Home Nutrition Haddock fish - benefits and harms. Calorie Haddock. Chemical composition and nutritional value Haddock fish calorie content

Haddock fish - benefits and harms. Calorie Haddock. Chemical composition and nutritional value Haddock fish calorie content

Haddock belongs to the cod family, lives in the waters of the North Atlantic. It grows up to one meter and reaches a weight of 15 kg. Fish meat has a mild and delicate taste, it is white and quite dense, does not lose elasticity during cooking. You can combine the product with vegetables, herbs. Fish is consumed fresh (since it lives in the seas), salted, dried, stewed, baked and fried. When frozen, it retains all useful properties.


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    Chemical composition and BJU

    The benefits of haddock for the human body are due to the rich chemical composition. Fish contains a large number of valuable micro and macro elements and vitamins.

    Even when consumed in excess, haddock does not lead to an increase in blood sugar due to its low glycemic index (27).

    Calorie content per 100 grams is only 71 kcal.

    BJU ratio.

    The less the product is subjected to heat treatment, the more useful properties it retains.

    Benefits for the body

    The regular inclusion of haddock meat in food allows you to maintain the health of all body systems. Fish is valued for the fact that 100 grams contains the daily norm of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system.

    Regular use of the product benefits the body, as:

    • improves the condition of nails, hair, skin;
    • accelerates the process of regeneration of mucous membranes;
    • lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
    • restores vision.

    Haddock liver is of great benefit to the body. It contains vitamins A and D, as well as omega 3 fatty acids, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and brain, and the prevention of eye diseases. A large amount of vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and, as a result, strengthens bones. It is especially important for children and people living in the northern regions.

    Regular consumption of the product saturates the body with selenium, which is necessary for the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.

    Haddock contributes to the normalization of the psycho-emotional state of women during menopause and PMS. During periods of hormonal changes, it is recommended to include fish in the diet in boiled, stewed or steamed form. Saturation of the female body with fatty acids is necessary to improve the health of the reproductive system, especially during menopause. They prevent the occurrence of varicose veins. Regular consumption of white sea fish meat helps to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer.

    Fish has a positive effect on the reproductive system of not only women, but also representatives of the strong half of humanity. For men, this product is important, since haddock meat promotes the production of testosterone, improves sperm quality, and affects the formation of healthy germ cells.

    For pregnant and lactating

    Expectant mothers need to include the product in the diet. Haddock is useful for pregnant women because it contains a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids, iodine, phosphorus and selenium. These components are responsible for the proper growth of the fetus, reduce the risk of developing pathologies.

    When breastfeeding, it is allowed to eat fish, as it does not cause allergic reactions, while saturating breast milk with essential macronutrients and vitamins. Breastfeeding mothers can eat up to 50 g of haddock per day.

    Pregnant and lactating women should not eat salted, dried, raw fish. It is better to eat boiled, baked or steamed, combining it with a vegetable side dish or rice.

    For kids

    Fish, which is found in sea water, must be present in the diet of children. Haddock is one of the safest fish, so it can be given to children twice a week. With regular use of the product in food, the child can not be given additional fish oil.

    Haddock will saturate the growing body with the necessary macro- and microelements, help to cope with increased mental and physical stress. You can give fish to children from one year old. The first complementary foods - one teaspoon, then increase the portion to 50 grams, if there is no allergic reaction.

    Haddock is non-bony and non-greasy, tender, juicy, so children like it.


    Contraindication is an allergic reaction to marine fish.

    In order not to harm the body, you should choose the product carefully, especially in canned form. There should be no food additives, flavor and aroma enhancers in canned fish.


    Below are the recipes for the most popular and delicious haddock dishes.

    1. Fried whole.

    There are several ways to fry fish.

    For the simplest recipe you will need:

    • 5-6 small fish;
    • vegetable oil;
    • spices.


    • Clean the haddock, gut it.
    • Add spices to taste.
    • Heat up a frying pan with a little vegetable oil.
    • Fry the haddock until golden brown.

    2. Fillet in batter.

    Would need:

    • 500 g haddock fillet;
    • 1 egg;
    • 100 g breadcrumbs;
    • 1 st. l. flour;
    • vegetable oil.


    • Make a batter by breaking an egg and mixing it with flour.
    • Dip fillets in mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs.
    • Put in a hot pan with a little vegetable oil.
    • Fry 7-8 minutes on each side.

    Fried fish is not suitable for diet food, as it contains a large amount of calories.

    3. Dried haddock.

    Would need:

    • 1 kg of fish;
    • 200 g of salt;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 100 g dill;
    • 5 pieces. cloves;
    • 50 g black peppercorns.


    • Wash the fish well.
    • Prepare a saline solution by adding all the spices to hot water.
    • Cool the brine and lower the fish there.
    • Soak haddock for 7 days, then remove and dry.
    • Hang upside down in a well-ventilated place and leave for 14 days.

    4. Boiled haddock.


    • 1 fish;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 onion;
    • salt to taste.


    • Wash and gut the haddock.
    • Put in a saucepan and fill with water.
    • Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
    • Add carrots, onions and salt to the broth.
    • Cook for another 20 minutes.

    Boiled fish is suitable for diet food.

    5. Haddock baked in the oven with potatoes.

    As a second course, fish can be baked in the oven with potatoes.

    This will require:

    • 600 g haddock fillet;
    • 6-7 medium potatoes;
    • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
    • spices and herbs to taste;
    • 1 tsp lemon juice;
    • 1 st. l. mayonnaise;
    • 100 g grated cheese.


    • Peel potatoes, cut into quarters and drizzle with vegetable oil.
    • Salt and pepper.
    • Place on a baking sheet along with the haddock fillet.
    • Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, grease with mayonnaise and add spices to taste.
    • Bake in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes.
    • At the end of cooking, add cheese and bake until golden brown, sprinkle with herbs.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Haddock is one of the types of marine fish, belongs to the cod family. The habitat is the seas of the Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean (Barents and North). On the territory of Russia, this species is less common, as it prefers more salty water - more than 30 ppm. But this does not prevent a Russian person from showing interest in haddock and its beneficial properties.

The average length is 50-60 cm, weighs about 3 kg, but larger individuals can also be found. The body is flat. The back is gray with a purple tint, the abdomen is silvery or white, a straight dark line runs along the sides. A distinctive sign is a small black spot under the largest dorsal fin.

Lives on continental shallows at a depth of up to 200 m, near the very bottom, feeds on mollusks, crustaceans, marine worms, as well as caviar and fry of other fish.

Russian shops and markets offer fresh-frozen, salted or smoked haddock fish. Its white tender meat has a pleasant taste. The product is low-calorie: 100 g contains only 70 kcal. And those who are afraid of gaining excess weight can eat it fearlessly.

Fish is rich in nutrients, contains selenium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, stomach, intestines and protects a person from cancer at the cellular level.

For women, the anti-aging properties of selenium will be of particular interest - this trace element destroys free radicals that destroy healthy cells. It is also useful in the fight against infertility, to a certain extent ensures successful conception, safe bearing and birth of babies without pathologies. In men, improves sperm quality, increases potency.

Of the trace elements in the composition of haddock fillet are:

  • iron, useful for the life of the organism as a whole, is a component of cell protoplasm, complex proteins, hemoglobin;
  • bromine, which regulates the functions of the nervous system, gonads and thyroid gland, is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • zinc - an antioxidant and an important participant in the process of tissue regeneration, is part of some enzymes, has a beneficial effect on the quality of metabolic processes in the body, preserves the vital activity of cells;
  • sodium, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles, is an essential component of the water-salt balance in the human body;
  • iodine, which affects the general well-being, appearance, level of mental development of a person;
  • copper required for metabolic processes, connective tissue protein synthesis, hemoglobin formation, etc.;
  • fluorine involved in the formation of dental and bone tissues.

Haddock contains vitamins PP, A, E, C, B1 and B2.

  • PP is important for blood circulation, heart health, is involved in the conversion of sugar and fat into energy, for the metabolism of amino acids, and helps control blood cholesterol levels.
  • A normalizes metabolism, participates in the formation of bone and dental tissue, helps the growth of new cells, slows down the aging process, helps fight infections, ensures good functioning of the organs of vision, lungs, and is useful for preventing cancer.
  • E is responsible for blood circulation and clotting, accelerates wound healing, strengthens capillary walls, benefits muscles and nerve fibers, promotes rejuvenation.
  • C is endowed with antioxidant properties, relieves the effects of stress, increases resistance to viral infections.
  • B1 and B2 have a positive effect on the nervous system, metabolic processes, help cells absorb oxygen, reduce eye fatigue, and have a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Benefits "on the shelves"

If you have not yet been convinced by the vitamin and mineral composition of fish, look at its beneficial properties, which have already been confirmed in the medical environment.

Haddock has in its composition natural polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) omega-3, which increase the elasticity of the vascular walls, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Their benefits for the prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke in people of older and middle age groups have been scientifically proven. PUFAs have a beneficial effect on the nerve endings of the brain, improve memory, concentration and speed of response to external stimuli.

Haddock fillet is a rich source of protein and amino acids that are important for the vital functions of the body. This dietary product contains a small amount of fat and is completely devoid of carbohydrates.

The use of haddock promotes good hair growth, improves the appearance of the skin. The skin becomes more elastic, smoothed, and the complexion changes for the better.

Harm and contraindications

Haddock fish is contraindicated in people who have allergic reactions to seafood. This phenomenon is a negative response of the body to the protein contained in the fish.

Another potential harm to haddock is food intolerance. It occurs in people with disorders in the digestive system.

Selection and storage rules

  • Fresh fish should smell like the sea.
  • Pay attention to the eyes: if they are cloudy, then the fish is stale, bright eyes indicate that haddock was caught recently.
  • The gills should be light in color, but not gray or brown.
  • Choose only white fillets. A yellowish tint is a clear indication of violations of the rules for storing and transporting fish.

Haddock can be stored in the freezer for several months. Fresh and chilled carcass must be cooked immediately, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate. Fish can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

Cooking methods

Haddock is a universal product. It can be used in a variety of original dishes, each time surprising your household. Such fish does not need to be cleaned, it will be enough to rinse well.

  • It is better to cook for a couple - to preserve nutrients and fat.
  • Haddock fillets make delicious meatballs. When fried, it retains its softness and is covered with a crispy crust.
  • Before sending to the pan, you can roll the pieces of fish in batter (a mixture of flour and eggs).
  • An excellent ingredient for low-calorie salads.
  • The pate from this fish is tender and tasty.
  • The fillet is suitable as a filling for pies.

Salted and smoked haddock has a bright, rich taste and aroma. But finding it for sale is problematic.

Stuffed haddock


  • 1 kg fillet;
  • 600 g potatoes;
  • 300 ml of white wine;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • butter and olive oil;
  • 5 pieces of lard;
  • 3 slices of toast bread;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley and rosemary leaves;
  • lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil washed, unpeeled potatoes in salted water for 10 minutes. Peel the tubers, cut and lay on a greased baking sheet in a thin layer, add salt and pepper, sprinkle with rosemary. Put butter cubes on top, pour wine.
  2. Wash the fish, clean from the insides, rub salt on all sides, add lemon juice.
  3. Bread cut into cubes and fry in olive oil. Cut mushrooms, fry, add garlic juice, pepper, salt. Mix mushroom mixture with breadcrumbs.
  4. Fill the insides of the fish with this composition. Sew up or secure the incision with toothpicks. Cover the fish with bacon and place it on top of the potatoes.
  5. Bake at 200-250°C for 40 minutes.

Fish stewed with vegetables


  • 1 kg of fish;
  • one eggplant and zucchini;
  • onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • peppers (one each green and red);
  • half a glass of meat or poultry broth;
  • sage and thyme.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the eggplant and zucchini into slices, salt well, cover with water for 10 minutes, rinse with ordinary boiled water. Also chop the peppers and onions with garlic.
  2. Wash the fish, rub with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Place the vegetables in a baking dish, put the pieces of fish (preferably boned) on top.
  4. Add fresh or dried sage leaves, thyme, and other spices.
  5. Pour everything with broth, cover with a lid and send to a slightly heated oven.
  6. Simmer for about half an hour at a temperature of 250 ° C.

There are many types of fish in the cod family, and it is considered one of the most popular among fishermen, culinary specialists and lovers of a healthy lifestyle. True, it is listed in the Red Book, and in Russia it is not “familiar” to everyone. However, it is mined in considerable quantities: in the North Atlantic, in the Arctic Ocean, as well as in the North, Norwegian and Barents Seas; only cod and pollock are harvested more. Haddock loves salt water and therefore lives in those areas.

Its usual weight is about 3 kg, and its length is 60-70 cm, but there are also very large individuals - 10-15 kg with a meter length. From the sides, the body of the haddock is slightly flattened, and therefore it swims quite quickly; the back is dark gray, with a lilac tint; the sides are lighter than the back, and the belly is almost white. Along the body, in its upper part, a clear dark line is drawn in the haddock, and closer to the head, characteristic dark oval spots are clearly visible - these are its distinguishing features among other cod.

Composition and calorie content of haddock. What is useful haddock

Haddock meat is very healthy and tasty: there is little fat in it, and the calorie content is low - about 73 kcal per 100 grams. So in diets for weight loss, haddock is often used and with pleasure - of course, if you can buy it fresh: in boiled and steamed haddock - about 80 kcal, and in fried - about 160 kcal per 100 g.

The protein in the white and tender meat of this fish is 17-19% - more than that of cod - and only 0.5% fat, but fatty acids are present; besides this, there are vitamins: A, E, C, group B (especially a lot of riboflavin); many minerals: potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, chromium, copper, iodine (these trace elements are present in significant quantities), molybdenum, nickel, etc.

Those who want to lose weight can include baked or stewed haddock in their diet.

The first option: cut 500 g of fillet into portions, put in a greased form. Top with a mixture of chopped onion, fresh tomato, parsley and juice of 1/2 lemon. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at 200°C.

The second option: stewed haddock in sauce - only about 88 kcal per 100 g. Cut the washed fillet (1 kg), put in a pan with a little oil, simmer until cooked over low heat - about 15 minutes. For the sauce, mix milk and low-fat sour cream (100 g each) with flour (2 tsp) and salt to taste, and bring to a thickening over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Pour over the fish, mix lightly and simmer for another 3-4 minutes.

Perfectly digestible and improve digestion haddock baked with beets. Fillet (600-700 g) cut into small pieces, lightly dry, salt and add spices to taste, put in a greased form, pour over lemon juice, put onion sliced ​​​​on rings (3 onions) and boiled beets (3 pcs.) , pour low-fat sour cream and bake as described above.

Steamed haddock is very useful and low-calorie: the fillet becomes layered, and it is convenient to eat it even for small children.

If you don’t need to be too strict about the calorie content of the diet, you can fry haddock in oil and eat it with pleasure. When hot, it is very appetizing and tasty, with a crispy golden crust. The procedure is simple, and it is not necessary to use special seasonings: clean, gut and rinse the fish carcass, add salt to taste, roll in breadcrumbs (flour) and fry in a pan.

Haddock salad can be eaten for lunch and dinner: it will not feel hungry and help maintain a healthy weight. 300 g fillets are boiled in salted water for 15-20 minutes, allowed to cool, cut into cubes, mixed with chopped pickled cucumbers (2 pcs.) And bell pepper

Delicious fish is not only nutritious, but also healthy. That is why it is recommended by all, without exception, nutritionists. Fish is a unique product in terms of price, taste, calorie content and macronutrient content. For those who are most interested in calorie content, haddock is the best choice. This is a large commercial fish from the cod family. A person has been eating it for a very long time, and in terms of the volume of catch, haddock is in a confident third place around the world. It is second only to pollock and cod.

Some statistics

So what's good about haddock fish? Let's leave the calorie content among its characteristics for later. It is worth mentioning that haddock is listed in the Red Book, but more than half a million tons of fish are caught annually. Each carcass reaches 60 cm in length, and the weight is two to three kilograms. The body of the fish has a silvery color, and it is slightly flattened on the sides. By the way, the sides of the fish are lighter than the main carcass, and the belly is completely milky. She has an oval spot near her head. This is a kind of identification mark resembling a fingerprint. By this sign, the fish recognize each other and gather in flocks in order to defend themselves from enemies. The haddock also has three dorsal and two anal fins.

This fish is a relative of cod and belongs to the northern marine species.

Application in cooking

Haddock fish is ideal for preparing an impressive list of interesting dishes, as it has a delicate taste and harmoniously combines with spices, vegetables and spicy sauces. The meat of this fish has a pleasant elasticity. It retains an attractive appearance and all useful properties during any heat treatment. Even fried haddock retains an unusually mild taste. Its calorie content will be higher than when cooking or baking in the oven. The skin of properly roasted haddock has a golden hue and a pleasant aroma. She crunches softly on her teeth. Fish also makes delicious meatballs, dumplings, pies and even pies. If haddock is smoked or salted, it acquires a bright taste and rich aroma. The final calorie content directly depends on the method of smoking or salting. Haddock very gratefully accepts spices and is saturated with the aromas of vegetables, and therefore the side dish for it can be as simple as possible - rice, pasta or vegetable salad.

The benefits of haddock

Fish have a very low calorie content. Haddock has only 73 kilocalories per 100 grams. And at the same time, its benefits to human health are obvious, because fish is a natural source of vitamin B12, proteins and selenium. Fish is also rich in potassium, bromine, iron, iodine, fluorine and zinc. Haddock meat is a complete source of amino acids, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the eyes and brain, reduce the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood and minimize inflammation. These moments make fish good for health, but for those who lose weight, low calorie content is primary. Haddock is high in protein, very low in fat and has no carbohydrates at all.

This fish is very fond of the British. They even make legends about haddock, talking about its versatility and the fact that haddock cannot be made except perhaps for a cake. There are no small bones in the fish, and therefore there are countless cooking options, you can cut the fish into cutlets, bake, fry, preserve, salt, smoke and steam. In Finland, dumplings and pies are made from haddock. This is a truly dietary product, which is confirmed not only by low calorie content. Haddock is ideal for dietary nutrition, as its protein is easily digested and digested in just three hours due to the lack of elastane. Even allowed from the first years of life. Of the fat in haddock, only the liver, which consists of 40% of it. In addition, fish protein contains essential amino acids, lysine and methionine. This is the perfect combination to drive away bouts of despondency and depression.

For diet

If a person adheres to the principles of proper nutrition, then the calorie content of boiled haddock will be of particular interest to him. The fish has only 69 to 73 kilocalories per 100 grams, depending on how you cook it and what you add to the fish in the process. The result is juicy white meat with a subdued mild flavor. Haddock perfectly absorbs other tastes and sets them off. Therefore, the preparation methods can be completely different, as well as the serving. Fish is served with sauces, seasonings, vegetables, fruits and even cream. Its thin skin becomes crispy and tasty when fried. It doesn't even need to be cleaned. And the most tender haddock becomes just in the course of steaming.

The most tender fish

For the festive table, you can cook a dietary haddock stewed in cream with potatoes. There is almost no fat in this dish, except for what is contained in the cream. If you want to reduce calories to a minimum, then it is better to take low-fat cream or milk. Boil the potatoes in their skins and remove the skin. Cut into cubes or small slices. Cut the fish fillet too. Meanwhile, bring the cream to a boil in a small saucepan and add the fish. Add spices to taste. You need to cook for a short time, only 5-7 minutes, and then add the potatoes and simmer the dish over low heat, covered with a lid. For taste, you can add onions, chopped herbs and a piece of butter.

For all

Many complain that stewed haddock does not have a bright taste. remains within the limits acceptable for any menu, but I would like to make the taste more vivid and original. How to cook stewed haddock in sauce? It is very simple, and in terms of calories it is light - 88 kilocalories per 100 grams. The washed fillet must be cut and placed in a frying pan with a drop of oil. It is necessary to simmer until cooked on low heat. A quarter of an hour is enough. In parallel, you can prepare the sauce - mix milk with low-fat sour cream, a teaspoon of flour and salt. While stirring, you need to bring the sauce to a thickening. Now you need to fill them with fish and simmer for another 3-4 minutes. Such fish is perfectly digestible and improves digestion.

We bake for the benefit of the stomach and without harm to the body

Baked haddock looks very nice. Its calorie content can vary from 75 to 190 kilocalories per 100 grams, depending on the chosen marinade and added oil. Your family will certainly appreciate the original recipe for cooking fish with beets. It may sound bland, but it tastes very, very interesting.

So, the fish fillet should be cut into portioned pieces, dried with paper towels, and then salt and pepper. Spices should be added to taste. For the marinade, you can use lemon juice, garlic or onions. Lubricate the form with oil and put onion sliced ​​​​in half rings and thin sticks of boiled beets on the bottom. For juiciness, pour a layer of vegetables with low-fat sour cream. Lay the fish on top and again fill everything with a sauce of sour cream, garlic and spices.


Don't neglect the fish. It is not only tasty, but also useful and nutritious for the human body. Moreover, such fish as haddock does not lose its useful qualities even after heat treatment. Very tasty fried haddock. Calorie content per 100 grams can reach up to 190 kilocalories, but on condition that the marinade is juicy and fatty. If you refuse mayonnaise, sour cream and butter, then you can greatly "lighten" the final dish. Dry the fish with paper towels and fry in a grill pan. Do not be afraid that it will become dryish. On the contrary, it will remain tender and almost sweet. Haddock does not need breading either. For juiciness, just salt it. A spicy sauce, such as soy, garlic, ginger or tomato, is ideal for fried fish. If you want fish in a crust, then you can fry haddock in potato flour or starch.

Salads with haddock are relevant for a daily meal. To do this, the fish must be boiled in salted water and the bones removed. After that, it remains to cut the fish into portioned cubes and add dressing.

Any greens, cherry tomatoes, olive oil and lemon juice go well with fish. The taste of fish with boiled eggs, rice, canned corn and mayonnaise is also original.

For a quick breakfast, you can cook haddock cutlets. To do this, scroll the fillet into minced meat, add onions and form cutlets. Cutlets are fried for 5-7 minutes on each side, but they can also be cooked in a double boiler. It will be no less tasty, but also useful. Don't be afraid to experiment with fish and bon appetit!

So what is this haddock fish? The benefits and harms of haddock are discussed on this page. What are its useful properties, harm, calorie content? Read below.

Haddock is a commercially harvested North Atlantic fish that belongs to the cod family.

The length of the fish is up to one meter, and the weight is up to 20 kilograms. The abdomen of our "heroine" is silvery or white, the body is flat, the back is gray.

Distinctive features of haddock are: a black strip along the body and a small black spot under the front fin.

Haddock meat is white and very tender. You can buy it in fresh, fresh-frozen, salted and smoked forms.

We will also talk about other qualities of such fish as haddock. Useful properties are a topic that is very exciting for everyone against the backdrop of “revelations” taking place on central TV channels.

How best and healthier to cook this fish

Haddock can be prepared in many ways: boiled, steamed, baked in the oven, grilled.

Haddock meat is so dietary that you can eat it fried when losing weight. But remember that you do not need to pour a lot of oil into the pan.

Useful properties of haddock

So what do we see useful:

  • contains such microelements: iron, bromine, zinc, sodium, iodine, copper and fluorine. They help the body in regeneration, maintain water balance, renew cells, strengthen the immune system;
  • contains vitamins PP, A, E, C, B1 and B2. They normalize metabolism, are responsible for the health of the heart and blood vessels, and also prevent depression;
  • contains omega-3 or fish oil. It increases the elasticity of the vascular walls, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of stroke.
  • improves memory, general skin condition, concentration, accelerates hair and nail growth.

Harm haddock

Here the list is already much shorter, since it can only cause harm to an organism that is allergic to seafood or has a food intolerance to fish.

fish calories

The calorie content of haddock is very low, in 100 grams of fillet there are only 70 kcal. And if you are afraid of gaining excess weight, do not worry, you can eat it even after six.

So before us is haddock, very beloved by various nutritionists and athletes.

Its calorie content is very low, and there are many nutrients.

Now you are familiar with haddock fish, the benefits and harms of haddock are also now known to you, you can do it in the most convenient and correct way.

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