Home Porridge Sugar-free jam: the best recipes. Low-calorie jam (sugar-free!!!) Blueberry jam without sugar

Sugar-free jam: the best recipes. Low-calorie jam (sugar-free!!!) Blueberry jam without sugar

The advantages of jam, jam, confiture and other winter preparations from fruits and seasonal berries are a long shelf life and even health benefits. These sweets, familiar from childhood, as well as marmalade, are prohibited for type 2 diabetics. Such people can use sugar-free jams, the preparation methods for which we will tell you about.

How to make jam without sugar

Any dessert with the addition of granulated sugar is a calorie bomb with a high glycemic index for people with high glucose levels.

It is recommended to use natural or synthetic sweetener. The first group includes xylitol, fructose, erythrol, sorbitol and stevioside contained in the products, the second - acesulfame, cyclamate, aspartame, saccharin and sucralose.

You can take any raw berries - fresh from your own plot, purchased at the market or frozen from the supermarket. The main thing is that the fruits are well ripened.

Before preparing the delicacy, the fruits are washed with plain water, removing the stems and core, and after drying, they are poured into a non-stick dish with high walls, placed in the microwave at the highest power, there is no need to cover with a lid. For traditional sugar-free jam, any harmless sweetener purchased at a pharmacy, store or supermarket is suitable.

Video “Sugar-free jam recipes for diabetics”

In this video you will learn several delicious sugar-free jam recipes that are suitable for diabetics.

Healthy Recipes

With raspberries

Raspberries, unlike strawberries and other berries, are not washed before cooking. To make a treat in your own juice, take 6 kg of berries, which are gradually poured into a large pan, compacted, then put it in a bucket, having previously covered the bottom with a piece of material. The dish should boil and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour, adding fruit after settling. Winter preparations are packaged in jars and wrapped in a blanket, after which they are placed in a cool, dark place.

With cherry

Jam for diabetics with cherries can be made from 1 kg of fruit and the same amount of granulated sugar substitute xylitol. You should wash the cherries, remove the pits, and leave them for 12 hours in a cool place. When a lot of juice appears, put the mass on low heat, adding xylitol. Cook until boiling and then stir for another 10 minutes with a spoon. The cherry delicacy is stored in the refrigerator.

With tangerines

Be sure to prepare delicious tangerine jam from 0.9 kg of ripe fruit, the same amount of sorbitol and 1 glass of still water.

The recipe is simple. Tangerines are washed with water, doused with boiling water, the skin is removed, and the pulp is cut into cubes. Place in a large saucepan, add water and simmer for about 30 minutes. Grind with a blender, continue cooking by adding sorbitol no more than 5 minutes after boiling. Jam, packaged in sterile jars, can be stored for a whole year.

Apple juice with stevia

You will need 1 tsp. sweetener per 1 kg of apple fruits.

The apples are peeled, cut into pieces, stevioside powder is diluted in 0.5 glass of water and poured into the pan. The mass is heated over low heat, removed and cooled before boiling. The second time the dish should boil, the third time should also boil and cook for 15 minutes. After rolling, desserts are placed in a dark place, and after opening - in the refrigerator.

Strawberry with agar-agar

Many will enjoy a diabetic delicacy made from 1.9 kg of strawberries, 1 glass of apple juice, half a lemon, 7 g of agar or pectin.

Strawberries should be washed, stems removed, and added to the pan along with apple and lemon juice. The dish is cooked for about 30 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Agar-agar is diluted with water, infused and added to the container, the mixture should boil.

Prepackaged strawberry treats will keep in the cellar or refrigerator for about 1 year.

For patients with diabetes, you can prepare mono-jam from cranberries, plums and other fruits, as well as various mixes with the addition of sweeteners. It all depends on a person’s taste preferences and the flight of his imagination.

The number of housewives making sugar-free jam is growing every year. Many appreciated that such preparation is both healthier and more financially profitable. Berries and fruits boiled in their own juice contain the entire range of vitamins, are low in calories and, unlike classical preserves, have wider uses in cooking.

How to make jam without sugar?

There are several ways to make sugar-free jam for the winter. Fruits (plums, cherries, apricots, apples) are subjected to multi-stage cooking or simmered in a steam bath. The berries are placed in jars, placed in a pan filled one third with water and cooked over low heat, adding fresh specimens as they settle.

  1. Sugar-free jam is made exclusively from dense and moderately ripe berries and fruits.
  2. If the fruits are not juicy enough, add water during cooking.
  3. Store the workpiece exclusively in a cold place: in the cellar or refrigerator.

Sugar-free apple pectin jam is one of the convenient ways to replenish winter supplies with a thick and aromatic preparation, spending only 15 minutes on its preparation. Unlike citrus pectin, apple pectin gives jam a light fruity flavor, a richer color and does not lose its gelling properties even after prolonged cooking.


  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • peeled pear - 200 g;
  • apple pectin - 10 g;
  • stevia tablets - 6 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.


  1. Cut the pear into cubes and the strawberries into slices.
  2. Add lemon juice, place the container on the stove and simmer for 10 minutes after boiling.
  3. Crush stevia tablets and mix them with apple pectin.
  4. Pour the mixture into the berries and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes.
  5. Place the sugar-free pectin jam into sterile jars, close the lids and leave to cool.

Making cherry jam without sugar is not a quick task. The berries contain little pectin, so they are boiled for 2.5 hours in their own juice, and a water bath is used to prevent them from burning. This jam is a great success: viscous, dense, thick, with a piquant sour taste, it makes excellent sauces and gravies for meat and game.


  • cherry - 600 g;
  • water - 3 l.


  1. Before making sugar-free jam, remove the pits from the cherries.
  2. Place the berries in a small saucepan.
  3. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a larger saucepan.
  4. Place the container with berries so that it touches the water.
  5. Cook for 2.5 hours.
  6. The first 30 minutes on high heat, the subsequent time on low heat, periodically adding water.
  7. Cover the hot sugar-free cherry jam with cling film.
  8. After cooling, transfer to sterile jars, screw on the lids and transfer to the refrigerator.

Sugar-free jam is a recipe that allows you to change the consistency of the product. The same apricots can be pureed, boiled whole or cooked in halves. In the latter case, the jam will have a brighter taste, an appetizing appearance and can be used not only as a filling for baked goods, but also as a separate delicious dessert.


  • apricots - 5 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Divide the apricots into halves and remove the pits.
  2. Add water and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.
  3. By this time, apricot jam without sugar should reach sufficient thickness.
  4. Let the jam cool, package it in sterile containers, seal with clean lids and store in a cool place.

The strawberry season is short. This forces most housewives to make sugar-free strawberry jam in their own juice directly in jars. This method of preparation allows you to process a lot of berries, sterilize both the workpiece and the jars at the same time, and get a high-quality product that can be stored at room temperature.


  • strawberries - 5 kg.


  1. Place peeled strawberries in jars.
  2. Place the jars in a saucepan filled one-third with water.
  3. Turn on low heat and simmer the berries for an hour.
  4. Roll up with sterile lids.

Sugar-free is a popular preparation. Simple, cheap and very flavorful. A special plus is that you can adjust the taste and consistency of the jam. Sweet varieties will make it thicker and richer, sour varieties will make it more tender and piquant. In any case, it is better to cook apples with lemon juice, which will act as an excellent preservative and will not allow them to darken.


  • apples - 2.5 kg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. Peel the apples and cut into slices.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice and mix with the apples.
  3. Add water and simmer over low heat until softened, 25 minutes.
  4. Place in jars and sterilize in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  5. Roll up the sugar-free jam with sterile lids.

Without sugar, cook with sweeteners or apples. In the latter version, the jam will be more natural and balanced. The apples become sweeter during cooking, which compensates for the rich sour taste of the rhubarb. Without thickeners, the jam will be runny, so it is best to use gelatin.


  • rhubarb - 1 kg;
  • apples - 350 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml;
  • gelatin - 30 g.


  1. Soak the gelatin in 100 ml of water for 10 minutes.
  2. Grate the peeled apples. Cut the rhubarb into small cubes.
  3. Pour in 150 ml of water, lemon juice and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Add gelatin, stir and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  5. Divide the jam into jars.

Sugar-free jam with stevia is healthy for everyone without exception. Honey grass, having a sweet taste, does not increase blood sugar levels, has zero calories and has antibacterial properties. Both dried leaves and syrup and powder are suitable for jam. The main thing is to calculate the dose, since if you overdo it, the jam may taste bitter.


  • raspberries - 1.2 kg;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • stevioside - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • apple pectin - 50 g.


  1. Dissolve stevioside and apple pectin in water.
  2. Add to the berries and simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Skim off the foam, pour the jam into sterile jars and seal.

Sugar-free jam in a slow cooker

Without sugar, you can safely make it in a slow cooker. This is the only berry that does not lose its beneficial properties even with hour-long heat treatment. In order for the jam to quickly acquire the required thickness, it is better to first boil the berries in a saucepan, strain off the excess juice and continue cooking in a slow cooker.


  • currants - 3 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.


  1. Pour water over the berries and steam in a saucepan for 15 minutes.
  2. Strain the juice and place the pulp into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Simmer with the valve open in the “Extinguishing” mode for 60 minutes.
  4. Place in sterile jars and seal.

More often than not, sugar-free is a healing remedy that helps cope with winter ailments. That is why the berries are treated with extreme care and a gentle cooking method is used to preserve all the vitamins - steaming. Keep the preparation in the refrigerator, protecting the jam from mold with parchment soaked in vodka.

Jam and preserves can safely be called the most favorite delicacy; few people can deny themselves the pleasure of eating a couple of spoons of an aromatic and tasty product. The value of jam lies in the fact that even after prolonged heat treatment it will not lose the beneficial qualities of the berries and fruits from which it is made.

However, doctors do not always allow the consumption of jam in unlimited quantities; first of all, jam is prohibited in the presence of diabetes mellitus, other metabolic disorders and excess weight.

The reason for the ban is simple, jam with white sugar is a real calorie bomb, it has too high a glycemic index, jam can cause harm to patients who have high blood glucose levels. The only way out of this situation is to make jam without adding sugar. This dessert can be included in the diet without the risk of complications from the disease.

If you make jam without sugar, it still doesn’t hurt to calculate the number of bread units and the glycemic index of the product.

Raspberry jam

Raspberry jam for diabetics is quite thick and aromatic; after prolonged cooking, the berry retains its unique aroma. The dessert is consumed as a separate dish, added to tea, and used as a base for compotes and jelly.

Making jam takes a long time, but it's worth it. You need to take 6 kg of raspberries, place them in a large saucepan, shaking them well from time to time to compact them. Berries are usually not washed so as not to lose valuable and tasty juice.

After this, you need to take an enamel bucket and put a piece of fabric folded several times on its bottom. Place a container with raspberries on the fabric, pour warm water into the bucket (you need to fill the bucket halfway). If a glass jar is used, it should not be placed in water that is too hot as the temperature change may cause it to burst.

The bucket must be placed on the stove, the water must be brought to a boil, and then the flame must be reduced. When sugar-free jam for diabetics is prepared, gradually:

  1. juice is released;
  2. the berry settles to the bottom.

Therefore, you need to periodically add fresh berries until the container is full. Boil the jam for an hour, then roll it up, wrap it in a blanket and let it brew.

Using this principle, jam is prepared using fructose; the only difference is that the product will have a slightly different glycemic index.

Nightshade jam

Sugar level

For type 2 diabetics, the doctor recommends making jam from the sunberry, which we call nightshade. The natural product will have an anti-putrefactive, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and hemostatic effect on the human body. This jam is prepared using fructose with the addition of ginger root.

It is necessary to thoroughly wash 500 g of berries, 220 g of fructose, add 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger root. Nightshade must be separated from debris and sepals, then each berry must be pierced with a needle (to prevent damage during cooking).

At the next stage, boil 130 ml of water, dissolve the sweetener in it, pour the syrup into the berries, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. The stove is turned off, the jam is left for 7 hours, and after this time, ginger is added and boiled again for a couple of minutes.

The finished jam can be eaten immediately or transferred to prepared jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Tangerine jam

You can also make jam from tangerines; citrus fruits are indispensable for diabetes or excess weight. Tangerine jam helps strengthen the immune system, reduce the concentration of low-density blood cholesterol, improves digestion, and qualitatively lowers blood sugar levels.

You can prepare a diabetic treat with sorbitol or jam with fructose; the glycemic index of the product will be low. To prepare, take 1 kg of ripe tangerines, the same amount of sorbitol (or 400 g of fructose), 250 ml of pure water without gas.

The fruits are first washed, doused with boiling water, and the skins are removed. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt to remove the white veins and cut the pulp into small slices. The zest will become an equally important ingredient in the jam; it is also cut into thin strips.

Place tangerines in a saucepan, add water, and cook for 40 minutes over low heat. This time is enough for the fruits:

  • became soft;
  • excess moisture has been boiled away.

When ready, remove the sugar-free jam from the stove, cool, pour into a blender and grind well. The mixture is poured back into the pan, sweetener is added, and brought to a boil.

This jam for diabetes can be canned or eaten immediately. If you want to make jam, pour it while still hot into sterile glass jars and seal it.

Jam prepared according to the recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for a year and can be used for diabetes mellitus of the first and second types.

Strawberry jam

For type 2 diabetes, sugar-free jam can be made from strawberries; the taste of such a delicacy will be rich and bright. Make jam according to this recipe: 2 kg of strawberries, 200 ml of apple juice, juice of half a lemon, 8 g of gelatin or agar-agar.

First, soak the strawberries, wash them, and remove the stems. Place the prepared berries in a saucepan, add apple and lemon juice, and boil for 30 minutes over low heat. As it boils, it is necessary to remove the foam.

About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, you need to add gelatin, previously dissolved in cool water (there should be little liquid). At this stage, it is important to thoroughly stir the thickener, otherwise lumps will appear in the jam.

Prepared mixture:

  1. pour into a saucepan;
  2. bring to a boil;
  3. turn off.

The product can be stored for one year in a cool place and can be eaten with tea.

Cranberry jam

Cranberry jam is prepared using fructose for diabetics; the delicacy will boost immunity and help cope with viral diseases and colds. How much cranberry jam can you eat? In order not to harm yourself, you need to consume a couple of spoons of dessert per day; the glycemic index of jam allows you to eat it often.

Cranberry jam can be included in. Moreover, the dish will help lower blood sugar levels, normalize digestive processes, and have a beneficial effect on the pancreas.

For jam, you need to prepare 2 kg of berries, sort them out from leaves, debris and anything unnecessary. Then the berries are washed under running water and discarded in a colander. When the water has drained, the cranberries are placed in prepared jars, covered with a lid and prepared using the same technology as raspberry jam.

Can jam be given to children with diabetes? If there is no allergic reaction, jam is allowed to be consumed by all categories of diabetics, the main thing is to count bread units.

Plum jam

It is not difficult to prepare plum jam and for diabetics the recipe is simple and does not require much time. You need to take 4 kg of ripe, whole plums, wash them, remove seeds and twigs. Since plums are allowed to be consumed if carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, jam can also be eaten.

Boil water in an aluminum pan, put plums in it, cook on medium gas, stirring constantly. For this amount of fruit you need to pour 2/3 cup of water. After 1 hour, you need to add a sweetener (800 g of xylitol or 1 kg of sorbitol), stir and cook until thickened. When the product is ready, add a little vanillin and cinnamon for taste.

Is it possible to eat plum jam immediately after preparation? Of course, you can, if desired, it can be prepared for the winter; in this case, the still hot plums are poured into sterile jars, rolled up and cooled. Store in a cool place.

By and large, you can make jam for patients with diabetes from any fresh fruits and berries, the main condition is that the fruits should not be:

  1. unripe;
  2. overripe.

Unless otherwise stated in the recipe, fruits and berries are thoroughly washed and the core and stalks are removed. It is allowed to prepare the delicacy with sorbitol, xylitol and fructose; if a sweetener is not added, you need to choose fruits that can release a lot of their own juice.

An expert will tell you how to make jam for a diabetic in the video in this article.

Sugar level

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Sugar-free chia jam is a healthy and tasty, easy-to-prepare low-calorie delicacy that will appeal to all supporters of proper nutrition, raw foodists, vegetarians, vegans, those losing weight, as well as those who adhere to a diet that limits or excludes the consumption of refined sugar.

Prepared without cooking, based on fresh berry puree, with the addition of chia seeds and a small amount of honey or natural sugar substitutes, the jam turns out incredibly aromatic and tasty, contains a lot of natural vitamins and beneficial microelements and at the same time has the same incredibly appetizing jelly-like, thick consistency. , which is the same as a classic jam. The completely natural, “living” composition of the jam (without preservatives, sugar and heat treatment) has only one disadvantage - a relatively short shelf life, which is 7 days.

You can make chia jam from most berries and fruits, both fresh and frozen. The exceptions are blueberries and fruits with a high acid content. Today I propose to prepare aromatic chia jam from fresh raspberries. Shall we get started?

For cooking you will need the following ingredients.

Grind the raspberries until pureed.

If using frozen berries, first defrost the berries by leaving them at room temperature for several hours. Since the berries will give a lot of juice during the defrosting process, you don’t need to add water when preparing the jam further.

Add 2 tbsp. water, honey or sweetener to taste and 1 tbsp. lemon juice (optional). Mix everything thoroughly. Lemon juice will highlight the sweetness of the berries and serve as a natural flavor enhancer.

Stir chia seeds into the mixture.

Cover the container with cling film, place the jam in the refrigerator and let it sit for 1-2 hours so that the seeds swell and the mass thickens.

Then mix everything thoroughly again, and after making sure that the mass has hardened evenly and you are satisfied with the resulting consistency, transfer the jam into a hermetically sealed container and place in the refrigerator for storage. The recommended shelf life of live chia jam is 7 days.

If necessary, you can adjust the consistency of the jam to your taste by adding a little water or another 0.5-1 tbsp to the finished jam. chia seeds. In order to make chia seeds more invisible, you can grind the finished jam in a blender.

Chia jam without sugar is ready.

Many housewives don’t even realize that you can make jam without sugar. But this product (sugar) harms the body. In the distant past, human ancestors got along just fine without it. This did not greatly affect the taste properties of the finished jam. On the contrary, the workpiece turned out to be more useful.

Simple rules

You can still make jam without sugar today using ancient recipes. Some people motivate this by the high cost of the product, and others by the benefits of the sugar-free preparation. So, how to make jam without sugar. To begin with, there are a few rules to remember:

  1. Before making this jam, you should thoroughly wash the strawberries under running water. At this stage it is worth removing the cups. But you shouldn’t wash raspberries.
  2. It is best to pick berries and fruits in clear and sunny weather. According to experts, it is at this time that the fruits have a richer and sweeter taste.
  3. Strawberries and raspberries have absorbent properties. When cooking, such products are boiled into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Cherries, as well as sweet cherries, cooked in their own juice, not only have a bright taste, but also bring more benefits to the body. You can cook these berries together. One part of the cherries just needs to be washed and scattered into jars, and the second part should be boiled a little, preferably until mushy. After this, the product should be wiped. It is enough to sterilize the jam and roll it up.
  5. Apples, plums and pears contain a lot of juice. They can be filled with liquid obtained after evaporating currants or raspberries.

How to make sugar-free jam from strawberries

The finished product is perfect as a filling for pancakes and pies. To make strawberry jam without sugar, you will need several kilograms of strawberries, as well as small glass containers.

Cooking process

It is very easy to prepare without sugar. To begin with, the berries should be thoroughly washed and the stalks removed. Strawberries need to be dried thoroughly after processing. The containers in which the jam will be stored must also be washed and sterilized.

The berries should be placed in a deep saucepan and put on fire. The contents of the container should be brought to a boil. After this, the jam can be removed from the heat and carefully placed into jars. Containers with fruits should be placed in a pan of water and sterilized. 20 minutes after the water boils, the jars of strawberries can be removed and rolled up. The jam must cool, and the jars must be turned upside down. In this way you can make currant jam without sugar.

Cherry jam

Sugar-free is very popular. It is very simple to prepare. To do this you will need water and 400 g of berries, previously pitted.

Cooking steps

To make it tasty without sugar, you should cook it in a water bath. To do this you will need several deep containers. The pan should be filled with water, the amount of liquid should be slightly more than half the volume of the container. The water needs to be brought to a boil. The cherries must be pitted and placed in a deep bowl, preferably a fireproof one.

After this, the container with the berries should be placed in a water bath. The cherries should be cooked over high heat for 30 minutes. After this, the flame should be reduced. It takes about three hours to cook the jam without sugar; you can add water if necessary.

While the berries are cooking, it’s worth preparing the jars. They need to be thoroughly washed, dried and then sterilized. Remove the finished jam from the water bath and then cool. Place the cooled delicacy into jars and cover with metal lids. It is best to store without sugar in a cool place.

Raspberry jam for the winter without sugar

This delicacy is enjoyed not only by the little ones. An adult will also like it. It brightens up your tea party and will also help cure any cold. In addition, raspberry jam contains many vitamins that are so necessary for a person during the cold season. In addition, its preparation requires few ingredients. To make raspberry jam for the winter, you will need several kilograms of berries and water.

How to make raspberry jam

Even a very young housewife can make a delicious raspberry treat. This does not require special skills or knowledge. First you need to prepare the necessary utensils. To make raspberry jam, you need an enamel bucket and gauze. The material should be folded in several layers and placed at the bottom of the container.

The jars in which the delicacy will be stored must be thoroughly washed and dried. Place raspberries in prepared containers and compact thoroughly. After this, the jars need to be placed in an enamel bucket, add a little water and put on low heat. Once it starts to boil, the berries will release juice and their volume will decrease significantly. Therefore, during the cooking process it is necessary to add raspberries to the jars. The berries should boil for about an hour.

The finished raspberry jam should be rolled up with lids and then cooled, turning upside down. Store the treat in a cool place.

Apricot jam

Today you can buy quite tasty apricot jam in the store. However, it tastes very different from homemade. If you wish, you can make your own apricot jam without sugar. Many will agree that this delicacy is ideal as a filling for creating cakes, pies, pies, buns and a variety of desserts. Please note that there are several ways to make apricot jam. This results in a delicacy that is completely different in taste.

To make apricot jam, you will need one kilogram of fruit. If desired, you can do without sugar. In this case, it is better to choose overripe fruits - such apricots contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, this component is not needed when making jam.

Overripe fruits should first be thoroughly washed, dried and pitted. After this, the apricots should be chopped. This can be done using a food processor or meat grinder.

The containers in which the treat will be stored must be prepared in advance. They should be washed and sterilized.

The mass obtained as a result of processing the fruit must be poured into a fireproof container and put on fire. The jam should be brought to a boil and cooked for about five minutes. After this, put the finished treat into prepared jars and carefully roll it up, preferably with sterile metal lids.

Apple jam

How to make sugar-free apple jam? Probably many housewives have asked themselves this question. If desired, you can make a dessert with fructose. This recipe is perfect for those who suffer from diabetes, but do not want to deny themselves sweets. For preparation you will need:

  1. Peeled apples - one kilogram.
  2. Fructose - about 650 grams.
  3. Pectin - 10 grams.
  4. A few glasses of water.

Making apple jam

First you need to prepare the fruit. They should be washed and peeled, removing the core and peel. The pulp must be cut into cubes. The result should be about one kilogram of chopped apples.

Water should be mixed with fructose and syrup should be prepared. To make the composition thicker, add pectin. After this, add chopped apples to the resulting mass and cook for about seven minutes. It is not worth subjecting the product to heat treatment for longer than the specified time, as fructose begins to change its properties.

Glass containers must be washed and sterilized. The same should be done with the lids. The finished apple jam must be placed in prepared containers and then rolled up. The treat should be stored in a cool place so that it is not exposed to the sun's rays.

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