Home Fish Corn salad: beneficial properties and possible harm. Corn salad: beneficial properties and possible harm Use in cooking

Corn salad: beneficial properties and possible harm. Corn salad: beneficial properties and possible harm Use in cooking

Have you heard of greens called corn lettuce? If not, then today’s article will talk about it. Corn lettuce grows in small dark green “roses”. The leaves have a nutty flavor with a slight sweetness and tartness. Very often this type of greenery is added to snacks and used to decorate various dishes. By dressing the corn salad with olive oil, you will emphasize its original taste.

The benefits of corn salad

In addition to the fact that this green has an exquisite taste, the salad has many beneficial properties. It helps strengthen the nervous system, with its help normalization of metabolism and increase in hemoglobin levels. The ancient Greeks and Romans valued corn salad for its tonic, diuretic and soothing properties. It was believed that this greenery has a positive effect on male strength. It contains vitamins A and E, iron, ascorbic acid. In addition, 100 grams of salad contains half the daily requirement of vitamin B9.

Corn salad Recipes

A recipe that contains lettuce, tangerines, olive oil, lemon juice, pine nuts, salt, and pepper will be useful. Wash and dry the corn salad. Divide it into leaves. Peel several tangerines and remove the pulp from the transparent film. Squeeze the juice from the remaining fruit. Toast the pine nuts in a dry frying pan (or microwave for a minute or two). In a container, mix olive oil, lemon and tangerine juice (a tablespoon each), add salt and pepper. Beat well until you obtain a homogeneous emulsion. Place the corn lettuce leaves in a bowl, pour the resulting sauce over them, and arrange the tangerines and nuts. Serve immediately. This dish doesn't like to wait. It is recommended to use it immediately.

Corn salad Rezept in a glass

When served in an original way, the salad will look especially elegant. Use green asparagus, pickled gherkins, corn salad, carrots, potatoes, onions, olive oil, salt for cooking. Divide the green asparagus into two parts. Boil water in a saucepan and start cooking the hard part of the plant first. After five minutes, add the thin half. Cook for a couple more minutes. Drain the water. Cool the asparagus and cut into small pieces. Prepare the onions. Chop finely. Pour boiling water over it, then rinse with cold water and squeeze. Carefully separate the corn salad into leaves. Rinse the greens. Cut small gherkins into rings. Carrots must be boiled until half cooked. It should be slightly crispy inside. Cut the vegetable into beautiful cubes. Do the same with potatoes. Just boil it until completely cooked. You can first cut the root vegetable into cubes, and then throw it into boiling water with the addition of a pinch of salt. This will make the potato cubes look neater. Use a special wide glass for salad. Place the corn salad on the bottom, then all the prepared vegetables in random order. Season with salt, add a pinch of black pepper, and add oil. You can once again use corn lettuce leaves on top for decoration. Serve the finished dish to the table.

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and a variety of greens on the table have been a fashionable trend in the last five to ten years. An incredible variety has appeared on store shelves: ice salad, oak salad, corn salad, arugula, garden peppercorns and others. There is no strong taste, they cannot satisfy hunger, they are simply used to decorate plates or add volume to complex salads. Meanwhile, lettuce leaves are a low-calorie product, easy to use and prepare, rich in vitamins and microelements.

There are more than 1,000 types of salads in the world today, and their number is increasing every day. One of the most popular is corn salad. Like many members of the valerian family, field is another name for the plant, like "rapunzel") - an incredibly useful agricultural plant.

Short description

Externally, it is a rather unsightly plant, round in shape with dark green leaves. Mostly it grows in Africa, Asia and some European countries. The plant is annual. The maximum height is forty centimeters.

Culinary experts and scientists place corn salad one step above its garden green relatives. It is believed that it is much healthier and tastier than other salads. French chefs fell in love with the salad for its incredible nutty aroma, softness of the pulp and exquisite range of taste.


Corn lettuce can be sown at different times due to its short growing season. The seeds are dropped directly into the garden bed. The best harvests are obtained if the plant is planted in early spring. Field lettuce does not readily tolerate hot summers, and in winter it is better to hide it from the cold by covering it with a layer of humus or straw.


The salad contains a huge amount of biologically active substances. The main ones on the list are the entire group B, vitamins E, A, C, etc. Among the microelements that are found in large quantities in corn salad, we can name: zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium.

Ascorbic acid, which in salad contains more than 42 percent of the daily requirement, takes the lead. The second is considered vitamin A. The next most popular and quantity in the composition is B6.

Calorie content

With its minimal amount, corn is a healthy food product for those who are losing weight or simply adhering to a healthy lifestyle. One hundred grams of rapunzel salad contains only 23 kcal.

How to choose?

The right choice of salad is the key to not only a healthy, but also a tasty dinner. It is important to remember that it is better to buy corn lettuce during the period of vigorous growth, but after the plant has flowered. Summer salads are the most delicious and healthy. The leaves will be fresh, juicy and with a pronounced nutty taste, for which this type of salad is so famous. The best time to buy is the end of May, June.

When purchasing, you should take a good look at the leaves. They must be smooth, intact, without signs of fading or damage. There should be no yellow or brown spots on the leaves. Only bright green saturated color is welcome.

Corn salad Beneficial features

Even in ancient Rome, healers noticed the incredible healing properties of Valerianella oleracea. The tonic, wound-healing, diuretic and soothing qualities of the plant are noted.


Like most food products, corn salad has a number of contraindications for consumption:

  • Food allergies.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Peptic ulcer or gastritis.

Doctors also advise women who are protected by using oral contraceptives to avoid eating field salad too often. Since the plant contains substances that activate the reproductive system, the effectiveness of such drugs may be reduced.

But pregnant women, small children, and nursing mothers can safely eat corn salad. If a large number of products are not available to them during this period of life, then this plant is a pleasant and useful exception.


It is advisable to eat the lettuce as soon as it has been cut. If the plant was purchased in a store, then it is advisable to eat it as quickly as possible. The salad has a short shelf life, about two days in the refrigerator. It is recommended to first wrap the leaves in a paper napkin or newspaper.

Use and preparation

Lettuce is eaten only fresh. All taste, aroma and beneficial qualities will dissolve after heat treatment. You should wash it quickly so that the leaves do not swell when saturated with moisture. Corn salad recipes can be individual or combined in a delicious combination with other products. Many ladies prefer to eat the fragile, aromatic leaves, simply seasoning them lightly with olive oil.

What foods go well with field lettuce?

  • Parsley, cilantro, basil.
  • Boiled meat, bacon.
  • Fish, seafood.
  • Lemon juice or olive oil.
  • Most citrus fruits.
  • Sesame and other nuts.

It is recommended not to cut the salad with a knife, but to tear off the leaves with your hands. You need to season the salad with garden valerian immediately before serving and eating. Prolonged idle time in liquid threatens with missing damp, quickly withered and tasteless leaves.

One average bunch of lettuce contains about 140 grams. One branch contains 5-8 grams.


What is radicchio salad, calorie content, composition and beneficial properties. Can everyone introduce a new product into their diet? Recipes from escarole and interesting facts about it, the possibility of cultivation.

The content of the article:

Radicchio lettuce is a food crop better known as escarole or Italian endive. The variety is not independent, it is one of the types of common chicory (Cichorium intybus), a plant from the Asteraceae family. The botanical name of radicchio is Cichorium intybus var. Foliosum. Head lettuce is shaped like a cabbage fork. The inner leaves are not always pressed tightly against each other. The upper leaves (khryapa) are crimson or purple-violet, the lower ones have pronounced white veins. The color saturation of the forks depends on the variety, but what all types have in common is the absence of a green tint. Currently, radicchio is grown in Italy, France, North America and Asia, but it was first produced as an agricultural crop in Belgium. The taste of raw leaves is a bit like the usual salad, but with a spicy bitterness. After heat treatment, the spice remains, and the bitterness is replaced by sweetness. Radicchio is popular in Italy; salads based on it can be tasted in expensive restaurants and street cafes. But outside the small homeland, the leaves are used more to decorate dishes.

Composition and calorie content of radicchio salad

Crimson leaves can be safely included in any weight loss diet. It is difficult to eat a whole fork at once, but this is not necessary, the shelf life is up to 2 months. Even if the cart dries out a little, the nutritional qualities and beneficial properties will remain unchanged.

Calorie content of radicchio salad is 20 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 1.5 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.3 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 1.2 g;
  • Water - 95.64 g;
  • Ash - 0.1-0.36 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A, RE - 25 mcg;
  • Beta Carotene - 299 mg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.04 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.03 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.09 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.04 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 29 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 2.8 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.18 mg;
  • Vitamin K, phylloquinone - 24.1 mcg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 0.12 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 141 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 18 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 7 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 10 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 20 mg.
Microelements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 0.41 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.13 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.03 μg;
  • Selenium, Se - 0.1 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.15 mg.
Fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Saturated - 0.02 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.07 g.
The set of nutrients in radicchio is atypical, which is explained by the special growing conditions:
  1. Beta Carotene- it is called the vitamin of beauty and youth. It is converted into vitamin A - retinol, which has a pronounced antioxidant effect, improves the condition of blood vessels, and accelerates the regenerative properties of the body.
  2. Potassium- supports the functions of all body systems, blood pressure levels, stimulates the production of enzymes.
  3. Phosphorus- an energy carrier that distributes energy throughout the body and is involved in the production of proteins.
  4. Calcium- in addition to the main function of strengthening bone tissue, it helps to completely process lipids and remove harmful cholesterol from the body.
  5. Iron- participates in the production of red blood cells, improves the absorption of B vitamins and normalizes the functions of the thyroid gland.
Thanks to so many useful substances, salad will not only diversify your diet, but also provide an opportunity to improve your health.

Beneficial properties of Italian chicory

Escarole tastes bitter, so you can't eat a lot of it. To eliminate bitterness, cooks cook the product. Because of this, the beneficial properties of radicchio salad are not fully preserved.

Beneficial effects on the body:

  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, eliminates vascular spasms, and maintains a stable blood flow rate.
  • Normalizes heart contractions, increases the supply of oxygen to organic tissues.
  • Prevents the development of age-related changes, improves skin quality, normalizes sebum production.
  • Increases immunity, reduces the possibility of getting sick during epidemic season.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels. Stimulation of digestive enzymes promotes complete absorption of nutrients, and the high amount of dietary fiber accelerates peristalsis. The intestines are freed, toxins are removed, the liver is quickly cleansed, and the life cycle of hepatocytes is extended.
  • It has a calming effect, helps to recover from emotional stress and intense mental activity.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels, improves peripheral blood supply.
  • Prevents the development of anemia, stabilizes the production of red blood cells - erythrocytes.
  • Normalizes water and electrolyte balance, helps maintain skin tone during weight loss diets.
  • Reduces the symptoms of painful attacks of malaria.
Escariol is recommended to be regularly included in the daily menu during pregnancy - it contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of the fetal nervous system, and it is also useful for problems with the hematopoietic system.

Contraindications and harms of radicchio salad

Like all unfamiliar foods, escarole should be introduced into children's diets with caution. Before the age of three, you should not prepare new dishes, especially since the bitter taste can “scare” the baby and cause problems with food.

The harm from radicchio salad only appears when you overeat: the acidity of gastric juice increases, hiccups and heartburn appear. If you do not abuse it, there will be no side effects from use.

You should not introduce dishes with escarole into your diet if you have pancreatitis and a tendency to diarrhea. The increased load on the digestive organs significantly worsens the general condition.

Avoid use if you have an individual intolerance. Allergy symptoms increase gradually: intestinal colic, diarrhea, nausea, headache, rashes around the mouth. If, after “getting acquainted” with the product, at least one of the mentioned signs appears, it is better to refuse escarole.

How to eat escarole lettuce

Escarole varieties differ from each other not only in leaf color and fork shape, but also in taste. Even knowing the variety, it is impossible to accurately predict how pronounced the individual taste qualities are - they depend on the time of cutting.

Therefore, before preparing radicchio salad, you should chew the leaf. If the bitterness is pronounced, and the leaf is dense and juicy, the veins are hard, then such a “head of cabbage” is not suitable for salad. But it can be introduced as an ingredient in risotto, a side dish for stews, baked on the grill or fried in a pan.

Large forks are used instead of utensils when presenting haute cuisine. Tender radicchio leaves, lighter in color and with a small number of veins, are added to salads.

Recipes with Italian chicory

Escarole is combined with walnuts, caraway seeds, garlic, and onions. It is recommended to use sour sauces as salad dressings - citrus fruits, mayonnaise, soy sauce.

Recipes with radicchio salad:

  1. Warm salad. Place 200 g of pumpkin, cut into equal cubes, into a roasting pan, pour over 3 tablespoons of olive oil and add a small piece of melted butter. Let sit for the oils to mix and absorb. Then sprinkle the pumpkin with thyme and rosemary, add some salt, add a salad mixture of root and radicchio, 100 g in total. Preheat the oven to 180°C and place the roasting pan there for 15 minutes. Then the salad is transferred to plates and seasoned with wine vinegar and Dijon mustard. Serve warm.
  2. Carpaccio. The turkey fillet is peeled, cut into large pieces, and slanted cuts are made in them. Rub with sea salt, sprinkle with paprika and thyme, add ground ginger (fresh root is grated), pour in olive oil and soy sauce. Leave to marinate at room temperature, covered with a lid. After 40 minutes, the meat is cooked in a double boiler. 3 minutes before turning off, pour the salad mixture into the bowl - radicchio, arugula and corn. The finished dish is sprinkled with chopped Parmesan and seasoned with lemon juice. When serving, you can garnish with cherry tomatoes.
  3. Venetian meat salad. 40 g of bacon or any ham with streaks of fat, cut into small cubes. Onion, 1 piece, chopped. Each radicchio leaf is cut into 4 parts. Heat a frying pan, pour homemade olive oil with an intense smell into it, and begin to fry the onions. Add 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic, add salad and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, constantly turning. Pour everything into a salad bowl, add spices to taste, it is advisable to limit yourself to a mixture of peppers. Serve hot, cover the dish with a lid. When cold, the interesting hot-spicy taste is lost, and the leaves become soft and tasteless.
  4. Cheese salad. Start preparing the salad with the marinade. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 3 orange juice, pour in a spoonful of olive oil, add half a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger root, pepper and salt to taste. Let it brew for 30 minutes in a sealed container. 150-200 g of delicious mushroom cheese, cut into cubes. Sweet oranges, 2 pieces, peeled, divided into slices, films removed. The forks are taken apart, the dense purple leaves of radicchio are cut into thin strips and fried in sunflower oil. Celery stalks, 3 pieces, cut into thin rings, a red onion is chopped, 4 cloves of garlic are passed through a press. Fry 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds in a dry frying pan. All ingredients are mixed, the salad is dressed and sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  5. Seafood salad. The eggplant is cut into rings, and the red or yellow bell pepper is cut into strips. The peppers are first fried on the grill, and the eggplant is allowed to sit with salt to remove the bitterness. Then they are also grilled on both sides. 8 large scallops are cleaned, salted and peppered, sprinkled with lemon juice. Marinate for 15 minutes and then put on the grill. Fry each side for 1 minute. Radicchio leaves, 40 g, are also fried on the grill, then cut lengthwise, and tomatoes into slices - 2 pieces. It is better to choose meaty tomatoes. Dressing: 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon each of balsamic vinegar, honey and lemon juice, crushed clove of garlic and half a teaspoon of Provençal herbs. The salad is best served warm.
  6. Paste. Spaghetti is broken in half and cooked as written in the instructions. There is no need to drain all the water; leave a little in the pan. Next, make a dressing for the dish: mix a quarter glass of beet juice, 2 tablespoons of wine (apple vinegar, if possible), half a tablespoon of olive oil, generously salt and pepper. Let it brew. Fry a chopped red onion, 3 chopped garlic cloves, and half of the grated beets in olive oil. When the onion becomes soft, pour the pasta into the frying pan along with a small amount of water, half the chopped salad fork, and mix everything. Turn it off when the water has completely evaporated, mix with the dressing. If there is not enough salt and pepper, add it.

If escarole seeds germinate outside the garden, it is unlikely that a person unfamiliar with the crop will recognize it. The leaves will be brown or even green, and the head will not form.

The purple-violet color appears due to the way it is grown - without access to sunlight. Farmers completely protect the plant from sunlight, artificially illuminate it with lamps, specially arrange temperature changes and even freeze it.

After the seedlings have grown in the dark, the plant is transferred to open ground, to shaded areas, covered from the sun on clear days. It is convenient to use cut and painted plastic bottles for this.

The most popular varieties of radicchio:

  • Radicchio di Chioggia. Purple dense heads of cabbage with small leaves are grown all year round, the most “simple” conditions for reproduction.
  • Radicchio variegato di Castelfranco. This is a seasonal vegetable and can be purchased from December to the end of March. In the middle there are small leaves, the khryapa is wide and large. The leaves are delicate, light, pink, with purple veins.
  • Radicchio di Treviso rosso tardivo. Very similar in appearance to the original variety - food chicory. The forks are loose, the bitterness is pronounced. Winter variety.
  • Radicchio di Treviso rosso precoce. It also resembles chicory in appearance and taste, the elongated leaves are collected in a dense rosette. The color is red or burgundy, the veins are white. The transition from white at the base of the leaf to purple in the middle is quite sharp.
The size of the fork is small - from a large grapefruit to a small melon. If you do not cut the lettuce in time, then the head of cabbage disintegrates, the central part transforms into a stem, and flowering begins. The leaves become bitter and are no longer suitable for food.

To obtain seeds, the plant is left in sunlight in an open bed. The blue flowers of escarole are pollinated by bees.

Watch the video about radicchio salad:

Radicchio is often sold in supermarkets, but people are in no hurry to purchase it. And those who bought it make a salad from red cabbage leaves and are disappointed because of the bitterness. You can appreciate the new taste only after you get to know escarole better. This is not “red cabbage” - it is a type of lettuce.

Corn salad is a popular variety of salad. Other name - "Rapunzel". It has a mild taste and a special aftertaste. The main advantage is that the root does not lose nutrients during heat treatment.

Belongs to field salads, family - valerian. Places of growth: the territory of Europe, areas of Asia with a temperate climate. The process of naturalization of a product is common throughout the world. Reasons for popularity:

  1. Ease of care.
  2. High demand (due to the ability to retain useful elements after heat treatment).

External description:

  • The average size.
  • Height - 10-40 cm.
  • The stem is formed unevenly.
  • The ends of the leaves are blunt.
  • Flowering period - white flowers that are collected in semi-umbrellas.
  • Poor development of the calyx.
  • Fruit size – 1-2.5 mm.

Ripening time – May – June. Plant germination is maintained 3-4 years.

Planting is carried out in open ground.

Disembarkation process:

  1. Clearing the land of weeds.
  2. Adding fertilizers.
  3. Sowing seeds.

Best place to grow - middle lane. The plant does not tolerate hot weather well and yields can be significantly reduced. To reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays, planting is done in early spring. In the case of winter sowing, the soil is covered with straw or humus.

Beneficial features

Benefits of corn salad:

  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, improvement of cardiovascular activity. The effect is achieved due to the vitamin A and iron contained in it.
  • Help the gastrointestinal tract. Greens help speed up metabolism and faster absorption of vitamins. After eating there is no desire to rest.
  • Quick saturation of the body.
  • Normalization of intestinal function.
  • Launching the natural process of losing weight.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins.
  • Possibility of increasing the volume of portions due to the fact that the product is low-calorie.
  • Beneficial for colds (due to the high concentration of vitamin C).
  • Getting fiber into the body.
  • Collagen production A. The results of the process: skin renewal, faster regeneration of damaged tissues, increased skin elasticity.
  • Participation in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Moisturizing the cornea, protecting the organs of vision from drying out. The result of using the product: reduced eye fatigue, improved ability to focus on any object.
  • Cell regeneration (due to folic acid).
  • Participation in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Increases brain function, improves memory.
  • Strengthening the nervous system, relieving irritability, uplifting mood.
  • Getting rid of migraines.
  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Fighting dandruff, improving the condition of the scalp (due to the content of healthy oils).
  • Skin whitening(reducing the number of freckles, combating post-acne).
  • Reducing the risk of stroke.
  • Strengthening nail plates.
  • Strong aphrodisiac. Korn enhances male potency. Field salad is an ideal option for a romantic dinner.
  • Increasing the overall tone of the body.

Possible harm

Contraindications for using the product:

  • Having allergies.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Gastritis or stomach ulcer.

When using oral contraceptives, you should not eat large amounts of lettuce leaves. The reason is that the substances contained in the product can activate the reproductive system.

Various recipes are presented in the table.

Name Description
Bacon and lettuce Step-by-step preparation:

1. Frying bacon in a frying pan.

2. Mixing corn salad with spinach.

3. Place the bacon on the leaves and sprinkle a spoonful of almond flakes on top.

4. Adding a few orange slices. The ingredient is used for freshness.

5. Prepare the sauce from mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper.

6. Baste the bacon with sauce.

Mango and corn Algorithm of actions taken:

1. Mixing mango slices with lettuce leaves.

2. Adding shrimp (pre-cooked).

3. Adding a sauce of wine vinegar, mustard and olive oil to the main dish.

Smoothie with fruits Preparation technology: mix the salad in a blender with a banana, a piece of pineapple, a slice of orange, a spoonful of honey and one glass of almond milk.

The resulting drink contains many beneficial vitamins.

Cream soup Required ingredients:

· bulb onions.

· leek.

· several cloves of garlic.

· 1 liter of water.

· potatoes in the amount of 2 pieces.

Rapunzel salad.

· cream with a high percentage of fat content.

· spices.

Algorithm of actions performed:

1. Chop the onion, add chopped garlic. The mass is sautéed in a saucepan.

2. Add water after a few minutes.

3. After the liquid boils, add chopped potatoes.

4. Adding lettuce leaves and spices.

5. Turn off the soup and add cream.

6. Grind all ingredients using a blender.

Product selection rules:

  1. The color of the leaves is emerald, there should be noticeable veins.
  2. Complete structure (no torn parts).
  3. No rot or unpleasant odor.

Storage is carried out in a plastic or glass container. The leaves must be completely dry before placing them in the container. It is better to place the product away from various vegetables and fruits to prevent rapid rotting and mixing of odors.

Corn salad follows tear into pieces with hands(a metal knife removes the taste of the product). A wooden spatula is used to mix the salad with various ingredients.

Corn salad is a product that has many beneficial properties. Included in salads and soups. The taste characteristics do not change after heat treatment of lettuce leaves.

After a grueling winter, our body often suffers from a lack of vitamins. And how our stomach rejoices when the first fresh greens appear in the beds. One of the first garden “gifts” is considered to be corn salad. This plant, unpretentious to changeable spring conditions, is outwardly inconspicuous, with small dark green leaves. But this salad has unique properties.

How and with what to eat corn salad

In dishes, corn (or field salad) goes well with parsley, cilantro, boiled beef, and fried nuts. This salad mixture is seasoned with a sauce made from olive oil, lemon juice and sesame seeds.

This product is added to sweet salads, especially with citrus fruits. Crisp, fresh green leaves with a slightly tart, nutty aftertaste add culinary charm to many everyday dishes. The first spring salads are delicious precisely because of the delicate aroma of the most delicate leaves of this greenery.

Composition and beneficial properties of the root

Eating corn salad is not only tasty, but also healthy. For example, biologically active substances present in the leaves of this plant normalize many metabolic processes in our body.

The content of useful components in this salad is very diverse: vitamins (A, E, B-group), ascorbic acid, flavonoids, microelements (K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, and many others). Flavonoids are very active in the processes of cell and tissue regeneration. Ascorbic acid is the first assistant in increasing the body’s immune barrier, as well as in the fight against stress. It is recommended to use this product for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

For spring vitamin deficiency, corn salad is simply irreplaceable, as it is a unique vitamin complex of natural origin. Regular consumption of field salad helps regulate carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body. The product is useful for maintaining the normal state of the body as a whole.

Men will also be able to discover many beneficial qualities of this greenery. Even in the times of Ancient Rome, medicinal infusions based on the leaves of corn salad had considerable success in the treatment of male sexual dysfunction and a number of inflammatory ailments of the genitourinary system in men. Manganese and zinc are important in carbohydrate metabolism, so nutritionists advise consuming this product as much as possible if you want to lose weight and prevent obesity.

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