Home Salads and snacks Persimmon: beneficial properties and interesting facts. Interesting facts about persimmon. Persimmon is the food of the gods. Contraindications for eating persimmons Interesting facts about persimmons

Persimmon: beneficial properties and interesting facts. Interesting facts about persimmon. Persimmon is the food of the gods. Contraindications for eating persimmons Interesting facts about persimmons

The persimmon season is in full swing and will last until the end of winter. This means that now is the time to “bite through” the solar fruit. By the way, translated from Latin, persimmon is “Food of the Gods,” did you know about this? And the Gods, of course, will not eat anything. How did the heart berry (aka winter cherry, aka Chinese peach) receive such an honor? We'll figure out.

What it contains

Persimmon is a precious source of vitamins and important microelements. It contains:

- Fiber

By the way, there is twice as much of it in persimmons as in apples. One serving of fruit contains about 20% of the daily requirement. Although fiber is not digested, it is simply necessary for normal intestinal function and the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

- Antioxidants

Very important substances that can fight free radicals that destroy cellular structures.

- Phytonutrients

One of the most significant is zeaxanthin. It is a dietary phytonutrient that is carefully and selectively absorbed by the macula of the retina. It functions as a light filter and filters out harmful blue rays.

- Phenolic compounds (or cahetins)

Thanks to them, our body has a valuable ability to fight free radicals. Free radicals are known to be by-products of cellular metabolism and, very dangerously, can mutate into cancer cells, further damaging various organs and systems.

- Organic acids

Namely, citric and malic acids. They play the role of universal natural oxidizing agents.

- Tannins

They give persimmons such a tart taste, and often astringent.

- Vitamins A, C, E, PP, K and B vitamins.

- Microelements: copper helps the proper absorption of iron; potassium helps regulate the functioning of the nervous system, heart and kidneys; phosphorus and manganese – participate in the formation and maintenance of the health of the skeletal system; and also calcium, iodine, sodium and iron.

Beneficial features

1. Persimmon is a natural antidepressant. It promotes the production of endorphins and lifts your mood. What you need in the autumn-winter period!

2. It is an indispensable aid for people suffering from anemia and anemia, because it increases hemoglobin in the blood.

3. Cleanses the body, having a strong diuretic effect and removing sodium salts from it.

4. Leads to normalization of blood pressure.

5. Thanks to its polymer phenolic compounds, which are capable of producing “good cholesterol,” it cleanses blood vessels of plaque and prevents the formation of blood clots.

6. Positively affects the functioning of blood vessels and heart muscle.

7. Due to the significant content of beta-carotene, it has a beneficial effect on vision, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and slows down the aging process of cells.

8. Has a general strengthening effect on the body, forms its resistance to infections.

9. With regular use, it blocks the appearance of foci of malignant formations.

10. Nourishes and saturates, eliminating the feeling of hunger. At the same time, the energy value per 100 g of fruit is 53-60 kcal.

There are still contraindications

Yes, of course, their number in no way covers the beneficial properties and is not even equivalent to them, BUT:

1. Due to the fairly high content of easily digestible sugars, persimmons should be consumed with caution by people suffering from diabetes.

2. For those who have intestinal problems, it is better to abstain from this delicacy for a while (until the problems are resolved), since intestinal obstruction may also appear (due to the high fiber content).

Just watch your body, listen to it! And remember that everything is good in moderation. One fruit a day will only bring benefits.

And now some interesting facts about persimmon:

1. The first acquaintance with persimmons occurred in 1855, when the American admiral Matthew Perry discovered Japan to the West, which had been completely isolated for more than 200 years. Matthew returned to his homeland not empty-handed, but, as you understand, precisely with it - with persimmons.

2. There are about 500 varieties of this fruit in the world! Yes, yes, there are not only “Korolek”, “Chamomile”, “Bull’s Heart” and “Chocolate”.

3. In the Middle East, persimmon symbolizes wisdom and is even considered the fruit of the prophets.

4. The pulp of the berry is actively used in cosmetology and is used to prepare various natural cosmetics.

5. Have you ever thought that persimmons taste somewhat like dates? So, the Russian name “persimmon” arose precisely because of this similarity, because in some dialects of Iran and Iraq the fruits of the date palm are called “persimmon”!

Well, we figured it out! The delicacy turned out to be not only tasty, but also very useful and interesting. Persimmons everyone!

Yulia Shabalina

10 interesting facts about persimmons 1. Persimmons are healthier than apples. It contains more sodium, calcium, manganese and iron. And also twice as much dietary fiber. Thanks to them, all waste and toxins are removed from the body. Simply put, the effect of persimmon can be compared to activated carbon. 2. Contains a large amount of beta-carotene. It contains more of it than pumpkin, sweet peppers and tomatoes, which means that persimmon is good for vision and skin. And also for those who abuse nicotine. 3. Persimmon perfectly satisfies hunger. In addition, it is low-calorie (100 g contains only 60-70 kcal, depending on the variety), so it can be included in the menu for those who want to lose weight. 4. Rich in vitamin C and can be a tasty cold medicine. Some even manage to rinse their mouths with persimmon juice by mixing it with a small amount of water. The presence of potassium in fruits has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system. 5. Helps fight depression. Persimmons contain a lot of magnesium, which helps calm frayed nerves, as well as glucose and fructose - a source of good mood. 6. Unripe persimmons have a rather unpleasant feature - an astringent effect, which is formed due to the tannin content. But it’s easy to get rid of this: just put unripe persimmons in the freezer for several hours or for several days in a plastic bag along with apples. The proximity to the latter promotes the release of ethylene gas, which helps persimmons ripen faster. 7. It is easy to determine the ripeness of a persimmon by its appearance: the skin should be hard and smooth, but through it it should be visible that the flesh is jelly-like. The sides should be soft to the touch, and the stalk should be dry and dark. 8. In addition to ordinary persimmons, there are also kinglets and sharons. How to distinguish them? The wren is the same persimmon, but with seeds, since the fruit grows from a male pollinated flower. Its main advantage is the absence of an astringent effect. The flesh of the king is brownish, with veins, which is why such persimmons are also called chocolate. Well, Sharon is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. It is less viscous and therefore more tasty. There are no seeds in Sharon, and the skin is thin and shiny. From the Sharon apple, only the pulp was similar in consistency - harder than that of ordinary varieties. 9. Persimmon is not just a delicious fruit for dessert. When it comes to cooking, she is open to experimentation! For example, persimmon slices can be sprinkled with lemon juice, pepper, wrapped in a strip of grilled chicken and served with lettuce. 10. You can also add persimmons to vegetable salads - this will add piquancy to the dish, make the taste more original, and the appearance brighter! Moreover, persimmons can be dried, cut into slices, and then served with tea instead of sweets.


Poems about Persimmon
"Red Jam"

She came to visit us
Bright red persimmon.
Turned her fat side
And she said: “I see, by the deadline

I came to the pale children -
Brought a delicious breakfast -
Soft, juicy, tender, sweet,
Eat, dear guys!

Fragments from the book
"Fairytale Health Guide" Volume 1

Parable "Tart Persimmon"

A fairy tale about the healing properties of persimmons (fragment)

The gardener, after listening to the tree’s story, said nothing, but did not cut down the persimmon grove. Soon an old man came to him to buy persimmons. The gardener was delighted and showed the buyer the best trees. The old man tried all the varieties, and none of them suited him. Then he noticed an old tree growing on the outskirts of the garden and decided to try its fruits.

You won't like her. This is an old tree, and its fruits are tied so that the tongue becomes woody,” the gardener explained.

But the old man still picked one persimmon. Having cut the fruit into slices, he savored it for a long time and suddenly said:

I buy the entire harvest from this tree.

Seeing the gardener's surprise, he explained:

The more knitting a persimmon is, the more thianides it contains. To my doctor, tiannides help fight a terrible disease - atherosclerosis.

Until he was old, the gardener came to...

Healthy recipes using persimmons

"Orange Salad"

Persimmon - 2 pcs.
- carrots - 2 pcs.
- apple - 2 pcs.
- tangerine - 1 pc.
- almonds (crushed) - 2 tbsp. l.
- sour cream - 2 tbsp. l

Peel and seed apples and persimmons. Cut them into thin rings. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Peel the tangerine, remove the seeds and cut into pieces. Add sour cream and mix everything. Sprinkle chopped almonds on top.

Above were recipes and fragments of parables about Persimmon
from book
"Fairytale Health Guide" (For children about fruits)

The benefits of persimmon

As soon as persimmon appears on our tables, it certainly pleases everyone with its unusually delicate and sweet taste. It is also known that this fruit is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients that nature gives us as a gift at the end of autumn. As can be seen from practice, it is enough to eat 2-3 fruits to satisfy your hunger, so nutritionists in many countries recommend the use of persimmons in a wide variety of diets - the figure will not suffer from this, but the body will be of great benefit.

Persimmon contains large quantities of potassium, magnesium and carotene, which are effective in preventing cancer. In terms of their content, it is not inferior even to such famous fruits as figs, grapes and apples. Its pulp contains up to 15% fructose and glucose; vitamins A, C and P are present in significant concentrations, which maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. This fruit also contains a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins, calcium, manganese, iron and sodium. In terms of antioxidant content, it is not inferior to green tea.

What are the benefits of persimmon? All the beneficial properties of this healing and tasty fruit are difficult to count. It contains pectin substances that actively affect the intestinal microflora and have a binding effect. They give the pulp its astringent taste. It also contains a lot of iron, which is especially useful for anemia. Eating persimmon is recommended for pregnant women. For coughs and colds, it is good to gargle with the juice of one ripe fruit diluted in 100 grams of warm water.

Persimmon has a tonic and restorative effect, increases performance, improves appetite, and calms the nervous system. It actively nourishes the heart muscle and strengthens the cardiovascular system. All this is possible due to the content of monosaccharides in fruits. At the same time, unlike cases of consumption of refined sugar, the level of glucose in the blood does not reach a critical level. In addition, daily consumption of ripe pulp (in season) will make up for the deficiency of organic iodine, which is very beneficial for our thyroid gland.

Those people who are forced to regularly take diuretics will agree that they provoke the leaching of potassium from the body and to replenish its reserves they need to drink special potassium-containing drugs. At the same time, you can avoid taking additional medications if you include persimmons in your diet, alternating its consumption with apples and apricots.

This unique product is also valued in cosmetology. Derivatives from it are often included in shampoos, creams and masks. If you wish, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin at home. To do this, the pulp of the ripe berry should be applied to a cleansed face for 8–10 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

Vitamins in persimmons

This fruit is one of the richest in vitamins. It contains: vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamins A, P, citric and malic acid, as well as a number of other useful elements. Due to the high content of provitamin A, persimmon is a very valuable food product. The presence of beta-carotene in ripe fruits helps rejuvenate the skin, allowing it to remain soft and silky for as long as possible. In addition, provitamin A improves the sexual functions of the male body.

Persimmon fruits contain high concentrations of carotene, which, in combination with vitamin C, more effectively improves vision. The fruits of this healing plant are recommended to be consumed as often as possible, since the groups of vitamins they contain stimulate the human immune system, allowing one to avoid a whole list of diseases. For example, vitamin A has long been noted by scientists as an effective preventive measure, and vitamins C and P significantly reduce the fragility of blood vessels.

Official science has proven that by consuming foods containing beta-carotene, smokers significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer, and persimmons are far behind many berries and fruits in terms of beta-carotene content. Among other things, the presence of vitamin C in it tones the body well and increases performance.

Persimmon is rich in iodine, although not as much as seaweed. Its deficiency in the body can lead to a number of serious diseases, including deterioration of mental activity. In addition, iodine is one of the main components that stabilize the functions of the immune system. It is not produced by the body itself, so persimmon can become an indispensable source of this useful element.

It is also worth noting that it is precisely due to the high presence of iodine in the fruit pulp that their consumption has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Harm of persimmon

This food product itself is not harmful, you just need to take into account the recommendations of doctors for certain diseases. Persimmon should be consumed with caution by those people who suffer from constipation, intestinal atony, and abdominal adhesions after surgery.

Moreover, the fruits must be selected sufficiently ripe so that the amount of astringents in them is minimal, since unripe persimmons contain large amounts of tannin, which acts like flour and seems to glue particles of digested food together.

People who are sick should not consume this fruit, as the fruit contains a lot of sugars. However, sometimes you can treat yourself to a small amount of juicy and ripe pulp.

Persimmon will not be useful for kidney and bladder diseases at the acute stage. It can cause frequent urination, which will be an additional and unnecessary burden on the patient’s excretory system. In addition, this fruit cannot be combined with milk, which should also be taken into account when choosing your daily diet.

Persimmon for women and children

The fruits of this plant are especially popular among women, because it is no secret that their calorie content is low, so they will not harm a slim female figure one bit. The pulp of the fruit is also good for the skin, as it contains large quantities of antioxidants that slow down the aging process.

It is recommended to mix the crushed persimmon pulp in a 1:1 ratio with milk or cream and apply to the face for 15–20 minutes, and then rinse the face with warm water. The mask is good for aging and aging skin. To achieve a lasting effect, a course of 20 procedures is required.

Another mask recipe: the pulp of one fruit should be mashed and mixed with starch or oatmeal, apply the resulting mixture to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This product works effectively on any skin type.

Persimmon during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women review their diet to include foods with sufficient vitamins and bioactive substances that are beneficial for their baby. And in this case, you should not ignore such a healthy fruit as persimmon. It replenishes the body's need for calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the fetal bone skeleton, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of pregnant women and promotes the elimination of harmful substances.

However, this is not all the beneficial properties of persimmon! It helps fight swelling by removing excess fluid from the body, replenishes the loss of potassium and other vital microelements, normalizes metabolic processes and serves as a preventative against anemia. This fruit can also be used for cosmetic purposes, because pregnant women often suffer from facial skin problems. This is a good remedy for tightening pores and eliminating acne.

For a mask, mix the pulp of a whole fruit with egg yolk and apply to problem areas of the skin for 20 minutes.

Can a nursing mother eat persimmons?

Not only during pregnancy, but also when breastfeeding, many women adhere to a special diet - and this is correct, since foods rich in vitamins and microelements can, in addition to being beneficial, cause harm to the baby. In this regard, persimmon is also a controversial product. On the one hand, it helps prevent anemia and restores the mother’s immunity after the birth of the child, on the other hand, it can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

What should I do? What is clear is that you shouldn’t completely exclude this healthy fruit from a woman’s diet; it just needs to be consumed with caution and in small portions. However, if a child has diathesis, you should definitely consult a doctor about the possibility of consuming fruits.

Persimmon for children

Until a child reaches the age of three, there can be no question of introducing this fruit into his diet. In the not yet fully formed gastrointestinal tract of the baby, due to the astringent substances of these fruits, a sticky lump can form, which will lead to intestinal obstruction.

After three years, a child can be given only one medium-sized ripe fruit per day, but he should start with very small portions. If the child’s body reacts normally to this fruit, then the portions can be gradually increased. Of course, it is best if a child starts eating persimmons from the age of ten.

If anyone doubts whether persimmon is good for children, then it is always worth remembering that excessive consumption of any product can harm the human body.

Persimmon for diabetes

The glycemic index of persimmon is 45 - this is the average on the GI table; in some cases it can be recommended for diabetes, but in very limited quantities, since its sugar content is quite high.

Persimmon for weight loss

In the process of studying persimmon, it turned out that it is a very valuable product in nutrition. Its fruits allow you to lose extra pounds more effectively and without harming your health. Nutritionists say that just one fruit supplies the body with approximately 60 kcal, pectin and fiber, which makes you feel full and significantly reduces hunger. The vitamins A, B, C and a number of useful microelements contained in the fruits of this medicinal plant will help support the body during fasting.

Very often a diet is used in which persimmon replaces one meal a day, first it will be breakfast, then lunch, and at the end dinner, in other words, it comes to the point that only persimmon is consumed from food all day. Then the alternation begins again in a circle. The remaining meals should be filled with low-fat foods: fish, cottage cheese, boiled meat and others. This diet will be useful for people who are unable to withstand severe food restrictions. It should be used for a week once a month.

It is also very useful to arrange so-called fasting days for yourself, in which persimmons will be the main food product. This will help remove various toxins and excess fluid from the body. With this diet, you should eat one fruit at the first feeling of hunger, but it is not recommended to eat more than 2 kg of fruit per day. Diets containing persimmons will be especially useful for those with a sweet tooth. They will help not only lose extra pounds, but also cleanse the skin.

Calorie content of persimmon

Despite the large amount of sugars in persimmons and its fairly high degree of satiety, the calorie content of the fruit is relatively low. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend that overweight people include this healthy fruit in their diet. By eating just 2-3 medium fruits (150-170 grams), you can feel quickly full without worrying about extra pounds. The fruits, of course, must be at the stage of full ripeness.

If you do purchase unripe persimmons, try freezing them. After thawing, the fruit will definitely become sweeter and softer. In addition, the astringent taste will go away - the result of excess tannins and tannin. Unripe fruits can be kept in warm water for 10–12 hours or placed in a bag along with apples, which will also speed up their ripening.

How many calories are in persimmons? 100 grams of persimmon contain from 53 to 60 kilocalories, of which carbohydrates – 16.9 g, proteins – 0.5 g, fats – 0 grams. Its pulp contains: water – 81.5 g; dietary fiber – 1.6 g; beta-carotene – 1.2 mg; potassium – 200 mg; calcium – 127 mg; magnesium – 56 mg and iron – 2.5 mg. A small portion of this healthy fruit can calm your nerves, increase your productivity and improve your mood.

How and where do persimmons grow?

When they see persimmons on store shelves or markets, many people are interested in the question: where does this unusual fruit grow? This plant is a deciduous tree that grows primarily in countries with warm climates. Moreover, in the fall, after the leaves begin to fall, the fruits of this medicinal plant remain to ripen on the tree. The Indians also told the first European conquerors that it was not recommended to consume persimmons until the first cold weather.

Despite the fact that the plant prefers a warm climate, it does not require a lot of moisture, is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant. Some varieties can withstand temperatures down to –20 °C. The only requirement for persimmon is the special composition of the soil. Like all fruit trees, persimmon blooms quite late and bears the first ripe fruits in late autumn (depending on the variety - in October-December).

Nowadays, the plant is widespread in China, Japan, Indonesia, northern India, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Australia and the Philippines. It is also grown in Italy, Algeria, France, Vietnam and a number of other countries.

How to choose a good persimmon?

Persimmon "Korolek"

One of the most favorite varieties of persimmon among the people has always been “Korolek”. It is easy to identify by its slightly flattened shape and orange skin color. The flesh of the fruit is brownish in color, which is where the second name of this variety comes from – “chocolate”. By the way, the darker the pulp, the sweeter the taste of this fruit. The peculiarity of this variety is that after consuming it there is no feeling of viscosity in the mouth.

“Korolek” is not only one of the most delicious, but also one of the healthiest varieties of persimmon. It contains a significant amount of pectin, dietary fiber and slow carbohydrates, which makes this fruit a good helper in the fight against indigestion. In addition, this variety of persimmon is a valuable dietary product. Due to its diuretic properties, it is used in traditional medicine to eliminate edema of cardiac and renal origin.

“Korolek” is actively grown in Japan, China, Mediterranean countries, and also in South Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Crimea.

Persimmon from the seed

Among the many different methods of plant propagation, one of the most popular and effective is considered to be growing a tree from a seed. This method was often used in ancient times and can be successfully used to obtain young shoots at home. Moreover, it does not require any excessive effort.

How to grow persimmons from seeds? To grow persimmons from seeds, you need to do the following: immediately after eating the fruit, rinse and dry the seeds thoroughly, then place them in a pot of soil about 2 cm deep, cover with cellophane film and place it in a warm place. During the winter months, a hot battery is quite suitable for these purposes.

The seeds will sprout in about two weeks - there is no point in keeping them any longer. The pot covered with cellophane must be ventilated periodically and do not forget to add water as the soil dries out. The cellophane can be removed after the first shoots appear. Young shoots can reach fifteen centimeters in height.

In some cases, a bone may remain at the end of the sprout. Since its valves are very tightly closed, the plant may die if the seed does not fall off within a few days. If this does not happen, then you need to remove it yourself using thin scissors or a needle. If the bone does not give in, then you should steam it, after which it can be removed much easier. To steam it, spray it with water and place it in a plastic bag overnight.

It should be remembered that persimmon sprouts grow quite quickly and after some time they need to be transplanted into larger pots. Lack of space negatively affects the root system, so the plant may die.

Contraindications to eating persimmon

Despite all its beneficial properties, persimmon also has a number of contraindications. Due to its high content of easily digestible sugars, it is prohibited for people with diabetes.

It is also not recommended to eat this fruit in large quantities, as this can lead to the formation of bezoars (hard stones), and subsequently to intestinal obstruction. Persimmon fruits should not be eaten with cold water or milk. Among other things, in some cases there may be an individual intolerance to the product or.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Persimmon is called a winter cherry, a Chinese peach, a plum of the gods, a heart apple, and even the food of the gods (this is how its name is translated from Latin). This doesn’t make persimmon any less tasty. Moreover, it has even more benefits than taste!

Persimmons are healthier than apples. It contains more sodium, calcium, manganese and iron. And also twice as much dietary fiber. Thanks to them, all waste and toxins are removed from the body. Simply put, the effect of persimmon can be compared to activated carbon.

You know. that there are about 725 species of persimmons in the world, which grow in different parts of the world and do not necessarily have a bright orange color. For example, the medlar persimmon from the African savannah is up to 30 mm in diameter and has a purple hue when fully ripe.

Contains a large amount of beta-carotene. It contains more of it than pumpkin, sweet peppers and tomatoes, which means that persimmon is good for vision and skin. And also for those who abuse nicotine.

Persimmon perfectly satisfies hunger. In addition, it is low-calorie (100 g contains only 60-70 kcal - depending on the variety), so it can be included in the menu for those who want to lose weight.

Rich in vitamin C and can be a tasty cold cure. Some even manage to rinse their mouths with persimmon juice by mixing it with a small amount of water. The presence of potassium in fruits has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system.

Helps fight depression. Persimmons contain a lot of magnesium, which helps calm frayed nerves, as well as glucose and fructose - a source of good mood.

Unripe persimmons have a rather unpleasant feature - an astringent effect, which is formed due to the tannin content. But it’s easy to get rid of this: just put unripe persimmons in the freezer for several hours or for several days in a plastic bag along with apples. The proximity to the latter promotes the release of ethylene gas, which helps persimmons ripen faster.

It is easy to determine the ripeness of a persimmon by its appearance: the skin should be hard and smooth, but through it it should be visible that the flesh is jelly-like. The sides should be soft to the touch, and the stem should be dry and dark.

In addition to the usual persimmon, there are also kinglets and sharons. How to distinguish them? The kinglet is the same persimmon, but with seeds, since the fruit grows from a male pollinated flower. Its main advantage is the absence of an astringent effect. The flesh of the king is brownish, with veins, which is why such persimmons are also called chocolate.

Well, Sharon is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. It is less viscous and therefore more tasty. There are no seeds in Sharon, and the skin is thin and shiny. From the Sharon apple, only the pulp was similar in consistency - harder than that of ordinary varieties.

Persimmon is not just a delicious fruit for dessert. When it comes to cooking, she is open to experimentation! For example, persimmon slices can be sprinkled with lemon juice, pepper, wrapped in a strip of grilled chicken and served with lettuce.

You can also add persimmons to vegetable salads - this will add piquancy to the dish, make the taste more original, and the appearance brighter! Moreover, persimmons can be dried, cut into slices, and then served with tea instead of sweets.

For many peoples, persimmon is not just a berry. In Japan, the persimmon fruit symbolizes victory. In the Middle East, persimmon is a symbol of wisdom, the berry of the prophets. Arabs and Persians even believed that genies lived in persimmon tree trunks.

The Legend of Persimmon

A Caucasian legend tells the story of a mother who had three unattractive daughters. The poor widow cried and grieved: after all, her daughters were growing up, and no one even looked in their direction. How to get them married?

One day, a woman had a strange dream, a young girl of extraordinary beauty appeared to her and handed her a persimmon fruit, saying that this would help her daughters.

Waking up, the woman went out onto the porch and saw that three ripe fruits were hanging on an old, withered persimmon tree. The widow realized that the spirit of the tree had come to her.

The overjoyed mother tore them off and hurried to her daughters. Every day she cut a piece from each fruit and gave it to the girls.

And a miracle happened - her daughters began to look prettier before our eyes. The skin became smooth, like a ripe persimmon, the hair became shiny, like persimmon seeds, the girls became slender, like young persimmon trees.

Soon the whole region knew about the three beauties; suitors came from far and near villages.

The daughters married successfully, and the old mother was happy and until her death she looked after the revived tuyere tree.

This legend is still remembered in Georgia and Armenia and, knowing about the beneficial properties of persimmon, they always give it to their daughters to eat. The fruits are believed to bring beauty and happiness to family life.

33 chose

One day a gardener decided to cut down the entire persimmon grove. And yet, after the tree’s story, he changed his mind. A little later, a buyer stopped by to see the gardener. The old man tried all sorts of persimmons, but still continued to shake his head. Noticing an old tree at the end of the garden, he decided to try its fruits as well. The old man cut the fruit into slices and ate them for a long time. And suddenly he said: “I’m buying the entire harvest from this magic tree!” The buyer explained to the surprised gardener: “The more persimmon knits, the more tannin it contains. And it helps fight atherosclerosis.” By the way, I heard from a neighbor that you can get rid of the astringent effect if you put unripe persimmons together with apples in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for several hours. It is better not to eat unripe persimmons at all to avoid stomach problems. And it is also not recommended to eat on an empty stomach. It contains the following vitamins: A, C, P, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, glucose, sucrose, malic and citric acid. 100 g of persimmon contains only 70 kcal. It increases performance, improves appetite and calms the nervous system. I like to eat it in its natural form, make jellies, puddings, jams, marmalade, add it to salads, ice cream and baked goods. And for colds and coughs, I gargle with ripe persimmon juice. I store persimmons in the refrigerator for several days.

Today there are 500 varieties of persimmon in the world. I propose to consider some of them:

Bull's heart - a large, very tasty variety, has no seeds. The pulp is orange, soft and tender.

Honey - the sweetest variety, has no seeds. The flesh is bright orange and very tender.

Korolek - sweet variety. The flesh is dark with a chocolate tint.

Sharon - a very sweet variety. Bright orange fruits. The pulp is tender and soft.

Russian - hard fruit, yellow-orange with a waxy coating. Weighing 60 g. The pulp is orange, sweet. Very sweet taste with a delicate aroma.

First we'll make some amazing sandwiches with persimmon dressing. Let's get started!


Let's take:

  • 3 sweet peppers (2 green, 1 orange)
  • 4 tbsp. curd cheese
  • chili pepper
  • persimmon
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of smoked paprika
  • fresh tarragon

Remove seeds from green peppers and cut into circles (1 cm thick). Place on slices of bread. Cut the orange pepper, remove the seeds, grate on a medium grater. Chop the garlic. Next, wash the persimmon well, remove the dry inflorescence, and peel. Mash the pulp with a fork and remove the seeds. Mix persimmons, grated pepper, cottage cheese, lemon juice, garlic and salt. Mix everything well. Fill the pepper rings with this mixture. Sprinkle with smoked paprika and sprinkle with chopped chili pepper. Serve the sandwiches after garnishing them with sprigs of fresh tarragon. Bon appetit!

Meet the most delicious persimmon salad.

Persimmon salad

Let's take:

  • persimmon
  • Red onion
  • 100 g goat cheese
  • 100 g lettuce leaves
  • 30 g pecans
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil

Cut the persimmon into slices. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Chop the nuts coarsely. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands. Place all ingredients on a plate and sprinkle with goat cheese.

Prepare the dressing: mix vegetable oil, honey and white wine vinegar.

Drizzle dressing on top of salad. Our salad is ready! Have a great appetite everyone!

Vegetable snack

Let's take:

  • 2 persimmons
  • 1/2 white onion
  • 2 tbsp. lime juice
  • 4 sprigs cilantro
  • 1/4 coffee spoon ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Wash the persimmon, remove the dry inflorescence, and peel. Wash the greens. Peel the onion. Finely chop everything. Add ginger, salt, pepper, lime juice and oil. Mix. Enjoy your meal!

It's time to start cooking chicken with persimmons.

Chicken with persimmon

Let's take:

  • 1.5 kg chicken
  • 4 persimmons
  • 2 onions
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • greens to taste
  • a little vegetable oil

Prepare the marinade: cut the persimmon into quarters, cut off the peel and remove the seeds. Peel the onion. Cut everything into small pieces. Add finely chopped greens.

Cut the chicken into portions and rub with salt and pepper. Place in a bowl, pour over the marinade and refrigerate for 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place chicken pieces and bake until golden brown. Have a great appetite!

And today we will make persimmon jelly.

Persimmon jelly

Let's take:

  • 2 persimmons
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 100 ml boiled water

Soak gelatin in warm water, stir until completely dissolved. Peel the persimmons and remove the seeds. Mash the pulp with a fork. In a saucepan, mix persimmon pulp with honey and gelatin. Heat over heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into cups and refrigerate for 2 hours. Enjoy your tasting!

Persimmon smoothie

Let's take:

  • 2 persimmons
  • 2 bananas
  • orange juice
  • 8 tbsp. natural yogurt

Peel persimmons and bananas. Remove seeds from persimmons. Cut everything into pieces and beat with a blender. Pour in the orange juice and yogurt, continuing to whisk. Pour the mixture into glasses. Great tasting!

I advise you to prepare any of the above-mentioned persimmon dishes and surprise your loved ones!

Which of the dishes described above would be right in your kitchen? What original persimmon dishes do you know? Share with us...

Yurkova Loya, especially for the site

Photo: ladyt.ru, li-best.ru, telyeintervyu.com, polza-vred.ru, botbyth.ucoz.com, lady.siteua.org, woman.hutor.ru, vfridge.ru, gastronom.ru, ivona. bigmir.net, fruitarian.ru, koketka.by, ovkuse.ru,

Used: dobrieskazki.ru, hitagro.ru

Gone are the days when overseas fruits were a novelty to us. And now store shelves are bursting with bananas, oranges and pineapples, pushing aside our humble apples. And with the onset of frost, a fruit resembling an orange tomato appears everywhere - persimmon; the benefits and harm to the body of this product are perhaps little known to its fans. Therefore, we will try to lift the veil of secrecy and figure out whether persimmon is useful, who is contraindicated to eat it, how many calories are in persimmon and what other interesting things it contains.

Winter is in full swing. The New Year is already very close. Everyone is looking forward to the holiday. This is the most beloved, magical and beautiful holiday for everyone. It is in winter that winter fruits appear on our tables. The persimmon fruit has now appeared on the shelves of our stores.

How does persimmon grow?

The Greeks called persimmon the food of the gods (Diospyros), and the Persians called the date plum (Hormalu). The countries from which persimmon spread and where it grows to this day are China, Japan and the Indo-Malayan regions. It is cultivated in America, Australia, and European countries. There are places where persimmon grows in Russia: as a rule, these are areas with a warm climate - the Black Sea coast.

In general, persimmon is a genus of trees (both deciduous and evergreen) of the ebony family, the wood of which is quite valuable. A persimmon (tree), a photo of which from afar can be mistaken for a spreading apple tree, can live up to five hundred years! More than 700 species of this plant are known, but not all of them bear fruit.

The tree is especially good in the spring, when it blooms. Those who have seen persimmons grow more than once are unlikely to be surprised by a photo of a flowering tree, but these flowers are interesting: pale yellow under a fleshy sepal. Female flowers are large and solitary. Men's ones are smaller, located 4-5 pieces side by side.

How persimmon grows: photo

But look how the persimmon blooms photo:

Persimmon: varieties

People usually call the fruit persimmon, and it is quite difficult to figure out whether a persimmon is a fruit or a berry. On the one hand, it has all the signs of a fruit - it grows on a tree, is quite large, but the signs of a berry - juicy pulp under a thin skin and the presence of seeds - cannot be taken away from it. The shape depends on the variety; it can be spherical or oval-elongated, angular or flattened. And the color is different - from yellow-orange to red.

The most common varieties:

  • Rossiyanka, a variety bred by Crimean breeders with round berries of a moderately tart and at the same time sweet taste, ripening by November. The variety is frost-resistant and characterized by stable yield (50-70 kg per tree).
  • Chocolate (or Zenjiaru), a variety loved by many for its excellent taste - sweet and without a tart aftertaste.
  • Chinese is easily recognizable due to its indented shape and thick skin. Its taste is not too high.
  • Virginia, a variety from the American state of Virginia, but ideal for the warm regions of our country. This is a tall (about 10 m) species with good taste of berries.
  • Fuyu is an early ripening variety characterized by abundant fruiting. The pulp is brown, and the external sign of Fuyu is the division of the fruit, as if into segments by grooves along the peel.
  • Kinglets are medium-sized, rounded fruits with darkish pulp and seeds that ripen by November. If we compare persimmon and “wren” - what is the difference, we can highlight one significant feature: “wren” is good for food even without additional ripening, while ordinary persimmon loses its tart bitterness after being kept in cold or warm conditions. But the most interesting thing is that the “wren” itself is often a neighbor of an ordinary persimmon, often growing on the same tree as it, but resulting from the pollination of inflorescences, so the “wrens” must have seeds.

There are many more exotic varieties - the South American “Black Apple” with a fruit weight of up to 900 g, and the Caucasian tiny variety up to 3 cm, and the flat Paraguayan, and the bright scarlet Philippine, and the Israeli “Sharon”, a hybrid with an apple, very tender taste.

What else is valuable about persimmon?

In addition to tasty and aromatic fruits, it gives people:

  • wood (ebony), from which furniture and sports equipment, as well as musical instruments are made;
  • leaves, which traditional medicine considers biologically active, which is why persimmon leaf tea is indicated for elderly people and those suffering from anemia, and steamed leaves have antiseptic properties and are used to treat wounds and abscesses.
  • seeds that, when roasted, can completely replace coffee;
  • stalks-tails, a decoction of which helps to get rid of enuresis.

But, perhaps, it is the fruits that bring the maximum benefit.

Persimmon: composition

Supporters of a healthy diet will undoubtedly be interested in what vitamins persimmons contain and what other benefits they contain. So, of the vitamins in the highest concentration (half the daily volume in 100 g of fruit) contains C, which is why it helps strengthen the immune system and resist viral attacks, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulate the functioning of bone and connective tissues, and also takes an active part in metabolism . What vitamins are contained in persimmons besides C? These are vitamins A, group B, PP.

Although persimmons contain a lot of sugars, they do not particularly affect the blood glycemic index: glucose and fructose are contained approximately equally, 5-6% each; in general, carbohydrates in 100 g of fruit are about 30% of the daily value. In general, the glycemic index of persimmon is 50, while 70 is considered high. And fat per 100 g is less than 1% of the daily intake. Fiber and pectin in 1-2 pieces of persimmon cover 15% of the daily requirement for these substances.

Lots of beta-carotene (hence the orange color) and flavonoids. There are significant quantities of iron, iodine, magnesium, copper, manganese, chromium, and potassium. There is no starch at all, but the content of panthenic acid (vitamin B5, necessary for metabolism) covers the daily requirement of an adult by 150%.

Why persimmon knits

No matter how tasty the “food of the gods” is, quite often persimmons make your mouth stick. What to do to eliminate this shortcoming?

Due to their immaturity, the fruits contain a lot of tannins - natural phenolic compounds - which is why persimmons make your mouth stick. Probably, in nature, these substances are designed to protect plants from pathogens and being eaten by animals. Of course, it doesn’t taste very good, but it’s not poisonous!

What can you do to prevent persimmons from knitting? It's simple: soak it in hot water for several hours or, conversely, in the freezer. Both high and low temperatures destroy phenolic bonds, and astringency disappears.

Persimmon: beneficial properties and contraindications

Without exception, all products can be not only beneficial, but also harmful if used incorrectly. Persimmon is no exception.


Let’s make a reservation right away: there are benefits and harms from the persimmon fruit. Contraindications mainly relate to:

  • persons with severe diabetes;
  • who have undergone surgery on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • suffering from hemorrhoids and constipation.

The fact is that even though the glycemic index is in the average range, diabetics should not abuse this delicacy; some doctors even contraindicate persimmons for type 2 diabetes.

Due to its strong astringent properties, it is not used for pancreatitis. Is it possible to eat persimmons during intestinal adhesions and is it possible to eat persimmons during gastritis? Definitely not, since eating fruits, especially unripe ones due to their high tannin content, can lead to acute intestinal obstruction, in which case urgent surgery is indispensable. And for those who suffer from hemorrhoids, it is worth remembering whether persimmon strengthens or weakens? All because of the same tannin and a large amount of tannins in persimmons, the composition of unripe fruits exhibits a strengthening property, which can aggravate the condition of hemorrhoids. However, this same property of tannin is also beneficial: it stops bleeding. That is why unripe persimmons will also not be beneficial for constipation. However, with ripe fruit the situation is different: pectin and fiber have a mild laxative effect.

And now about the benefits

How is it useful and what cures?

  • Fights atherosclerosis.
  • Relieves the body of arrhythmia.
  • Has a good effect on blood vessels.
  • Prevents the formation of stones.
  • Improves digestion.

Wherever it has grown from time immemorial, there are traditions of using it for medicinal purposes. For example, in the Caucasus it is heavily used at the early stage of goiter development, and in Japan - in the initial form of atherosclerosis; The Chinese use persimmon juice to treat scurvy, and the Thais fight worms; Koreans revere persimmons as a remedy for dysentery and bronchitis, and in some countries half of a persimmon, cut side down, is applied to burns and wounds as a bactericidal agent.

It helps people with kidney and cardiovascular diseases especially well. Official dietetics recommends including persimmon in the diet of people with problems of the cardiovascular system, liver and bile ducts. The moderate diuretic property allows you to get rid of excess fluid without leaching out potassium, and the iron-rich composition benefits patients with anemia. Such patients are often forced to take diuretic medications. Using these medications, the body flushes potassium. This means that it needs to be replenished in the body. There is only one way out - either use medications containing potassium, or eat fruits and vegetables with a high content of the mineral potassium.

Those who need to remove excess water from the body can do this with the help of persimmon. What does that require?

  • You need to eat three fruits a day for 10 days, then switch to eating one. Treatment with persimmon will be noticeable almost immediately. In just a few days, the body will feel a decrease in swelling. Consumption of other products during treatment should be reduced to a minimum.

The petioles are excellent for patients with bedwetting. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of them.

  • Take one teaspoon of persimmon petioles, add 300 ml. water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Let it brew for one hour. Use the decoction twice a day, 100 ml.

It will come to the aid of the immune system during epidemics, help avoid viruses, replenish the lack of important elements during exhaustion and the body will cope with nervous overstrain faster.

  • You can squeeze juice out of persimmons. A successful folk method for treating coughs and... The squeezed juice of one fruit is mixed with 3 tablespoons of boiled warm water; it is good to use when gargling.
  • Helps not only with colds. Persimmon juice will help you cope with intestinal disorders. You need to take several persimmon fruits and cut them into slices. Add 500 ml. water, close the lid. Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool and strain the broth. Use half a glass every 4 hours.

Persimmon individually reveals beneficial properties and contraindications for women and men, as well as children.

What are the benefits of persimmon for women?

The benefits of persimmon for a woman’s body are invaluable: it contains substances necessary to maintain health.

  1. Potassium. This element is especially important during menopause. It reduces the risk of stroke, so the benefits of persimmon for women after 50 are very obvious. In addition, potassium relieves swelling by removing excess water from the body.
  2. Magnesium. This component, which is found in large quantities in persimmon, helps normalize the menstrual cycle and optimize reproductive functions. And if a woman uses oral contraception, estrogen in tablets, leaving the body, also picks up magnesium, which is why it is necessary to replenish it regularly. Magnesium helps cope with stress and eliminates insomnia.
  3. Iron, which enters the body of those who love to feast on the “food of the gods,” is another way persimmon is useful for the body of women, especially of childbearing age.
    In addition, vitamin A, which is included in persimmon, is the vitamin of youth; it gives elasticity to the skin, beauty to hair and nails.

Can pregnant women eat persimmons?

Persimmons are used especially carefully during pregnancy - the benefits and harms here are, perhaps, equivalent. It’s worth saying “yes” to persimmons simply because they are a source of vitamins and microelements that are important for both mother and baby. However, in favor of “no” they say:

  • high allergenicity;
  • astringent property: persimmon weakens or strengthens stool - this is worth remembering for pregnant women suffering from constipation.

Mothers with diabetes should also refuse and not use it. But if persimmon can be dangerous during pregnancy, after giving birth a nursing mother can treat herself to it without fear if the baby is not allergic to the fruit. After all, a strong immune system and healthy sleep will not hurt a young mother at all.

What are the benefits of persimmon for men?

What are the benefits of persimmon for the body of representatives of the stronger half of humanity? In addition to helping the immune system and cardiovascular system work, regular consumption of persimmon reduces the risk of developing prostatitis. And the kidneys work smoothly, digestion improves, sleep stabilizes - all this is sure to be observed in those whose diet regularly includes it. The health benefits and harms must be adequately assessed if there are contraindications to consuming persimmons (diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.).

At what age can a child be given persimmon?

When deciding when you can give your child persimmon fruit, there is no need to rush. The fact is that it can cause allergies. It’s also worth remembering: does persimmon strengthen or weaken the intestines? If a child is prone to constipation, use is definitely contraindicated.

In any case, until the baby’s digestive system becomes stronger, it is contraindicated until 3 years of age - the treat can cause intestinal obstruction. For older children, persimmon fruits are introduced gradually, monitoring the body and its reaction.

Persimmon for weight loss

For those dreaming of a thin waist, it’s useful to know whether it’s possible to eat persimmons while losing weight, whether snacking will cause you to gain extra pounds, and whether persimmons are high in calories in general.

Exactly how many calories are in persimmons depends on the specific variety and degree of ripeness. On average, persimmons (calorie content per 100 grams) have about 60-70 kcal. And if we take into account the average weight (150-200g), it turns out that persimmon, the calorie content of 1 piece of which is approximately 120-140 kcal, is quite filling. It is not difficult to calculate how many persimmons you can eat per day. If this is a mono-diet or a fasting day, feel free to include up to 10 persimmons, the main thing is that the body reacts adequately to such food. And you can include 1-2 pieces in your daily menu.

Persimmon mask

This is not only a remedy. Do you want to stay beautiful longer? You might be interested in a fruit mask that will help you stay beautiful and attractive for a long time. Persimmon face mask - lifting for tired skin, refreshes and tones your face. Good for aging skin. Beauty and radiance of the skin is guaranteed!

  • Grind the fruit to a pulp, add the same amount of milk or cream, apply to your face for 15 minutes, remove and rinse your face with cool water.

How to choose persimmon

In order to fully convey the beneficial properties of persimmon for the body, it would be nice to know how to buy it correctly.

It is worth knowing that persimmon fruits with seeds (like the “Korolek” variety), even when not ripe, are not as strongly astringent as seedless varieties. It is worth paying attention to the leaves of the persimmon: light green ones indicate that it is not ripe, so preference should be given to fruits with dried foliage.

Small brown spots should not be scary - this is a sign of ripeness, but large spots that are soft to the touch are a sign of spoilage of the persimmon.

Persimmon fruits are often sold on the street. She is not afraid of frost, this is not a reason to pass by the treasured delicacy, but it is worth paying attention to the point of sale that is located away from the road, and that the seller is neat and keeps the workplace in an appropriate condition.

Well, if it turns out that the purchase turned out to be unripe, it doesn’t matter, it’s fixable.

How to ripen persimmons at home

If the purchased persimmon knits, what should I do? Ripe it yourself! There are several ways:

  1. Left at room temperature, it will ripen on its own in about
    a week later. How to store persimmons so that they ripen on their own? Away from heat sources and direct rays of the sun, otherwise the skin will become flabby.
  2. A day of aging in the freezer and gradual thawing in the refrigerator, and now the persimmon, the benefits and calorie content of which have not been affected, is ready for consumption.
  3. If you put persimmons in a bag for two days, adding a couple of apples nearby, natural ripening will occur.
  4. You can pierce the peel with a needle soaked in alcohol in several places, then it will ripen quickly.

With these methods, the usefulness of persimmon does not disappear.

How to store persimmons

Did you have a big harvest or did you buy a lot of it by chance? How to store persimmons at home correctly?

To prevent persimmons, the benefits and harms of which have been sufficiently studied for the body, from spoiling, you need to follow several rules:

  • to preserve fresh, take unripe persimmons (removable ripeness), they can be stored at temperatures from 0 to +40C for up to 3 months;
  • can be stored on the balcony in boxes, placing fruit in no more than 2 layers;
  • it can be stored in the freezer for about six months – pre-washed and packaged in plastic;
  • You can also dry the persimmon fruits in the oven, preferably in slices, after removing the peel.

It is better to take unripe fruits for drying, and ripe ones for freezing.

How to eat persimmon correctly

Persimmon, the benefits and harms of which we have already discussed for the human body, should be eaten correctly! Like this?

It is safe for healthy people to eat up to 3 pieces per day. And it is better to enjoy them half an hour before the main meal, or an hour after - this will not disturb digestion.

There are foods that are incompatible with persimmons - milk, barley and oatmeal. In the daily diet, these antagonists should be kept away from each other, otherwise problems with the gastrointestinal tract will begin.

And, most importantly, is it possible to eat persimmons at night? No, and this rule applies not only to those losing weight: pectins and tannins can cause the formation of stomach stones - bezoars. After all, at night metabolic processes slow down, and the treat simply does not have time to be digested.

What to cook from persimmons - recipe

We need:

  • 1 persimmon fruit,
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar,
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese,
  • half a glass of flour,
  • 1 egg,
  • frying oil

Grind sugar and cottage cheese together. Add peeled and grated persimmons, flour and vanilla sugar to them. Mix the whole mass well. Let's start frying, fry the pancakes in oil on 2 sides. Pancakes are good served with jam or sour cream. Try it, it's really delicious!

As you can see, this orange sun is very useful for maintaining our health. Therefore, eat persimmons for health benefits! No matter how tasty it is, it is worth remembering: everything good and healthy is good and healthy in moderation! Wishing you all good health, peace of mind and happiness in the New Year!

Persimmon is the most autumn fruit, bright and beautiful. We have collected interesting facts about persimmons, and some of them even surprised us.

Persimmon was first tried in China. Then some visiting traveler took a bite of the fruit, chewed it, and helped himself to a whole bag. And he took him to his country. And there a chain reaction had already begun - first one would bring persimmons, then another, then entire expeditions would take a bag with them - and so the persimmons spread throughout the world. And in Beijing, for example, persimmon trees that are almost more than 500 years old still grow, can you imagine?

Although Europeans and Caucasians were less fortunate. Persimmons reached Europe only 100 years ago, and in the Caucasus the first seedlings appeared in 1896 - and even then, persimmons were not immediately cultivated, but several years later.

By the way, Europeans, like the settlers of North America, did not like persimmons at all. They tried her, and she knits. People scratched their heads and threw away the persimmons. But in vain, it just needed to be left in the cold, then the viscosity would go away. We know this, but at that time... Dark people, in general, did not appreciate such yummy food.

But when Admiral Matthew Perry returned from Japan to the United States, he brought with him a lot of persimmon, and that’s when people tried it. Everyone immediately became fans of this fruit, wanted to grow it themselves, and a real persimmon boom happened.

By the way, persimmon is actually a berry, although we are used to calling it a fruit. Scientists thought for a long time, but still settled on this option. Well, it's a berry, it's a berry.

How many varieties of persimmons do you think there are? We never expected that there were more than 1,500 species! There is a persimmon, the diameter of which is only 3 centimeters, and it is colored dark red. This one grows in Africa. And there is a variety of persimmon “Caucasian”, which has strange appendages on the fruit that look like tentacles.

Whatever variety of persimmon you take, they are all very healthy (yes, even the one with tentacles). Judge for yourself: it is healthier than apples, it contains more potassium, manganese, sodium and iron. It contains a lot of beta-carotene and magnesium. It contains tannins and dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Persimmon is our main assistant in saturating the body with iodine; it also contains a fair amount of it. But it is not useful for everyone - persimmons are contraindicated for people with diabetes, as there is too much glucose in it. But in general, we can say that persimmon is our local superfood.

By the way, if with the arrival of autumn you become gloomy, irritable and sleepy, eat persimmon. First of all, she's beautiful. Secondly, it's inexpensive. Thirdly... okay, okay, the main reason to love persimmons is that they perfectly fight blues and depression thanks to magnesium and glucose. Magnesium calms the nerves, and glucose gives a good mood. The low price of persimmon, by the way, also raises it.

We are not used to using persimmons in cooking, but in vain. They add it to salads, make chutney from it, dry it and eat it like candy, wilt it - you name it! If you combine soft cheese, persimmon, honey and lemon juice, they say you get a delicious salad. And from persimmon seeds, by the way, they make a drink that is very similar to coffee.

In general, persimmon is good. Even better is that it is a dietary product and perfectly satiates. No wonder the Latin name of persimmon is translated as “fruit of the gods.” And in Japan, persimmon fruits are symbols of victory. In the Middle East, it is considered the berry of the prophets and a symbol of wisdom. And the ancient Arabs and Persians believed that genies lived in the trunks of persimmon trees.

Persimmon - a woody plant of the tropics

The genus of plants Persimmon, whose Latin name is Diospyros, is part of the Ebony family. This is the main genus of the family, which includes from 500 to 700 species. This inaccurate figure is due to the many subspecies of different types of persimmon. Some biologists distinguish subspecies into separate species.

The persimmon genus is characterized by the absence of herbaceous forms - all representatives of the genus are trees or shrubs. There are evergreen and deciduous species with simple shaped leaves. The juicy fruits are called “berries” and contain from 2 to 10 large brown seeds.

The distribution area is very wide, occupying mainly tropical areas; only a few deciduous representatives grow in the temperate climate zone. There are several varieties of persimmon that can withstand frost of -15-20 degrees, although for a very short time.

Evolutionarily, the genus originates from the southeastern regions of Asia, where the greatest species diversity of this genus is noted. The species then spread to Africa and America. After domestication of wild persimmon species, people contributed to the expansion of the range of these plants. Currently, persimmon grows and is cultivated on all continents except Antarctica.

Features of growing persimmons

The plants are grown for their edible fruits, which are usually orange in color, but there are species that are red, brownish and chocolate in color.

Trees of the persimmon genus live 200-500 years and many species have valuable wood, such as black ebony and Coromandel ebony.

The peculiarity of growing persimmons is that the tree loves rocky, well-aerated soils; with a low oxygen content in the soil, the persimmon quickly stops bearing fruit and quickly ages.

Almost all types of persimmon prefer high air humidity and a large amount of precipitation, and light, loose, well-aerated soils do not allow root rot to develop.

Interesting facts about persimmons

The taste and beneficial properties of persimmon have been known since the times of Ancient Greece, and the scientific name Diospyros comes from two Greek words and is translated as “divine fire”;

In the Middle East, the persimmon fruit symbolizes wisdom and is considered the fruit of the prophets;

South American persimmon, which is called "Chocolate pudding", can weigh 500-600 grams, during the ripening period it becomes dark, reminiscent of dark chocolate in color and taste;

The Japanese call persimmon "the fruit of fruits" and symbolize victory;

The dried fruits of the Caucasian persimmon taste like dates, so the Persians called them “hormalyu” - date plum, then the name from Farsi came to other languages, transformed into “persimmon”;

Arabs and Persians believe that genies live in the trunks of persimmon trees, which give the orange fruit a piece of fire;

In many countries, persimmons are used to prepare alcoholic beverages: wine, beer and even sake;

The natives of North America used small wild persimmon fruits to make a kind of bread;

The fruits of all types of persimmons contain tannins and can cause digestive problems.

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