Home Porridge Game - quiz “Connoisseurs of proper nutrition. Cooking quiz class hour (8th grade) on the topic Questions about cooking

Game - quiz “Connoisseurs of proper nutrition. Cooking quiz class hour (8th grade) on the topic Questions about cooking

This quiz can be used when creating scenarios for competitive programs for girls.

Quiz on the topic of cooking: “You will lick your fingers”

The host asks the players culinary questions. Whoever scores the most points wins.


1. What product never succeeds on the first try?

2. What can be prepared from milk?

3. What nuts have humans consumed for a long time?

4. Which Italian city gave the world pizza?

5. What vegetable came to Europe from Peru?

6. What is the name of the hot drink that for a long time replaced both tea and coffee for Russians?

7. What plant decoction is used to stop bleeding when brewed as tea?

8. What is the name of a complete set of tableware or teaware?

9. What is the name of a dish made from small pieces of meat, fish or vegetables?

10. An annual herbaceous garden plant used as a seasoning.

11. Eating a slice of which fruit before lunch reduces your appetite and ultimately makes you look slimmer?

12. What is the name of the vegetable whose puree is added to the dough to make “red noodles”?

13. It’s hard to believe, but for divulging the secret of such a delicacy, the confectioner of Charles of England faced the death penalty.

14. Born in water, but afraid of water.

15. Name the most popular type of cold snack.

16. What is the name of the national Russian dish, which is defined in the dictionary as “small pies with meat or other filling, boiled in boiling water”?

17. Name a vegetable that has been grown in Rus' for a long time; the name comes from the Latin word for “head”.


1. The first damn thing is lumpy.

2. Kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter, cheese, yogurt.

3. Hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, walnuts, coconuts.

4. Naples.

5. Potatoes.

6. Sbiten.

7. Nettle.

8. Service.

11. Pineapple.

12. Carrots.

13. Ice cream.

15. Sandwich.

16. Dumplings, dumplings.

Development of the game “Culinary Erudite” for students in grades 5 and 6

Extracurricular technology event for girls in grades 5-6. Scenario

Event equipment: handouts for tasks 3,5.7
Participants: 2 teams of 6-8 people.


1 "Blitz+tournament"
2 "Riddles"
3 "Erudite"
4 "What's growing in the garden?"
5 "Bartender"
6 "To be smart"
7 "Etiquette"
8 "Continue the proverb"
Greeting the teams by the teacher. Statement of the purpose and objectives of the event, conditions for the game. Presentation of the jury.

1 competition "Blitz tournament"

Each team is asked to answer 10 questions, for each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Team 1 questions:

1.List of dishes and drinks (menu)
2. What kind of product is it that they say “was born in water, but is afraid of water?” (salt)
3. Leafy vegetable or cold dish (salad)
4. Which product often fails to be prepared on the first try? (Crap)
5. A trace element that is added to table salt (iodine).
6. Camel milk product (shubat).
7.Candied fruit slice (candied fruit).
8. A particle of liquid (drop).
9.The art of cooking (cooking).
10. Melon plant, berry (watermelon).

Team 2 questions:

1. Red hot vegetable (pepper).
2. “Clothes” of boiled potatoes (uniform).
3.The earliest vegetable, root vegetable (radish).
4. Product made from mare's milk (kumys).
5.Homeland of potatoes (Peru).
6. Homeland of cucumbers (India)
7. Legume plant (beans, peas).
8. Product for making cutlets (minced meat).
9. Device for sifting products (sieve).
10. Set of tableware (service).

2 competition "Riddles"

Riddles are given to each team in turn.
1. Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground (potatoes).
2. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a scarlet head (beetroot).
3. The child grew up - did not know diapers, became an old man - a hundred diapers on him (cabbage).
4. A woman is sitting in the beds - covered in patches; whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave (bow).
5. Yegor lies under the boundary, covered with a green veil (cucumber).
6. There is a green branch growing in the garden bed, and on it are red babies (tomatoes).
7. Fedosya is sitting with her hair down (bow).
8. Round, but not the moon, with a tail, but not a mouse, red, but not a maiden (carrot).

3rd competition "Erudite"

Teams answer questions in writing, on pre-prepared question sheets, and submit the answers to the jury.
1. Where did the meat dish “beef stroganoff” come from? (named after Count Stroganov)
2. Homeland of tomatoes (Peru)
3. The name of the author of the double sandwich (Lord Sandwich).
4. The name of small snack sandwiches (canapés).
5. What is the origin of the word "cooking"? (on behalf of the Greek goddess Kulina)
6. Who first called tomatoes tomatoes? (Italians)
7. Who first started baking flatbreads? (Indians)
8. The name of a chef who worked in Moscow in the second half of the 19th century and became famous for his signature salad (Olivier).
9. The birthplace of pasta? (Italy)
10. Is a banana plant a herb or a shrub? (grass)

4 competition "What grows in the garden?" Attentiveness competition

The teacher reads the text:

"What grows in the garden:
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill.
For seasoning and for testing,
There are radishes and salad -
Our garden bed is just a treasure...
If you listened carefully -
I definitely remembered it.
Answer, in order, what grows in our garden bed?”
One participant from each team answers.

5th competition "Bartender"

The teams will have to demonstrate what they ordered at the bar, and this must be done without words. The winner is the team whose menu is understandable to those present.
Menu 1 team: Mashed potatoes, fried chicken, tea.
Menu 2 commands: Pasta, cutlets, Fanta.

6th competition "Ingenuity"

Each team needs to answer questions.
1.How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one thing, the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach).
2.How long does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg? (not at all, it’s already cooked).

7th competition "Etiquette"

Question for team 1.
For lunch, which includes soup, a “main course” and dessert, “small cutlery” is served, i.e. fork, spoon, knife. Please explain how they should lie during dinner (the fork lies to the left of the plate, and the knife and soup spoon are on the right, the dessert spoon is located horizontally above the plate).
Question 2 for the team.
In the East, tea drinking is ritualistic and philosophical in nature. Everyone knows Japanese and Chinese tea ceremonies, which take hours to prepare and conduct. What kind of dishes do they drink tea from and how do people sit while drinking tea? (People drink tea in small portions from round or square bowls. Everyone sits on their knees around the tea table)

8th competition "Continue the proverb"

The teams answer one by one.
1. Called himself a load... (get into the back.)
2.First pancake...(com.)
3. You can’t take...(even a fish out of a pond) without difficulty.
4. With your lips, yes ... (drink honey.)
5.With such a person there is no porridge...(you can’t cook it.)
6.What goes around comes around... (you reap.)
At the end of the competitions, the jury sums up the results of the game and rewards the teams.

It is with great pleasure that we present to you all the answers to the game All About Food that you will receive on this page. The game All About Food is a kind of cooking quiz where you mostly have to guess the name of various dishes. It is difficult for a hungry person to play this game, because all the pictures in the game are very beautiful and appetizing. If you can't cope with some level, then you can easily use a hint that can help you. When you run out of all the clues in the game Quiz: All about food, you can see the answers on this page. In total, the game has 8 large levels with 25 pictures each, which in total results in 200 game levels that you need to go through if you plan to complete the entire game.
--The essence of the Guess the Picture game is to guess what feature is hidden behind the squares that you need to open. The game's hints fade away quite quickly, so you can easily get stuck in this game on a difficult level. The game is very complex, so our answers will probably be extremely useful to you.

In order for you to understand a little how we presented the answers, we will tell you a little about it. To begin with, it is worth noting that in the answers to the game All About Food we did not use the original pictures, since the answers already come in a certain order for everyone. Since the game is divided into 8 levels, we also divided our answers. Now, in order to see the answer to the level you need, you must first select it to the left of the pictures with the answers. After clicking on the local level, the pictures on the right will reload and you can choose the answer based on the local level number. Everything is extremely simple.

The answers to Everything about food are far from the only ones on our site. We have already made answers to many games about food, as well as other topics of word games. You can view the list of answers for which we have games.

In total, there are more than 300 games on our website for which we have made answers. If you are a true lover and connoisseur of word games, then you will like it with us, because now you can get answers to your games on our website.

Answers for All About Food

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Levels Answers in pictures
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12
Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16
Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20
Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24
Level 25


  1. Expand and systematize students’ knowledge about proper nutrition and healthy foods.
  2. Develop your horizons and vocabulary. Develop teamwork skills and develop a sense of cooperation.
  3. To instill in students a desire for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Participants: 5th grade students, 9th grade students (jury members), teacher (event host).

Equipment: illustrations, multimedia equipment.

Planned results: students will learn to systematize knowledge about proper nutrition and healthy foods; expand their horizons and vocabulary; will be able to develop teamwork skills and a sense of cooperation.

Progress of the event:

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys!

We do not live to eat, but we eat to live.
Let these words of the famous Socrates become the motto of our meeting today. Today we will play a game - a quiz “Connoisseurs of Proper Nutrition”. We'll have a competition and find out which team is the best nutritionist. I invite you, dear guys, to show your skills and knowledge in a game - a quiz. Together we will try to figure out what “proper nutrition” means, which foods are healthy and which pose a danger to our health. Two teams will participate in the quiz, and there will be a jury (high school students). Members of the jury will carefully monitor the answers and evaluate each task; at the end, our respected jury will sum up the results of the quiz. For each correct answer, the team will receive an orange - a symbol of victory. Whichever team has the most oranges will win. The winners will be awarded the title “Connoisseurs of Proper Nutrition”. I wish everyone good luck!

(Introduction of teams, jury)

1 competition “Milk rivers, jelly banks”

“Children, drink milk and you will be healthy!” Even oriental doctors hundreds of years ago attributed magical properties to milk. They believed that milk promotes the development of intelligence, makes a person more intelligent, helps him understand the world around him and distinguish good from evil, and this is exactly what you guys need! Therefore, in order for a child to grow up healthy, he must drink at least one glass of milk daily! This truly unique product contains all the essential vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of a child. Let's check if you know the properties of this product well.

1.What happens when milk sours?

  • Curdled milk
  • Yogurt
  • Oil
  1. A newborn baby's first meal?
  • Milk
  • Kefir

3.Why do children need milk?

  • For happiness
  • For the mood
  • For growth
  1. What is butter obtained from?
  • From the cream
  • From cottage cheese
  • From sour cream
  1. What cold dessert, beloved by children, is made from milk?
  • Cottage cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding
  1. What is the name of the fermented milk drink made from mare's milk?
  • Kumis
  • Ryazhenka
  • Kefir

2nd competition “Vegetables from the garden”

Vegetables are very healthy foods that every person needs to protect the immune system and good health, they are especially important for a growing child's body.

  1. Which vegetable is very good for vision?
  • Carrot
  • Cabbage
  • Tomato
  1. What vegetable is called the second bread?
  • Eggplant
  • Potato
  • Cucumber
  1. Which vegetable has the most vitamin C?
  • In cabbage
  • In beets
  • In sweet red pepper
  1. What other name does tomato have?
  • Tomato
  • Signor
  1. This vegetable in green pods is a favorite children's delicacy in the country garden.
  • Peas
  • Beans
  1. One of the largest vegetables
  • Pumpkin
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini

Physical education lesson “Vegetables”

One, two, three, four, walking in place

Children learned vegetables: Jumping in place

Onion, radish, zucchini, Tilts left and right

Horseradish, carrots, garlic Clap your hands

3rd competition “Vitamin Family”

Vitamins “revive” proteins, fats and carbohydrates and ensure their functions. They help the body grow and develop. Without them, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are ballast. Guys, what vitamins do you know? (children speak out)

  1. What vitamin does a person get from sunbathing?
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  1. What foods contain vitamin C?
  • Rosehip, lemon, cabbage
  • Cucumber, peas, potatoes
  • Apple, pear, pineapple
  1. What vitamin is called “growth vitamin”?
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin A
  1. What vitamin deficiency causes skin to peel?
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B
  • Vitamin A
  1. The main source of vitamins is...
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Sweets
  • Meat products
  1. What foods contain vitamin E?
  • Fish, vegetables
  • Eggs, nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils
  • Fruits, chocolate

4th competition “Exotic fruits”

Surely, no one will argue with the fact that fruits are very beneficial for our health. After all, these are one of the main sources of vitamins and minerals. And for you guys, such products are even more important.

  1. What is a dried pitted apricot called?
  • Prunes
  • Dried apricots
  1. Name the fruit that is called the “royal fruit”
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • A pineapple
  1. Name the most tender fruit
  • Peach
  • Apricot
  • Orange
  1. A sweetish fruit with a small pit inside, similar to a cherry
  • Mango
  • Plum
  • Cherries
  1. Which fruit has a monument erected in the city of Odessa?
  • Orange
  • Mandarin
  • Lemon
  1. Which fruit contains a third of the daily value of vitamin C?
  • In an apple
  • In lemon
  • In a pear

Game “Useful - Unuseful”

Guys, now we are going to play. If the product is healthy, clap your hands and say loudly “Yes!” If it’s not healthy, then everyone stomp together and say “No! »

There are harmful and healthy foods.

Who will give the correct answer?

What is useful and what is not?

Apple juice (Yes)

Pepsi, lemonade (No)

Roasted sunflower seeds (No)

Refined sugar (No)

Hot pies (Yeah)

Crispy chips (No)

Milk and porridge (Yes)

Fruits, curdled milk (Yes)

5th competition "Drinks"

The need for human fluid intake has been known for a long time. Doctors say that the body’s moisture reserve should be at least 2 liters. This is how much water you should drink daily. However, drinks are different. Guys, consume less carbonated drinks, because they contain substances that are harmful to your body. Give preference to drinks that are healthy.

  1. What is the name of a refreshing drink, a mixture of water and juices from berries or fruits with the addition of honey or sugar?
  • Morse
  • Lemonade
  1. This drink is usually brewed from dried fruits
  • Compote
  • Kissel
  1. This white drink of animal origin is simply necessary for a person from the first birthday.
  • Kefir
  • Milk
  1. Which juice is called the “king of vitamins”?
  • Peach
  • Pomegranate
  • Orange
  1. This drink is considered harmful to children's bodies.
  • Sparkling sweet water
  • Mineral water
  1. What is the name of a sweet dessert jelly-like drink made from fresh and dried fruits and berries, fruit and berry juices, syrups, jams?
  • Kefir
  • Kissel

6th competition “Porridge is our joy”

Porridge is a very healthy, nutritious, tasty and necessary food product that children should eat every day for breakfast. It has been proven that all cereals are healthy for children. Each cereal contains a unique complex of essential substances: vegetable proteins and carbohydrates, minerals, B vitamins.

  1. You can't spoil the porridge...
  • Oil
  • Sour cream
  • Chocolate
  1. What is the name of porridge cooked from a mixture of several grains?
  • Happiness
  • Friendship
  • Love
  1. What kind of porridge is called beauty porridge?
  • Oatmeal
  • Manna
  • Rice
  1. What porridge improves the condition of teeth and gums?
  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Pearl barley
  1. What kind of porridge is called “pearl”?
  • Pearl barley
  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  1. Which porridge has the most calories? This porridge also contains vitamins B1, B2, and the mineral potassium.
  • Barley
  • Manna
  • Oatmeal

Summing up the results of the quiz, awarding the winners.

Teacher: I would like to end our meeting with the words of Tolstoy L.N.: “If people ate only when they are very hungry, and if they ate simple, clean and healthy food, then they would not know diseases and could control their souls and body." See you again!

1. The name of which fruit is literally translated from Latin as “grainy”? (Pomegranate)

2. The name of which dish literally translates from French as “vinegar”? (The vinaigrette)

3. The name of which dish in Latin literally meant “salted with sea water”? (Marinade)

4. Drinking wine with someone as a sign of establishing close friendship and friendly transition to “you” is called the German word “Bruderschaft”. How is it translated? (Brotherhood)

5. Say “bread and butter” in German. (Sandwich)

6. The name of which fruit comes from Latin and literally means “early ripening”? (Apricot)

7. What fruit's name literally means "apple from China" in Dutch? (Orange)

8. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word for “head”? (Cabbage)

9. The name of which vegetable in Greek means “unripe, unripe”? (Cucumber)

10. What vegetable did the Italians call the “golden apple”? (Tomato)

11. Which meat product got its name from the Russian word “decrepit”, “old”? (Ham is meat prepared for future use, which means it is not fresh)

12. The name of which dish is derived from the Udmurt words “ear” and “bread”? (Dumplings. Pel - ear, nyan - bread)

13. The name of which food product was born in Ancient India and literally means “sand, gravel”? (Sugar)

14. The name of which sweet goes back to the Latin language and originally meant “prepared medicine”? (Candy - from “confectum”)

15. We borrowed the name of this sweet from the French language, where it meant “quince pastille.” Name it. (Marmalade)

16. The name of which flour product translated from Greek means “butter cake”? (Pancakes)

17. The name of which meat dish translated from German means “a piece of paper, shavings”? (Schnitzel)

18. Which cereal got its name from the pearl color of the grains? (Perlovka - from pearl - “pearl”)

19. The name of which dish made from cottage cheese, into which egg whites whipped into a thick foam are added, also means “slap in the face” in French? (Souffle)

20. The name of which cold soup indicates that it is made from beets with tops? (Botvinya)

21. What vegetable stores very well until spring, and therefore during Great Lent in Rus' it was eaten more than turnips, cabbage and carrots, for which it received the name “penitential vegetable”? (Radish)

22. The name of which fat is literally translated from Latin as “pearl”? (Margarine)

23. The name of which drink is translated from English as “rooster tail”? (Cocktail)

24. The raw materials for which drink are black and green? (Tea)

25. In a Georgian village you can see the following picture: a leather bag with some kind of liquid lies on the road. Everyone who passes by this bag must kick it. What drink is prepared this way? (Kefir - matsoni)

26. What is the name of the drink obtained from the milk of mares? (Koumiss)

27. What drinks' names clearly indicate that they are made from citrus fruits? (Lemonade and orangeade)

28. What healing drink can be obtained in the spring forest? (Birch juice)

29. Russian church wine with a French name? (Cahors)

30. What drink will you get if you pour water over fried pieces of bread and add sugar? (Kvass)

31. What drink can be made from Arabica? (Coffee)

32. What turns black coffee into cappuccino? (Cream)

33. What is the name in the East for condensed fruit syrup and a soft drink made from fruit juice and sugar? (Sherbet)

34. Hot drink made with honey and spices? (Sbiten)

35. The name of which fermented milk drink suggests that it is very easy to prepare? (Sour milk)

36. Name three foods whose increased consumption is associated with six out of ten fatal diseases? (Salt, sugar, animal fats)

37. What did they serve in Rus' instead of sauces? (explosions)

38. Where were all the classic sauces created? (In France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)

39. What expensive delicacy of northern German cities in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries successfully competed on the world market with furs and flax from Russia, French wines and English wool? (Baltic herring specially salted)

40. Who invented mayonnaise and what city was it named after? (In 1757, during the siege of Mahon by the British, French chefs diversified the menu of the besieged with a new dish made from eggs and Provencal oil. Mayonnaise was named after the capital of the island of Menorca - Mahon)

41. How can you get rid of the bitterness of grapefruit? (It is necessary to remove the translucent leathery film that covers each segment of the fruit, in which quinic acid and bitter glycosides are mainly concentrated)

42. What dairy product was recommended by one of the oldest handwritten medical books, “Cool Vertograd,” to be used as an antidote for acute poisoning? (Fermented milk - curdled milk)

43. What were called drinks in Rus'? (Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea. We did not drink drinks, but ate them)

44. The name of which dairy product among the Caucasian peoples comes from the word “health”? (Kefir from the word “kef” - “health”)

45. What two berries are poetically called “northern grapes”? (Cranberries and gooseberries)

46. ​​What is the difference between dried apricots and apricots? (Apricots are the fruits of ripe apricots, cut lengthwise in half and pitted in the sun. Uryuk are dried apricot fruits with pits. “Kuru” is translated from Turkic languages ​​as “dry”)

47. What grain is pearl barley made from? (From barley. And they called it that way for its pearlescent color)

48. How can one culinary word be used to describe the liver, spleen, heart, tongue, brain, intestines, kidneys, and bones of farm animals? (offal)

49. A famous Italian dish named after an equally famous city? (Pizza. Pisa)

50. Where did the word “soup” come from? (From the Italian "uppa", which means something soft, something that is drunk)

51. The absence of what daily dish on the table in some ancient books was considered evidence of trouble in the house? (Soup)

52. What product was used in ancient times instead of sugar? (Honey and pressed date syrup)

53. About what product did the medieval poet Victor Mazi leave us the following words: “...you are poetry, the bouquet of our dinner. What would life mean if you didn't exist? (About cheese)

54. What product do doctors and scientists characterize as follows: “food that knows no prohibitions”, “perfect product”, “natural concentrate of the beneficial properties of milk”, “the mildest food product”, “diet for everyone”? (Cottage cheese)

55. Which pig’s meat was considered a delicacy in Ancient Greece? (Dead from overeating)

56. In what country did vegetarians appear? (In India around 1000 BC)

57. Where did noodles first appear and when? (In China in the first century AD)

58. What water was wine mixed with in Ancient Greece? (With sea water)

59. Where did the world's first restaurants appear? (In China, in 1153 in Kaifeng)

60. What is another name for wild garlic? (Bear bow)

61. Which egg is the healthiest: raw, soft-boiled, hard-boiled or fried? (Soft-boiled)

62. Where was the very first cookbook created? (In Mesopotamia in 1700 BC)

63. In which water does champagne cool faster - raw or boiled? Who owns this discovery? (Boiled. This discovery belongs to Nero)

64. Where did chewing gum appear and when? (In Central America in the XIII-XIV centuries)

65. Where did cocoa originate? (In Mexico)

66. Cocoa + red hot pepper + corn flour + water. What drink did the Aztecs prepare from this mixture? (Cocoa)

67. When did coffee appear and where did it grow? (Coffee was mentioned for the first time in the tenth century AD. It grew in Ethiopia)

68. When and where did they start drinking beer? (In Mesopotamia and Egypt in the third millennium BC)

69. What is gyuvech? (Bulgarian dish of vegetables baked in the oven with lamb)

70. How is the word “symposium” literally translated? (From the Greek word "symposion", literally - feast)

71. What was the original name for food that was put into sea water for pickling? (Marinade)

72. Chinese chefs claim that you can cook food from anything except... Name a poetic image of what Chinese chefs call something that cannot be cooked from. (From the reflection of the moon in the lake)

73. Fish from which all the bones have been counted and removed. (Fillet)

74. What grows in a field that can be said to be full of ears? (Corn)

75. A seasoning that gives pepper to eaters. (Adjika)

76. What word is similar between a small tangerine and a hefty grapefruit? (Citrus)

77. Meat of the fish king. (Sturgeon)

78. What is the name of the dough that has gone on a spree? (Opara)

79. Which product gave its name to a month that is not on the calendar? (Honey. The newlyweds spend their honeymoon after the wedding)

80. What is the name of wild strawberries? (Strawberry)

81. Culinary ear decoration. (Noodles)

82. What culinary product can be said to be a “twisted dish”? (Roll)

83. What part of the egg was rejected by the meringue, but attracted to the eggnog? (Yolk)

84. Name the most common lollipop bird. (Cockerel)

85. A simplified version of sausage for a hot dog. (Sausage)

86. Which berry got its name because of its smelly leaves? (Currant - from the word “stench” - unpleasant smell)

87. What one word, but not “food,” can be used to describe borscht, soup, fish soup, and shea? ("First")

88. She is beautiful both under a fur coat and without it. (Herring)

89. The invisible but healthy part of food. (Vitamin)

90. Fruit explosive. (Pomegranate)

91. Soup and salad in one bottle. (Okroshka)

92. Edible watermelon rind mummy. (Candied fruit)

93. What kind of pickle in Rus' was eaten with your hands? (Pie with pickles)

94. What is the name of a meat snack that shakes? (jelly, jellied meat)

95. What festive outfit does the herring wear? (Fur coat)

96. What are the names of mushrooms that appear on jam? (Mold)

97. It tastes wonderful, even black or red. (Caviar. Currant)

98. What berry can a summer resident grow only by turning his six acres into a swamp? (Cranberry)

99. What is the name for “glue” for jelly that does not want to harden? (Gelatin)

100. What is the name of an octopus that has not grown in size, but has grown in taste? (Squid)

101. Which candies, loved by many children, contain the word “chalk”? (Caramel, Marmelad)

102. What dish is the cook ready at any moment of the day or night? (Uha - cookUHA)

103. How to feed the whole family with one crumb? (Add the letter “O” to it and you get “okroshka”)

104. What rectangular cubes do modern women play in the kitchen? (Bouillon cubes)

105. How to make sour kefir sweet without sugar and jam? (Replace the letter “K” with “3”: kefir - marshmallow)

106. Which salad can be found among the French names? (Olivie)

107. What is very cold inside a herring? (Ice - herring)

108. Name the final curdled confectionery product. (Roll)

109. Say “stick” in French. (Loaf)

110. Bread of Caucasian nationality? (Pita)

111. What delicacy do pigs seek out in Italy and France? (Truffle mushrooms)

112. Which “worms” are loved in Russia no less than in their native Italy? (Vermicelli. “Vermicello” means “worms” in Italian)

113. What is cooked, but then not eaten? (Cast iron, steel, bay leaf)

114. Who bakes and fries all day, but doesn’t offer pancakes? (Sun)

115. What scary monsters eat only their eyes? (Smoke, soap, shampoo)

116. What do housewives stew but don’t let anyone eat? (Light, candles)

117. Truffle, but not a mushroom; Iris, but not a flower? (Candy)

118. “The Garden Beyond the Clouds,” where the apple turned out to be just that kind of fruit. (Paradise)

119. Processed cheese with warm human relationships in its name. ("Friendship")

120. What meat dish should every cook know how to cook? (Navy style pasta)

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