Home Products Who invented sweets? History of candy. Recipe "Homemade Raffaello"

Who invented sweets? History of candy. Recipe "Homemade Raffaello"

Once, when my sister and I were still little, our parents took us to the village for New Year. There, our uncle and I went into the forest and saw that there were candies hanging right on the bushes. We didn’t understand then that this was an uncle’s joke, and for a long time we were sure that candy grew in the forest.

And then it turned out that they were made in special confectionery factories.

We also learned that there was a time when such factories did not exist at all. It turned out that once upon a time people didn’t even know how to make sugar. And we felt very sorry for the ancient children, because we understood that without sugar you couldn’t make delicious sweets.

But they explained to us that first candies appeared a long time ago, in the East. And, despite the lack of sugar, they still turned out sweet. Because they were made from dates and honey.

They learned how to make candy in ancient Rus', they were brewed from maple syrup and honey.

Candies similar to modern ones, already using sugar, began to be produced in the 16th century in Italy. But, oddly enough, they were sold only in pharmacies and were intended exclusively for adults, because they were considered a very strong medicine. And this, of course, was unfair to the children.

Gradually, sweets with sugar began to be produced in other countries. Only there they were no longer sold in pharmacies, but in confectionery shops, delighting both themselves and their children.

One day Count Arakcheev arranged a reception in his palace and wished to treat the guest of honor, the emperor Paul I, such a rare delicacy in those days as chocolate candies. And suddenly it turned out that the recently brought in dish of sweets turned out to be completely empty. The angry count quietly left the dining room and interrogated the servants. It turned out that as soon as the dish appeared on the table, noble guests began to stuff sweets into their pockets and purses. Even the emperor allowed himself to do this.

And this happened not only at Arakcheev’s reception. The fact is that candy factories in Russia it didn't exist at that time. But there were small confectionery shops staffed by talented people who came up with their own recipes for these sweets.

After Arakcheev’s reception, an advertisement appeared above the entrance to one of the St. Petersburg confectioneries: “Our sweets are so good that they are even stolen from the counts’ tables.”

The first confectionery factory appeared in Russia only in the middle of the 19th century. Since then, noble guests have stopped stealing candy.

In 1563, guests came to the Spanish Queen Elizabeth of Valois to congratulate her on her birthday. They gave mostly jewelry. But a smile of joy appeared on her face only when she was presented with a box of Italian chocolates. Elizabeth's husband, Henry II, said:

It seems, my dear, you liked the sweets more than the diamonds.

The Queen replied:

They give me diamonds all the time; they are expensive, but you can buy them anywhere. And chocolates are such a rarity.

And she joked:

In addition, they are much tastier than diamonds.

But today, all over the world, including in Russia, so many candies are sold that the Spanish Queen would be very jealous of you guys.

Bon appetit! Eat candy for your health. Just, if you don’t want to ruin your teeth, don’t get too carried away with them.

17.08.2015 09.07.2019

Chocolates have become a favorite treat for many people, regardless of their gender or age. They are a symbol of a carefree childhood. Sweets are often used as gifts for loved ones, friends and colleagues. They always improve your mood in a surprising way: you eat a piece of candy, and everything in life works out as if by itself.

Historical facts

When telling the history of chocolates, it is worth starting with the creation of chocolate. The sweetness was brought to Europe from America in the 16th century by the Spanish conqueror Hernando Cortez, who was the first to appreciate it. This happened during Cortez's landing on the shore. On the American continent, native peoples actively used in their lives (especially religious) a certain drink that they prepared from cocoa beans. According to their beliefs, this drink had various healing properties.

For a long time, chocolate was known only at the Spanish court, but in the 17th century its fame spread to other European states of that time. France has been particularly successful in this area. The popularity of the sweet grew so quickly that even the church turned its attention to it. There was a controversy about chocolate, but by pure chance, chocolate products were not banned, since Pope Pius V did not like them. The chocolate seemed too bitter to him, and he decided that such “disgusting” could not corrupt a person. Since that time, sweet products began to gain more and more popularity.

The first chocolate sweets appeared only in the middle of the 19th century. They were created by Brussels pharmacist John Neuhaus in 1857. It all happened completely by accident: while inventing a cough medicine, he managed to create what was eventually called chocolate candies. They went on sale through the son of a pharmacist in 1912. But the packaging for the candies was designed by his wife - these were the familiar gold-colored wrappers. After that, the candies went in great demand.

Excursion to the chocolate factory

The process of making chocolate is very complex. The sweet is made from cocoa beans, the fruit of the chocolate tree, which grows primarily in South America, southern North America and West Africa. There are several varieties of cocoa beans. They differ in price and quality.

The cocoa beans are collected and sent for fermentation. They are then sorted and sent to factories where they are fried and ground. The subsequent taste of chocolate depends on the size of the crushed fruits. In other words, the result is grated cocoa, which contains cocoa butter.

Then the grated cocoa is heated to the desired temperature and pressed. As a result of the procedure, 2 products are obtained: cocoa butter and cake, from which cocoa powder is obtained. After this, the chocolate mass goes through the stage of conching, that is, thorough kneading at high temperatures. The process lasts either several hours or several days. High temperatures remove excess moisture and bitterness from chocolate.

Every sweet tooth is interested in the question of how chocolates are made. It is after this stage that the production of chocolate candies begins. The resulting and already frozen chocolate is sent to special bunker machines, where the mass begins to melt under the influence of temperature. At this time, in the neighboring workshop, the process of creating the filling for the future candy is actively underway.

At the next stage, the molds with the cells for the candies are heated. Melted chocolate is poured into the heated molds so that the cell is only one-third full. The completed mold is sent to a special cabinet, where it is cooled and the chocolate hardens. After this, a certain filling is added to the cells and covered with chocolate film.

And only after this procedure the surface of the future candy is completely filled with chocolate. The remaining sweet mass is removed with a special knife, and the candies are sent to the cabinet for cooling a second time. Finished chocolate products are sent for packaging.

In modern factories, all processes for the production of chocolate products are fully automated. People only exercise control over all actions.

Making sweets at home

You can prepare such delicacies at home. This is not at all difficult to do. Typically, making will require either chocolate or cocoa powder.

Recipes for delicious sweets that you can make with your own hands are accessible even to a non-professional confectioner. You can come up with original recipes yourself and always have your own personal branded chocolate on hand.

Experts highlight two of the easiest ways to make candy at home. For the first recipe you will need:

  • 65 g butter;
  • 8 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 6 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 6 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 1.5 tsp. wheat flour.

For the filling: walnuts, raisins and fruit to taste. The molds are either purchased or taken from a candy box. During the cooking process, you need to mix cocoa powder with sugar and heat the milk (do not bring it to a boil). Pour the mixture into the milk and cook over low heat, stirring continuously for several minutes, until the mixture is smooth.

Then add flour and cook for a few minutes. Fill the molds one-third full with the resulting mixture, add the filling and pour in the remaining chocolate. Place the workpiece in the cold until completely hardened. The finished products are removed from the molds and packaged in foil.

For the second recipe you need to prepare:

  • 250-300 g roasted peanuts;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • cookies “For tea” – 4 pcs.;
  • 3.5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2.5 tsp. butter;
  • 1-2 bars of any chocolate.

Place honey and butter in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour this liquid over the previously crushed peanuts and cookies. When the mass thickens somewhat, you can make small balls from it. Melt the chocolate in any convenient way (in a water bath, in the microwave, in a double boiler).

Using a pair of forks, dip the balls into chocolate and place them on foil and let them harden in a cool place. The sweets are ready.

Some cooking tips:

  1. The molds must be perfectly dry without a drop of moisture.
  2. Cooking should be done in a cool place (up to 22 degrees).
  3. When melting, liquid in the form of liqueur or cognac can be added to the chocolate.

Composition of sweet products

The calorie content of sweets directly depends on the composition of the confectionery product. Of course, this figure will be significantly higher for chocolates than for caramel products. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers replace cocoa butter in chocolate with heavier palm or coconut oil. Chocolate candy can have various high-calorie fillings, so it’s better not to get carried away with such sweets.

List of delicious sweets and their calorie content (100 g of product):

  • chocolate marmalade – 437 kcal;
  • truffle – 347 kcal;
  • chocolate covered cherries – 399 kcal;
  • chocolate covered cherries with liqueur – 490 kcal;
  • assorted dark chocolate – 540 kcal;
  • chocolate candy with filling – 455 kcal;
  • milk chocolate – 555 kcal;
  • white chocolate – 580 kcal;
  • dried fruits in chocolate – 345 kcal;
  • waffles in chocolate – 575 kcal;
  • products with nut praline – 530 kcal.

Are they harmful or beneficial?

So what is more in sweets - harm or benefit? There is no clear answer to this question. The main advantage of the products is the content of “fast” carbohydrates, which allows a person to restore their energy supply in a short time.

Thanks to chocolate, the body produces the so-called “happiness hormone” – endorphin.

In most cases, only excessive and uncontrolled consumption of these delicacies, especially by children, can cause harm. Not only can you become overweight, but your teeth can deteriorate, diathesis and diabetes mellitus appear. Various dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers that are so often added to sweets can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. In this case, it is better to make chocolates at home to be completely sure that all the ingredients are natural. You can and should eat sweets, but you should do it wisely.

Humanity's love for sweets dates back thousands of years. The first mention of sweets was found in ancient Egypt. Of course, they differed in appearance and taste from the caramels and chocolate bars we are used to. At that time there was no sugar, it was replaced by honey, and fruits were used as fillers. However, we can safely say that it was precisely this combination that became the first candy and inspired subsequent generations of humanity throughout the earth to experiment with creating new types of delicacies.

In the Middle Ages, sweets were available only to wealthy people, and among people of the noble class, eating candy was considered a sign of the aristocracy and an obligatory attribute, like a horse hunt or a ball. Chocolate was considered a magical drink that awakened sensuality and was drunk in strictly prescribed doses - something like ancient Viagra.

By the way, until the 16th century, only the Mayans and Aztecs enjoyed chocolate, until the Spanish explorer Hernán Cortez paid a visit to Montezuma and brought the cocoa recipe to Europe. The drink was tried almost immediately, but the sophisticated public wanted something new, so they began adding spices, nuts and raisins to the chocolate. Thus began the experiments to create a chocolate bar. In 1875 they were finally successful. David Peter and Henry Nestlé added condensed milk to cocoa mass and a few secret ingredients, thus creating a chocolate bar that did not melt and whose life on the store shelf was extended for several months. The delicacy of the ancient Indians became more accessible and, as a result, cheaper, which could not but please fans of sweets. The candy and chocolate business has reached a new level, conquering new markets and heights.

This is how Richard Cadberry introduced the fashion of giving heart-shaped boxes of chocolates for Valentine's Day. In 1868, his daughter and her kitten were painted on them. The cute picture and excellent filling of the cardboard heart became a bestseller. Since then, packaging with the words "Be Mine" and "Kiss Me" has been sold in the millions every year.
Three-color lollipop is a famous world brand. This delicacy on a stick is loved by both small children and nymphets. George Smith claims he invented the hit in 1908 and named it Lolly Pop after his favorite horse. Although this statement is controversial, the popularity of the candy is undeniable.

The theme of cloven-hoofed pets was continued by Mars, which in 1930 introduced the Snickers chocolate bar, named after the family's favorite pony. Whether it's the little pony or the flavor, to this day Snickers is the best-selling candy bar in the world.

“It should melt in your mouth, not in your hands” - perhaps this is exactly what the American military said when they ordered the production of chocolates included in soldiers’ rations. Probably, with sticky hands and a machine gun at the ready, it was problematic to bring the ideals of democracy to third world countries. The confectioners achieved their goal, and named their product M&M in honor of its creators, Forest Mars and Bruce Murier. Since then, funny colorful candies have raised the spirit of valiant military personnel and the ordinary citizens they protect.

Perfectionism is common in the pastry business. Skittles are frosted for 8 hours to achieve the perfect texture. The shell is formed layer by layer and then polished. This is how the factory believes that the taste of fruit dragee is revealed.

Success, recognition, and prosperity are characterized by the phrase “sweet life.” Therefore, it is not for nothing that everyone loves sweet candies, and whoever says otherwise is disingenuous.

Today, sweets have become one of the traditional treats on our table during tea parties. Few people would refuse to treat themselves to some sweets for their tea, and manufacturers are trying to bring more and more new varieties of sweet delicacies to the market.

However, if you decide to study the history of the origin of candies in order to learn many interesting details and facts, then in this article we have tried to collect for you the most interesting historical excerpts from the history of the appearance and gradual development of candies. However, we immediately warn you that after our story you will have an irresistible desire to quickly buy candy in Moscow, and more.

An ancient delicacy

Like many dishes on our table, sweets have been known since ancient times. Even 3 thousand years ago, references to sweets appeared in a variety of sources. The first candies were very simple, no chocolate was added to them, but in shape they were already similar to what we see on the table today.

The sweet first appeared in the Middle East, and then it consisted of nuts and dried fruits pressed with honey. The delicacy was served to rich nobles, but ordinary people did not forget and occasionally indulged themselves with such sweetness. Of course, sugar and chocolate were not added there - completely different ingredients were used.

If we talk about chocolate, the first candies using it appeared in South America. Here, sweets with chocolate were served for the table of priests and high-ranking Indians.

European innovation

If in the East sweets for a long time were in the state in which we wrote about them above, then in Europe cooks gradually began to experiment with them. For example, in Italy, back in the 16th century, sugar was first added to sweets. An interesting feature is that sweets with sugar were sold only in pharmacies for a long time. Moreover, at high prices - sugar was not the most affordable delicacy. Sweets were considered medicinal due to the properties of sugar to raise a person’s tone - patients who did not receive additional glucose naturally became better from sugar.

However, gradually the candies began to move from the shelves of pharmacies to traditional confectionery stores.

What about in Russia?

It’s interesting that in our country, sweets were made back in Ancient Rus'. Back then they were created using honey, molasses and sugar syrup. Traditional sweets appeared on the tables of Russians during the time of Peter I. Then sugar began to be imported into Russia, and quite quickly they began to use sugar beets to obtain it. At the same time, chocolates remained a delicacy for the richest buyers for a long time. Today everything has changed, and anyone can buy caramel in Moscow, as well as a wide variety of sweets. So why deny yourself this?

The history of mankind's love for sweets began about three thousand years ago. The first confectionery products appeared in Ancient Egypt. The prototypes of modern sweets were made from boiled honey with the addition of dates. It was customary to throw sweets into the crowd during the ceremonial departures of the pharaohs.
The recipes for the first sweets were not very diverse; residents of Ancient Greece and the countries of the Middle East enjoyed similar confectionery products. At that time, people did not know how to produce sugar; the basis of all sweets was honey with the addition of dried apricots, nuts, sesame seeds, poppy seeds and spices.

The first candies appeared in Europe

At the dawn of our era, brown sugar, made from cane, was imported to Europe from India. Subsequently, the sweet product was supplanted by a cheaper American analogue, which led to the rapid development of confectionery production in the countries of the Old World.
Sweets in a form more familiar to us appeared in Italy in the 16th century. Confectioners in this European country melted lump sugar over a fire, mixed the resulting mass with fruit and berry syrups and poured it into various forms. The predecessors of modern caramel in medieval Italy were sold only in, as it was believed that the sweets had healing properties. Interestingly, initially only adults could buy the tasty medicine.

The first chocolates appeared in...Europe!

The first chocolate dessert, which is a mixture of grated nuts, candied honey, lumps of cocoa, doused with melted sugar, was made by the Duke of Plessis ─ Praline. This is in 1671 in Belgium, where the nobleman served as the French ambassador. There were still 186 years left until the advent of real chocolates.
Belgian pharmacist John Neuhaus worked on an invention for coughs in 1857. Quite by accident, he managed to obtain a product that today is called “chocolate candies.” Since 1912, the son of a pharmacist introduced them into mass sale. The real excitement began after the pharmacist’s wife came up with the idea of ​​wrapping sweets in golden wrappers.
The candy owes its name to the same pharmacists. The Latin word confectum was used as a term by medieval pharmacists. In ancient times, this was the name given to processed fruits prepared for further use for medicinal purposes.

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