Home Meat Uzvar is an ancient recipe for a drink made from dried fruits and its healing properties. Pear uzvar Recipe for making uzvar from dried fruits

Uzvar is an ancient recipe for a drink made from dried fruits and its healing properties. Pear uzvar Recipe for making uzvar from dried fruits

Let's cook today. Uzvar is something like compote, only richer and thicker, and therefore more useful. In general, this drink can be prepared from any dried fruit, but pear is my weakness (since childhood)

A little about pears:

Pear fruits are a natural source of energy. And all thanks to the fact that their chemical composition contains carbohydrates, fructose and glucose. This makes them taste sweeter than apples, although they actually contain less sugar.

These delicious juicy fruits contain the amount of malic acid, tannin, pectin, nitrogenous substances, flavonoids, enzymes, phytoncides and vitamins that a person needs.

Many varieties are rich in microelements, including iodine. They contain a large amount, which is indispensable for people with diseases of the circulatory system, and is also extremely important for children and pregnant women.

With the help of a pear, you can increase the body's defenses and protect it from infectious diseases. These fruits also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and help fight depression.

Pear fruits contain 30% more potassium than apples. That is why, in case of heart disease, doctors recommend eating more of them. After all, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the heart and muscles without a sufficient amount of potassium. This mineral is responsible for cell regeneration, normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on kidney function and skin condition.

The fruits have astringent, antifever, analgesic, antiseptic, fixative and diuretic effects. They are an excellent dietary product, which is especially important for diseases.

In a word, a very healthy fruit, and what a delicious one! By the way, pear uzvar is recommended to drink at a temperature (reduces) and for those who suffer from edema (it removes salts and excess fluid from the body well. Now, the recipe itself. We will need 2 liters of water:

400 g dried pears (any kind, even wild ones)

100 g sugar

2 tbsp. honey

In the old days, only honey was put into uzvar, but nowadays this is already a luxury, so you have to replace it with sugar.

Rinse the pears well. First with warm water, then cold. It happens that pears are so dried out that it is impossible to even bite them. In this case, they should be filled with warm water and allowed to brew. My mother dries pears so that you can even eat them dried without risking breaking your teeth, so I never soak them.

Boil water, reduce heat and add pears.

My pears tried to escape from a three-liter pan, so take a larger pan :)

When the water boils again, add sugar and cook for just a few minutes until it completely dissolves. After this, remove from heat.

When the uzvar has cooled a little, add honey and mix well. Uzvar is traditionally a sweet drink, children like it, but personally I like it to have a little sourness, so I add a little lemon juice to the drink (about 1/4 of a lemon juice for this amount of drink). Now we put the pan in a cool place so that the pear uzvar steeps for at least 12 hours (the longer it sits, the tastier it becomes). I usually cook it in the evening so that it’s ready for dinner.

Dried fruit compote is a vitamin salvation in months when fresh fruits and vegetables are scarce. Much better and tastier than pharmacy vitamin complexes. However, to get the maximum benefit, you need to know how to cook dried fruits correctly, so as not to get tasty and fragrant, but useless water instead of a health drink.

Choosing a base

Before you cook dried fruits, you will first have to buy them, unless you have a grandmother in the village who regularly supplies you with them. And some types of “drying” (figs, dried apricots, prunes or raisins) cannot be made at home.

What you need to consider when buying dried fruits is their First of all, pay attention to the uniformity of color: whitish spots are most likely mold. Oiliness and matte shine indicate that the fruit has been treated with some kind of preservatives for longer storage or in attempts to give it a more marketable appearance. Humidity and darkening indicate violations of storage rules. Dryness up to the “sole” state indicates improper production or weathering. It is not worth buying and using such a product, since boiling dried fruits in this state means not only spoiling the drink, but also risking the health of your stomach.

Multicomponent compote

First of all, let’s stipulate that it is not necessary to cram half a pan of “drying”. It should be about half a glass for every liter of water. And the main thing in how to cook uzvar from dried fruits is to add them one by one. The most common recipe for a successful compote involves first preparing syrup. For this, sugar is poured into a pan of boiling water, the amount of which depends solely on your preferences. After dissolution, dried apples, apricots (not dried apricots, but domestic ones) and pears are first added. If they are cut into large or thick slices, they are chopped more finely. After ten minutes, add rose hips, prunes and rowan. Then comes the raisins, and after five minutes the fire is turned off, the pan is covered with a lid, and the uzvar is left to infuse for about half a day.

Dried apple compote

In this case, the process is somewhat easier, since it is somewhat easier to prepare dried fruits-apples - you do not need to calculate the time for reuniting the remaining ingredients. Again, syrup is first made in a ratio of slightly less than half a glass of sugar per liter of water. When it is completely dissolved, after the water boils, add the sorted and washed apples. They are boiled alone for a third of an hour, then cloves and lemon balm are added; After ten minutes you can turn it off, and after cooling, add lemon zest.

Vitamin compote without cooking

The issue of questions - how much to cook dried fruits - is the subject of heated debate among those who have their own opinion on this matter. Prolonged cooking destroys many of the “benefits” in the original products, but “long” is how many minutes? The most radical housewives advise giving up cooking altogether. Their advice: rinse the starting material well, pour in freshly boiled water, cover the container with a lid and wrap tightly. The next morning you get a drink with the maximum content of vitamins. Sugar, if necessary, is added no earlier than a couple of hours after pouring. It’s better to leave this action completely until the morning.

Compote tincture

More “flexible” chefs offer another way to cook dried fruits. They advise soaking the washed product in warm water (not for several hours, for example, also overnight. Calculation of the ratio: two glasses of base per two liters of water. The point of this method of preparation is infusion. The swollen fruits are placed on the fire, topped up with two more liters water, after boiling, flavored with sugar, cover with a lid and a couple of minutes after boiling, remove from the stove. A lid is required, since many vitamins decompose not so much due to heating, but due to interaction with air. After you have finished cooking dried fruits, leave Leave them to steep for two hours - all the necessary components will finally go into the compote.

Real uzvar

To be extremely precise in terms, uzvar is not an ordinary decoction of pears. It should contain sufficient quantities of “noble” ingredients such as raisins and dried apricots. Before cooking uzvar from dried fruits, dried apples and pears should be soaked for a quarter of an hour in warm water to equalize their cooking time with that required for more “delicate” components. It is these components that go into boiling water first; after a quarter of an hour they are joined by apricots and prunes, and after five minutes - raisins or dried apricots. Almost immediately the uzvar can be removed from the heat. It is worth noting that it will become most saturated after infusing in a warm place (but without heating, just in a cool room) for several hours.

Useful and pleasant supplements

It is important not only how to cook dried fruits correctly, but also what to supplement them with in order to increase the usefulness of the resulting compote. Firstly, it is not necessary to use sugar for sweetening - you can add figs, dates, etc. Secondly, it would be good to add a handful of rose hips to the uzvar: in addition to all its undoubted beneficial qualities, it adds some slight astringency to the drink. Thirdly, to refresh and improve tone, you can dip it in linden and mint leaves for a quarter of an hour. It is better to do this in a tea strainer or gauze to make it easier to extract: over-exposed herbs spoil the taste of the compote.

Uzvar, the recipe for which you will learn from dried fruits in this article, is a traditional drink native to Ukraine. It has been no less widespread since ancient times in Russia. And if earlier uzvar was prepared mainly in winter, during the Christmas holidays, now it is popular all year round, since this healthy drink not only has a wonderful taste, but also copes well with quenching thirst in the summer heat.

Before we start preparing the drink, let's look at what beneficial properties it has. Its benefits for human health are determined by the healing qualities of the fruits and berries that make up its composition. The components of uzvar can be not only dried pears and apples, but also such gifts of nature as prunes, raisins, hawthorn, dried apricots, the beneficial properties of which are preserved when the drink is properly prepared.

Thanks to these components, the drink contains many vitamins, as well as fiber and pectin, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Antioxidants, which are rich in pears and apples used in preparing the drink, remove harmful substances from the body, which has a positive effect on the functioning of almost all its organs.


By adding prunes to the uzvar, you will establish normal intestinal function. To strengthen the immune system, use hawthorn when preparing, and if you have problems with blood pressure, as well as the state of the cardiovascular system, dried apricots added to the drink will come to the rescue, which also has a diuretic effect.

Recipe for making uzvar from dried fruits

How to cook uzvar from dried fruits? Yes, it’s not at all difficult if you use the recipe that I inherited from my grandmother.

Ingredients for the drink:

    • dried apples – 1 cup;
    • water - 3 liters;
    • raisins – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
    • prunes or other dried fruits – 50 grams;
    • honey – 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

You can use other dried fruits, or cook uzvar only from dried apples.

Cooking steps:

Rinse dry apples thoroughly under running water.

Wash the prunes and raisins well.

Place the dried fruits in a saucepan, add cold water, put on the fire, bring to a boil, make the fire as quiet as possible, and simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat.

Let the uzvar cool a little and brew well. Then strain, add honey in the specified amount or sugar to taste. You can drink it both hot and cold.

Do not forget that when heated to a temperature of more than 60 degrees, honey loses a significant part of its beneficial properties, so add it to an already cooled drink.

Now you know how to cook dried fruit uzvar, recipe which is not particularly complex and labor-intensive. By brewing this wonderful drink, you will delight both adults and very young members of your family.

The Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev, who subtly and touchingly described the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people in his prose, paid a lot of attention to traditional holiday dishes. Thus, in the story “The Summer of the Lord” there is a story about the dishes that were prepared for the Christmas table. One of these dishes was uzvar (brew) - a drink that, as Shmelev writes, was prepared on Christmas Eve from prunes, pears and sheptala (dried peaches) and placed under icons - as if as a gift to Christ. Uzvar, along with kutya, was one of the ritual Christmas dishes, which has survived to this day.

In the old days, uzvar was constantly present on the tables of Russian people. It was a non-alcoholic drink (or rather a dessert) made from fresh and dried fruits, berries, and herbs. The consistency of the uzvar resembled jelly. To thicken it, starch or grain starter (wheat or oatmeal) was added. On holidays, wine or fruit and berry liqueurs were an additional ingredient.

A variation of this traditional dessert drink was berry and fruit sauces for meat dishes. Vegetables (onions, cabbage), vinegar, and honey were also added to such uzvars.

Uzvars, prepared with a variety of herbs with the addition of honey, were also used as a medicine for colds or stomach disorders.

In addition to uzvars, popular drinks on the festive table have always been kvass, mead (a low-alcohol drink based on honey) and sbiten.

What do people drink at Christmas in different countries?

Today, many countries have their own traditional Christmas drink. In Latin America, the USA and Canada, hot creamy drinks are prepared, such as eggnog (from milk, eggs, sugar with the addition of strong alcohol).

In many European countries, the traditional Christmas drink is hot wine with the addition of various spices (mulled wine or glogg). There are a great many recipes for such a drink, and they differ from each other in the set and quantity of spices.

The Christmas drink in England is hot cider based on ale (the English name Wassail means “Be healthy!”).

In warm countries, where there is no need for hot, warming drinks, they prefer fresh cocktails from local types of alcohol with the addition of fruits and flower petals.

Uzvar in modern Russian cuisine

Today, due to the abundance of various drinks and desserts on our tables, uzvars have practically sunk into oblivion. At the moment, most housewives not only do not prepare this dish, but perhaps do not even know its name. However, uzvars are still present in the church environment and constantly appear on tables as a ritual dish along with kutya and sochivo. Traditionally, uzvar is prepared on the eve of holidays and during Lent as a Lenten dessert.

It must be said that thanks to its wonderful taste and health properties, uzvars may well return to the modern gastronomic reality, like many traditional Russian dishes. Uzvars are nutritious, rich in vitamins and fully comply with the principles of a healthy diet. Here are some simple recipes for preparing uzvar.

Recipe for uzvar with apples

Uzvar can be prepared from both dry and fresh apples. For 3 liters of water you will need 500 g of fresh apples. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the fruits and cut them into thin slices, removing the core. Then pour boiling water over the chopped apples, add spices (mint, cinnamon, cloves, etc.), cover with a lid and leave for 4-5 hours. The apple soup is ready.

Dried fruit uzvar recipe

To prepare uzvar from dried fruits, take 400-500 g of various dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, figs, dried oranges, apples, pears), half a glass of sugar, a tablespoon of starch or oatmeal, a liter of water.

First, you need to thoroughly rinse the dried fruit mixture, clear it of debris and separate the dried apples and pears from the rest of the fruit. First of all, fill the apples and pears with water (since they take the longest to cook), add sugar and put the pan on the fire. Cook for 20 minutes, then add the remaining ingredients (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs, dried cherries, etc.) and cook for another 5 minutes. Next, dilute the starch (or flour) in cold water, pour it into the pan and bring to a boil. At the end, add spices as desired (cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, star anise, etc.).

The finished dried fruit uzvar must be cooled and served cold.

Recipe for uzvar with rose hips

Rosehip, or wild rose, is a rich source of vitamin C, so rosehip drinks are a very effective remedy for strengthening the immune system and treating colds.

To prepare uzvar you will need 40-50 dried rose hips, a liter of water, 2 tablespoons of honey and half a glass of sugar.

We thoroughly wash the rose hips and place them in boiling water. Cook for 3-4 minutes, then remove from heat and let the uzvar brew under a closed lid for about half an hour. After this, add honey and sugar. (If desired, sugar can be completely replaced with natural honey). Honey should only be added to a cooled drink to preserve all its beneficial properties.

Traditional Russian dishes
68th page of the section

Traditional ritual and ceremonial dishes

Vzvar- a special sweet dish for Christmas and Epiphany Eve. Infusions and compotes made from dried fruits and honey, as well as the recipe for pancakes, were introduced into Russian cuisine in the 9th century by the Varangian conquerors. “... On Christmas Eve, before Christmas, we didn’t eat until the star. Kutya was cooked from wheat with honey; broth - from prunes, pears, sear... They put it under the image, on the hay. Why?.. It’s like it’s a gift to Christ...” (I. S. Shmelev. Summer of the Lord).

The broth is prepared using a decoction of dried fruits and berries, sweetened with sugar or honey. Compared to compote, the broth turns out to be sweeter and more concentrated (less water is added). Sometimes it is cooked with rice and wine.

In ancient times, infusions were often prepared as a delicious sweet dish on the daily table.

- recipes marked with an asterisk can be prepared on fasting days.

dry fruits and berries - 100 g pears, 100 g apples, 100 g cherries, 100 g plums, 50 g raisins, 2/3 cup sugar or honey, 1 liter of water.

Sort out the dry fruits, rinse well, add water and cook, taking into account the cooking time of each fruit.
First, boil dry pears and apples, then add plums, cherries, raisins and bring to a boil.
Drain the broth, strain, dissolve honey or sugar in it, pour over the cooked fruits and berries and bring to a boil.
Then put the broth in a cold place and let it brew for 5-6 hours.
You can make a brew from any dried fruits and berries.

300-400 g of dried fruits (apples, pears, prunes, cherries, dried apricots, raisins), 150-200 g of honey, 0.2 g of cinnamon and cloves, 1 glass of white table or dessert wine, 800 g of water.

Cook, observing the order of the bookmarks, apples, pears, dried apricots, prunes, raisins.
At the end of cooking, add cinnamon, cloves, wine and honey.
Let it brew and cool.

1/3 cup rice, 5 dried apples, 5 dry pears, 1 cup prunes, 1.5 cups sugar, 1 cup red wine.

Boil the rice in plenty of water, place in a sieve and rinse with cold boiled water.
Wash dried fruits, add a small amount of water, add 1/2 cup sugar and cook until tender.
Then drain the broth, add the remaining sugar and cook a thick syrup. Pour over the rice, add half the red wine and mix well.
Moisten the mold with water, sprinkle with sugar and lay in layers of fruit, rice, more fruit, etc.
When serving, turn the pan over, place the broth on a plate and pour over the remaining wine.

Wash and cook dried apples. Boil dry pears separately with cinnamon and cloves. Mix the decoctions and strain through a sieve.
Wipe the fruits and put them in the broth so that it is not too thick.
Add sugar or honey to taste and cool.

200-300 g dried fruits, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons potato starch, 850 g water.

Sort and sort dried fruits by type.
Cut large apples and pears into 2-4 parts, add cold water and cook in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes, then add the rest of the fruits and berries, sugar and cook until tender.
After this, add starch diluted with cold water and bring to a boil.
Serve cold.

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