for such a drawing - fresh milk, coffee and a desire to create. Coffee itself acts as a paint, and airy milk foam acts as a background. It's amazing how beautiful these drawings can be. You can find examples of them on the Internet. Do not try to immediately master the most beautiful and complex. Start with a simple pattern, such as a heart or twig. A drink that you decorate in this way will immediately acquire its own personality and become even more appetizing.

By the way, in Italy it is customary to serve cappuccino with a fragrant fresh bun. This is a favorite breakfast dessert among Italians.


This drink was also invented in Italy. It consists of espresso coffee and milk. There are variations on the latte theme. They replace coffee with mate or tea. Latte is very popular in Italy. There he became an integral part of breakfast. The classic drink uses a mocha and a cup of warm milk. But in other countries, latte is most often prepared on the basis of strong espresso. Foamed milk, hot or cold, is added to it. In a classic latte, it is important to maintain the ratio of espresso with milk and lush milk foam. It is accordingly 1:2:1.

When serving latte, serving plays an important role.

  • Latte is best served in a special glass glass, which is located on a napkin.
  • A classic latte, like a cappuccino, is sure to be decorated with a pattern of milk foam.

Now let's take a closer look at how to make latte at home. As we have said, the latte is again based on the classic espresso. Complements his milk. Please note that the milk will need to be thoroughly foamed using a coffee machine. The main condition for a latte recipe is that the drink must have three layers - coffee, milk and milk foam. There is also a condition for serving latte - the drink will need to be poured into a tall glass. It is served with a special foam spoon. If you don’t have one, you can replace it with a cocktail one. By the way, latte was created not only as a drink for adults, but also as a fragrant coffee drink for children. Let us clarify right away that doctors do not recommend giving coffee to children under 14 years of age. It can excite the child's fragile nervous system too much. But latte has its own peculiarity. This drink contains a lot of milk. It smooths out the effect of caffeine, so latte is not so exciting for children. And yet, even a latte can be given to a child only if he is already at least 12 years old. In this case, you need to brew a drink that is rather weak. And, of course, pour more milk into the drink.

Now we give you an example of making a classic latte:

  1. Espresso will again serve as the basis for latte. This coffee extract must be prepared in advance. If you plan to treat a child with a drink, then we make espresso with a half dose of coffee.
  2. Now you need to take a glass of hot milk (200 ml) and dilute the espresso with it.
  3. Gently spread the milk foam on top of the resulting mixture. Don't try to make it too thick. To make the drink really tasty, the foam on it should lie in a thin dense layer.

By the way, drawings are especially appropriate on latte. It is not for nothing that this technique is called latte art. You can also sprinkle the resulting foam on top with fragrant cinnamon or cocoa powder. Then you will get a truly exquisite drink.

Latte macchiato

This is a type of latte. The peculiarity of this drink is that milk is added to it not boiling, as in a classic latte, but cold. This creates a temperature difference. Thanks to her, the drink gets a special striped pattern. It turns out macchiato is very elegant and beautiful. Even at home, you can brew not only a delicious drink, but also a beautifully aesthetically designed one.

The process of creating a macchiato includes the following mandatory steps:

  1. We take a beautiful tall glass. In the absence of this, you can limit yourself to a standard glass. It is desirable that he be narrowed. If you strive for perfection, you can buy a special glass for latte. Then you will delight your loved ones with a professionally served and beautifully decorated latte.
  2. First, pour cold milk (25 ml) into a glass.
  3. Now add hot milk (150 ml).
  4. Now carefully add well-whipped milk foam.
  5. Last but not least, add the espresso. Please note that you need to pour it in a thin stream so as not to disturb the fragile foam.

Compared to other drinks, making a latte macchiato is a little more difficult than the rest. But if you do everything right, you will have a beautiful drink of three colors in your glass. These layers will clearly separate and form spectacular stripes. Such a "striped" drink is sure to please everyone whom you decide to treat them to.

Irish coffee

In Ireland, it is traditional to add spirits to coffee. This allows you to warm up in the cold and recharge your batteries. Real Irish whiskey is always added to Irish coffee. This alcoholic drink will make coffee especially invigorating and warming. Irish coffee is classified as a cocktail with cream.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Black hot coffee (80 ml).
  • Irish whiskey (40 ml).
  • Brown sugar - a teaspoon or to taste.
  • Whipped cream - 30 ml.

It is curious that the composition of this cocktail has passed strict registration in the International Association of Bartenders. He entered the official list of cocktails of this organization. But in fact, this invigorating cocktail can be prepared in different ways. We'll give you a few options. They are quite affordable to make at home.

Option 1

  1. We take glassware with a volume of 150 ml. It could be a cup.
  2. Pour black coffee into it. It must be hot.
  3. Add cane sugar and mix thoroughly with a spoon. Please note that the sugar must be completely dissolved.
  4. Now pour in the whiskey.
  5. Put a fluffy cap of whipped cream on the surface of the resulting drink.
  6. Whiskey can be replaced with dark rum or cognac. It will also be delicious, though you will get a different drink.

Option 2

  1. Take a glass and put sugar in it.
  2. We pour whiskey.
  3. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly heated. For this, only open fire is used.
  4. Once the sugar has dissolved, the whiskey can be gently ignited.
  5. We add coffee.
  6. Using a spoon, carefully pour in the cream. To keep them on the surface, very carefully pour them over the back of a teaspoon.

Option 3

In a coffee machine, Irish coffee is prepared in this way:

  1. You will need a tall narrow glass. Sprinkle some cane sugar on the bottom (to taste).
  2. Pour strong Irish whiskey (40 ml) into a glass.
  3. Now you need to mix everything thoroughly so that all the ingredients are combined.
  4. Now the whiskey with sugar needs to be heated over an open fire. For this purpose, a gas stove is quite suitable.
  5. Add pre-brewed hot black coffee (120 ml).
  6. For an especially pretty Irish coffee, garnish it with a fluffy head of whipped cream on top. This option is especially popular with women. Well, for a male company, you can limit yourself to a drink without cream.

Hot chocolate

Although this drink does not contain coffee, it is also prepared in a coffee machine. Be sure to try it, you will be pleasantly surprised by its soft and rich chocolate taste.

For one drink you will need:

  • Milk (100 ml).
  • Chocolate powder (25 g).

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour the chocolate powder into the pitcher.
  2. We pour milk there. It can be whole, or you can dilute dry. In our opinion, the whole is still better.
  3. Now you need to use steam to bring the mixture almost to the point of boiling. As soon as you notice that the milk begins to boil, reduce the nozzle and wait for the drink to become thick.
  4. That's all. A thick aromatic drink must be carefully poured into a cup. Enjoy

Hot chocolate is best served in cappuccino cups. This drink can be advantageously supplemented with a bar of chocolate.

This drink, like others, is quite simple to prepare with a coffee machine. The more perfect it is, the easier it will be for you to master all the above recipes. The ideal option is a fully automatic espresso machine. In it, the drinks will turn out the most delicious, interesting, fragrant and beautiful.

We have given examples of the simplest and most delicious coffee-based drinks that can be prepared using a coffee machine. Be sure to try creating them. Believe me, there is nothing complicated in this process. All you need is a little time and desire. And when you gain experience in their preparation, you can easily make drinks no worse than in an expensive coffee shop. Your family and friends will be able to enjoy aromatic and invigorating drinks, and you will feel like a real barista.

The functionality of modern coffee machines allows you to prepare delicious drinks at home, the taste of which is comparable to those served in the best coffee houses. The possibilities of such a unit are limited only by the settings and your imagination. When buying a coffee machine, you get a book with recipes from the manufacturer. It can be used to make basic coffee. To get an original coffee drink, you should slightly diversify the traditional recipe.

Espresso based drinks

Espresso is the most concentrated and rich coffee that can be used as the base for most coffee cocktails. To prepare espresso in a Delonghi coffee machine, you need to warm up a small cup on a specially equipped platform, place it under the nozzle, fill the ground coffee container with medium grinding beans and press the button in the appropriate mode.

In order for the espresso to be caramelized and strong, it is important to compress the ground coffee well. Based on the basic recipe, you can also make an espresso dopio. This is a double portion of the concentrated drink, which is drained into one container. You can often find espresso macchiato in coffee shops. It can also be prepared at home. To do this, just add a couple of spoons of milk foam, whipped in a cappuccinatore, on top of the dopio drink.

If you add naru teaspoons of sweet liquor to your espresso to taste, you get espresso corretto. Another original option is to add a few drops of lemon juice to the drink. This will make espresso romano. A few strokes, and the usual morning aroma is saturated with new notes.

Espresso and milk based drinks

Types of milk for cappuccino

View: Type: Proportion of fat: Volume: Price, rub.): A photo:
PetmolUHT3,2% 950ml98
House in the villageUHT3,2% 925ml125
Parmalat Natura PremiumUHT3,5% 1000ml99
Prostokvashino selectedpasteurized3,4-4,5% 930ml82
Valio Selected UHTUHT3,5-4,5% 1000ml98
M LianozovskoeUHT3,2% 950ml86

The favorite of most coffee lovers is a fragrant and delicate cappuccino. To prepare it in a Delonghi or Philips coffee machine, you need to warm up a wide cup, prepare an espresso and add a portion of milk in equal proportions and cover the milk coffee with airy foam. In Saeco automated coffee machines, this process takes place almost without human intervention. All you have to do is prepare the coffee and fill the milk tank.

The resulting foamy drink can be crushed with cinnamon or grated chocolate. Experienced bartenders create real patterns on the porous surface of the cappuccino. If the coffee turned out to be of high quality, then the foam will not sag even under the load of a teaspoon of sugar. An alternative to a fluffy cappuccino is the layered latte coffee drink.

Delonghi coffee machine

To prepare latte coffee in a coffee machine, you need to take a tall glass with a thin neck, heat it up. Concentrated espresso is prepared in a separate container. It is used as an extract and placed in the bottom of a heated glass. In the second layer, about 200 ml of hot milk is poured into the glass and a wide layer of whipped milk foam is added.

You can diversify the classic recipe by preparing latte macchiato. This is a drink that contains not only hot, but also cold milk. All ingredients (coffee, a layer of hot, cold milk and foam) are poured in turn, without mixing. In this way, a beautiful and striped coffee is obtained. The Delonghi coffee machine helps the user to froth efficiently and quickly. With a little imagination, your latte will be more delicious than in a coffee shop.

Models of coffee machines with a cappuccinatore

Model: Wed price, rub.): Volume: Timer: Cups (pcs): View:
Bosch TIS 30129 RW25 000 1.4 - 2
De "Longhi ESAM 350029 000 1.8 + 2
Philips EP3558 3100 Series29 550 1.8 - 2
Saeco Lirika One Touch Cappuccino28 990 2.5 - 2
De "Longhi ECAM 22.360 / 36636 000 1.8 + 2
Philips HD8654 2100 Series20 500 1 - 2
Bosch TIS 30321 RW32 000 1.4 - 2
De "Longhi ECAM 350.15.B Dinamica28 500 1.8 - 2

Extravagant drinks with alcohol

Coffee, which contains alcohol, is a separate cohort of drinks that are popular with real connoisseurs. To get the base, you need to make coffee in a Delonghi coffee machine. The universal option is espresso. Place a teaspoon of sugar in the bottom of a low, narrow cup. Pour a second layer of a teaspoon of whiskey and add a pre-prepared coffee concentrate. Top the drink with whipped cream. Your Irish coffee is ready.

For fine alcoholic treats, use liqueurs with a viscous texture. The sweetness of such a drink often allows you to completely do without sugar. What kind of coffee can be prepared in a coffee machine depends on your preferences, a set of ingredients and imagination. The functionality of the most popular brands of Philips, Delonghi and Saeco devices allows you to get by with a minimum set of components to get the perfect result.

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