Home Salads and snacks Sourdough Whole Wheat Bread. Whole grain sourdough bread in the oven Whole grain wheat bread with rye sourdough

Sourdough Whole Wheat Bread. Whole grain sourdough bread in the oven Whole grain wheat bread with rye sourdough

Homemade bread turns out fluffy, aromatic, not crumbly, with a thin, appetizing crust and a pleasant aftertaste. These are baked goods made with a large amount of whole wheat or rye flour. The recipe for whole grain sourdough bread allows you to enrich your daily and dietary nutrition with a tasty, healthy product.

Whole grain sourdough bread recipe

“Live” microorganisms are stored in the refrigerator indefinitely. The mass must be renewed, maintained, and “fed” with flour and water 1-2 times every 15 days. Knead the sourdough and leave the thick dough for 12 hours. Mix the dough based on the ripened dough. At first, the process seems complicated. You have to wait a long time for the leaven and dough to ripen. In fact, everything turns out to be elementary; preparation does not take much time. The dough kneads easily. Whole grain or wheat sourdough bread will require 3 to 5 days of preparation. Cooking time – 1-2 hours.
Gray or gray-yellow whole grain flour is ground together with bran. It contains all the grain shells and germ, rich in useful substances. Premium and first grade wheat contains little fiber and minerals.

Ingredients for the recipe: “Whole grain bread with natural sourdough”

For baking homemade bread, “live” sourdough in an active state, whole grain flour and, if necessary, wheat flour are used. The dough rises quickly and kneads easily.
Ingredients for the loaf (shape 30x11x6 cm):

  • sourdough made with whole grain flour – 200 g;
  • warm water – 433 g;
  • whole grain flour 500 g;
  • salt – 13 g;
  • sugar – 11 g.

The composition can be changed to your taste, use any flour, add honey, molasses or muscovado sugar, dried fruits, herbs, nuts, bran, spices.

To prepare the starter you need:

  • whole grain flour – 20 g;
  • warm water – 20 g;
  • rye starter – 15 g (will speed up the fermentation process up to 6 hours).

Feed the starter 2-5 times, taking into account the peculiarities of the process. The first time - 40 g of whole grain flour and water. Leave to “rest” for 6-8 hours. The second time - 60 g of flour and water. Leave the mixture for 4-5 hours. To knead the dough you will need 200 g of sourdough, 250 g of flour.

Modes with programs allow you to simply and easily prepare any baked goods using the bread machine. Recipes are written in the instructions. If you prepare the dough in the evening and leave it for 10-12 hours, it will rise by the morning. Then mix the dough based on the dough and place it in the bread maker bucket. It is necessary to set the time for each mode one by one.

  1. Find and set the first stage of baking “heating”, set the timer - 30 minutes.
  2. Select the “kneading” mode, time – 30 minutes. The stove will alternate periods of intensive kneading with slow processing.
  3. “Fermentation” mode, set for 120 minutes, program the second rise for 140 minutes.
  4. Change the maximum “bake” time for the recipe. After pressing the “start” button, the bread maker will begin to perform all modes one by one.

Baking a product from whole grain dough using a bread machine is an excellent way to prepare “lazy” bread even in the absence of an oven.

Recipe for yeast-free sourdough bread

Process of creation Magic bread begins with preparation and fermentation. After 3-5 days, add the dough to the ripe sourdough. The dough requires warm water, salt, and whole grain flour. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth. The dough should be kept warm for fermentation for 2.5 hours; it is advisable that the house is not hot. Fermentation can last up to 12 hours, depending on the “climate” of the room and the amount of starter added.

Into the fermented dough Add whole wheat flour and mix in a large bowl until a soft dough forms. It arrives in 30 minutes. Add salt, sugar, bran, honey, butter, mixed with a small amount of water. It is recommended to knead the mixture for up to 30 minutes. The dough rises for 2-3 hours. It must be kneaded well and placed in a special basket to infuse for 1.5-2 hours.
Prepare bread for baking , make cuts, coat with egg yolk. Preheat the oven in advance. The first baking time is 20-30 minutes, temperature 200-220ºС. The second time is 15-25 minutes at a temperature of 180-200ºС. Turn off the oven. Leave the hot bread in the oven or cover it with a towel to cool gradually, making sure that it does not dry out.


The secret of delicious and healthy homemade bread - This is a whole grain sourdough. Without it, baked goods will not “rise” and will not become airy. Bacteria will grow during the fermentation process. Microorganisms will process the flour and help the body absorb it easily. You can make the starter once from whole grain flour and water, keep it in the refrigerator, and update it from time to time.

In a bowl, mix whole grain flour (50-70 g) with warm water (55-75 ml) until the consistency of thin sour cream is uniform. Use boiled water, standing for 24 hours. You can add a tablespoon of honey. Cover the prepared mixture with a towel and place in a dark place for 24 hours.

The starter matures at a temperature of 20-22°C . If it’s hot at home, you need to put the jar in a container with room water. Maintaining an optimal temperature is important so that the mixture “ripens” without souring. The starter needs to be “fed” every day. To do this, prepare the same amount of whole grain flour and water, mix and put in a bowl. After a day, large bubbles and a sour smell will appear.

It is important to mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth after each feeding. The bacteria will mature in 3 to 5 days depending on conditions. Readiness can be easily determined by numerous small bubbles and a sharp vinegar smell. When stirred, small bubbles burst with a bang. The consistency is soft and viscous. On day 5, the whole grain starter will double in size after daily fertilizing. The ripened mixture is stored in a cool place under gauze.

The dough begins to ferment after enrichment with sourdough or yeast. Leavened dough is called dough. You can add the fermented mixture in any volume. As a result, the dough should rise and fall. The process will go faster if there is a lot of mixture with bacteria (ferment), or slower if there is a little. During this time, microorganisms will process whole grain flour, multiply, and help produce fluffy bread when baking.

Dough left overnight usually ripens by morning. It must be prepared step by step.

  1. Remove the fermented mixture from the refrigerator and place it on the bottom of the bowl. Revive with warm water (up to 40°C), doubling the quantity. One large loaf usually requires 2 cups (500 ml) of mature active starter.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk together whole wheat flour, salt, and spices to taste, leaving a well. Pour in the liquid starter and stir until the sticky mixture is smooth and free of lumps.
  3. Leave the thick mixture in a warm place for 12 hours. It will grow 2-2.5 times and fall to its original state. You can open and press the dough with a kitchen tool.
  4. Set aside 4-5 tbsp from the finished dough. spoon into a jar (this will be a new starter), put it in the refrigerator. Cover with a lid with holes or a cloth to allow the mixture to “breathe.” She will need weekly feeding. Take half of the starter onto a new dough, add whole grain flour and water to the rest.

Season the ripened dough with flour to the required thickness. At this stage, you can add spices, sugar and salt diluted in water. Mix well so that the spoon stands. The dough should become thick, but not rubbery. Then it rests for 15-20 minutes until the whole wheat flour is saturated with liquid.

Prepare a work surface, place the lump on the flour and knead by hand. The edges of the layer must be pressed towards the middle, and the mass must be turned over from time to time. The longer the whole process takes, the better the bread will be.

Knead a lump of dough until it forms a smooth, non-sticky ball. Grease a container with oil (it is better to take a mold, not a baking sheet), lightly sprinkle with flour. Leave the bun covered with gauze for 2-5 hours. The dough will continue to ferment at 20-22°C.

Food of life

The first sourdough bread in Rus' was considered a symbol of prosperity. Sourdough was a wedding gift to the newlyweds from their parents. If she died without feeding from a bad owner, this was an alarming sign. Modern yeast is much more practical and does not require control or attention. But they bring negligible benefits to our health, and in some cases, harm. This question is very important. Bread made from wallpaper flour may contain shortening, raising agents, stabilizers, hydrogenated oils and other additives. Using butter and margarine increases nutritional value.

Naturally sourdough baked goods have excellent taste properties, an alluring rich aroma, and are stored longer without loss of quality. The result is a baked product with a dense texture that is pleasant to chew. Sourdough is much healthier for health than ready-made yeast.

Whole grain baked goods are often prepared for holidays. You can get creative with the shape, composition, add nuts, sesame seeds, dried fruits, flax and other ingredients.

Homemade bread with natural sourdough

Natural yeast works great. After 3-5 days, the whole grain sourdough foams and its sour smell intensifies. Homemade bread is easy to prepare and does not require the addition of yeast or fermented milk products. It is advisable for the dough to rise for about 1-3 hours at a temperature of 27-45°C inside the bread machine. An oven is also used for proofing. It does not always have an optimal temperature regime.

Whole grain sourdough bread is kept in the oven with a small amount of warm water. Place a cup of water under the bread pan. The duration of proofing depends on the home temperature. First, the oven is heated to 230°C. Place the mold with the dough when the oven has cooled to the desired temperature.


Prepare a greased cast iron Dutch oven or casserole with a lid for baking. Turn on the oven 40 minutes beforehand. Before the dough finishes rising, heat to 250°C. Place a closed container to heat on a medium level. Place the risen dough onto the bottom of the hot pan, make cuts with a knife, and cover with a lid. To create a golden brown crust, you can brush the dough with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

Bake for 25-30 minutes . Then reduce the oven temperature to 220°C by opening the lid. After 20-25 minutes. The bread will acquire a golden hue and a beautiful crust. The bread should not be taken out early, otherwise it will “fall off”. If steam comes out from the center of the loaf, it means that it is not yet baked in the middle. You can check readiness with a wooden stick. Ready-made whole grain bread does not stick and makes a hollow sound when tapped. It should cool inside the oven gradually, over 1-2 hours. Remove the warm bread from the mold, spread with butter, leave until completely cooled, wrapped in a towel.

Baking time depends on the size of the loaf and the features of the oven. Sometimes the bread dries out. During the process, you can turn on the steam function, if provided, or place a bowl of water on the grill.

Household appliances: a multicooker, a bread maker will help speed up the preparation of homemade bread from whole grain flour. Do not neglect spices, nuts, bran, seeds. They will give the bread a rich taste and nutritional value.

Go for it! Baking is healthy and fun!

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From happy77

I've been baking sourdough bread for about a year now. I use whole grain flour. Rye and wheat. Now I can grind it myself, so we always have it freshly ground :)
Through trial and error, I now make bread like this:

Before going to bed (around 11 p.m.), I mix the dough: I add about 300 ml of cold water and enough flour to my leaven stored in the refrigerator to get the consistency of sour cream.

In the morning I see that my starter has worked hard overnight and the dough is all covered with bubbles. I set aside some of the starter (~100 ml) for next time. And to the rest, most of it, I add another 300 ml of already warm (~40 C) water, in which I stirred 1 tablespoon of honey (sugar, molasses, Jerusalem artichoke) and 2 small teaspoons of salt (I put sea salt). I stir and start adding flour. When I bought ground flour, I made sure to sift it. Firstly, to make sure that there is nothing there except flour and
there is no more bran, secondly, to saturate the caked flour in the bag with oxygen. Now I don't need this, so I just add equal amounts of rye and wheat flour, ground in an electric mill (I have a Hawos Oktini). I knead the dough with a spoon, because whole grain flour in general, and rye flour especially, still remains sticky, no matter how much you put it in, it will not leave your hands. I also add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive, delicious unrefined sunflower, whatever you like) so that the dough is more flexible and the bread does not go stale longer.
And something for the soul - pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried apricots, cumin, coriander, basil, curry... whatever YOUR soul desires.

My molds are from IKEA with Teflon coating. I’m very pleased with them, the bread doesn’t stick to them and bakes well in them. I don’t lubricate them with anything. I add coarse sea salt to the bottom (because I like the crust salty) and coriander seeds. I spread the dough. It is rather liquid, the shape itself does not hold well, but then in the finished form the crumb of the bread is porous and tender. Lightly sprinkle flour on top. I like it when the grain is covered with cracks; I see beauty in its rough texture, so I don’t make any special cuts. But this is, of course, a matter of everyone’s taste :)
Now put the bread in a warm place to rise for 2 hours. I have such a place - an oven, preheated to ~40 C. I cover it with a towel to prevent it from getting too windy.

After two hours I see that the bread has approximately doubled in volume, which means it’s ready to bake. I take off the towel and turn on the oven thermometer to 160 C. I have a suspicion that my oven is hotter than it shows. Because at 180 C recommended everywhere, my bread was very burnt on top. So you'll have to experiment with it too
temperature. The bread is in the lower part (2nd floor from bottom) of the oven. After 20 minutes, the most pleasant aroma of fresh bread spreads throughout the house, and after 30 minutes I turn off the oven. It sits in the turned off oven for another 10 minutes, and then we take it out, cover it with a towel and wait until it cools down. Hot bread is not ready to eat yet, although children certainly adore hot crusts with butter :)

To make whole grain sourdough bread, you need to know how to prepare quick sourdough from whole grain flour. I want to tell you about this today, because I looked at myself in the mirror one morning and realized that my two extra kilos had turned into several and the lifelines around my waist had only increased over the past few months.

I can’t (or don’t want to) give up baking, so for a while I will be offering you healthy recipes made from whole grain flour, which (I hope I read the truth) will not make you feel better. In the morning, gymnastics, contrast showers, sweets only before lunch (and then only healthy ones from the right products), in the end, I hope, I will be able to return to the previous volumes.

Yesterday I shared with you, the day before yesterday it was Today I will tell you how to make a quick sourdough starter, and tomorrow we will bake whole grain bread from it. Can something healthy be tasty? Maybe! I’ve been convinced of this for several days now (from the last one I liked the scones made from whole grain flour with cherries and raisins, which I baked today, and I’ll share the recipe the other day. Why not today? I have to work in the morning, my dears, so I still need to have time sleep, and it's almost midnight. Those who want to know the recipe will definitely come to me and read it. I hope so!).

Sourdough made from whole grain wheat flour. Ingredients

  • 6 tbsp. warm water
  • 6 tbsp. whole grain wheat flour
  • 1 tsp Sahara

Before preparing the sourdough, the water must be left to heat so that the sourdough begins to sour immediately. If you urgently decide to bake bread today/tomorrow, then it is better to take yeast or baking powder and bake another type of bread, since our sourdough, although fast, still needs time. Keep the starter during preparation in a warm, dark place (for example, in the kitchen near the heater in winter or near the stove at any time of the year. In general, where it is warmest in your house.)

I start preparing the sourdough in the evening. By the next evening (24 hours later) the starter is ready. You can knead the dough and bake bread the next morning.

  1. Pour water into a transparent container (so that you can see how the starter is ripening, and for this you need to look closely at the air bubbles that will form in it).
  2. Add flour and sugar to the water. Mix well (you can use a whisk).
  3. Cover the container with gauze and leave to ferment for 24 hours.
  4. When large air bubbles appear in the starter, it can be considered ready. You can start preparing the bread.

Bread is prepared from the finished starter: the starter is diluted with 160 ml of warm water, 1 incomplete teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 300 g of whole grain flour are added.

Knead the dough, form the bread, put it in the mold and cover with film. Leave for 12 hours in a warm place. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

A detailed recipe for sourdough bread made from whole grain flour from me. If I don’t get tired at work, and the air temperature outside drops even a degree, then wait for the recipe as soon as I arrive (tomorrow at about 5 pm), if I get tired and again the heat is +40 o C in the shade, when thoughts melt from just the sight of a thermometer , then I will publish the recipe in the evening, when in a calm atmosphere I can concentrate on the main thing - describe the recipe for you so that even someone who is trying to bake something for the first time can bake not “something”, but something tasty, then you will be proud of yourself, and I will be pleased with myself.

I love bread very much, and since recently more and more articles have appeared about the dangers of modern yeast, I decided to make sourdough myself. I’ll say right away that I’m very pleased with the result, the bread turned out very tasty, much tastier than any store-bought bread. And, most importantly, it’s useful, and I know exactly what the ingredients are. And what scope for imagination. Of course, you shouldn’t eat it in large quantities during the active phase of losing weight, because it’s still high in calories and filling, but what could be tastier than aromatic bread with a crispy crust and soft inside in the morning?!

Perhaps my bread is not entirely perfect in appearance, but I will experiment more than once, since the sourdough that I prepared is eternal. It is “alive”, stored in the refrigerator and needs to be “fed” once every 1-2 weeks. At first it may seem that all this is long and complicated, but in fact, it is elementary and the effort is definitely worth it!

So, how to make eternal sourdough from whole grain flour?!
On the first day, mix 50-70 g of whole grain flour with warm water. The consistency should be like sour cream. Cover the container with a towel and leave in a warm place for a day.
On the second day, add the same amount of flour and water, mix and again leave in a warm place. On the third day we do the same. You may need three or four days. The starter is ready when many small bubbles appear in it. Now you can make bread from it. First, let's make a dough.

How to prepare dough for sourdough bread?!
Take 4-5 tbsp. sourdough, add flour and water so that the consistency is like thick sour cream. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place overnight. Pour the remaining starter into a jar, make holes in the lid (so it can “breathe”) and store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to feed the starter once a week - from part you make a new dough for bread, and to the rest you add flour and water again.
The dough should rise and fall overnight. In the morning you can use it to make bread dough.

How to make healthy sourdough bread?
Add 1 tsp to 1/2 cup of warm water. honey, pour into the dough, stir. Then add salt, 2 tbsp. olive oil (or any other to your taste), and then to taste: spices, seasonings, etc. Then add flour. I added wheat bran. Baked with whole grain wheat and corn flour. Knead the dough, leave for 2-3 hours - it should rise.
When the dough is ready, form the bread. I brushed with beaten egg yolk and sprinkled with poppy seeds (I baked challah), but this is optional. Bake bread at 200 degrees for 40-60 minutes. The time will depend on the size of the bread and your oven. Check doneness with a wooden stick. It is not recommended to open the oven for the first 20 minutes. It is best to place a bowl of water at the bottom of the oven while baking - then the bread will turn out even better.

Wrap the finished bread in a towel and leave for several hours.

Bon appetit!

PS: you can cook very tasty bread with bread

The first step is to revive the starter. Take it out of the refrigerator and leave it to warm up at room temperature for 45-50 minutes. We take an ordinary half-liter jar, put the required amount of starter into it, add water at room temperature and mix. Add rye flour and stir until lumps disappear. It turns out to be a rather thick mass. We cover the jar with a lid, but do not close it hermetically, the starter must “breathe”. Leave for 3.5-4 hours. The ripening time depends on the temperature; the warmer it is, the faster the process goes. But this does not mean that you need to put the starter into the battery itself; this can only ruin everything. The optimal temperature is 25-26 degrees. My starter rises in 3-3.5 hours.
When the volume of the starter in the jar increases by about 3 times and the “cap” begins to fall off, we begin preparing the dough. You don't have to wait for it to fall.
For the dough, measure the lively starter into a container where we will knead the bread dough. Add water and mix with a whisk. Sift the whole grain rye flour and mix until smooth. Cover the dough and put it in a warm place for 3-3.5 hours. Transfer the remaining lively starter into a clean glass, cover lightly with a lid, and put it in the refrigerator until the next baking.
Brew the malt with 50 ml of boiling water and let it cool. Dissolve honey in the remaining 120 ml of warm water. Mix rye and wheat flour and sift.
The dough should increase in volume at least 2 times. Add salt, cooled malt, honey water to the suitable dough and mix. Add bran and about half of the sifted flour and mix. Add vegetable oil and mix. Add the remaining flour. Knead the dough with a spoon (I always use a wooden one) for about 5 minutes. The dough is sticky and thick.
Grease the baking dish with oil. I sprinkle a mixture of sesame, sunflower and flax seeds on the bottom. But this is optional. Transfer the dough into the mold and smooth the top with wet hands. Cover the form with the dough and put it in a warm place for 2.5-3 hours.
The bread dough will increase in volume by 2-3 times. Bubbles breaking through the surface of the workpiece are a sign that the dough has risen well and you can bake bread. If the bread is undercooked, the crumb will be sticky and dense.
Place a bowl of water in the oven and turn it on at 220 degrees. When the oven has heated up, spray the bread with water from a spray bottle, sprinkle bran on top if desired, and set to bake. Bake with steam for 15 minutes, then remove the bowl of water and reduce the temperature to 190 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, cover the top of the bread with foil and bake for another 30-35 minutes. You can check the readiness of the bread by tapping it with a wooden stick. If the sound is dull, then the bread is ready.
Remove the bread from the oven, immediately sprinkle with water, cover with a towel and let stand in the pan for 10-15 minutes. Then remove from the mold and wrap in a towel.
It is not recommended to eat freshly baked bread; it is difficult to digest, so we leave it for 12-16 hours. During this time, the bread will “ripen” and the crumb will thicken. Well, the next day you can try real homemade bread.
Bon appetit!

Of course, sourdough bread takes a long time to cook, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit near it all day. You can go about your business, just remember to watch the process. I only manage to bake this bread once a week on the weekend. But I definitely try to devote time to this in order to please my family with homemade bread.
The time may vary depending on the ambient temperature and the activity of the starter.
I don’t stop at preparing the sourdough starter itself; the recipe is on the website.
The starter must be fed every 3-4 days, otherwise it will spoil. To do this, you need to warm it at room temperature, measure, for example, 20 g into a clean glass, add 20 g of water, and mix. Add 20 g of flour, stir until smooth and leave to rise. When the starter rises a little and comes to life, put it back in the refrigerator.
You need to approach the preparation of bread with a good mood and soul, then the bread will definitely turn out successful and tasty.

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