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How to cook spicy cabbage with beets. "Fly away" pickled cabbage with beets. Korean recipe for spicy cabbage with beets

With the beginning of the summer holidays, tourists' questions about the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage on board an airliner have become more frequent. Indeed, travelers often do not have reliable information about what is allowed to take with them on an aircraft, and what is strictly prohibited. Usually, our compatriots, when packing their bags for the trip, are guided by the advice of friends who often fly with various airlines. However, even they may not be aware of all the intricacies of the baggage rules. Baggage rules also change regularly. Therefore, by the summer season, each major air carrier is trying to publish an updated list on its official website, which contains everything that passengers need to know. Most of all, those who travel with large families with children of different ages are concerned about the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage on an airplane. In today's article, we will give you the most up-to-date information on this issue.

Hand luggage: description of the term

Anyone who has flown at least once in an airplane is well aware of such a phrase as "hand luggage". It seems that this term should not cause questions, but, as practice shows, not every traveler correctly understands its meaning.

According to international terminology, hand luggage is a bag with a passenger's personal belongings, corresponding to the dimensions and weight established by the airline, and also marked with a special tag.

Each air carrier independently sets the dimensions of hand luggage, so before flying, you must carefully read the rules. Quite often, when booking a ticket via the Internet, these data are displayed on the screen, which greatly facilitates the preparation for the trip.

Many tourists consider everything that they take with them on board an aircraft as hand luggage, but this is not at all the case. Each passenger is absolutely free to carry the following things on the plane:

  • ladies bag;
  • laptop or tablet;
  • umbrella;
  • folders for papers;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear or a suit in a case.

All of the above do not need to be weighed and marked, so these items cannot be considered hand luggage. Keep this in mind when you travel.

Aircraft liquids

A few years ago, the rules and regulations for carrying liquids on an airplane were quite loyal. They did not have strict restrictions, which greatly facilitated the life of passengers - they could take with them almost everything they wanted into the cabin of the aircraft. However, in recent years, in the face of increasing terrorist threats, airlines have significantly limited the carrying of liquids on the plane.

Therefore, before the flight, each passenger should carefully study what and in what quantities he can take with him. Many travelers are wondering what baggage rules they need to follow on airplanes - Russian or international. This moment usually raises numerous questions, because each country pays attention to its own specific nuances. How not to make a mistake when planning a trip?

In fact, everything is simple: in order to correctly calculate the amount of liquid that you are allowed to take on board, you should look for the rules not of the country where you are flying, but of the airline that is flying. The carrier's website will indicate all the nuances that meet the requirements of international transportation standards, and the air carrier's own changes.

Since we cannot cover all the famous airlines in the world, in the article we will focus on international standards, and also consider the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage of the two Russian air transportation leaders - Aeroflot and S7. After all, it is these companies that Russians most often fly within the country and abroad.

Rules for carrying liquids in aircraft baggage

Many travelers flying to the sea take with them a lot of creams, as well as other cosmetics that are equated to liquids. Some tourists even manage to take their drinks on vacation - both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. In the process of packing bags, questions often arise about whether it is possible to carry all this in the luggage compartment and whether airline employees will force them to take these things out of the suitcase.

If you are also concerned about such issues, then you don’t have to worry - in your luggage you can carry any amount of liquids and substances that fall under this category by consistency. The absence of restrictions is due to the fact that all bags and suitcases that enter the luggage compartment of the aircraft must undergo X-ray inspection. Therefore, airline employees are sure that there can be nothing prohibited in your luggage, and liquids do not pose any danger at all.

The only thing a traveler may encounter is a restriction on the import of foreign alcohol into Russia. Of course, this nuance does not apply to air carriers, but to customs rules. However, this information cannot be redundant. Keep in mind that when you return to the country, you should not have more than three liters of alcohol-containing liquid per person. Otherwise, the customs service will confiscate excess alcohol.

Liquid bought in duty free

Often, our compatriots, after checking in their luggage and going through all the stages of personal inspection, go to duty-free shops to buy something interesting. Usually these purchases are alcoholic drinks and perfumery, which naturally belong to liquids. And therefore, they will obey the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage. How not to be left without your purchases and deliver them safe and sound?

There is some deviation from the general rules in this regard. According to it, passengers have the right to bring on board liquids purchased at a duty-free shop. However, they must be packed in a sealed bag, which must be kept closed during air travel. In addition, do not throw away the receipt confirming the purchase. The airline staff can ask you for this document at any time to make sure that the purchase was made on the day of departure.

Rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage

If you plan to take on board any liquids that you cannot do without on a flight, then you should carefully study the rules of the airline carrying you.

Keep in mind that liquids must be in a container not exceeding one hundred milliliters in volume. Often, Russians try to carry liter water bottles with them, in which there is very little content left, and they are very surprised when airline employees pull them out of their hand luggage during the inspection. Remember that the container itself should not exceed one hundred milliliters, but the amount of liquid in it no longer matters.

There may be several containers that comply with the rules, but they must all be packed in a transparent plastic bag. It is in this form that all bottles and vials can be allowed to be placed in hand luggage. A plastic bag can be obtained free of charge at the baggage screening point and, in the presence of an airport employee, place all available liquids in it.

It seems that the rules are quite simple, but travelers often get confused about which liquids are considered allowed in hand luggage.

List of allowed liquids

To make it easier for you to travel, we decided to publish a list of those substances that you can take with you on board the aircraft:

  • water, juices, soups and other foods of appropriate consistency;
  • cream, oils and similar cosmetics;
  • perfumery (perfume, toilet water and so on);
  • aerosols and containers in which the contents are under pressure (for example, deodorants);
  • any gels and pastes;
  • mascara.

It is also not forbidden to carry in hand luggage non-hazardous substances that resemble liquid in their consistency.


Often tourists doubt whether it is possible to take various medicines in a liquid state with them on an airplane. After all, many people find it quite difficult to do without certain medications in flight. Given this nuance, airlines allow you to carry medicines on board, but they reserve the right to require you to prove the need for these medicines. This evidence can be an extract from the medical history, a certificate from a doctor or a pharmacy prescription.

Children food

The question of baby food is very acute for young mothers planning an air flight. Many toddlers are quite biased in their choice of food and, in the absence of their favorite jar of mashed potatoes, begin to express displeasure loudly. Can I take baby food on board?

Airlines on this account are unanimous in their opinion - you have the right to carry any number of jars and bottles of baby food in your hand luggage. But just in case, check your airline's liquid policy changes before you fly.

Russian airlines: carrying liquids on board

Since the largest and most famous Russian air carrier is Aeroflot, the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage of this company are of interest to many travelers.

If you also plan to make your flight with Aeroflot aircraft, then be aware that this company does not impose special requirements on liquids on board, which are contrary to general international rules. Before boarding your flight, you will be given Plastic container, where all liquids up to one hundred milliliters in volume will go that you decide to take on board. You have the right to carry any amount of liquid substances in the luggage compartment.

The S7 has the same clear rules for carrying hand luggage. This company allows liquids to be carried on board only in containers not exceeding one hundred milliliters. This year, the airline has not made any changes to the list of liquids allowed for transportation on aircraft, as well as to the rules for their packaging.


Traveling is always pleasant chores and the expectation of adventure. And so that the trip is not spoiled at the very beginning, it is worth carefully preparing for it. We hope that our article will make long road tolls easier for you.

In 2017, new rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane came out. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in hand luggage and what not, if you ...

In 2017, new rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane came out. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in hand luggage and what not if you are going on an air trip. Ignorance of such subtleties, alas, can overshadow your vacation.

1. Food

You can carry any food on board the aircraft, except for liquid and jelly-like food. You can take with you:

  • nuts;
  • biscuit;
  • fruit;
  • sandwiches;
  • chips, etc.

For a child, you can take baby food. But refrain from yoghurts, juices, jellies and similar products, otherwise they will be confiscated from you. They will also take canned food and food in jars. All permitted products should be packaged in transparent bags. This will greatly speed up the inspection.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the carrier and the airport. So, at the Paris airport. Charles de Gaulle is not allowed to carry cheese in hand luggage.

Products from Duty Free can also be taken with you. The main thing is that the store packaging remains undamaged (the seller must pack the goods in a special bag with a capacity of 2 liters). in addition, save the receipt - it may be required when passing control.

2. Medicines

The following medications can be carried on board the aircraft:

  • tablets;
  • various drops;
  • dressing materials;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

It is better if the medicines are in undamaged original packaging, with instructions for use. Otherwise, when landing, customs officers may suspect that you are carrying prohibited substances under the guise of analgin.

If you have an injury, you can add crutches or other orthopedic aids to your hand luggage.

According to the rules, the volume of liquid in hand luggage should not exceed 100 ml. Therefore, if the medicine is liquid or in the form of a spray, make sure that the volume does not exceed what is allowed. Syringes cannot be taken on board.

3. Digital technology

What technical devices you can take on board are determined by the security regulations of the country you are traveling to. Usually, you are allowed to take in hand luggage:

  • a laptop;
  • the tablet;
  • mobile phone;
  • Mp3 player;
  • camera;
  • electric razor and toothbrush;
  • charging for devices;
  • voluminous electrical appliances (for example, a hair dryer).

You can (and should) also take headphones on board. If you are going to listen to music or watch a movie on a laptop, other passengers are unlikely to be happy to share this pleasure with you.

Although it is not forbidden to take a mobile phone with you, you may not need it during the flight. Often, before takeoff, phones are asked to be turned off altogether, because they can interfere with the operation of the electronic systems of the aircraft.

If you are going to take bulky equipment with you, remember the rules. Usually, the length of things in hand luggage should be no more than 56 cm, height - 45 cm, width - 25 cm. The maximum weight varies between 3-15 kilograms. The exact figure depends on the airport.

4. Documents, valuables and jewelry

In addition, you should take in your hand luggage:

  • expensive jewelry;
  • the documents;
  • valuables;
  • Wallet with money.

It is better to take your passport and other important papers with you - it’s calmer, you won’t worry about their safety all the way. In addition, if your luggage is suddenly lost, you will not be left in a foreign country without documents.

5. Cosmetics

You can carry any dry cosmetics on board:

  • shadows;
  • ink;
  • pencils for eyes and lips;
  • blush;
  • powder, etc.

Liquids, jelly-like substances in jars and bottles with a volume of more than 100 ml are strictly forbidden to be transported on board the aircraft in hand luggage. Pack them in a luggage suitcase, otherwise you risk being left without your expensive jars.

With cans under pressure on the plane is also impossible. Therefore, you will have to get rid of shaving foam and deodorants.

Remember that usually the total volume of liquids should not exceed 1 liter. therefore, if you take water with you in addition to lotion and shampoo, and their total volume exceeds the allowable one, think about what will be more important for you on board.

6. Personal hygiene items

From personal hygiene items you can take in hand luggage:

  • a toothbrush and paste (although you need to clarify about the latter - at some airports it is forbidden to take paste with you);
  • wet wipes;
  • Shaver;
  • a comb without a sharp handle (sometimes it is forbidden to carry metal combs);
  • nail polish remover without acetone with a volume of not more than 100 ml.

7. Clothes

You can take with you to the salon:

  • jacket or sweater;
  • coat;
  • plaid;
  • shawl.

In addition, you can carry a handbag, an umbrella and a walking stick.

8. Other

If you are traveling with children, in addition to hand luggage, you can take a portable cradle or stroller on board. It is not forbidden to take newspapers, magazines and other printed publications with you (without fanaticism, of course).

It is strictly forbidden to take with you in hand luggage:

  • weapons, and everything that looks like it (if you have a fashion accessory in the form of a grenade or a pistol, they can be taken away);
  • piercing and cutting objects (this includes everything, even something that you would not even think of using as a tool to hurt another person, for example, knitting needles);
  • animals;
  • gas cartridges;
  • toxic substances.

A full list of prohibited items is often indicated directly on the ticket. If this list is not there, ask about this issue right at the airport.

Check the rules for dimensions, they differ for each airline. Low-cost airlines are especially serious about this issue. Low-cost airlines have a strict rule: one person - one piece of hand luggage. Therefore, everything will have to be folded into one bag or package. An exception is allowed only for folding baby carriages, crutches and outerwear.

After the terrorist attacks in the UK, a clear program was developed to combat extremists, and since 2007 very strict restrictions on the transport of liquids on the plane have been introduced.

General requirements - in hand luggage in the cabin of the aircraft passenger can take on request no more than one liter of liquid, packaged in at least 10 bottles or containers, packed in one transparent bag with a clasp or a large transparent cosmetic bag. We clarify that each vial or container can be full or half empty, but the volume must be no more than 100 ml, less please. These requirements must be met on domestic or outbound flights to the US, EU, Russia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Cyprus, Asia and the Middle East.

So, we recall that liquids include:
- cosmetics (shampoos, foams, gels, lotions, tanning oil, nourishing masks…);
- perfumery (perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, deodorants, mascara, lipstick…)
- food and drinks (alcohol, juices, soups, honey and jam, mashed potatoes and everything else that is not free-flowing like sugar or cereals);

There are large special boxes at the airport, where everything selected after inspection is thrown - that resembles a liquid, exceeds the requirements and the norm. Favorite perfumes and haute couture shampoos suffer the same fate - Khan cosmetics. You can’t violate the rules for transporting liquids on an airplane, buzz - they won’t be allowed on the flight. Therefore, it is very convenient to take your favorite cosmetics and perfumes in disposable packaging on the road, or use empty bottles of vitamins or medicines, the volume is already indicated - you don’t need to bother. Pack the rest in large containers in luggage. Difficulties await only those who fly without luggage, here you will have to buy either on the spot or in Duty Free boutiques. Keep this in mind when packing your bag for the road.

Limits on the amount of liquid in hand luggage does not apply to baby or diet food, medicines and dietary supplements, lens fluids required during the flight. Additional baby food in bottles or vacuum jars, water, milkshakes, juices on the road are allowed only for children under 3 years old. During security screening at the airport, you may be asked to taste a questionable liquid.

The need for medicines for personal use, dietary supplements (if they are classified as medicines), diet food must be confirmed by a doctor's report and a prescription. When flying to Schengen countries, a form under Article 75 must be filled out.

If you are flying with a child and want to insure yourself against any force majeure situations (flight delays, etc.), then you can take two packages with the usual juices and drinks with you on the road - take one with you that meets all flight safety rules to the aircraft cabin, and the second smaller one will be used in the waiting area. Any juices, drinking water can be additionally bought in the duty-free zone, the prices are almost always affordable.

Always remember that you can take the plane take purchases from Dutik only in branded sealed packaging and a check, and open only during the flight. Only allowed on low-cost airlines one hand luggage, so the packages with the purchase must be placed in the hand luggage bag. According to the reviews of frequent flyers - the lowest prices in duty-free in London, Rome, Frankfurt and Munich.

Aquarists have suffered greatly from the introduction of norms for the transport of liquids: - earlier, fish could be freely transported in the cabin, and now figs. Only fry or small ones are allowed - 50 ml of liquid is poured into a sealed individual bag, the fry is allowed in, the rest is pumped with oxygen, or air for labyrinth fish. Fish-travelers are free to stand for two days. When they fly in the cabin, no problem, and in the luggage compartment they will be frozen or crushed during loading.

On a trip, you can take a travel water filter with you - very convenient, especially since you need to drink a lot of liquid during the flight so that the blood does not thicken.
Often instead of baby food on the flight it is better to take a dry mixture, a non-spill cup, a drinking bowl, a device for heating food, and the stewardess will always bring hot water, and put the refrigerator bag for food in luggage.

The amount of liquid allowed to be exported or imported into the country in baggage is indicated in the customs code of a particular country.
For example, when flying within the EU countries, you can import duty-free:
- 110 liters of beer or
- 90 liters of wine or,
- 60 liters of sparkling wine or,
- 10 liters of drunk alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 22% or;

and when importing alcohol into Spain from non-EU countries, completely different rules apply:
beer -16 liters or wine - 4 liters
or strong alcohol only 1 litre.

And from Moldova, you can take out for personal drinking no more than 2 liters of wine, and 5 beer. When transporting alcohol, you need to clarify the rate of export from the country of departure and the rate of import of alcohol in the country of arrival. They must either match, or your transported alcohol must meet the minimum rate, otherwise there may be trouble. A purely everyday story - one tourist, in memory of her beloved country, took with her 5 liters of original fragrant wine, specifying the export rate - everything is within the law. She flew to her native country, she was checked with a scanner and stopped for smuggling, since according to the rules of her native country, only 2 liters can be imported duty-free, for the rest, a fine, confiscation and an UG article.

In addition, some airlines have special requirements for the carriage of liquids in baggage, for example, AEGEAN AIRLINES will only carry liquids in the baggage compartment if they are packed in wooden sheathing.

Alcohol can only be carried by adults.

In 2014, special equipment will be installed at the airports of the EU countries, which will detect explosives. This will remove restrictions on the transport of liquids and alcohol. Finally, instead of a stopar, it will be possible to freely take half a liter of a real native and break away in flight, and in general, all restrictions on the transport of high-quality and natural drinks are introduced so that people forget that they are like that.

Such substances are divided into dangerous and safe. All the rules of transportation, which you will read below, refer to safe substances.

Dangerous people will not be allowed to take on board the aircraft in any form and packaging.

Hazardous Substances Not Approved for Carriage by Air:

  • gasoline, brake fluid, antifreeze;
  • means for refueling lighters;
  • fire starters;
  • paints, varnishes;
  • thinners, acetone;
  • liquid chemicals and fertilizers;
  • solvents, bleaches, chlorine-containing substances;
  • any substances that can ignite;
  • Mercury.

Permitted ones include:

In the cabin or in the luggage compartment?

All of the above substances are allowed to be transported in the luggage compartment packed with other cargo.

How many liters can I carry in luggage on an airplane? Carriage on an aircraft is calculated according to the total weight of baggage allowed for transportation by an airline.

Usually, the weight of all baggage carried free of charge is 20-23 kg per passenger, and in hand luggage it should not exceed 6-10 kg. Check the exact numbers on the websites of specific air carriers.

Aerosols can be carried in checked baggage in cans with a volume of not more than 500 ml (or up to 0.5 kg) in an amount not exceeding 2 kg/l per passenger. Valves must be protected from spontaneous pressing.

The same quantity limit applies to other perfumes.

How to pack for hand luggage?

What liquid can be carried in the cabin? And how many milliliters can I carry in hand luggage on an airplane?

1 person can take into the salon no more than 1 liter in containers of 100 ml. If the container exceeds 100 ml, it will not be missed even if it is partially filled.

To avoid disputes and misunderstandings, use containers with a capacity printed on them, such as hotel shampoo packages, etc. Favorite perfume in a voluminous bottle is better to check in luggage.

All containers must be placed in a transparent, resealable plastic bag.. Present it at the inspection separately - so the check will be faster.

You can use a stationery file with a zipper, some airlines give out such packages for free at the security checkpoint.

Aquarium fish lovers can transport their pets in the cabin by placing them in individual plastic bags with 50 ml of water in each. In such a container, the fish can even withstand a 24-hour flight.

These rules are common to almost all countries and airlines, only a few increase the allowed volume to 2 kg / l per person, and the minimum container volume to 500 ml.

Some airlines, such as Wizzair, are expressing restrictions regarding the package size (20x20 cm).

Also pay attention to the volume measures of the country to or from where you are flying:

  • when departing from Russia, EU countries, as well as Norway and Iceland there are standard requirements for the volume of containers and the total volume of liquids, instead of 100 ml, the rules may indicate the international “1 deciliter”;
  • when sending any country from the United States in both directions, as well as when departing from Canada to any country the volume of each container is limited to 90 ml (3 fl oz).

We take medicines and baby food to the salon

Some passengers who take medication regularly may need it during the flight. Traveling with small children under 3 years old, it may be necessary to urgently feed the baby.

For such cases airlines allow the carriage of liquids in hand luggage as baby food, medicines, as well as, with special need, diet food and additional water.

The amount of these liquids can exceed 100 ml but they must be consumed during the flight.

They do not need to be specially packed, but should be presented for inspection separately from other baggage.

The presence of medications and dietary nutrition must be justified by a certificate from a doctor. You may be asked to taste the contents of any container you bring to the salon.

Can you carry water on the plane? It is easier for a child to take instant food, and on board the stewardess will provide hot water in order to be able to separate it.

From duty free

Everything you buy in the duty-free zone is allowed to be carried on board.

Your purchase will be sealed in a branded transparent bag with a receipt inside.. In this form, you must present it at the inspection.

This package must not be opened during the flight, otherwise the contents will be confiscated upon landing.

Some countries, such as the Netherlands, prohibit the transport of goods, purchased at airport stores in countries outside the Eurozone.

Alcohol is also a liquid, but a special

Features of the transport of alcohol are mainly related to the customs legislation of the countries of departure and destination.

You can take alcohol in hand luggage only in accordance with the general rules, that is, in a small container (flask or bottle) with a volume of not more than 100 ml or in a sealed bag from Duty Free.

Alcohol is accepted in checked baggage with the following restrictions:

  • with a strength of up to 24% - in any quantity allowed for import;
  • drinks from 24% to 70% - up to 5 liters per person;
  • strong drinks over 70% are prohibited for air transportation.

Alcoholic beverages must be in containers with a manufacturer's label. Some airlines, such as Aegean Airlaines, require wooden crates for alcohol crates.

Approximate rates of alcohol allowed for duty-free import:

  • flights within the Schengen area - 110 liters of beer, or 90 liters of wine, or 60 liters of sparkling drinks, or 10 liters of whiskey, brandy, vodka;
  • flight to Europe from other countries - for 1 person 2 liters of a drink with a strength of less than 22%, or 16 liters of beer, or 4 liters of non-fizzy wine, or 1 liter of stronger alcohol;
  • in the USA - 1 liter of alcohol per passenger 21+;
  • to Russia - up to 3 liters for each person over 18;
  • to Ukraine - 5 liters of beer, or 1 liter of vodka, or 2 liters of wine;
  • to resorts: it is allowed to fly to Turkey with 1 liter of strong alcohol or 2 bottles of wine of 0.7 liters each; in Tunisia, Egypt, Thailand it is allowed to take up to 1 liter of alcohol; in Cyprus - 1 liter of a drink stronger than 22% or 2 liters of a less strong one, plus 4 liters of wine and up to 16 liters of beer; in Dubai - up to 4 liters of alcohol.

It is forbidden to legally import alcohol into Qatar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Brunei. In the Maldives, your alcohol will be confiscated at the airport and carefully returned on your return flight.

Why can't you take alcohol on a plane in some cases? In some countries, restrictions on the import and export of alcohol are related to the age of passengers and length of stay.

So, when going on a flight, check the rules for carrying liquids in hand luggage and in luggage on the website of your airline, and also look at the Customs Code of the country of destination.

Place bulky items in luggage, and properly pack the permitted number of small bottles for carry-on baggage.

Make sure they are available for inspection. Have a doctor's note for medication and diet. Do not print packages from Duty Free.

Peaceful inspection to you, and, of course, a pleasant flight!

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